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GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her
understanding of British-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other text types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

MELC COMPETENCY: Employ the appropriate Communicative Style for various situations (intimate,
casual, conversational, consultative, frozen).


At the end of the one-hour period (60-minute period), the students should be able to:

Knowledge 1. Identify the communicative styles used in various situations,

Skills 2. Present differentiated task employing appropriate communicative styles, and

Attitude 3. Appreciate the importance of communicative style in different situations.


B. References: English 9 -Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM), MELC’s,
Source: SDO Las Piñas - LRMS - SDO - LP ADM JHS
C. Materials: Visual aids, television, laptop
E. Strategies/Methods Used: Collaborative learning and lecture method
D. Values Integration: Develop collaboration and teamwork, Practice good communication (Respectfulness and
Politeness and Patriotism)


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Prayer
May I request everyone to stand for a prayer? In the name of the father, the son, and
the holy spirit, amen!
 Greetings
Good morning everyone! Good morning ma’am.
How are you this morning? We are all fine.
It’s good that you are all fine today.
 Setting the mood/atmosphere
Now, before you will take your seats please pick up some
pieces of paper under your chairs. And arrange your chairs
as well. (Students follow the instruction)

 Checking of Attendance

Who is absent today? None ma’am.

(Secretary, kindly the write names of the absentees today?) Yes, Ma’am.
 Classroom Rules
First thing first, we must not forget our classroom rules.
I want everyone to read our classroom rules loud and
clear. The BE’S

Yes ma’am.
Please do follow our classroom rules in order for us to
have a peaceful class.
 Checking of Assignment
None, Ma’am.
Do you have assignment?

 Review
Conditionals, Ma’am.
What was our last topic all about?

Yes you are right Ms. Pascual.

Zero, First, Second and Third, Ma’am.
What are the four types of conditionals?

None ma’am.
Do you have any questions or clarifications about it?
This time you are going to link the code in order to unlock the
Example: 13-5-8-8-3-6 = MATTER
Code 1: 21-7-13-13-18-19-9-21-5-8-9-11-3
Code 2: 2-8-4-1-3-2
Alright. Before we will go on to our proper discussion let us have
first an activity.

This is a group activity. What you are going to do is to determine

the degree of formality of the following statements.

statements formal informal casual

1. Can I talk
to Dr.Josh Answer Key:
please? 1. formal
2. Whats up, 2. Casual
man? 3. informal
3. Lemme 4. Casual
guess what’s 5. formal
4. Dude! Are
you guys free
on Friday
5. Hello, this
is Jeff. May I
speak with
Amy, please?
Based on our activity, how do you express your feelings and
emotions in conveying your idea with the person you are close
Yes Christian? I express myself through……
Nice Answer.

Does your way of communication varies according to the

audience, place and time? Why? Yes, because…..
Yes Abby?
Wonderful answer.
 Presentation of the Lesson
Based on our activity earlier, what do you think is our lesson this
Yes Lorraine? Communicative Style
Today we will be talking about communicative styles but before
anything else let us read first our learning objectives for today.

I want everybody to read our Objectives.


A. Identify the communicative styles

used in various situations,
B. Present different task employing
appropriate communicative styles, and
C. Appreciate the importance of
communicative style in various
Thank you class. Are you now ready to learn about
communicative styles? Yes ma’am.


Who among you here have already an idea what is communicative

Yes, Jhonrey? Communicative Style- is the form of
language that a speaker uses and it is
characterized by the degree of formality.
Wow, you have a point.
Communicative Style- is the form of language that a speaker uses
and it is characterized by the degree of formality.
This implies that the language used by the speaker varies based on
the given situations or settings and the persons involved.

Types of Communicative Styles

1. Intimate -this style is private, which occurs between or among
close family members or individuals. The language used in this
style may not be shared in public.
 Uses personal language codes
 Grammar is unnecessary
 Does not need complete language
 Certain terms of endearment, slangs or expressions whose
meaning is shared with a small subset of persons to person.
Example: conversation between wife and husband, boyfriend and
girlfriend, between close siblings, parent and children, and also
close friend.
Who can give me an example of intimate communicative style?
Yes Rex?

Thank you, now let’s move on to the second which is

2. Casual - used in relaxed or informal conversations between or
among friends, peers, colleagues, or family who share a common
knowledge or interest. Answer may vary.
 There is free and easy participation of both speaker and
 Slang's are quite often used in these instances.
 Interruptions are common.
 Nicknames are used in addressing one another.
Example: conversations between friends, classmates, colleagues,
peers and family members.
Who can give me an example of casual conversation?
Yes Shekinah?

Very good, now let’s have the third one.

3. Formal - is considered a straight forward speech. There is no
participation from the listener.
 Used in formal settings and is one-way in nature.
 This style is expected to be presented in complete sentences
with specific word usage.
Example: sermons, rhetorical statements and questions, speeches
and announcements.
Who can give me an example of formal conversations? Answer may vary.
Yes Rhy?

