Learners With Developmental Disabilities

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Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion

of Learners with Disabilities in Open

and Distance Learning (ODL)
Published in 2023 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 7, place de Fontenoy,
75352 Paris 07 SP, France

© UNESCO 2023

ISBN 978-92-3-100643-2

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Guiding Inclusive Education: Tech-Driven Learning

for Persons with Disabilities

Inaccessible learning environments pose a significant barrier to quality education for all,
affecting the rights of learners. Approximately 15% of the global population, representing
one billion people, live with a disability. Amid this, these Guidelines shed light on inclusive
education, delving into technology-based approaches for learners with disabilities.

These revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in open and distance
learning (ODL) navigate the contemporary landscape, drawing lessons from the COVID-19
era. They specifically address open and distance learning (ODL) during crises, recognizing
its role in overcoming educational barriers. Highlighting the use of open educational
resources (OER), free and open-source software (FOSS), and open access (OA) research, the
guidelines envision a comprehensive ODL-facilitated education system.

In the face of financial, age-related, social, and disability barriers, ODL emerges as a crucial
avenue, temporarily separating teachers and learners in time and/or place. This publication
serves as a compass for governments, institutions, educators, and instructional designers,
providing an accessible overview for developing ODL
platforms and processes. Stakeholders can strategically
address issues in the ODL delivery process, from
emergency actions to program implementation.
Governments, institutions, educators and instructional
designers, along with quality assurance and 15% of the global
recognition bodies are urged to swiftly implement population, representing
the recommendations outlined in this publication.
one billion people, live
Together, let’s forge a future where education is
inclusive, accessible, and empowers all learners. with a disability

“Since wars begin in the minds of men and

women it is in the minds of men and women
that the defences of peace must be constructed”
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion
of Learners with Disabilities in Open
and Distance Learning (ODL)

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.1 Global Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.2 Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.1 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.2 Open and Distance Learning (ODL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.3 Open and Inclusive Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4 Scope of the Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 Guidelines for Educational Stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.1 Introduction to the Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Guidelines for Governments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Guidelines for Educational Institutions Delivering Open and Distance Learning (ODL) . . . . . . 14
2.4 Guidelines for Instructors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5 Guidelines for Quality Assurance and Recognition Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.6 Guidelines for an Emergency Transition to Online and Distance Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3 Matrix of Actions for Educational Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.1 Universal Design for Learning (UDL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Matrix: Emergency Response Actions, Prerequisite Actions,
Implementation Actions, Monitoring Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.1 EmergencyResponse Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.2 Prerequisite Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.3 Implementation Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2.4 Monitoring Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4 Technical Annexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Annex 1. Examples of Accommodations for Specific Functional Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Annex 2. List of Available Journals – Open Learning and Distance Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Annex 3. Examples of Free and Open-Source Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Annex 4. Open Education Resource (OER) Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Annex 5. Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Annex 6. Emergency Response Action Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Annex 7. Prerequisite Action Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Annex 8. Implementation Actions Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Annex 9. Monitoring Processes Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 1


2023 Revised Edition

Dianne Chambers, Associate Professor, Teacher Education Coordinator of Special and Inclusive Education,
University of Notre Dame, Australia
Zeynep Varoglu, Senior Programme Specialist, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO


Naoufal Aouane, Consultant, UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
Eleni Boursinou, Consultant, UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
Aissatou Dabo, Consultant, UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
Jaco Du Toit, Chief of Section, UNESCO Communication and Information Sector
Florence Migeon, Programme Specialist, UNESCO Education Sector
Michela Pagano, Associate Project Officer, UNESCO Education Sector
Linda Tinio-Le Douarin, Programme Specialist, UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector

2016 Original Edition

Dianne Chambers, Associate Professor, Coordinator of Special and Inclusive Education, Postgraduate Research
Coordinator, University of Notre Dame, Australia
Zeynep Varoglu, Senior Programme Specialist, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO
Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg, Advisor for Communication and Information sector, Communication and Information
Sector, UNESCO

Susan Curran, Freelance Editor, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić, Senior Advisor on International Affairs, Council for Higher Education
Accreditation (CHEA) and Former Chief of the Section for Higher Education, Education Sector, UNESCO
The authors also acknowledge the advice and comments of the following people:

> CONTRIBUTORS (2016 edition)

Technical Reviewers
Indrajit Banerjee, former Director of the Knowledge Societies Division, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO
Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić, Senior Advisor on International Affairs, Council for Higher Education
Accreditation (CHEA) and Former Chief of the Section for Higher Education, Education Sector, UNESCO
Donal Fitzpatrick, Lecturer, School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland
Daniel Goldstein, Attorney and Partner, Brown, Goldstein & Levy, United States of America
Pete Denman, User Experience, Design Researcher, Intel Corporation, United States of America
Zahid Majeed, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education, Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan
Reviewers and Participants of the International Conference “From Exclusion to Empowerment:
Role of ICTs for Persons with Disabilities”, 24-26 November 2014, New Delhi, India
Liz Campbell-Dorning, Branch Manager Europe, Americas and Multilateral Branch International
Group, Australian Government Department of Education, Australia
2 • Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL)

Narend Baijnath, Former Pro Vice Chancellor, University of South Africa (UNISA), South Africa
Isabelle Turmaine, Director, Information Projects and Services, International Association of Universities (IAU), France
James O’Meara, Professor and President, International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET), Australia
Donal Fitzpatrick, Lecturer, School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland
Danguolé Rutkauskienė, Head of Projects and Trainings Department, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Jingjing Zhang, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China
Susan Moisey, Associate Professor, Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University, Canada
Sanjaya Mishra, E-learning Specialist, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada
S.K. Prasad, Director, National Centre for Disability Studies (NCDS), Indira Gandhi National Open University, India
Sudesh Mukhopadhyay, Expert, India
Experts of the Global Consultative Meeting on the Validation of the Draft Guidelines
for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Open and Distance Learning,
17-18 September 2015, Paris, France
Sir John Daniel, Former Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO, Research Associate, Contact North,
Ontario, Canada, Chancellor, Acsenda School of Management, Vancouver and Member, Guiding Coalition,
Alberta 2030 Advanced Education Project
Alan Tait, Emeritus Professor of Distance Education and Development, The Open University,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić, Senior Advisor on International Affairs, Council for Higher Education
Accreditation (CHEA) and Former Chief of the Section for Higher Education, Education Sector, UNESCO
Mohamed Jemni, Director of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department,
The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO)
Paul Kawachi, Open Education Network, London / Global
Primrose Kurasha, Former President and Vice Chancellor, African Council for Distance Education, Zimbabwe
Open University, Zimbabwe
Cyndi Rowland, Associate Director, Institute for Disability Research, Policy and Practice, Utah State University,
United States of America
Donald Fitzpatrick, Lecturer, School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland
Sanjaya Mishra, E-learning Specialist, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada
Jennie Augustyniak, Manager, Disability Resources Team, Disabled Student Services,
The Open University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
María José Lemaitre, Executive Director of the Interuniversity Development Centre, Santiago, Chile
Ethel Agnes P. Valenzuela, Director of the Secretariat, SouthEast Asian Ministers
of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and Education Advisor on the Future of Education of ASEAN
Daniel Goldstein, Attorney and Partner, Brown, Goldstein & Levy, United States of America
George Ubachs, Managing Director of the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU),
Maastricht, Netherlands


Michaela Martin, Programme Specialist, International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), UNESCO
Hara Padhy, Programme Specialist, UNESCO,Paris
Misako Ito, Communication and Information Advisor, UNESCO Office in Bangkok
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 3


The digital revolution has transformed knowledge that helps Member States and other stakeholders to
creation, production and sharing, affecting education promote and harness OER in five key areas: (1) building
and information access. The COVID-19 pandemic stakeholders’ capacity to create, access, use, adapt
disrupted learning and knowledge sharing worldwide, and distribute OER, (2) developing supportive policies,
driving education systems to adopt new teaching (3) Encouraging inclusive and equitable quality OER,
methods, tools and technologies. Despite these (4) nurturing sustainability models for OER, and (5)
initiatives, digital skills’ gaps continue between facilitating international cooperation.
and within countries, disproportionately affecting
Any effort to promote inclusive and quality education
marginalized groups, such as individuals with disabilities.
must be human rights based. This publication follows
These disparities risk leaving people who need access
the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons
to information and education even further behind.
with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and the United Nations
To improve disability inclusion in education, capacity
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As the
building and policy assistance are needed now.
lead agency for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
In response to this need, UNESCO revised ‘Learning 4 (Quality education and lifelong learning for all) and
for All: Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with SDG 16.10 (Public access to information and protect
Disabilities in Open and Distance Learning (ODL)’. fundamental freedoms), UNESCO is committed to
These revised guidelines aim to improve disability advancing these Sustainable Development Goals, with
accessibility, inclusivity, equality of opportunity and non- a focus on the inclusion of persons with disabilities.
discrimination. We support our Member States to foster truly inclusive
national education systems, which underpin inclusive
These guidelines benefit governments, educational
knowledge societies and sustainable development.
institutions, instructors, and Quality Assurance and
Qualifications Recognition Bodies. They explain how ODL It is my hope that these Guidelines will serve as a useful
may leverage open solutions, such as Open Educational tool in this direction.
Resources (OER), Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS)
and Open Access (OA) research to provide lifelong
learning opportunities to people with disabilities.
This initiative supports UNESCO’s work to enhance
digital capacity development using only openly licensed
Dr Tawfik Jelassi
content. UNESCO’s 2019 Recommendation on Open
UNESCO Assistant Director-General
Educational Resources is a standard-setting document
for Communication and Information
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Rationale
1.3 Background
1.4 Scope of the Guidelines
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 5

1.1 Purpose
This publication addresses the role and obligations strong institutions). It aims to promote concrete actions
of stakeholders – governments, institutions, teachers, for the systematic inclusion and conventionalization of
instructional designers, and quality assurance and accessibility aspects via open solutions: open educational
qualifications recognition bodies, as well as industries resources (OER), free and open-source software (FOSS) and
and developers, families and persons with disabilities – open access (OA) to scientific information, in open and
in contributing to the implementation of relevant articles distance learning (ODL).
(9, 21 and 24) of the Convention on the Rights of Persons
This document addresses ODL in a variety of environments
with Disabilities (CRPD – 2006) to support access to quality
where education and learning are increasingly technology-
learning opportunities, information and knowledge using
mediated, whether it be completely remote or in an
inclusive, accessible and affordable solutions for persons
increasingly prevalent blended framework where
with disabilities. It supports the achievement of the
students use technology some of the time. There is also
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular
an examination of the procedures required for a sudden
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 (on quality
transition to ODL, in emergency situations, for instance.
education and lifelong learning opportunities for all),
SDG 5 (on gender equality), SDG 16 (on peace, justice and

1.2 Rationale
1.2.1 Global Context gender-sensitive and provide safe, nonviolent, inclusive
and effective learning environments for all. Thus, the
Approximately 15 per cent of the global population, inclusion of learners with disabilities in ODL is crucial for
representing one billion people, live with a disability.1 realizing these targets. These targets also highlight the
Women are more likely than men to become disabled importance of tracking the progress made in providing
throughout the course of their lives. One in five women inclusive education to people with disabilities. Therefore,
lives with a disability worldwide, compared to one in in line with the “leave no one behind” principle of the
eight men.2 This figure is accelerating with population 2030 Agenda, it is essential to ensure that learners with
increases, poverty, natural disasters, ongoing conflicts, a disabilities are not excluded from ODL opportunities
rise in chronic health conditions and aging. With such a and that the appropriate support is provided to facilitate
large number of people living with a disability, it is vital their full and meaningful participation in such learning
to overcome any possible barriers that could hinder their opportunities.
access to quality, inclusive and equitable educational
opportunities. It is important to adopt gender specific The Universal Declaration of Human Rights4 states that
measures. In this regard, opportunities for ODL.3 may all people have basic inalienable rights and fundamental
provide some solution to the difficulties faced by persons freedoms that include civil and political rights, liberty and
with disabilities in accessing information and education. privacy, and the right to education. It is the human right
to education that drives the agenda for inclusive and
The inclusion of learners with disabilities in open and accessible practices and the requirement for persons with
distance learning is crucial for the achievement of the disabilities to have access to education at all levels and in
Education 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development all forms.
Goal (SDG) 4 on quality education. Target 4.5 emphasizes
the need to ensure equal access to affordable and quality Furthermore, access to information is recognized as one of
technical, vocational and tertiary education, including the fundamental human rights. Without access to reliable
university education, for all, including persons with information and effective means of communication,
disabilities. Similarly, Target 4.a focuses on building and it is difficult to ensure an effective, inclusive and open
upgrading education facilities that are child, disability and learning process.

