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EE 320 Lecture 6 Summary of last class nani 11 Thin Lens Equation: > 2+ a7 Ge a R, is for the first surface R; is for the second surface Sign Conventions 1 n2-ni ,1 2 -EUG-D First focal length: s’ >, s=f, == a Ga- s Second focal length: s => 0, s’ = fy In this case, f, = f, = f of the lens Ray tracing Positive lens f>0 cost “seo Welw oh fect Three rays in the beak of ale Noxt page ven in fomt o[ 1Ce Negative lens f<0 lens Three rays / 4! ae . He 2 bemsene magrtiectc ( (sug dudinel maguspieakin My FIGURE 5.27. The inoge forming behavior of thn gosive las ing few kay coys trough 2 postive and nega FIGURE 5.23. Trac five lone, 7/16/2020 Lecture 6 Practical optic systems contains many optic components (just like a practical electronic system has many electronic components, an output signal from one ‘component or subsystem can be the input signal to another component or subsystem). In optic systems, an image from one component can be the object for another. We will discuss mirror/thin lens system, mirror/refraction surface system, and more details in thin lens systems In the discussion here, we are concemed with image distance $” and object distance S. For two optic components 1 and 2 separated by a distance d, the image formed from 1* component is the object to the 2! component, 1 General rule: S/+S,=d Mirror-refraction interface systems: input-output signals A spherical less ball with a rads ofS cm and index of 1 is coated with metal onthe back surface which forms a mirror. A small pan_.-————~ is embeded inside the lass ball, 3 em away from the mizor surface ce the figure. (© Determine how many images M42 you will ee atpoint A (Gi) Determine the image distances for the images you see at point A Answer: (j) Total 3 images. Only 2 images you will see when viewed outside of the glass ball, (i) You can draw different light rays to start your analysis 7/15/2020 Lens-mirror systems + Input-cutput signals 5,73" A thin lens having a focal length of +50.0 om is positioned 250 cmin front of (i.e., to the left of) a plane mirror, An ant sits on the central axis 250 cm in front of (i.e., to the left of) the Jens, Locate the three images of the ant, | ant ee Plane mirror ‘There are total 3 images: From the lens (image 1), which is the object for the mirror, forming image 2 after mirror reflection, this image 2 is the object for the lens, which forms the final image (3). ‘This is the final image (and your eye will see) @ VP=US+US' so VS, 1/50 — 1/250 $1'=62.5 (where) ii) New object distance: $,71S, = d (d=250), 8, = 187.5 U/S,'=-1/S, (plane mirror §,°=-187.5 (where it is?) (iii) New object distance $, $,'+ $,=d (250) $,=250+ 187.5 USy= 1+ 1/8; $3°= 56.5 cm, real image Lateral magnification: mM s! x SS In many optical systems, there are more than one lens. How can we treat these systems? There are several ways. The simplest way is to treat each lens one by one using the Guassian’s lens formula, (1.8) Thin lens systems Example: f= 10 cm f= 20cm s)=15em Where is final image and size? Find the final image and overall magnification, ft 1 a4 i : 44422544424 ta nt ya Ft F7 1 Thus s; = 30 cm Since s'+s,=d => a universal relation d is the distance between the two thin lens. s:= 10em 2™ lens: 4445 i sh = —20cm (Where he final image?) iS Magnification: © M=M,*M; u=(-9 9 -C-9)( Ray diagram: fay: focal length of 1s lens * awh tw foo: focal length of the 2" lens { Example: Two thin lenses fa) = 10cm, fa=-15 em, d=20em si = 15cm, Find the final image. Solution: => 5'= 30cm so+s{=d3s2=d-s!