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1-Pleas briefly explain at least 3 key diffrences between the tow terms(a) monitoring B(evaluation) 10


Pleas explain when and why conduct the following in a project (25) points




4-report (of monitoring issues)

5-interview (with beneficiary ,cp,staff….)

3-in your perspective what are the five most important skill that a filed monitor should have in order to
effectively monitor a project? Pleas name them and justify why each of these skills is required for a filed
monitor to have for effective monitoring?

4.given your extensive experience in monitoring different project during your career pleas write in about
200 to 300 words note to your team leader :

(a)discuss what you consider as the 4 most important factors negative affecting food dusturbition

Monitoring process of a project

(b)include suggestion on how to address each of the identified issues

5-Below is a monitoring report form one of the field monitors of ctG submitted in dary pleas

(a)translate the report from dary to English using your own simple words that reflects the (cp) to
improve and consider in the future ?

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