1 World Bank. Disability Inclusion. Available at: https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/disability, (accessed 11 Oct. 2022)
2 United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWomen). Women and girls with disabilities. Available at: https://www.
unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/women-and-girls-with-disabilities (Accessed on 29/06/2023).
3 The term ‘open’ in ‘open and distance Learning’ (ODL) refers to “…any scheme of education or training that seeks systematically to remove barriers to
learning, whether they are concerned with age, time, place or space. With open learning, individuals take responsibility for what they learn, how they
learn, where they learn, how quickly they learn, who helps them and when they have their learning assessed” ). The use of ‘open’ in ‘open solutions’ refers
to software and courseware that is freely available, or open, to all users, at prescribed levels of access. COL, Open and distance learning: key terms and
definitions, 2015 (revised 2020)
4 United Nations. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Available at: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights (accessed
on 29/06/2023)
6 • Introduction

Moreover, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with and institutional staff ) to access information and
Disabilities (CRPD)5 emphasizes access to education knowledge.
among other things as an important consideration
This document emphasizes both policy and the
towards making reasonable accommodation for persons
legal obligations of different stakeholders to provide
with disabilities.
inclusive education to persons with disabilities, with the
According to the International Labour Organization understanding that reasonable accommodation should
(ILO),6 the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the be a ‘pre-existing’ obligation. In this regard, accessibility
workforce represents a very high level of untapped issues should be considered from the beginning of
human resources. An ILO pilot study of ten low and the planning cycle for any educational process, and
middle-income developing countries found that the immediately in the case of an emergency situation such
loss from the exclusion of persons with disabilities from as health emergencies, forced displacement, natural
the labour market is estimated to be between three and disasters or war. While policies do exist, including some
seven per cent of gross domestic product (GDP).7 provisions for accessibility, the main issue has been
increasingly whether there are legal implications to
At the EU level, “less than one person out of two with
ensure that they are implemented and related incentive
basic activity disabilities is employed. In general, the
measures for their implementation.
employment rate of people with basic activity disabilities
in the EU in 2017 was 50.6%, compared to 74.8% of The wide range of available ODL methods, tools and
persons without disabilities.8 One of the main reasons solutions, in tandem with open educational resources
mentioned for this disparity was ‘education or training”. In (OER), open access (OA) to scientific information, free
developing countries, the unemployment rate is much and open source software (FOSS) and other accessible
higher, at approximately 80-90%.9 Adequate learning and inclusive technological solutions, can enable
opportunities that take into account issues of inclusion persons with disabilities to learn and contribute
and accessibility are vital to ensure that all citizens, knowledge and skills to their communities, as well as
including those with disabilities, are active participants change negative attitudes, stigma and discrimination.
in and contributors to increasingly technology-based
knowledge societies. Actions to support accessibility are
required, such as ensuring that the principles of universal 1.2.2 Research
design for learning (UDL)10 benefit all members of There is wide-ranging research on ODL, and many
society by improving the quality of learning for all. peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed journals publish
With the prevalence of the use of technologies in all such research on a regular basis13 although there is less
aspects of society, and specifically for educational research on persons with disabilities enrolling in ODL
purposes, new opportunities for overcoming challenges (e.g., hearing impairment,14 learning disability,15 physical
to the inclusion of learners with disabilities in education impairment16).
become increasingly possible. Reasonable important The research indicates that increasing numbers of
anticipatory accommodations include modifications or persons with disabilities are enrolling in distance
adjustments to tasks and the environment to enable education courses and that there is tremendous
individuals with disabilities to have an equal opportunity potential for ODL to have a significant impact on the
to participate in an academic programme or a job (U.S. educational pathway of many persons with disabilities,17
Department of Education, 2007).11 In this regard, assistive particularly women and girls. This is due to its ability to
technology12 provides an opportunity for people with offer accessible and inclusive educational opportunities,
disabilities in educational settings (students, instructors

5 United Nations. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Available at: https://social.desa.un.org/issues/disability/crpd/
convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities-crpd (accessed on 29/06/2023)
6 Buckup, S. (2009)
7 http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Disability_statistics_-_labour_market_access
8 https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/651932/EPRS_BRI(2020)651932_EN.pdf
9 United Nations. Disability and Employment – Fact Sheets 1, 2 and 3. Available at: https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/resources/
factsheet-on-persons-with-disabilities/disability-and-employment.html (accessed on 29/06/2023)
10 Wikipedia. Universal Design for Learning. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Design_for_Learning (accessed on 03/07/2023)
11 http://www.apa.org/pi/disability/dart/toolkit-three.aspx
12 Assistive technology is any item, equipment, hardware, software, product or service which maintains, increases or improves the functional
capabilities of individuals of any age, especially those with disabilities, and enables them more easily to communicate, learn, enjoy and live better,
more independent lives (British Assistive Technology Association), Further information on this definition is available in Annex 5 ‘Glossary’.
Annex 2 provides a list of available journals
13 Mpofu, Chimhenga & Mafa (2013)
14 Heiman (2006)
15 Guseynova & Manuilova (2020)
16 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347462078_Organizational_and_methodological_aspects_of_distance_learning_for_children_with_
17 UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE). Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on the education of persons with
disabilities: challenges and opportunities of distance education: policy brief, p .4 and 5. Available at: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/
pf0000378404 (accessed on 29/06/2023)
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 7

empowering women and girls with disabilities who may The increasing availability of ODL, coupled with
have faced barriers in traditional educational settings. technological advances that allow for information to be
presented in a variety of ways, may assist persons with
• geographical distance;
disabilities to overcome some of the barriers to learning
• mobility difficulties (including fine motor control);
they face. These barriers include:
• sensory issues (vision, hearing);
• learning or cognitive difficulties; The literature also highlights the need for decision
• speech and language difficulties; makers, policy makers developers and educators to
• lack of access to appropriate resources; plan ODL effectively to ensure that students with
• lack of disability-friendly infrastructure; disabilities experience as few barriers as possible in their
• cultural factors (e.g., parent involvement, educational setting. Absent from the literature on ODL
stigma and discrimination, gender-based and persons with disabilities is specific reference to
discrimination, domestic violence); attitudinal barriers, which are often the cause of other
• linguistic differences; barriers such as access barriers, communication barriers,
• social and emotional difficulties; information barriers and physical or structural barriers.
• unequal educational opportunities; Further research and data on gender and ODL would
• free and low-cost education; be useful. It is important to note that, without the use of
• availability of trained, experienced staff/ educational assistive technology, persons with disabilities will have
professionals; limited access to learning content and will not be able to
• lack of assistive technology; fully participate in learning processes. In short, learning
• economic factors. opportunities will be substantially limited.

1.3 Background
1.3.1 Convention on the Rights • In Article 4 – General Obligations – States Parties
of Persons with Disabilities are called upon:
- “To adopt all appropriate legislative, administrative
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other measures for the implementation of the
(CRPD) includes, in the definition of persons with rights recognized in the present Convention;
disabilities, persons with “long-term physical, mental, - To take into account the protection and promotion
intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction of the human rights of persons with disabilities in all
with various barriers may hinder their full and effective policies and programmes;
participation in society on an equal basis with others” - […] to ensure that public authorities and institutions
(CRPD, 2006, Article 1, para. 2). are in conformity with the present Convention;
The following articles of this Convention are directly - To take all appropriate measures to eliminate
linked to issues related to ODL and education: discrimination on the basis of disability by any
person, organization or private enterprise;
• Article 3 – General Principles – of the Convention - […] to promote universal design in the development
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) provides of standards and guidelines;
general principles for the enjoyment of all rights in the - To undertake or promote research and development
Convention and expresses these principles as: of, and to promote the availability and use of
- “Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy new technologies, including information and
including the freedom to make one’s own choices, communications technologies, mobility aids, devices
and independence of persons; and assistive technologies, suitable for persons with
- Non-discrimination; disabilities […];
- Full and effective participation and inclusion in - To provide accessible information to persons
society; with disabilities about mobility aids, devices and
- Respect for difference and acceptance of persons assistive technologies […], as well as other forms of
with disabilities as part of human diversity and assistance, support services and facilities”.
- Equality of opportunity; • Article 9 – Accessibility, including access to new
- Accessibility; information and communications technologies
- Equality between men and women; and systems, including the Internet;
- Respect for the evolving capacities of children with
disabilities and respect for the right of children with
disabilities to preserve their identities”.
8 • Introduction

• Article 21 – Freedom of expression and opinion, stereotypes, norms and roles,20 in different cultural and
and access to information societal settings where stigmas or prejudices against
- “Providing information […] in accessible formats […] persons with disabilities, traditional gender roles and
- Encouraging the mass media, including providers stereotypes making it more difficult for them to access
of information through the Internet, to make their education and participate in learning activities, further
services accessible to persons with disabilities”. exacerbating the barriers they face. By providing flexible
and personalized learning, ODL empowers learners,
• Article 24 – Education
particularly women and girls, to overcome these barriers
- “Persons with disabilities are not excluded from the
and access education in any cultural context. While
general education system […]”.
these guidelines concentrate on ODL for persons with
Countries that ratified the CRPD should provide disabilities, they are relevant to all learners.
reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities,
including making education inclusive to all, as well as
ensuring that information is accessible using information 1.3.3 Open and Inclusive Solutions
and communication technologies (ICT). Open solutions include materials, strategies, processes
and technologies that are available through an open
license and that can be used (and reused) by any
1.3.2 Open and Distance
person21 to enhance learning by increasing access
Learning (ODL) to resources and learning experiences. There are a
ODL is a broad term that embraces online learning/ number of levels of openness, which include (in order
e‑learning, distance education, correspondence of increasing openness) reuse, redistribution, revising
education, external studies, flexible learning and massive and remixing.22 Universal availability and access are vital
open online courses (MOOCs). For the purposes of this components of open solutions.
paper, ODL will be defined as a way of learning that It is important to note that open solutions are not
incorporates these main features: inherently accessible. An objective of this document is
• teacher-learner separation by space and time to raise awareness of the importance of accessibility and
(or both); support the development of accessible open solutions.
• two-way communication and group communication This document underscores that accessibility should be
(network); an integral part of policy related to open solutions. These
• the use of media and technology; guidelines focus on the most common open solutions
• a personalized educational experience18 for education: OER, FOSS and open access (OA) to
scientific information.23
The development of ODL has been enhanced through
an increasing use of technology to support both ODL
Open Educational Resources (OER)
users and facilitators. Interactive technology-based
OER are any type of educational materials that are in the
(digital) educational resources are increasingly being
public domain or introduced with an open license.24
developed for both distance and blended learning
options and this trend is likely to accelerate in the OER range from textbooks to curricula, syllabi, lecture
future. The interactive nature of many technology-based notes, assignments, tests, projects, audio, video and
learning tools serves to engage learners and stimulate animation. OER “[…] Open Educational Resources allow
learning.19 for more flexibility in the use, reuse and adaptation of
ODL can address issues that persons with disabilities
may face such as geographical distance from learning While OER are generally freely available to use and
centres, issues with sensory systems (e.g., vision, share, the author maintains intellectual property over
hearing), and mobility difficulties (e.g., physical the materials.26 A Creative Commons license27 (or
disabilities), barriers that stem from and cost factors and similar) indicates how the resources can be used and
discrimination and access impediment based on gender whether any adaptation of the material is allowed. Open

