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ADAMSON A UNIVERSITY ‘SELF STUDY PROBLEMS: Springs 1 Ege, Batt Ageia Bastia - MDI Anele 8 Sprige “How log we need cal a ing haveg cadena alt ncnitwe on tenes 22 i3ia b San © 213A a sn “The spring index of a sping is 45. Detemine the stress concentra factor due to curvature of col? a 12 bo 148 e135 4. 263 “A sping has a load of 50 b with a spring index cf 8. the Induced sires is 90 ksi, determine the wre diameter. a 16a. b 31820 025m 6 0200 “A spring with squared and ground ends has apich of 20, rm and a wire dameter of 125 mr. there are 12 actual ‘umber of cols, detemine the detection ofthe spring at sold height a 85mm bm © 75mm 6 65mm “A sping has a wre dlametr ct 25 mm with 12 active cols. If load of T0KN sapped, dei by 75mm. Determine the mean damete ofthe spring. Take G = 80 GNin! a 126mm b 426mm © 122mm 6 13470m "A spring has a rae of 30 kNin. Hf the wire diameter is 10, ‘mm and the spring index is 7, detemine the number of ‘active cals. Use G = 80 GPa. ‘a 8800s b. 75co¥s © 87oais 4 106c0is: “Al four compression col springs suppor a load of 400 kg The sprngs ae arranged n paral and have a union rate ‘10708 kginen. Compute deflcton in mn, 2 ot b 1457 om amt 10. 1", 12, 8 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ‘round Floor 02 Busing 1900 San Marcetino Street Ermita, Ware 1000, ‘Phone (632) 8624 20°71 local 400 "Three extension springs are hooked in seri and support {a weight of 7g, One sprig han a rao 0.208 gt and the oe wo have equal spring rate of 0.643 korn. Find {he detlacion. 2 23mm Mam e. $63mn 6 26mm ‘ts found that a load of $0 Bb in an exdersson srg produces a deflection of 857. What load defects fhe pring by25? a 1826 b 7b < Dab 4 26 *h spring sustains 200 fb of energy wit a defiecton of Assume that the mean col diameter 7 bes the wre diameter and that the allowable stress is 100 ks. Determine the wre diameter a 0642in > 0348in ce 0482in 4 0.588 in *Alarge ool spring whose spring constants k = 1 75 Nim is etongated witin the elaste range by 306 mm. The stored ‘energy in N-m is nearest to: a 1358 b 8136 e428 6 10824 “A ally valve spring having 75 effective coas has the ends squared and ground. The outse hameter ofthe cod 115 mmm and the wire dameters 13mm Ithas a tree length of 203 mm, Determine the lenglt © whch ths sping must italy compressed to old the bole pressure of 1 38 MPa ‘ona valve seat of 32mm dameter. The modus of tasty lhe spring wie i taken as 80 GPa. a 152mm > 172mm. 164mm 4 156mm “A safety valve spring having 75 effectve cols has the ends squared and ground. The outste dames of he cod 115 ime and the wre diameter 13mm Ithas a ree ength of 203 mm, The boler pressure of 1 38 MPa ona vabe seat of 32mm diameter The modus of etasboty of tho sping wre 's taton as 80 GPa Determine the spang's siess dt 8 ‘compressed ots Sold heh 2 213MPa > 41MPa S0MPa 4 75MPa 5 16. ” 18. Lage. Basil Aaysice Basticta - MDI Medals 8 Springs ADAMSON UNIVERSITY ‘The smaler of wo concentric helical spring a made of ‘22mm diameter steel spring and has an outside diameter of 100 mm wth 10 active cis. The cular song made of a 32 mm steel spring and has an outer divmeter of 250 mm ‘wih 8 actve cols. Shear modus is 80 GPa for both ‘springs. Betore the load is applied the outer spring is 25 mm Jongorthan the ner spring, Determine the sen rao he inner spring @ 4938Nimm bo 125mm © B3Nnm 4. 3652Nmm ‘The smaler of two concent oka springs is made of a 22 mm diameter ste! spring and hasan outside diameter of 100 mm wih 10 active cos. The outer springs made of @ 32 mm see! spong and has an outer ameter of 250 mm with @ actve cols. Shear modulus is 80 GPa for both springs. Before he ais apple, the outer spring is 25 mm longer than the er sping. Determine the spring modus of te outer png ‘a. 4838Ninm b 1265Nim ©. 