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Worksheet for School/Board Exam Preparation_2023-24

MM : 30 Master Worksheet–12(A) Time : 90 min.

Class XII



Multiple Choice Questions:

A1. Answer (2) [1]

1  1 1 1  1 1  5R 9
= R z 2  2 − 2  ⇒= 4R  − =  ⇒ λ=
λ  n1 n2  λ  4 9  9 5R

A2. Answer (4) [1]

Minimum orbital angular momentum of the electron in a hydrogen atom is .

A3. Answer (2) [1]

Electrons in the atom are held to the nucleus by Coulomb’s force.

A4. Answer (3)

The radius of first orbit of hydrogen atom is 0.53Å. [1]
A5. Answer (2)
The energy required by an atom to move from ground state to higher energy level is called excitation energy.


Very Short Answer Type Questions:

A6. The mathematical form of Bohr’s postulate of quantisation is given as mvr = [1]

A7. T ∝ n3
∴x=3 [1]

Master Worksheet-12(A)_Physics-XII Worksheet for School/Board Exam Preparation_2023-24

A8. E = hν [1]
5.2 × 1.6 × 10−19
ν = 1.26 × 1015 Hz
6.628 × 10
True/False Type Questions:
A9. False, According to Bohr’s first postulate an electron can revolve in certain permitted orbits without the
emission of energy. [1]
Fill in the blanks OR A/R Type Questions:
h h
A10. For, E = –3.4 eV, n = 2 ⇒ L =2 × = [1]
2π π

Short Answer Type Questions:
A11. According to Bohr, electron can revolve only in certain discrete non-radiating orbits in which total angular
momentum of electron is an integral multiple of . [1]

⇒ mvr = where, n is any positive integer, 1, 2, 3, … [1]

A12. Three short comings of Bohr’s theory are
(i) It is applicable only to single electron system.
(ii) Theory cannot explain the splitting of spectral lines in electric and magnetic fields. [1]
(iii) Theory cannot explain the variations in intensity of spectral lines of an element. [1]
A13. We know, M =
According to Bohr’s postulate
L = mvr [1]

 e 
∴ M = L
 2m 

2m ( M )
or L = [1]

A14. (i) K.E. = |total energy|

= 1.51 eV [1]
(ii) Potential energy = 2(total energy)
= – 3.02 eV [1]
(iii) Energy of electron in first excited state is 3.4 eV
hc hc
λ = [1]
∆E E1 − E2

6.63 × 10 −34 × 3 × 108

( 3.4 − 1.51) × 1.6 × 10−19
λ = 6.58 × 10–7 m [1]

Worksheet for School/Board Exam Preparation_2023-24 Master Worksheet-12(A)_Physics-XII


Long Answer Type Question:

A15. (i) We know that centripetal acceleration is provided by the electrostatic force, i.e.,
mv 1 ze × e
= × 2 …(i) [1]
r 4πε0 r

and from Bohr’s quantization principle, mvr = …(ii)

from eq.(ii),

hn n 2 h 2 ε0
V = and substituting the value of v in eq. (i), we get, rn = [1]
2πmr πme 2 z

nh n 2 h 2 ε0 ze 2 v
Since, v = and
= r 2

= V and orbital frequency, f = , putting the values of v
2πmr πme z 2ε0 nh 2πr

mz 2e 4
and r we get, f = [1]
4ε02 n 3 h3

n 2 h 2 ε0
(ii) We know that rn = [1]
πme 2 z

For hydrogen atom z = 1 ⇒ r ∝ n2

For first excited state, n = 2 and for ground state, n = 1

rfirst excited state r2 4

⇒ = =
rground r1 1

A2 16
and area = πr2 ⇒ = [1]
A1 1


(i) Nucleus of helium atom is called α-particle. Its symbol is 24 He . It has 4 unit of mass and 2 unit of charge.
The source of α-particle was 83 Bi [1]

The energy of α-particles was 5.5 MeV

α-particles, in scattering experiment, were not deviated by electrons due to their little mass. Such little
mass particles cannot appreciably deflect the far more massive α-particles. [1]
(ii) In Lyman series, the electron jumps from any outer orbit to first orbit. The general formula for wavelength
of emitted radiations is given by

1 1 1
= R  2 − 2  where n2 = 2, 3, 4, 5, … [1]
λ 1 n2 

Photon of minimum energy:

n2 = 2

Master Worksheet-12(A)_Physics-XII Worksheet for School/Board Exam Preparation_2023-24

1 1 1   1
⇒ = R  2 − 2  = R 1 − 
λ 1 2   4

4 4
⇒ =
λ = = 1215 Å [1]
3R 3 × 1.097 × 107

Photon of maximum energy:

n2 = ∞
1 1 1 
⇒ = R 2 − 2  = R
λ 1 ∞ 
λ= = 912 Å [1]
A16. (i) Answer (4)
−13.6z 2
En = , for hydrogen atom, z = 1 and n = 1 for ground state. Hence, En = –13.6 eV [1]
(ii) Answer (2)
According to Bohr’s quantization principle, L = . [1]

(iii) Answer (2)
1 1 1
= R  2 − 2  ; for shortest wavelength, n2 = ∞ [1]
λ  2 n2 
1 R 4
⇒ = ⇒ λ= = 364.6 nm
λ 4 R
(iv) In Balmer series, the line having longest wavelength 656.3 nm which is red in colour is called as Hα line.
Then next line with wavelength 486.1 nm in the blue green colour is called as Hβ line. And the third line
with wavelength 434.1 nm in the violet colour is called as Hγ line. [1]
(v) The Balmer’s formula is given by
1 1 1
= R 2 − 2 [1]
λ 2 n 
4n 2
∴, λ =
(n 2
−4 R

  


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