18 Spector (2009)
19 Shank (2014)
20 Laad (2012)
21 Abeywardena (2012)
22 Hilton, Wiley, Stein, & Johnson (2010)
23 Annex 4 provides a list of open solutions that can be used as assistive technology
24 UNESCO. Open Educational Resources. Available at: https://www.unesco.org/en/open-educational-resources (accessed on 03/07/2023)
25 UNESCO/ Commonwealth of Learning, 2011 (n.d.), p. 2
26 Butcher, Kanwar & Uvalić-Trumbić (2011)
27 See http://creativecommons.org/ for further information
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 9

Educational Resources call for the attribution of the shared and improved.30 The open-source concept has
author of the work, while allowing for the sharing of resulted in the development of online encyclopedias
other rights such as those of translation, sharing and/or (Wikipedia) and OER. The goal is to continuously improve
adaptation. the product through user input.
The Recommendation on OER (2019)28 describes a
Open Access (OA) to Scientific Information
number of key international conventions and statements
Open access (OA) to scientific information is the
that lend support to the use of OER for persons with
provision of free access to peer-reviewed scholarly
disabilities, including the (1948),s (1948), the Dakar
research to all.31
Framework for Action on Education for All (2000) and
the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities OA requires that the copyright holder grant worldwide
(CRPD – 2006).the Dakar Framework for Action on right of access to copy, use, distribute, transmit and
Education for All (2000) and the Convention on the make derivative works in any format with proper
Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD – 2006). attribution to the original author. OA uses information
and communication technology (ICT) to increase and
Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) enhance the dissemination of scholarship.
FOSS refers to software that has been designed by
With OA, researchers and students can gain increased
a person or group, openly modified and then freely
access to knowledge, authors have greater access
distributed for use.
to audiences and the potential impact of research is
The source code (basic underlying programming) of the heightened. OA improves the sharing of knowledge
software can generally be changed and shared within and leads to opportunities for economic and social
specific license conditions.29 FOSS products are licensed development that may not have been recognized.
in such a way that they can be freely used, studied,

1.4 Scope of the Guidelines

UNESCO, in close collaboration with other international, The document consists of two parts. The first part
regional and national partners, has developed these provides specific recommendations to policymakers,
Guidelines to provide recommendations to the educational institutions, instructional designers, quality
stakeholders involved in the design, delivery and assurance and recognition bodies, as well as industry
monitoring of ODL tools and solutions. and developers, for use in both emergency and standard
educational situations. The second provides a matrix
These include governments, institutions, instructional
of actions addressing issues that may be of value to
designers, teachers and quality assurance and
educational stakeholders through the implementation
recognition bodies, as well as industry and developers,
of the educational delivery process. In view of the
families and, most importantly, persons with disabilities.
fast-developing nature of the technological field,
The aim of the Guidelines is to support access to quality
references to technological tools made in this document
learning opportunities for persons with disabilities
are intended to serve as a starting point for persons
through ODL by harnessing open solutions (OER, OA
searching for ICT solutions. The issues covered apply to
and FOSS). These opportunities have been thrust to
all levels of education, both formal and non-formal, in a
the forefront, notably with emergency responses to the
context of lifelong learning, as well as disability-specific
COVID-19 pandemic.
and disability mainstreaming initiatives.

28 UNESCO (2019). Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER). Available at: https://www.unesco.org/en/legal-affairs/recommendation-
open-educational-resources-oer (accessed on 02/07/2023).
29 See http://opensource.com/ for further information.
30 UNESCO (2013). UNESCO global report: Opening new avenues for empowerment: ICTs to access information and knowledge for persons with
disabilities. Available at: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ images/0021/002197/219767e.pdf
31 UNESCO (n.d.). Open Access to Scientific Information and Research. Available at: https://en.unesco.org/sites/default/files/3544.11_ci_e_open_
access_brochure.indd_.pdf (accessed on 03/07/2023)
©Chansom Pantip/Shutterstock.com
Guidelines for Educational
2.1 Introduction to the Guidelines
2.2 Guidelines for Governments
2.3 Guidelines for Educational Institutions Delivering
Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
2.4 Guidelines for Instructors
2.5 Guidelines for Quality Assurance and Recognition
2.6 Guidelines for an Emergency Transition to Online
and Distance Learning
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 11

2.1 Introduction to the Guidelines

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities These Guidelines may also support the development
(CRPD) highlights the importance of reasonable of standard procedures for institutions providing
accommodation for persons with disabilities, including ODL opportunities, including in times of emergency,
in terms of education and information. These Guidelines through their alignment with teaching and learning
were developed to ensure that open and distance processes, curricula and content development, as
learning (ODL) is inclusive for students with disabilities well as the application of technological solutions
and systematically provide relevant stakeholders with and related aspects. This does not necessarily mean
information on accommodating the special needs of developing international normative instruments such
students with disabilities within reason. Reasonable as recommendations, conventions or treaties, but
accommodation requires some harmonization and practical standards for procedures. The task of standard
standardization. This document should facilitate setting begins with a review of key concepts, definitions,
the sharing of good practices and solutions to classifications and methods, as well as existing solutions
common problems to support inclusive practices for used by various stakeholders in different countries, in
delivering ODL. order to identify challenges and barriers, and potential
procedures that could be harmonized to support
It is recognized that all stakeholders are responsible for
standardized procedures for the further development
ensuring inclusive access to learning. Communication
of common approaches. It is also important to state
between the educational community and capacity
that the standard procedures can be considered
development for all stakeholders are key to the success
legitimate when a performance standard is linked to the
of initiatives in this area.
requirement of practice.

2.2 Guidelines for Governments

Governments play a crucial role in providing access to strategies and policies is uneven across countries, and
ODL for persons with disabilities. Governments provide significant challenges remain. With regards to national
legislative and policy direction to institutions and education policies and strategies, governments have
instructors, while industry provides appropriate support the key role of ensuring that disability and accessibility
and materials to enable access. This legislative and aspects are equally mainstreamed into educational
policy role often requires for inter- and cross- ministerial settings, from early childhood to higher education,
collaboration and coordination. In an emergency including through ODL, in formal, non-formal and
situation, governments may provide guidance in the informal education and in a lifelong learning perspective,
form of national policies on ODL for all educational including during emergency situations that may arise.
institutions providing educational services.
In this context, it is suggested that governments address
Within the context of the CRPD, national governments the areas below:
are key players in the ratification and implementation
• Legislative and policy provisions: Support
process. Governments that ratify the CRPD are
and foster legislation and/or policy development
expected to set strategic plans aligned and harmonized
to ensure persons with disabilities are included in
with national development goals and priorities
ODL. Such policies should address monitoring and
and allocate resources for its implementation. The
compliance with appropriate standards, procedures
CRPD, as a comprehensive normative framework,
and mechanisms.
includes a number of general obligations (Article
• Funding: Secure adequate funding to ensure the
4) requesting governments to progressively adopt
smooth functioning of an enabling environment,
appropriate legislative, administrative and other
necessary for the inclusion of persons with disabilities
measures. Governments are also responsible for
in ODL. Additional funding may be required to support
providing infrastructure such as broadband networks
access to ODL during emergency situations in which
and communication systems within a country. Few
ODL is the only available form of education.
other normative instruments directly refer to the use
• Cooperation and partnership: Facilitate
of inclusive ICT and assistive technology in education
communication amongst all ODL stakeholders,
(Articles 2, 9, 21 and 24) and call for the adoption of
including for the exchange of best practices.
interconnected actions in legislative and policy fields.
Governments are central to ensuring interministerial
However, governments’ mainstreaming of the needs cooperation between relevant stakeholders in
of persons with disabilities into national education different sectors such as education, health, social
12 • Guidelines for Educational Stakeholders

affairs, technology, infrastructure and employment, accessibility issues and assistive technology, OER,
and thus to clearly addressing the rights of learners OA and FOSS so they can work with students with
with disabilities. An important aspect of this disabilities through ODL effectively.
cooperation is the application of the principles of • User-targeted work: Work together with
universal design for learning (UDL) by all stakeholders organizations and associations targeting persons
to support educational delivery. with disabilities to identify difficulties and solutions
• Access to assistive technology and inclusive ICT: to access inclusive ODL. Special attention should be
Facilitate access of persons with disabilities to assistive paid to the empowerment of women and young
technology and ICT to enhance learning through girls with disabilities who may face multiple forms of
ODL. Provisions should also be formulated for the discrimination and stigma.
procurement of inclusive technology, as well as the • Standard procedures: Require quality assurance
development of tools and services adapted to the and recognition bodies to include accessibility-related
needs of persons with disabilities. quality assurance issues.
• Research: Support research and development on the • Training and learning materials: Consider
use of FOSS, OER and OA to enhance the accessibility ensuring that universal design for learning (UDL) and
of open solutions. accessibility aspects, including open solutions, for
• Infrastructure: Facilitate and strengthen the students with disabilities are an integral part of the
development and use of appropriate infrastructure for national teacher training curriculum (pre and in-
persons with disabilities in ODL. service).
• Capacity development: Support the training of
instructors, support staff and IT administrators on

2.3 Guidelines for Educational Institutions

Delivering Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
Educational institutions, which may or may not use • Enrolment: Give deliberate consideration to the
ODL as their main form of educational delivery, often enrolment of persons with disabilities in ODL, using
make key decisions in regard to educational content accessible open solutions at every step of the
and the platform used for ODL courses. For this enrolment process (access to public information on
reason, the following guidelines, based on the matrix the courses offered, registration, entrance exams,
of actions (Table 1 at the end of this chapter), may facetoface interviews and acceptance).
serve to inform the decisions made in these areas. It • Needs assessment: Ensure an initial assessment of all
is also important to ensure that the mainstreaming students with disabilities to provide full access to the
of accessibility and UDL issues is considered within programme. The needs assessment will also be useful
a broader educational context. While educational when determining the needs to be addressed within
institutions must recognize that teaching and learning emergency responses.
provisions should accommodate the needs of students • Strategy and internal disability policy: Ensure
with disabilities as disability-specific interventions, it is strategies and internal disability policies for the
important that educational institutions aim to introduce systematic inclusion of students and staff with
and implement policies, procedures and standards that disabilities (including recruitment and adjustments
respect accessibility and inclusion based solutions for of the workplace) are in place. This would include
all students. A focus on inclusion is also critical during examining the roles of different stakeholders as well
times of emergency, as people with disabilities require as the processes and technology within an institution.
more consistent access to content and pedagogy Other issues are procurement policies and the
during such periods to meet the challenges of possible development and maintenance of accessible content
interruptions of access to education during such times. and technology.
It is inappropriate to provide support based on type • Content: Ensure that content is designed for all
of disability alone, as it is essential to identify common students, taking into account a variety of needs and
challenges and barriers in a coherent and systematic contexts, by applying the principles of UDL.
manner. Central to this is the need to take into account • Integration of open solutions: Examine the
inclusive design and learning principles. In this context, integration of FOSS, OER and OA in programme design
it is suggested that educational Institutions address the and delivery with a view to addressing accessibility
areas below: issues.
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 13

