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Good morning, it is Tuesday, June 15th, 2021. Welcome to IBC This Morning.
India suffers from “Black Fungus” drug shortage/ as cases rise among covid-19 patients.//
May’s supermoon will be the first total eclipse in over two years.//

Hello from IBC TV studio, Malang. Good to be with you. I’m (your name).

Several Indian states are facing shortages of a drug/ used to treat black fungus/ a rare and
potentially fatal infection/ that is increasingly being detected in Covid-19 patients//

The infection/ known as mucormycosis/ had been seen in India before the pandemic// It is
caused by mold/ found in wet environments/ and can attack the respiratory tract/
particularly of those with compromised immune systems//

According to the state's health minister Rajesh Tope on Wednesday/ at least 90 (ninety)
people have died of black fungus in the western state of Maharashtra// At least 800 (eight
hundred) people are currently hospitalized with the infection// some 2,000 cases have so
far been recorded//

Dr. Tatyarao Lahane/ a senior state health official/ told us on Wednesday that/ each day
about 100 cases happened//

The state of Rajasthan/ Haryana/ and Telangana/ have declared it an epidemic and a
"notifiable disease."// 115 cases were found in Haryana/ and at least 150 in Telangana/

According to Padma Srivastava/ head of the department of neurology/ at the All India
Institute Of Medical Sciences/ black fungus cases have also been found in New Delhi/ that
every single day in emergency it is average 20 and above cases reported//

And we still have one more news to get to/ on IBC This Morning.

May's "flower" supermoon will grace the sky this Wednesday// This supermoon will be the
closest moon to Earth in 2021/ according to EarthSky//

This supermoon will also be the first total lunar eclipse since January 2019/ It will take the
moon just over three hours to cross through the Earth's shadow/ but the actual lunar
eclipse will last under 15 minutes//
According to NASA/ During the eclipse/ the moon will have a reddish hue from the sunlight/
filtering through the Earth's atmosphere/ so you can also refer to this month's event as a
"blood moon."//

Most of North and South America will be able to see it in the early morning hours/ while
eastern Asia and Australia will see it in the evening//

According to The Old Farmer's Almanac/ The full moon is called the "flower" moon in May/
because it's when flowers blossom across North America//

Coming up next/ Weather Forecast for tomorrow/ June 16th 2021// After the break//




Welcome back to IBC This Morning with me, (your name).

Now, let’s take a look at what the weather will be like tomorrow.
Tomorrow’s temperatures ranging from 23 up to 25 degrees Celsius// Some cities will possibly
have grey skies, rain, and thunderstorms/ but clear blue skies will also possibly be seen//

In Manokwari, there may be a thunderstorm. SO, be careful if you want to go outside. The
temperature is a bit lower, at around 23 degrees celsius.
In Makassar, there will be light rain, so don’t forget to bring your umbrella. The temperature is
24 degrees celsius.
Samarinda will have the best weather tomorrow. There will be clear blue sky and the
temperature is just 24 degrees celsius.
And we move to Denpasar and Semarang, which have the same weather tomorrow and also
the same temperature. It will be mostly cloudy with the temperature 25 degrees celsius.
Lastly, in Palembang, it is partly cloudy and the temperature is 24 degrees celsius.

So, those are our updates for IBC This Morning, stay tuned on IBC TV. I’m (your name). Have a
great day.



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