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Activity no.

02 Analyzing Primary and Secondary Source

Bs-Architecture 4-A



1. Which is the primary source and the secondary source of the two readings?

The primary source is the first reading, Robert B. Fox. The Tabon Caves: Archaeological
Explorations and Excavations on Palawan Island, Philippines (Manila, 1970), based from the
writings, Fox himself is the who wrote describing the scenario of his discovery and physically
seen the said fossils of Taong Tabon in the Tabon Cave.

The secondary source is the second reading, William Henry Scott. Prehistoric Source
Materials for the Study of Philippine History (Revised Edition) (Quezon City, 1984), by the title
itself “revised edition” we can see that this book is edited, means it has information’s that is
based from another book, and it states this “Physical anthropologists who have examined the
Tabon skull-cap are agreed that it beloved to modern man” meaning he might interview another
author or he reviewed another book about Taong Tabon.

2. Identify the two writers and their knowledge and expertise on the subject at hand. Who among
the authors is the more credible writer to talk about the topic being discussed?

Robert Brandford Fox, an Anthropologist and leading historian on Pre-Hispanic Philippines. Born
in May 11, 1918, Galveston, Texas, United States, died in 1965 at the age of 67 in Baguio, he led
the Philippine National Museum as the Chief Anthropologist, he is also a professor at University
of the Philippines and served under Former President Ferdinand E. Marcos as the Presidential
Adviser on Anthropology, his works is conducting researches (field) in mountainous area in the
Philippines, particularly in Tabon caves in Palawan which he discovers the fossils of Taong Tabon
which Is stated in the readings.

William Henry Scott, he is a historian of the Cordillera Central and pre-Hispanic Philippines. He is
born on July 10, 1921, in Detroit, Michigan and died on October 4, 1993 in Quezon City. His work
is the Discovery of the Igorots, and the Prehispanic Source Materials.

From the two writers they are both credible writer they are both source of primary information
they do field explorations in our land both has different perspectives as stated that Fox work
under Marcos while Scott refuses to go back to U.S. and stays in the Philippines and even
arrested being a “communist” during the Martial Law. Overall both historians are capable to talk
about the topic “sources”.

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