• Removal of barriers: Ensure that assistive • Efficacy: Ensure that feedback, monitoring and
technology is able to remove barriers to learning, evaluation mechanisms are in place.
including, but not limited to, cognitive, physical • Support services: Establish knowledgeable, informed
and sensory barriers. This includes recognizing the support services, including the identification and
responsibilities of all departments in educational provision of financial support.
institutions to remove barriers to accessible learning • Compliance: Ensure the deployment of best
by utilizing the principles of UDL. practices, supported, recommended and/or required
• Training: Consider and address the training by quality assurance bodies and recognition
requirements of students, faculty and other authorities
professionals in terms of accessible content and

2.4 Guidelines for Instructors

Instructors and other teaching personnel are tasked required, including the application of open solutions
with ensuring that students are able to access content and inclusive technology.
and required learning resources as well as guiding • Accessibility integration: Integrate accessible
them through the course to achieve the expected open solutions in ODL that comply with accessibility
learning outcomes. They are key to making decisions standards (e.g., technical, physical infrastructure
regarding the pedagogy used to convey content, hold standards) at all stages of development and
discussions and monitor student progress32. Instructors implementation.
are generally the people most aware of the needs • Assessment: Ensure compliance with the accessibility
of students with disabilities and are able to propose criteria supported, recommended and/ or required by
adjustments as required while the course is active, quality assurance bodies and recognition authorities.
including directing students to appropriate OER, FOSS • Effective communication: Facilitate regular contact
and OA materials where applicable. Furthermore, they with students to assess progress.
are able to monitor students’ progress and learning • Periodical review of content accessibility: Ensure
experience and adjust their teaching as needed to that content is regularly monitored to comply with
ensure continuous improvement. Due to instructors’ accessibility standards and ensure modifications as
proximity to students, they are best placed to convey needed.
to the educational institution (e.g., support staff, IT • Monitoring: Integrate mechanisms for student
administrators) the need for any additional adjustments participation in course design through ongoing
required in different aspects of the institution to ensure feedback and analytics as well as formal course
that students have access to learning facilities and are reviews. Collect and collate data on student
able to achieve their learning outcomes. In this context, experiences and their needs to improve subsequent
it is suggested that instructors address the areas below: iterations of courses.
• Professional development and exchange of
• Awareness: Seek information from all students on
knowledge: Keep up to date on research findings
their needs and functional capabilities to provide
and empirical evidence in the field of accessibility and
timely, accurate and relevant support and make
apply them where possible in professional practice.
necessary adjustments to the learning process and
Participate in the exchange of best practices between
learning environment.
peers in the professional community.
• Tutoring and learner support: Include appropriate
pedagogies that are accessible to students with
disabilities, making individual effective adjustments as

32 Hashey & Stahl (2014)

14 • Guidelines for Educational Stakeholders

2.5 Guidelines for Quality Assurance

and Recognition Bodies
Quality assurance and qualification recognition have • Application of non-discriminatory recognition:
become key to supporting the overall relevance and Apply principles of fair and non-discriminatory
value of learning offered. recognition of qualifications undertaken in non-
traditional modes (such as online and distance
Quality is primarily the responsibility of higher education
learning) established in UNESCO’s regional recognition
institutions. External quality assurance bodies play an
essential role in fostering a quality culture through the
• Awareness raising: Develop an understanding
establishment of standards and criteria as well as the
of issues related to the inclusion of persons with
assessment of programmes and reviews of institutional
disabilities. This would include highlighting the
quality assurance mechanisms. When assessing the
benefits of inclusiveness and the provision of a wider
quality of a higher education institution or programme,
range of learning experiences.
quality assurance bodies generally consider the
• Standard setting: Include, across quality standards
qualifications of the teaching staff, the teaching and
and criteria, explicit provisions to make learning
learning resources and the mode of educational delivery
accessible to a wide diversity of students including
in their analysis of the fitness for purpose of the overall
persons with disabilities.
educational experience. Quality assurance bodies
• Retention and learning outcomes: Quality
therefore have a role in ensuring that policies are in place
standards must require higher education institutions
to support the needs of students with disabilities in a
to have mechanisms in place that provide all enrolled
manner that promotes quality teaching and learning.
students with effective opportunities for retention and
Qualification recognition is a formal acknowledgement graduation, and that ensure that all graduates have
by the relevant authority of the value of a qualification achieved equivalent learning outcomes regardless of
for a particular purpose, whether gained in that country the mode of delivery.
or overseas. Recognition authorities should endeavour • Continuous improvement of quality assurance
to adhere to the principles established in UNESCO’s processes by quality assurance agencies: Consider
regional recognition conventions, which include the particular areas where quality assurance and
fairness and non-discrimination in assessments, the recognition criteria and procedures may need to be
assessment of nontraditional learning modes and the re-visited to ensure quality teaching and learning for
sharing of information on higher education systems, persons with disabilities in higher education, including
quality assurance and qualifications between relevant ODL.
bodies33. Recognition authorities should also have an • Phased implementation: Quality assurance bodies
understanding of issues related to ensuring the inclusion should work with higher education institutions for a
of students with disabilities in learning environments phased implementation of inclusive practices such
in general, and for the purposes of these Guidelines, in as capacity development for academic staff, student
ODL frameworks in particular. The missions of quality services, delivery modes, instructional materials and
assurance bodies and recognition authorities are resources and physical facilities.
closely linked, and recognition authorities often rely on • Sharing of best practices: Quality assurance bodies
information provided by quality assurance bodies. In should ensure the collection and dissemination of
this context, it is suggested that quality assurance and best practices to support the ongoing improvement
recognition authorities address the areas below: of the quality of ODL.

33 See, in particular, the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (1997), the Regional
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific (1983) and the Asia-Pacific Regional
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (2011)
34 UNESCO. Higher education regional conventions. Available at: https://www.unesco.org/en/higher-education/conventions (accessed on
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 15

2.6 Guidelines for an Emergency Transition

to Online and Distance Learning
During times of emergency or in response to situations platforms and content for the students, taking into
of global regional, national and/or local significance, account disability and situation39.The use of OER and
it may be necessary for institutions to move learning OA should be examined in an emergency, as content
rapidly and unexpectedly to an ODL environment. required for teaching may already be available in
While some institutions already have systems in place, appropriate formats.
many do not and may be significantly challenged • Institutional support personnel: Appropriate staff
by these events35. During the COVID-19 pandemic, should be identified to liaise with students and their
governments, educational institutions, instructors and families to ensure continuity of learning and open
quality assurance bodies had to make adjustments to and clear communication with stakeholders. Support
teaching and learning to accommodate the movement personnel may also be required if students do not
restrictions imposed on populations to control the have appropriate support in their home environment
virus36. A number of challenges may be encountered to facilitate online learning.
when transitioning to online learning, including ensuring • Selection of tools including platforms, software:
that appropriate content delivered through platforms is An appropriate platform or appropriate software
available and accessible to all students, that the needs should be selected to facilitate teaching and learning
of students with disabilities are considered, that training programmes that accommodate all students. There
for those delivering and receiving the teaching and are several free and open-source platforms and
learning is available and that suitable support personnel different software that can be used by educational
are available to assist the students37. In this context, institutions40.
it is suggested that governments, institutions and • Resources: The provision of devices and access to
instructors address the areas below: Internet resources is a consideration for governments
and educational institutions during an emergency.
• National policy requirements: Educational
Many students who are living in poverty or in
institutions in some countries may be guided
remote areas may not have access to technological
through national policy in regard to actions to take
resources. A system of distance education consisting
in emergency situations. These policies may relate to
of alternatives to the aforementioned technology may
the types of content and timelines for programme
be needed, such as printed material, braille resources
completion. In addition, governments will indicate
or material on USB drives. In the immediate aftermath
when it is appropriate for educational institutions to
of an emergency situation, additional funding may be
re-open. Safety guidelines for such situations have
required to provide devices and other infrastructure
been developed by the World Health Organization
for ODL.
• Training: It is possible that stakeholders such as
• Assessment of student needs: Identify any
staff, students and families do not have experience
disabilities and other special needs that will have to
with ODL and the associated technology prior to the
be addressed during ODL, if ODL tools and solutions
emergency situation. Appropriate training should be
become the main mode of education delivery. This
available for all parties to ensure that teaching and
information can be sought directly from students
learning can be accessed by all. The training may take
and families, and/or via the records of educational
many forms, including online and by television or
institutions, if such information is available. This
radio broadcast.
information will inform the decisions made on

35 Bryson & Andres (2020)

36 Adedoyin & Soykan (2020)
37 Narvekar (2020)
38 WHO (2020a)
39 Jeste, Hyde, Distefano, Halladay, Ray, Porath, Wilson & Thurm (2020)
40 See Annex 3 for some examples of free learning management systems (LMS)
©Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock.com
Matrix of Actions for
Educational Delivery
3.1 Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
3.2 Matrix: Emergency Response Actions,
Prerequisite Actions, Implementation Actions,
Monitoring Processes
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 17

3.1 Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universal design for learning (UDL) refers to a process environments and information equally42. The Web
in which a curriculum (goals, methods, materials and Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) published
assessments) is intentionally designed to offer flexible by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C, 2008) not only
and inclusive approaches that can be customized and target webcontent and tool developers to design
adjusted for individual needs. The key components of appropriate websites and web-based resources for a
UDL are to ensure flexibility and accessibility in the ways diverse range of users, but also constitute an important
information is presented, the way students respond or tool for ensuring UDL principles in terms of access
demonstrate knowledge and skills, and the way they to web-based resources for persons with disabilities.
are engaged in the learning process (e.g., with the Students with disabilities must have access to all
course content, interactions with peers and instructors the components of the learning process (including
etc.), and, in addition, to reduce barriers by providing registration, administrative matters, course work and
appropriate accommodations, support and assignments others) that would be available to students without a
while maintaining high achievement expectations for all disability, and teachers should have positive attitudes
students.41 and use appropriate pedagogy.
Current technology can impose barriers on persons with The matrix discussed in section 3.2 below outlines
disabilities. While this technology may provide more further elements of UDL that could be included to
information to learners in a greater variety of ways, it ensure ODL is accessible to students with disabilities.
does not necessarily allow all users to access learning

3.2 Matrix: Emergency Response Actions,

Prerequisite Actions, Implementation
Actions, Monitoring Processes
In order to make ODL accessible to persons with to have a common understanding of each phase of
disabilities in a variety of educational contexts and development and the actions involved in each phase.
circumstances, a number of actions are necessary
This section is made of three components:
at all stages of the learning process. The following
actions relate to the different phases of the learning • Table 1 provides a matrix of emergency response
process; emergency, prerequisite, implementation and actions, prerequisite actions, implementation actions
monitoring processes need to be considered. These and monitoring processes for designing ODL with
actions would benefit all students regardless of their open solutions for persons with disabilities;
level of ability.
• Section 3.2.1 provides key considerations for each of
While there are specific considerations for governments the elements of this matrix in addition to the Annex
(e.g., infrastructure legislation/policy), industry (e.g., section;
website designers, tool developers), institutions (e.g.,
• Annexes 6, 7, 8 and 9 provide checklists for each of
courseware designers) and instructors (e.g., teachers,
the elements of the matrix that can be contextualized
lecturers), it is useful for all parties involved in ODL,
to fit different purposes as needed.
including persons with disabilities and their families,

41 CAST. UDL in Public Policy. Available at: http://www.udlcenter.org/aboutudl/udldefined (consulted on 02/07/2023).

42 Hashey & Stahl (2014)
18 • Matrix of Actions for Educational Delivery

Table 1. Matrix of prerequisite actions, implementation actions and monitoring processes for designing
open and distance learning (ODL) with open solutions for persons with disabilities. The matrix includes
monitoring at all levels.