4. Consultative- it is typically a dialogue, though formal enough

that words are chosen with some care.
 Speaker does not usually plan what he wants to say.
 It used listener participation and feedback.
Example: business transactions, doctor-patient conversations,
student-teacher conversations, expert-apprentice and group

5. Frozen- it is also known as fixed speech. It is the most formal

communicative style that is often used in respectful situation or
formal ceremony.
Example: Lord’s Prayer, the national anthem, school creeds.
I’ll give a situation and you identify

Do you have questions or any clarification?

None, Ma’am.
(Developing Mastery)
Let’s practice if you really understand our lesson. I’ll mention a
situation and identify what style of communication should be
1. reciting Deped Vision 1. Frozen
2. talking to your group mates 2. Casual
3. talking and laughing about memorable experience 3. Intimate
4. delivering a valedictory address 4. Formal
5. inquiring a lawyer 5. Consultative
Alright. Well done, class.
At this juncture we will have an activity.
I’ll group into three. What you are going to do is to present a task
using the types of communicative style.
Please be guided by the following rubrics. Please read everyone.

Criteria/Points 10 Points 8 Points 5 Points

Group 1- National Anthem (Recitation)
Presentation The The The
performance is performance is performance is (Frozen)
very good and good but not not good and Group 2- Patient and Doctor (Dialogue)
well well not well
presented. presented. presented. (Consultative)
Cooperation All group Most of the Some Group 3- Graduation Ceremony (Role
members had group members of Play)
helped in members had the group had
doing the task. helped in helped in Group 4. Mother’s Day Greeting
doing the task. doing the task. (Sketch with dialogue) (Intimate)
Promptness The group had The group had The group had Group 5 Hanging out with Friends (Role
finished the finished the finished the
task before the task on the task after the Play) (Casual)
given time. given time. given time.

I will give you another 5 minutes for your preparation and timer
starts now.
Okay time is up.
Please present your role-play group 1. Group 1 is presenting.

Great job group 1, here is your points.

Let’s welcome group 2. Group 2 is presenting.

Amazing group 2, here is your score.

Now the last but not the least group 3. Group 3 is presenting.

Wow what an awesome work group 3.

Here are your points.

At this moment let us call in the winner for today’s class.

Congratulations group ___ here’s your reward.

Do you have questions or any clarification?

None ma’am.

If none, I will be the one who will ask questions. Let’s have an
oral recitation.
1. What is communicative style in your own understanding?
Yes Supilanas? Communicative Style is the form of
2. Enumerate the 5 types of communicative style. language that a speaker uses and it is
Yes Rex? characterized by the degree of formality.

3. Who can give an example of 5 communicative Style? intimate, casual, formal, consultative,
Let’s start with Shaira. Another example. and frozen
4. How do you communicate with your parents?
Yes Gaven? (Students answer may vary)
5. How important communicative styles are in terms of
communication in different situations and environment? (Student answer may vary)
Yes Dianne?
(Student answer may vary)
Do you have question, clarification or confusion?

At this juncture, to test if you really get what is our topic this
morning, I want you to get a 1/4 sheet of paper and then answer
the following phrases.
First thing first, let us read the directions loud and clear, okay? Yes ma’am.

Directions: Read the phrases carefully and identify what types of Directions: Read the phrases carefully
communicative styles it belong. Encircle the letter of the correct and identify what types of
answer. communicative styles it belong.

1. Hey Jack. What’s up?

a. communicative style c. formal
b. casual d. frozen
2. You’re so good. I'm crazy about you, Honey. Answer Key:
a. consultative c. formal 1.Casual
b. intimate d. frozen 2.Intimate
3. I offer you all my prayers, works, joy and suffering of this 3.Frozen
day…. 4.Casual
a. formal c. frozen 5.Formal
b. casual d. intimate 6.Consultative
4. How’s my little snuggy wuggy? 7.Casual
a. formal c. frozen 8.Consultative
b. casual d. intimate 9.Consultative
5. This is a complaint for damages and injunctive relief arising out 10.Consultative
of manipulative activities in the gold market from 1994 to the
present time.
a. intimate c. casual
b. consultative d. informal
6. Good morning. May I speak to the director please?
a. intimate c. casual
b. consultative d.informal
7. Whoa, way to go! Nice catch!
a. intimate c. casual
b. consultative d. informal
8. Excuse me Ms. Anderson. As I understand the task, we need to
focus on improving our service than blaming our suppliers.
a. casual sc. consultative
b. informal d. frozen
9. Thank you for applying for this position. We’ll let you know
within a week if you have been chosen for an interview.
a. consultative c frozen
b. frozen d. casual
10. The best thing for you now is to go home and rest. We will
call you as soon as we have an update.
a. frozen c.. intimate
b. consultative d. casual
For your assignment, please read the directions everyone. Directions: Express what’s on your
mind by answering the following
question in a ½ crosswise.

Question: How does your relationship

with others influence the way you
communicate with them?
Everybody read the question.
Do you have questions regarding with your assignment class?
None ma’am.
I guess that would be all for today, see you next meeting.

Goodbye class! Goodbye ma’am.

Prepared by: Princess Love D. Tolentino

Submitted to: _______________________

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