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Bansrimaharacha Municipal School

Midterm Examination Second Semester Academic Year 2566

Foreign Language Department English for Communication
Grade 4 20 Items Full Marks 20 Points Times 60 Minutes
1. How old are you?

a. My name is Tina b. I am from Thailand c. I am 10 years old

1. Where are you from ?

a. My name is Tina b. I am from Thailand c. I am 8 years old

2. Where do you live?

a. I am from Thailand b. I live in Shriracha c. I am hungry

3. What do you like playing?

a. I like playing table tennis b. I like playing football c. I like playing chess

4. What is your favourite sport?

a. My favourite sport is tennis b. My favourite sport is volleyball

c. My favourite sport is badminton

6. A sport with two teams. The team has five people.

They play with a large orange ball.
a. volleyball b. basketball c. football

7 A sport with two teams. The team has eleven people.

They play with a large round white ball.
a. football b. chess c. hockey
8. Do you like playing chess?
a. No, I do b. No, I don`t c. Yes, they do d. Yes, we are

9. Read the dialog and answer the questions:

Mary: What sport do you like?
Tom: I like playing badminton , but I don`t like playing chess.
What about you?
Mary: I like playing volleyball

What does Mary like playing?

a. She likes playing chess b. She likes playing badminton
c. She likes playing chess

10. We go to this place to eat and buy food. What is this place?
a. a bus station b. a train station c. a restaurant d. a temple

11. This place is where we get on the bus. Where is it?

a. at a bus station b. at a train station c. at a temple d. at a supermarket

12. What is a capital of Thailand?

a. Moscow b. Tokio c. Beijing d. Bangkok

Mary lives in the house near the beach. A market and a temple are near her house. She
has two daughters and many cats.
13. Where does Mary live?
a. in the library b. in the office c. in the house d. on the beach

14. The school is near the police station. Post office is next to the bank. The market is
in front of the beach. The Hotel is on the main road.
Where is the post office ?
a. It`s next to the school b. It`s in front of the beach
c. It`s near the police station d. It`s on the main road

15. She is eating sea food.

a. b. c.

16. Where are they going? They are going to play on the beach ..

a. b. c. d.

17. Mary and Lilly are on the beach. It`s sunny and warm. They are playing with ball.
They are excited.
What are they doing at the beach?
a. They are swimming b. They are playing with ball c. They are cooking

18. What will you do in 2024?

I will study hard

a. b. c. d.

19. What will you do in 2024?

I will make new friends

a. b. c. d.
20. What will you do in 2024? I will

a. make new friends b. read many books c. study hard

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