Determine an Determine an overall In all implementation, harmonize Obtain feedback from users.
appropriate learning institutional vision and actions concerning platforms and Update where required with
management system commitment to ensuring content. FOSS.
(LMS) (using FOSS if accessibility for men and Ensure that actions are fragmented
possible) if not already women in all aspects of Add additional platform
and remain cohesive throughout functionality if required.
in use. ODL delivery. the system. Ensure that actions
Ensure the LMS and Establish an institutional related to platforms and content are Conduct periodic assessments
any additional software policy concerning consistently coherent and cohesive to determine compliance
is appropriate for the platforms for learning throughout the implementation. with accessibility policies and
learners. that secures the agreedupon standards and
Make platforms and technologies user satisfaction.
Designate staff to engagement of all relevant available.
support students in the institutional stakeholders Make necessary adjustments
and that appropriately Ensure that instructors and students based on assessment results.
use of the technology. are prepared.
serves the needs of
Identify the training students, academics and Take into consideration
Test with a wide variety of users. genderequality issues when
needs of all stakeholders administrative staff with
(learners, educators, disabilities. Ensure continuous evaluation and monitoring to ensure equal
policymakers, content feedback from a variety of users. conditions and opportunities
designers). Where possible, build on to access and use platforms.
available best practices on Raise awareness on available
policy, legislation and options as to Concrete examples include
Provide targeted training policy and practice. ensuring equal access to
to educators on using the training and software.
Appoint a responsible resources by considering how
platform on a variety of Take into consideration gender may intersect with
devices. person or office with
adequate authority genderequality issues when disability and impact access to
Provide training to to ensure the ensuring accessibility to platforms, resources. For example, female
instructors on how implementation of the to ensure equal conditions and students with disabilities may

to provide inclusive policy concerning the opportunities to access and use face additional barriers related
education for instructors. platform chosen. platforms. Concrete examples to genderbased violence or
include ensuring equal access discrimination that could
Develop accessible to resources by considering how affect their ability to access
resources and standards gender may intersect with disability online learning resources.
in anticipation of a and impact access to resources. Ensure that all students,
wide range of needs for For example, female students with regardless of gender or other
students and academic disabilities may face additional identities, have equal access
and administrative staff. barriers related to gender-based to resources and support
Determine a process violence or discrimination that services.
for selecting accessible could affect their ability to access
online learning resources. Ensure Ensure that materials are
technology and content inclusive and free from
involving platforms, that all students, regardless of
gender or other identities, have gender-based bias.
content and modalities.
This would be included equal access to resources and Foster an inclusive and
in relevant procurement support services. respectful learning
guidelines. Ensure that materials are inclusive environment: encourage
and free from gender-based bias. a culture of respect and
Develop appropriate inclusivity in online learning
training for all members Foster an inclusive and respectful environments, where all
of the institutional learning environment: encourage students are valued and feel
community involved a culture of respect and inclusivity safe to participate. This may
(including students, in online learning environments, involve establishing guidelines
academic and where all students are valued and for respectful behaviour and
administrative staff). feel safe to participate. This may addressing any instances of
involve establishing guidelines gender-based harassment or
for respectful behaviour and discrimination.
addressing any instances of gender-
based harassment or discrimination. Use gender-neutral and
inclusive language throughout
Use gender-neutral and inclusive the platform and course
language throughout the platform material to promote gender
and course material to promote equality.
gender equality.
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 19



Consider students’ home Establish a policy on the use Regularly check the Monitor users’ progress.
environments and their of accessibility criteria in accessibility of content, Identify and address
access to resources and curricular development and including OER, FOSS and reasons resulting in the
support as well as their course material, as well as any websites. non-completion of learning
financial situation. other materials provided to Ensure all users can access objectives or the failure to
Ensure those who cannot learners. materials/content. achieve them.
access ODL have a suitable Provide capacity Adjust content according to Use satisfaction data and
alternative access to content. development to relevant user feedback immediately. feedback from students to

Develop materials staff on the development of improve access to content.

accessible content. Collect data about student
incorporating UDL guidelines learning experiences. Incorporate perspectives from
and ensure that they are Ensure an internalreview a variety of users (learners
accessible to all learners, mechanism to guarantee that Provide ongoing support
and capacity development to with different disabilities,
including those in vulnerable course content complies with instructors).
situations, and that gender accessibility standards and relevant staff as necessary to
issues are addressed so that user needs before the public provide accessible inputs.
all learners can access them launch of content materials. Avoid gender stereotypes
with the same ease. Examine the context in which when developing accessible
Ensure that FOSS and OER learning will take place. content.
that may be appropriate Include available OER and
are identified Ensure that OA resources in structuring
FOSS and OER that may be content.
appropriate are identified.



Assess students to determine Ensure the course is Use an accessible support Collect data on a wide variety
access to assistive technology accessible to a wide range of service or helpline such of ODL user experiences.
and Internet connectivity to users by using UDL and ODL as video, text and voice Monitor gender equality
address infrastructure needs. principles. feedback for students and in accessing physical
Determine the specific needs Ensure capacity development instructors to support environments.
of students in the cohort/ for instructors in different persons with disabilities.
Develop a database of
institution. modes of teaching and Replace inaccessible content potential solutions to
Identify a learning learning, including ODL on with a reasonable alternative difficulties experienced.
management system (LMS) how to produce accessible to accommodate a wide

content. range of different modalities. Develop a compliance

that provides accessibility for database of platforms/
students with disabilities. Address gender equality in all Support research on software with technical/
Address the training needs development processes. accessibility issues. accessibility standards.
of staff, students and Ensure that support services Troubleshoot any difficulties
families, taking into account are equally available and encountered.
all genders, cultural and accessible to both men and
language minorities (or women with disabilities. If Re-examine materials on
underserved groups) to needed, make any necessary a regular basis to address
ensure accessibility. adjustments. changes in catering to
Keep abreast in the
development of international
standards and make
necessary adjustments.
Provide feedback to users.
20 • Matrix of Actions for Educational Delivery

3.2.1 EmergencyResponse Actions must be considered, including the support available to

assist the students in their home environments, and any
Emergencyresponse actions are actions that educators additional time needed to study in ODL mode. Actions
and developers take in response to an emergency may include:
situation requiring the immediate dissemination of
ODL resources that may be used by persons with • considering home situations to identify what access
disabilities. Please note that there is an overlap between the students have to resources and support, family
the emergencyresponse actions that need to be structures and financial situations. These elements
taken and the standard prerequisite implementation should be taken into account when designing ODL
and monitoring actions, which are critical to overall content;
delivery.The overlap is due to the shared objective of • using FOSS alongside OER to ensure all students have
addressing accessibility, inclusivity and effective learning access to content;
experiences, with emergencyresponse actions focused • considering alternative assessments and ways to
on immediate dissemination and standard actions access content for students who may have difficulty
tackling planned and systematic implementation. accessing online resources and/or require additional
Selecting and Utilizing Platforms • developing training for all stakeholders based on need
When institutions and teachers turn to ODL due to and scheduling it appropriately;
circumstances external to the institution, it may be • incorporating UDL principles so as to address the
considered an emergency response. Immediately needs of indigenous peoples and cultural and
upon learning that a move to or increase in online and linguistic minorities, ensuring content is, at minimum,
distance education is required, institutions should select gendersensitive.
an appropriate platform for the students so that content • ensuring materials meet the standards of accessible
can be accessed and instruction continued with as little electronic publications (ePubs) or version 2.1 of the
interruption as possible. Actions may include: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) (WAIAA
– with level AA conformance).
• adhering to any national policy and measures related
to the emergency situation (such as social distancing, As emergency responses are often sudden and
curfews or remaining in isolation for a period of time); unexpected, institutions may not have factored ODL into
• having staff available to liaise with students regarding the teaching plan or budget. Locating and using FOSS
their academic programmes, using whatever means and OER is an appropriate way to address the needs of
are available; students in a rapid manner.
• using a learning management system (LMS), if one
is not already in place, to centralize content and Assessing Student Needs and Modalities
schedules; In order to clearly address the learning needs of all
• considering the availability of free and opensource students in the institution, it is necessary to assess
LMS and additional software to support all student the student body and/or student records, if available,
needs; to determine specific modalities which must be
• identifying additional training needs and developing addressed. Actions include:
appropriate training for all stakeholders including • assessing the specific needs of students, including
instructors, students and families. their modality requirements;
Consideration for all parties is critical when selecting • assessing student access to technology, connectivity
a platform to use during an emergencyresponse and assistive technology that may be required as part
situation, as all students will need to access content of infrastructure enhancements;
and instruction through the platform. In rare occasions, • identifying an open source LMS that provides
such as for persons living in extremely remote locations accessibility for students with disabilities;
or lacking Internet access, alternative ways of accessing • determining the training needs of all stakeholders.
content should also be considered. These may consist of Such assessments should take into account specific
OER in printed form, or on USB drives or CDs. needs that may depend on the gender identity or sex
of the stakeholder, the cultural context, their language
Developing Open and Distance Learning and other needs that may be specific to minority or
Content in an Emergency Situation underserved groups.
In an emergencyresponse situation, careful When assessing student needs in an emergency
consideration of content that is accessible to and situation, students’ living situations must be considered,
achievable for students studying in ODL formats is as learning will take place in their homes. The learning
required. This could include developing, selecting and modalities available to students will vary, as will the
curating content. There are a number of factors that support they receive in accessing education. This
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 21

variability will impact the student’s progress and must be (iii) The assessment of the proposal should include
considered in emergency situations. Possible extensions an accessibility evaluation as part of the vendor’s
to complete set work and educational programmes proposal. If, at the early stages of development
should also be considered. and procurement, accessibility is not included as a
prerequisite action, it is difficult and, in some cases,
nearly impossible to ensure it at later stages.
3.2.2 Prerequisite Actions
Prerequisite actions require the establishment of Developing Creating Content
The content must be developed with a logical structure
wide-ranging institutional policies, covering admission
around stated outcome. Clear policies or legislation will
to graduation, including curricular and extra-
guide all stakeholders involved in developing content in
curricular activities.
considering the needs of persons with disabilities. When
developing content, consideration must be given to:
Selecting Platforms
There are a number of actions that institutions, • potentially including access to training in the ODL
teachers and instructional designers must take prior content to ensure that learners can negotiate specific
to the procurement of appropriate platforms and the software or systems, which may mean providing
development and dissemination of ODL resources that students with disabilities with instruction in digital and
may be used by persons with disabilities. These actions information literacy;
include: • ensuring the language used in the materials is
accessible to all students.
• reflecting constitutional, legislative and policy (e.g., in
the area of nondiscrimination) requirements; Students who utilize additional assistive technology to
• considering non-proprietary platforms, where possible access online materials may have difficulty when trying
using open solutions; to use assistive technology alongside the online material.
• considering the types of platforms that users will be Solutions include using:
accessing (Windows, Mac, tablet devices, paper based) • only accessible formats such as accessible ePubs,43
and respect accessibility standards; standard text documents, Open Document Formats,
• reviewing the characteristics of the platforms and the Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY)44 or
devices (operating systems, languages used) including accessible pdfs;45
accessibility criteria; • mainly asynchronous features (i.e., not using instant
• determining whether training is required to use the messaging in chat rooms);
platforms and devices to access ODL. • pedagogical agents within the online learning material
The type of platform will define the levels of accessibility to assist the learners (e.g., sequencing and chunking of
and inclusiveness of processes and content. It is materials);
therefore essential to ensure that, from as early as the • consistent designs and cascading style sheets (CSS);
development and procurement phases, accessibility • a clear and logical structure for documents with a
consistent use of headings and subheadings to easily
principles are respected and taken into consideration.
navigate documents at a technical and intellectual
Accessibility should be seen as one of the key criteria level;
for acquisition by those who are responsible for making • fewer frames;
decisions about which products, services and content • fewer animations and moving objects;
to procure. For the procurement of accessible products, • contrasting colours.46
be they IT, platforms, devices, content or services, the
It may be necessary to assess the specificities of some
following steps should be respected:
students’ devices due to different primary modes of
(i) Procurement announcements should include communication47 (i.e., use of keyboard, speechoutput
accessibility in their criteria. device) or time constraints that occur when using
assistive technology.
(ii) Vendors should provide information about the
accessibility of their products.