=20—30= 10cm fa) = 10 cm f= - 30 cm Ifthe final image is at s; = —15 cm, find the object distance for the 1st lens. Solution: Since we know the image formed by the 24 lens, we can find sz from After that, sj +s, =d we can find sj From sj and the Guassian's lens formula si can be found. Hence aero eee, t_._1 45-2 So ie -1sem = -30em 82 30cm si +30cm=45cm> s,'=15cm From the first lens 1 1 1 at Isom ioem = 5, = 30cm The objectis 30 cm from the 1* lens (left side) FRGURE 5.33 Two hin anes separated by a distonce greoter than the sum oftheir focal lengths. Becouse the diate image eral, you could stort with poln! Pond tect it as iF it were @ real object point for ly Thus @ from PY through Fea would arive oP Figure 5. trod 0 ye wise 020) ‘01 oveBvenuoo spp eave ‘st puooes © Butoon Jo pags od, ‘png hos 940} souabionp spo ipung Ae, x {1 “enptou #12) vou: But we can also derive an effective lens for a lens system for a lens system legte tinal ; cca > For the 1* lens Now forthe 2lens sz +s{=d or :=d-s," ~sifayt d5i~dfy ~ sinfay = Joly st dfosdfofe (8.1) fens d51 —Afay-faysi+ fanhay Aspecial case: d= 0 (two thin lens in contact) Vena ifn + fal) Se p= Siaj- PRLOUON fay fe faytt@) =i ath Tost a tT Fa om G82) jesinter...i The resistor in parallel: ++ ++ = ie Ra When two lens in contact to form a new effective lens the focal length of the effective lens is fay fa fayt fe) And 2 (183 wheres =s; and s'=s} 7 2 Now if we set s; =o (focal length) In eq. (1.8.1), as in single lens case, we expect a focal point, this focal length is called back focal length B.F.L. = F@(4-f) BRL= Sil Sino =a Gast fea) F A special case: d=0 (two thin lens in contact) = lente fy +a) “5 «mia 3 ake fot fay 1, 4,4 The resistor in parallel: [+ + 3 When two lens in contact to form a new effective lens the focal length of the effective lens is = fa fo fay* fay And | 24L=4 (1.83) wheres=s and s!=s) ca a A Now if we set s: =o (focal length) Ineq. (1.8.1), as in single lens case, we expect a focal point, this focal length is called back focal length B.F.L. ee _ fe (a-Fw) BP.L.= s$| Sto * a (Fart Fa) aaaie ERVER £ Similarly, we can find the front focal length = Io @-fe) _ __ fo fo BEL. =Silgaco = LOC f@ = tlsfecs = an (rat fan) Cent haya (First focal point length) io) fy (4 fay), fay fe a BFL= JO tw = 0 *@__ oy — 2) Florfa) ” Cortlada tho Define an effective focal length for the compound lens sha = Tw) = Thay fe +81+ d faysi—d fay fay (1.8.1) = f(y8it Asi —dfay—Feaysi + fayfay BEL= sls. = Fa (d= Say) 2 Sime a= (Fat Fay) pra oct) - _fo f a- a (Fayt fa) (Feo f)-4 4 fay = Stl sfec0 FF = fon (a= fem) __fw fey _ 4 Gatfa) Fart te)-4 a fre 820, ye tc sons win be lenin of 2 psive les, yc) When Ls poste its presence (First focal point length) suis cmugunce tbe ay bode) hen Lee regal, tas, (dvr gence othe ray bundle, Ifd =0, bf =£f1.=f,£/(f+f) thatis: 1/f= 1/f, + W/E, isc : gerard fentuaa ot vs col Cons ieee ees LA tons. wit, ae langte cor band. | Laghr mond PB Sma A emma sip aah Qt Ten Gee ate Oe coma a see bo | rg ee 1 2 te by Woof be Bey (2 Ca ee Sum, pe eee ered by pal. we. posted. Canata .chgetbn ae on woeare Hs -optterl: pores of dbs (orem sre —- ———| CC ee er cna fw tee Cows) : ee eo ee > sie Qo t — ae 4@ vageion. Coney ces. Buse, ofthenk, po a = pete ae ae s <-L ful) Br ws eae

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