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Q1: What do you need to specify in your Ansible playbook to stop gathering facts??

a gather: no

b None

c facts_gathering: no

d facts: no

e None

f gather_facts: no

Q2: Which statement is used to insert a new data in a database??

a None


c None

d Add New



Q3: How much character are allowed to create a database name??

a None

b 64

c None

d 75

e 40

f 70

Q4: Which of the following is not a Superglobal in PHP??

a None


c $_PUT

d None

e $_ENV


Q5: How to watch rolling update status of "frontend" deployment until completion in

a None

b kubectl rollout status -s deployment/frontend

c None

d kubectl rollout status -l deployment/frontend

e kubectl rollout status --live deployment/frontend

f kubectl rollout status -w deployment/frontend

Q6: Which CMS powers around 35% of all websites on the internet??

a Joomla

b Laravel

c None

d None

e WordPress

f Dropal

Q7: How to dump pod logs, with label name=myLabel (stdout) in Kubernetes?

a None

b kubectl pod -l name=myLabel

c None

d kubectl logs -l .name[*]=myLabel

e kubectl logs -l name=myLabel

f kubectl log name=myLabel

Q8: When started for the first time, minikube requires Internet access. True or False??

a False

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e True

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: Where is WordPress content stored??

a None

b None

c WordPress stores it's content in a MySQL database on the server.

d WordPress stores it's content in the wp-content folder

e None

f WordPress stores it's content in a MySQL database on the server.

Q10: What is inode??

The correct Answer is: None

b A file is given a unique number by OS and is called as inode.

c A file is given a predifined number by OS and is called as inode.

d A directory is given a unique number by OS and is called as inode.

The correct Answer is: None

f A directory is given a predifined number by OS and is called as inode.

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