43 Fileinfo.EPUB. Available at: https://fileinfo.com/extension/epub (accessed on 03/07/2023.

44 Wikipedia. Digital Accessible Information System. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DAISY_Digital_Talking_Book
(consulted on 02/07/2023)
45 Certain .pdf files are not accessible
46 American Foundation for the Blind (2008)
47 Banerjee & Brinckerhoff (2002)
22 • Matrix of Actions for Educational Delivery

Considering Modalities 3.2.3 Implementation Actions

When considering different modalities:
• research the modalities used by intended participants Using Platforms
in the ODL course in the planning stage through During the implementation of the ODL course, using a
conducting a needs analysis; range of platforms or media to provide content to one
• field-test the materials with persons with visual, student will give many participants the opportunity
hearing, mobility and learning disabilities to provide to access the materials. Access may occur through
inside into the enablers and barriers to address within computers, tablets/phones and paper-based versions
the course; (for students with vision impairments, the contents may
• incorporate a wide range of materials that can be be available in DAISY format).
accessed in a multitude of ways (UDL principles), A close examination of the students enrolled can provide
which ensures that the modalities the student instructors with useful information on how they can
participants use will be less of a barrier to ODL; further assist students. If there are students with specific
• consider user-friendliness in regard to different impairments, they may require specific training to
modalities in order to ensure that a wide variety of access content via different platforms, including learning
learners are able to participate; management systems (LMS) such as Moodle.
• ensure that the materials, including OER and FOSS, are
reliable and can be accessed on a consistent basis by Streamlining Content
the user. During implementation, institutions and instructors,
Some accommodation suggestions for students preferably in collaboration with industry, should regularly
with vision, hearing or speech impairments, mobility check the accessibility of content, including any OER,
difficulties or learning disabilities are presented in FOSS and OA used as components of the course. Just
Annex 1. because content is openly available does not mean it is
accessible to everyone. There are several openly available
Students with hearing impairments, for example, who tools that allow all parties to assess the accessibility of
may have difficulty interacting in online discussions websites.49, 50 These tools include:
or video conferences may nevertheless be included in
these pedagogies through the use of telephonerelay • WAVE51
services, sign language interpreters and/or open • and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Markup
captioning. Alternatively, organising activities on Validation Service.52
an online discussion board where all participants Aspects that may not be accessible include:
respond to threads set by the instructor may be a more
• graphics (without text explanations);
appropriate way to interact and share ideas.
• contrasts;
Resources have been developed to support both • navigation tools within the website;
the institutions and instructors in making content as • navigation complexity levels.
accessible as possible. In the United States of America,
Regular checks or sampling of the course content
for instance, all producers and educational institutions
can assist with identifying any changes or additional
must comply with legal requirements for accessible
requirements that were not addressed in the initial
content and tools. A tool known as the Voluntary Product
design of the course. Instructors may also be able
Accessibility Template (VPAT48) (U.S. Department of State,
to adjust the content immediately based upon user
n.d.) assists them by providing a list of the expectations
concerns. Ensuring that users have an accessible
for software and online systems. For educators, the
way to comment on any difficulties they have with
FLOE Inclusive Learning Design Handbook (ILDH – OCAD
the system will enhance the responsiveness of the
University, n. d.), an online wiki OER, assists with creating
instructors. Collecting data about student experiences
adaptable educational resources that can accommodate
in compliance with ethics and data privacy is important
diverse individual needs.
to measure the success of the programme, individual
learner satisfaction and future improvement.
For the successful implementation of ODL, it is
imperative that the target population be made aware of

48 See https://www.section508.gov/sell/vpat/ (accessed on 02/07/2023)

49 Burgstahler (2002)
50 Roberts & Crittenden (2009)
51 Web Accessibility in Mind (WebAIM – 2014), WAVE – Web accessibility evaluation tool. Available at: http://wave.webaim.org/ (accessed on
52 W3C (2012). Markup Validation Service. Available at: http://validator.w3.org/ (accessed on 01/07/2023)
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 23

it through campaigns. Online campaigns, for instance, • lack of training in how to use the platform;
can reach many people within a comparatively short • lack of knowledge in how to optimize the accessibility
period of time and across a greater geographical area, features of the platform;
although accessibility and connectivity issues could be a • lack of funding to purchase the software required;
concern. • incompatibility between the platform and assistive
Supporting Modalities • the periodic assessment of platforms, content and
During the implementation of the course, access to a monitoring processes.
helpline or support service will provide students and
Institutions are responsible for conducting periodic
instructors with assistance if required.53
assessments to determine the persistent compliance of
• Information about the support service or assistance ODL with accessibility standards.
available should be made clear to students and
Governments, institutions and industry have a part to
instructors prior to the beginning of the course.
play in addressing these issues, particularly in relation to
• A reasonable alternative to non-accessible content
infrastructure. Occasionally, it may be possible to address
may be provided.
issues raised with specific platforms by using free or
• Services should be made available in various modes,
open-source software (FOSS)54 or by adapting current
including video, text and voice feedback, to allow for
interaction with persons with disabilities.
• At a governmental or systemic level, support is
Determining Assessing Accessibility
provided for:
and Suitability of Content
- legislation to support access to ODL,
Research indicates that persons with disabilities
- policy requirements at the institutional level.
complete courses at a lower rate than persons
• At an institutional or macro level, support is
without disabilities due to a range of factors
provided for:
including accessibility and support. Students who
- enrolment processes,
are provided with more support services, including
- development of policies regarding persons with
assistive technology, have higher completion rates.55
disabilities and ODL overarching learning resources,
When a student with a disability does not complete
including additional equipment and training,
an ODL course, it is important for the government,
- access to information about the processes employed
institution and instructor to determine the cause. It is
by the institution.
also important to consider student attainment and
• At a subjectspecific or micro level, support is
satisfaction so that:
provided for:
- pedagogy, • measures may be taken in future to address any
- human and material resources, accessrelated issues ;
- individual student needs. • accountability for the education of the person with
a disability is transparent.
3.2.4 Monitoring Processes A mechanism should be included in the ODL course
Monitoring processes are important to assess material that allows users to report difficulties and
the ongoing and final outcomes of ODL and user provide feedback to the instructors, institutions and
satisfaction. Processes for monitoring ODL are discussed industry on the accessibility of the course content
here in relation to the use of specific platforms, the and, possibly, on the suitability of the content for the
content of the course and the modalities of the users. student. Embedded links to survey software, such as free
versions of online survey tools, can assist students with
Assessing and Adjusting Platforms providing general feedback on courses, while a direct
Feedback from learners and instructors regarding email link can assist with providing more specific or
the platform used to teach the ODL course could be detailed feedback. For ODL courses that contain some
immediate, as difficulties can arise as soon as they use face-to-face communication, the educator can question
the platform. Common difficulties include: the student/s about the suitability of the course for their
needs, both academic and functional.
• insufficient bandwidth;
• lack of Internet access; By monitoring participants and providing them with
• incompatibility between old technology/software and support (including metacognitive and affective support)
the ODL course material; during ODL, educators can intervene when a user is

53 Chatpakkarattana & Khlaisang (2012)

54 Abeywardena (2012). https://oasis.col.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/6a47eb21-26a2-4fca-af98-0bfc36ec37ff/content (accessed on 18/07/23)
55 Moisey 2004
24 • Matrix of Actions for Educational Delivery

having difficulty. A series of ‘checks’ can be built into • be useful for current and future ODL users;
the course content to periodically request feedback • help instructors and developers to troubleshoot
from users. These ‘checks’ are useful for monitoring the difficulties related to modality differences as they arise;
progress of all participants, not only those who have • identify appropriate OER, OA, and FOSS content to
disabilities. By their nature, technological systems have include.
the potential to enable instructors to keep track of their
Re-examining ODL course material on a regular basis
students’ progress by examining discussion threads and
to address the experiences of users will strengthen the
course for all learners.
Examining Modalities Collecting data on the compliance of platforms/
Collecting data on a wide variety of the experiences of software with technical/accessibility standards will
ODL users will enable a government, institution and/or make procurement decisions easier for governments,
instructor to compile a database of known difficulties institutions and instructors.
and potential solutions. A database will:
Technical Annexes
Annex 1. Examples of Accommodations for Specific Functional Areas
Annex 2. List of Available Journals – Open Learning and Distance Education
Annex 3. Examples of Free and Open-Source Software
Annex 4. Open Education Resource (OER) Sources
Annex 5. Glossary
Annex 6. Emergency Response Action Checklist
Annex 7. Prerequisite Action Checklist
Annex 8. Implementation Actions Checklist
Annex 9. Monitoring Processes Checklist
26 • Technical Annexes

Annex 1. Examples of Accommodations

for Specific Functional Areas
Vision Students may have limited (or no) vision > Screenreading software
and be unable to view online or printed > E-readers
materials in the same way as others. > Refreshable Braille displays
> Text-only mode in browsers
> Text alternatives for graphics/non-text
> Contrast adjustments
> Information on USB drives, CDs or MP3
> Braille print
> Accessible PDFs.56

Hearing Students may have difficulty with audio > Text captioning or transcripts for audio/ video (rather
inputs on video or with participating in than subtitles, which do not convey all information)
online or telephone discussions. > Sign language interpreters
> Relay service (and teletypewriter - TTY)
> Printed material.

Mobility Students may not be able to operate a > Alternative keyboards (including on-screen keyboards)
mouse or keyboard. They may also have > Modified mouses or styluses
difficulty accessing buildings (if required) > Speechrecognition software
for any face-to-face course component. > Accessible buildings (ramps, wide doorways, disabled
> Switch interfaces
> Page turners
> All functions keyboardaccessible.

Learning Students may have difficulty with reading, > Books on CDs, tablets or USB drives
Disability writing and processing information quickly > Speech output on computers
or retaining information in the same way > Speech input to assist with writing
as others. > Extra time to read and use materials
> Text at an appropriately readable level.

Speech Students may have difficulty > Use e-mail or a chat room (where the student can type a
contributing to interactive sessions response) to convey thoughts and ideas.
(e.g., videoconferences).

Other/ > Do not use content that may cause

General > seizures57 as it can pose a risk to individuals. It is
important to prioritize the safety and well-being of
all users.
> Clearly locate content.
> Ensure users can operate particular platforms.
> Content must be able to be “read” by all software
(including assistive technology).

