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Topic: How to Overcome Fear

Thesis Statement: The process of overcoming fear involves three steps

Fear is frequently defined as a sensation of anxiety, being afraid of something, and

being insecure. Fear affects around 19 million persons aged 18 and over. Four categories of
fear are fear of an animal, the natural environment, blood or medical injuries, and specific
situations. Fear is always perceived negatively since people afraid of something are less
likely to succeed. Many people suffer from fear because they are unable to overcome it. As a
result, the process of overcoming fear involves three steps.
To overcome fear, you must first understand what people fear. First, you could study
more about the specific form of fear. You could read a book or search the internet, but you
cannot search on websites run by individuals who lack concrete evidence, such as BlogSpot
or Wikipedia. Therefore, avoid agreeing to information about fear on the internet right away.
After that, you could go to therapy or a doctor to receive additional information and expert
advice on how to overcome it.
Following your consultation with a therapist or doctor, the next step is to learn how to
control your breathing. There is something known as a panic attack when someone is
experiencing fear. A panic attack is a rapid bout of extreme fear that causes a significant
physical reaction despite the absence of any real danger. If you have a panic attack, you will
have short breaths or cannot breathe at all. So, try to concentrate and control your breathing
by counting from one to five on each breath, breathing slowly, and closing your eyes.
Mindfulness is another method for overcoming fear. You are afraid because you are
always worried about other people's opinions or unclear about your actions. You could
conquer it by practicing mindfulness. By doing so, you will understand what it is like to be
calm and accept yourself if you have done anything wrong, and you will know that you can
improve in the future.
As these steps explain, fear is something we can overcome with determination, but in
some cases, fear can become the greatest risk. Many people did not know how to overcome
fear because there are few resources available, but with the aid of the community, people
who suffer from fear can conquer it and become better people. It is obvious that with the
assistance of others, people who cannot overcome fear will have a brighter future.

Early Risyaana R/07

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