56 With Adobe Acrobot Pro, see https://helpx.adobe.com/au/acrobat/using/create-verify-pdf-accessibility.html (accessed on 02/07/2023)

57 Burgstahler (2002)
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 27

Annex 2. List of Available Journals –

Open Learning and Distance Education
American Journal of Distance Education Subscription Required
Asian Journal of Distance Education Not required
Distance Education Subscription Required
http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/cdie20#.U9SzaJ2Q_IU (some open access)

European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL) Not required

Indian Journal of Open Learning (IJOL) Registration Required
International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL) Subscription Required
International Journal of Open Educational Resources Not required
International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning (IJODeL) Not required
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL) Not required
International Women Online Journal of Distance Education Not required
International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education Not required
(formerly Journal of Distance Education)
Chinese Journal of Distance Education In Chinese only
Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning (formerly the Journal Not required
of Distance Learning)
Online Learning (formerly the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks JALN) Not required
Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (OJDLA) Not required
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning Subscription Required
https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/copl20/current (some open access)

Open Praxis Not required

Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning Not Required
Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED) Not required (Most articles in
http://www.um.es/ead/red/red.html Spanish)

Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education Not required

28 • Technical Annexes

Annex 3. Examples of Free and

Open-Source Software
ATutor (learning Open-source LMS, used to develop and share e-learning content. A
management large number of languages are supported. https://atutor.github.io/
system – LMS)
Audacity Audio alternatives to written text as audio tracks. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
Balabolka Convert text to speech using in-built or pre-installed computer http://balabolka.en.softonic.com/
voices, usually to create a file for later use.
CamStudio A videocapture tool that digitally records computer screen outputs http://camstudio.org/
and allows for the inclusion of audio commentary.
CurrikiGo Open-source projects that address the creation of modern, https://www.currikistudio.org/what-
CurrikiStudio purpose-built distancelearning content. Free technology access and is-currikigo/
simplicity for authoring and publishing. https://www.currikistudio.org/what-
Dasher An authoring tool for users who cannot use a keyboard but may http://www.bltt.org/software/dasher/
only be able to control a mouse or joystick. It may be sightcontrolled
by a gaze tracker.
DesktopZoom A zooming/magnifying programme. Colours can be inverted and https://desktopzoom.fr.softonic.com
the original screen can be made transparent.
FreeMind A graphical mind-mapping tool for creating diagrams to connect http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/
concepts and ideas. Used for organizing ideas and keeping track of index.php/Download
all the activities that are involved in completing a task.
KompoZer A webpagecreating programme for students and tutors, with https://kompozer.fr.softonic.
accessibility features. com/?ex=CS-1298.0
LetMeType Autocompletes words regardless of the programme. http://letmetype.en.softonic.com/
Offers suggestions by guessing a word after the first two or three
Lingoes Speaking dictionary that highlights words and has an option for http://www.lingoes.net/
reading them aloud. Examples of the use of the word in a sentence
are provided. Available in 80 languages.
Myicourse (LMS) A free LMS. Courses can be set as private or public. http://myicourse.com/welcome
MyStudyBar Includes: https://www.callscotland.org.uk/
> TBar, which places a rectangular colourfilter bar across the screen; mystudybar/
> SSoverlay, which provides colour filters over the whole screen;
> Vu-Bar, which provides an on-screen slotted ruler to highlight and
limit the field of view to an area as small as a single line.
PowerTalk Automatically voices any presentation or slideshow running in http://fullmeasure.co.uk/powertalk/
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows.
Able to speak text as it appears in the presentation and can also
speak hidden text attached to images.
Sakai (LMS) Open-source LMS. Core features are accessible and usable by https://www.sakailms.org/
the greatest number of potential users, including persons with
Schoology (LMS) The free basic package is useful for instructors who want to manage https://www.powerschool.com/
the learning experience virtually at the classroom level. classroom/schoology-learning/
Seeing AI (App) App designed for people who are blind. The app identifies text, https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/ai/
people, scenery, bar codes and currency. seeing-ai
WordWeb 9 A one-click thesaurus and dictionary for Windows that can look https://wordweb.software.informer.
up words while the user is working in almost any programme. com/9.0/
The programme has a full dictionary and thesaurus for American,
British, Canadian, Australian, Indian and global English.
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 29

Annex 4. Open Education Resource

(OER) Sources
Citizendium Open education repository. https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/
CommonSpaces Open education repository. https://www.commonspaces.eu/
CTE Online Curricular tools that help educators to collaboratively create and https://www.cteonline.org/
share effective instruction models. curriculum
Gooru Navigator Open app for K-12 learners and instructors in maths and science. https://gooru.org/
HippoCampus Free multimedia content – videos, animation and simulations-- https://www.hippocampus.org/
– on general education subjects for middle-, high-school and
college teachers and students.
Internet Archive Free courses, video lectures and supplementary materials from https://archive.org/details/education
– OER universities in the United States and China, licensed according to
each author’s wishes.
Illinois Open No-cost, online access to education and career resources and http://ioer.ilsharedlearning.org/
Educational tools for individuals, schools and organizations.
Resources –
Mason OER Launches a real-time, simultaneous search across 22 different https://oer.deepwebaccess.com/
Metafinder sources of open educational materials. oer/desktop/en/search.html
MERLOT Provides access to curated online learning and support materials https://www.merlot.org/merlot/
and contentcreation tools. index.htm
Openly Search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content https://oasis.geneseo.edu/
Available easier. Currently searches open content from 117 different
Sources sources.
Search (OASIS)
OER Commons A collection of resources, authorship support and in-person and https://www.oercommons.org/
virtual OER workshops on open processes using the platform’s
tools, collaborative features and workflows.
Open Education A non-profit, global, members-based network of open education https://www.oeglobal.org/
Global (OEG) institutions and organizations.
OpenStax A library of open-source books with highlighting and note- https://openstax.org/
taking capabilities, available for most titles.
Teaching OER from leading colleges and universities available to educators https://teachingcommons.us/
Commons and students. Includes open-access textbooks, course materials,
lesson plans, multimedia, lectures and K-12 materials.
WikiEducator An evolving community for the collaborative: https://wikieducator.org/Main_Page
planning of educational projects linked with the development of
free content for e-learning.
30 • Technical Annexes

Annex 5. Glossary
Abbreviations and acronyms society in 2008 state that: ”E-accessibility is a necessary
prerequisite for a widespread use of ICT, and its
- CRPD –Convention on the Rights of Persons with cost can be greatly reduced through ‘designforall’
Disabilities approaches and better interoperability between
- UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific services and devices”.
and Cultural Organization
- EPub – Electronic Publication Assistive technology (AT)
- FOSS – Free and Open Source Software The British Assistive Technology Association (BATA)
- ODL– Open and Distance Learning (2011) states that: “AT is any item, equipment,
- LMS – Learning Management System hardware, software, product or service which
- UDL – Universal Design for Learning maintains, increases or improves the functional
- WCAG – Web Content Accessibility Guidelines capabilities of individuals of any age, especially those
- WHO – World Health Organization with disabilities, and enables them more easily to
communicate, learn, enjoy and live better, more
Definitions independent lives”.
“The term ‘assistive technology service’ means
any service that directly assists an individual with
Article 9 of the CRPD states: “To enable persons with
a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of
disabilities to live independently and participate fully
an assistive technology device.” This includes the
in all aspects of life, States Parties shall take appropriate
evaluation, acquisition, adaptation/modification,
measures to ensure to persons with disabilities
coordination of therapies, training of end users,
access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical
families and professionals, provision, maintenance,
environment, to transportation, to information
repair and replacement of accessible information
and communications, including information and
technology. (From the US Assistive Technology Act of
communications technologies and systems, and to
1998, as amended).59
other facilities and services open or provided to the
public, both in urban and in rural areas”.
Accessibility is one of the general principles listed in COVID-19 is the disease caused by a coronavirus
Article 3 of the CRPD. called SARS-CoV-2. The most common symptoms of
COVID-19 are fever, dry cough and fatigue. Among
Accessible electronic and information technology
those who develop symptoms, most (about 80%)
implies technology that can be used by people of all
recover from the disease without needing hospital
ages and abilities. As the Disabilities, Opportunities,
treatment. About 15% become seriously ill and require
Internetworking, and Technology Center (DOIT, United
oxygen and 5% become critically ill and need intensive
States of America), puts it, “Accessible electronic
care (WHO website, 2020).
and information technology is technology that […]
incorporates the principles of universal design. Each
user is able to interact with the technology in ways
The preamble of the CRPD recognizes that: “disability
that work best for them. Accessible technology is
is an evolving concept and that disability results from
either directly accessible – in other words, it is usable
the interaction between persons with impairments
without assistive technology – or it is compatible with
and attitudinal and environmental barriers that
standard assistive technology”.58
hinders their full and effective participation in society
E-accessibility describes the need to remove barriers on an equal basis with others”.
in accessing and using ICT products, services and
Article 1 states that: “Persons with disabilities
applications, as well as access to information and
include those who have long-term physical, mental,
knowledge. The conclusions formulated by the
intellectual or sensory impairments which in
European Council on the accessible information

58 Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology Center (DO IT). What is accessible electronic and information technology?
Available at: https://www.washington.edu/doit/what-accessible-electronic-and-information-technology (accessed on 02/07/2023)
59 Congress.gov. Assistive Technology Act of 1998. Available at: https://www.congress.gov/bill/105th-congress/senate-bill/2432/text (accessed
on 02/07/2023)
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 31

interaction with various barriers may hinder their full Lifelong learning
and effective participation in society on an equal basis The Recommendation on Adult Learning and
with others”. Education (2015) defines lifelong learning as: “life-long
education and learning, for its part, denotes an overall
Article 2 states that: “’Discrimination on the basis
scheme aimed both at restructuring the existing
of disability’ means any distinction, exclusion or
education system and at developing the entire
restriction on the basis of disability which has
educational potential outside the education system;
the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying
creating an understanding of and respect for the
the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an
diversity of customs and cultures, on both the national
equal basis with others, of all human rights and
and the international planes; in such a scheme men
fundamental freedoms in the political, economic,
and women are the agents of their own education,
social, cultural, civil or any other field. It includes all
through continual interaction between their thoughts
forms of discrimination, including denial of reasonable
‘and actions; education and learning, far from being
limited to the period of attendance at school, should
extend throughout life, include all skills and branches
Inclusive education
of knowledge, use all possible means, and give the
UNESCO states: “Inclusive education is a process of
opportunity to all people for full development of the
strengthening the capacity of the education system
personality; the educational and learning processes in
to reach out to all learners [...]. As an overall principle,
which children, young people and adults of all ages
it should guide all education policies and practices,
are involved in the course of their lives, in whatever
starting from the fact that education is a basic human
form, should be considered as a whole”.
right and the foundation for a more just and equal
Sanitary Emergency
Inclusive education does not mean that persons with A sanitary emergency is defined as “An epidemic
disabilities adapt themselves to the environment, but occurring over a very wide area, crossing international
that adaptations are made to the environment to suit boundaries, and usually affecting a large number
the person with disabilities (in line with the principles of people”.62 Kelly (2011)63 states that “Simultaneous
of universal design as described in Article 2 of the worldwide transmission of influenza is sufficient to
CRPD). define an influenza pandemic and is consistent with
the classical definition of ‘an epidemic occurring
Information and communication worldwide’”.
technology (ICT)
ICT refers to equipment and services related to Reasonable accommodation
broadcasting, computing and telecommunications, Article 2 of the CRPD states: “‘Reasonable
all of which process, store and transmit information accommodation’ means necessary and appropriate
through computer and communications systems. modification and adjustments not imposing a
disproportionate or undue burden, where needed in
Knowledge societies a particular case, to ensure to persons with disabilities
According to UNESCO, knowledge societies are the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with
“societies in which people have the capabilities not others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms”.
just to acquire information but also to transform it
Article 5.3 states: “In order to promote equality and
into knowledge and understanding, which empowers
eliminate discrimination, States Parties shall take
them to enhance their livelihoods and contribute
all appropriate steps to ensure that reasonable
to the social and economic development of their
accommodation is provided”.
Within Article 2 of the CRPD, it is stated that:
“‘Discrimination on the basis of disability’ means any
distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of
disability which has the purpose or effect of impairing

60 UNESCO (2009). Policy guidelines on inclusion in education. Paris: UNESCO; p. 8. Available at: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/
pf0000177849 (accessed on 02/07/2023)
61 UNESCO (2010). Towards Inclusive Knowledge Societies. A Review of UNESCO’s action in implementing the WSIS outcomes. Available at:
the-wsis-outcomes-inclusive-knowledge-societies-wsis-communication-ict-2010-en.pdf (accessed on 02/07/2023)
62 Porta, M. (Ed.) (2014). A Dictionary of Epidemiology. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 209
63 Kelly (2011). The classical definition of a pandemic is not elusive, https://doi.org/10.2471/blt.11.088815
32 • Technical Annexes

or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, Universal design

on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and Article 2 of the CRPD states that universal design
fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, “means the design of products, environments,
social, cultural, civil or any other field. It includes all programmes and services to be usable by all people,
forms of discrimination, including denial of reasonable to the greatest extent possible, without the need for
accommodation”. adaptation or specialized design. ’Universal design’
shall not exclude assistive devices for particular groups
Self-accommodation of persons with disabilities where this is needed”.
Learners self-accommodate by learning the computer
features that best suit their needs. As stated in the Universal design for learning
UNESCO publication Accessible ICTs and Personalized Universal design for learning (UDL) is an approach
Learning for Students with Disabilities: A Dialogue among to addressing the diversity of learner needs by
Educators, Industry, Government and Civil Society,”64 The suggesting flexible goals, methods, materials and
ability to personalise [sic] technology to suit ones [sic] assessment processes that support educators in
preferences and needs is a lifeskill [sic] that will benefit meeting varied needs. Curricula created using UDL
students as they progress through the educational are designed from the outset to meet the needs of
system”. (). all learners. A UDL framework incorporates flexible
designs for learning situations with customizable
options, which allow all learners to progress from their
own, individual starting points.

64 UNESCO (2012). Accessible ICTs and Personalized Learning for Students with Disabilities: A Dialogue among Educators, Industry, Government
and Civil Society. Paris: UNESCO, p. 30. Available at: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000219827 (accessed on 02/07/2023)
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 33

Annex 6. Emergency Response Action Checklist

Open and Distance Learning for Persons with Disabilities
using Open Solutions Emergency Response Actions Checklist
Emergency response actions are actions that educators and developers can take in response to an emergency
situation requiring the dissemination of ODL resources that may be used by persons with disabilities.


Selecting and Utilizing Platforms

❏ Follow national policy responses to the emergency situation, including any requirements for the population to
isolate themselves and a requirement for distance learning.

❏ Designate staff to liaise with students in regard to the requirements of their study programme
and any adjustments needed.

❏ Determine if a learning management system (LMS) is required, if not already in place,

and if it is appropriate for the enhanced requirements of emergency ODL.

❏ Consider non-proprietary platforms using FOSS.

❏ Identify the characteristics of the platforms and devices (operating system, language used)
and ensure they are appropriate for the student cohort.

❏ Identify supplementary training for all instructors on the use of new platforms or tools, including
ways to provide inclusive education for all students.

❏ Ensure any training required to use the platforms and devices for accessing ODL is available to all stakeholders and
that it both adopts a gender-sensitive or gender-responsive approach and takes into consideration the specific
needs of all populations, including minority and underserved groups.

Developing ODL Content in an Emergency Situation

❏ Identify FOSS that can be used universally by all students to access content, along with OER to support learning.

❏ Consider home environments (access to resources, support from parents or others in the home or community,
financial situations) when developing tasks and assessments.

❏ Develop a plan to deliver training to all stakeholders and ensure training is scheduled and available to all.

❏ Ensure that alternative access to content is available for those students who are unable to access online resources
(due to disability or home environments), such as paper-based materials, illustrations and USB drives.

❏ Ensure that materials incorporate the needs of all populations, notably minority and underserved groups, and are,
at least, gender sensitive.

❏ Ensure that materials incorporate universal design for learning (UDL) principles.

❏ Ensure that materials meet the standards of accessible ePubs or WCAG 2.1 AA.

❏ Make alternative assessment accommodations for students requiring support.

Assessing Student Needs and Modalities

❏ Assess the student body to ascertain students’ access to technology and Internet services and identify needs in
regard to infrastructure and access to quality assistive devices/technology.

❏ Conduct a review of student records to identify students’ learning needs and any potential difficulties in regard to
accessing online content. If records are unavailable, survey students to identify needs/disabilities.

❏ Identify an open source LMS to use, if one is not already in place, that has accessible characteristics
and is available to all students.

❏ Identify the training needs of students, parents, and staff so they can use the platform and conduct training
ensuring all genders and cultural and linguistic minorities are considered.
34 • Technical Annexes

Annex 7. Prerequisite Action Checklist

Open and Distance Learning for Persons with Disabilities
using Open Solutions Prerequisite Actions Checklist
Prerequisite actions are actions that educators and developers must take prior to the dissemination
of ODL resources that may be used by persons with disabilities.


Selecting Platforms

❏ Develop an institutional policy by holding consultations with stakeholders on accessibility. This policy should reflect
national and institutional legislation as well as wider international policy frameworks.

❏ Select and appoint responsible individuals to ensure the implementation of the institutional p olicy on accessibility.

❏ Establish criteria and procedures for the selection of technology solutions.

❏ Consider non-proprietary platforms using FOSS

❏ Consider the types of platforms that users will be accessing (different software, operating systems, desktop devices,
mobile devices and/or paper-based).

❏ Identify the characteristics of the platforms and devices (operating system, language used) identified.

❏ Ensure the training required to use the platforms and devices for accessing ODL is available, adopting a gender-
sensitive or gender-responsive approach.

Devising Content

❏ Use accessibility criteria in selecting and developing curricular content.

❏ Ensure there are mechanisms in place so learners of all genders can achieve their expected learning outcomes.

❏ Include available OER and OA resources when structuring content

❏ Ensure that digital and information literacy instruction/training is available and possibly included in the content
of ODL.

❏ Make the materials used accessible to all students.

❏ Ensure that alternative access to content is available for students as required.

❏ Ensure that materials. use non-discriminatory language

❏ Ensure that materials are made as accessible as technically feasible.

❏ Ensure that materials meet the standards of accessible ePubs or WCAG 2.0 AA

❏ Consider accommodations for assessments, adopting a gender-sensitive or gender-responsive approach.

Considering Modalities

❏ Use UDL principles, as best adapted to ODL delivery.

❏ Ensure that materials are available anywhere at any time for all learners

❏ Provide capacity building for instructors in different modes of teaching and learning, including ODL.
Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 35

Annex 8. Implementation Actions Checklist

Open and Distance Learning for Persons with Disabilities using
Open Solutions Implementation Actions Checklist
Implementation actions are actions that educators and developers must take over the duration
of the ODL course to ensure the participation of persons with disabilities.


Using Platforms

❏ Ensure the availability and use of computers, tablets/phones and paper-based materials, taking into consideration
challenges for accessing platforms that may be gender specific to ensure equity of access and promote gender
equality.65 This means committing to removing gender-related barriers to access by providing diverse options for
educational materials and platforms, emphasizing the goal of promoting fairness and inclusivity in education and
ensuring that individuals of all genders have equal opportunities to utilize educational resources.

❏ Ensure that students with different modalities are accessing required content.

❏ Identify the needs of the cohort to determine where assistance may be required.

❏ Identify any training requirements for students and academic and administrative staff.

Streamlining Content

❏ Ensure regular assessments of the accessibility of content (including any OER, FOSS and OA) are undertaken.

❏ Use tools to assess the accessibility of websites (i.e., WAVE, W3C).

❏ Identify poorly accessible components regularly (e.g., graphics, contrast, navigation tools).

❏ Take timely and effective action in addressing user concerns.

❏ Streamlining content to ensure gender equity in terms of access.

❏ Provide accessible ways of giving feedback and comment to instructors.

Supporting Modalities

❏ Ensure that access to a helpline or support service is available to assist students.

❏ Ensure that information about the support service or assistance available is made clear prior to the beginning of the

❏ Provide a reasonable alternative to poorly accessible content.

❏ Provide institutional support for enrolment.

❏ Employ a variety of appropriate pedagogies.

❏ Take into account the individual needs of the students and be sure to examine gender-specific challenges. Ensure
gender-responsive targeted action to address these.

65 Consider gender and disability intersections for resource access. For instance, female students with disabilities might face barriers due to gender-
based issues affecting online learning access.
36 • Technical Annexes

Annex 9. Monitoring Processes Checklist

Open and Distance Learning for Persons with Disabilities using Open Solutions
Monitoring Processes Checklist
Monitoring processes are important to assess the ongoing and final outcomes of ODL and user satisfaction.


Assessing and Adjusting Platforms

❏ Request feedback on the platform from learners and instructors on a regular basis, taking into consideration gender
specificities. Be sure to examine whether women students face specific challenges and ensure gender-responsive
targeted action to address these.

❏ Examine commonly experienced difficulties (for example: insufficient bandwidth, lack of Internet access, old
technology/software, lack of training, lack of funding, lack of training and knowledge in accessibility features,
incompatibility between platform and assistive technologies or any gender related issues) frequently.

❏ Consider free or open source software (FOSS) to address any difficulties encountered.

❏ Address additional platform functionality when required (institutions should advocate for vendors to address
accessibility issues concerning their own platforms).

❏ Implement free and open source alternatives to the use of some proprietary commercial software as needed.

Assessing Accessibility and Suitability of Content

❏ Include a mechanism (such as an embedded link to survey software) in the ODL course material to enable users to
report difficulties and provide feedback on the content and function of the materials.

❏ Follow up with students with disabilities who do not complete an ODL course to determine the cause of the non-

❏ Develop a strategy to investigate reasons of non-attainment and non attendance, adopting a gender-sensitive or
gender-responsive approach.

❏ Ensure that a series of ‘checks’ are built into the course to periodically request feedback from users.

❏ Collect, analyse and address satisfaction data and feedback from students to improve access to content.
Data is disaggregated by sex, and gender equality issues are taken into consideration in the elaboration and
implementation of data collection processes.

❏ Keep track of students’ progress by examining discussion threads and emails.

Examining Modalities

❏ Collect data on a wide variety of ODL user experiences regularly.

❏ Compile a database of known difficulties and potential solutions.

❏ Identify appropriate OER and OA content and FOSS to include.

❏ Re examine ODL course material on a regular basis to address the experiences of users and
for all learners.
strengthen the course

❏ Ensure that data on platforms/software complies with technical/accessibility standards.

Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 37

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Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities in Open nd Distance Learning (ODL) • 39

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Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion
of Learners with Disabilities in Open
and Distance Learning (ODL)

These Guidelines recognize the value of ODL as one of the most sustainable methods for
overcoming the educational barriers faced by persons with disabilities. They also highlight
and illustrate the facets of an ODL- facilitated education system using open educational
resources (OER), free and open-source software (FOSS) and open access (OA) research.

These Guidelines provide an overview for governments, institutions, educators and

instructional designers, along with quality assurance and recognition bodies, when
developing ODL platforms, processes and related aspects of ODL and reviewing courses
with a view to incorporating the needs of users living with disabilities.

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