2543Nimm 6 3652Nimm “A weigh of 100 strikes aco spring rom a height of 18 inches and defects the sping by 6 inches. Find the ‘maximum force applied tote sping. 600 7506 B00 x08 *A sping is designed to fre a 2 'g projectile. The outside ameter ofthe col is 160 mm wih an 18 mm wie and total numberof cols of 22, with squared and ground ends. The spring has aee length of 650 mm. When set orloaded ‘he spring is compressed loa length of 450 mm. The shear ‘elas it ofthe sping materials $80 NPa with a shear ‘modules of elastciy of 82 GNin?. Delemnine the spring modus. a 188Nimm b. 718Nimm © 25Nmm {656mm “Al our compression col springs support lad of 400 kg ‘The four springs are arranged in paral and rated a 0 709 glmm each. Comput the deflection in mm. 2. 564mm b. 71mm 1457 mm 6. 1mm 9 a. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ‘Ground Floor, 07 Brilding 900 Ban Marcetino treet, Ermita. Manila 1000 ‘Phone (632) 8624.20.11 loca! 400 “A spring is designed lo fre 2 2g project, The ouside ameter ofthe col i 160 mm wit an 18 mm wire and 2 {otal numberof cols of 2, wih squared and ground ends, Tha spring has afrae length of 50 mm. When set o oaded ‘he spring is compressed io a length of 450 mm The shear ‘laste limit of fe spring material is S80 MPa wit 2 shear modulus of elasly of 82 GNin?. Detomine the verical height to which the projectile may be fred. a 192m b. 18.96m «72m 6 203m “spring is designed 10 fre a 2 kp projectile. The outside ameter ofthe cod is 180 mm wi an 18 mm wire and 3 {otal numberof cols of 2, with squared and ground ends. ‘The spring has are length of 650 mm. When sat oaded the speng fs compressod io a length of 450 mm. The shear ‘last iit ofthe sping materia is 580 MPa with a shear modulus of etstty of 82 GNin#. Determine ihe induced stress when the spring is set or loaded. a 185MPa b. 194MPa cc 276MPa 6 130MPa *A sping is designed to fre a 2kg projectie. The outside iameler ofthe col is 160 mm wit an 18 mm wie and a {otal numberof ois of 22, with squared and ground ends. “The spring has a fee length af 650 me. When set oroaded the spring is comoressed toa length of 450 mm. The shear clas lmit ofthe spring materials S80 MPa with a shear modus of elastaty of 82 GNin. Determine the factor of safety when the spring is set or loaded. a 3f b 5A c 44 a 2a *A sping is designed to fw a 2 kg projectile. The outside diameter of the col is 160 mm with an 18 mm wire and a {otal umber of coils of 22, with squared and ground ends. ‘The spring has aee length of 650 mm. When set or loaded the spring is compressed loa length of 450 mm. The shear laste limit ofthe sping materia is 580 MPa wih a shear modulus of elastiaty of 82 GNin?, What is the maximum inducad stress when the spring is compressed sold? a 351MPa b. 382MPi & 425MPa 4. 252MPa ist, g ADAMSON Gr UNIVERSITY 2. *Acrate of mass 1800 kg al a speed 1.2 mis is brought to restby two stet helical compression springs. n sloping the ‘crate the springs are compressed by 200 mm, Spring index is 6 and the allowable stress is 360 MPa on each spring Determine the load on each spring a 5620N > 3450N G480N 4. 4360N 24, *A orale of mass 1800 hg ala speed 1.2 mis is brought to resi by two sleet helical compression springs In slapping the crate, the spnngs are compressed by 200 mm, Sping index {is 6 and the allowable stress is 360 MPa on each spring Determine the spring wie diameter. a 26mm b 1225mm 1556 mm 4. 24mm 25. “A-rate of mass 1800 kg ata speed 1.2 mis is brought to rest by two steel helical compression spangs In stopring the cate, the springs are compressed by 200 mm. Spring index is 6 and the allowable stress is 360 MPa on each spring Determine the required numberof active cos ‘a 2625coi >. 1850cois © 2020e0is 6. 59.50.cois ‘ 26 *Amass weighing 12 g falls a distance of 1.52 m fom the ‘end ofa vertical helical spring having a spring ‘constant of 35 Nim. What wil be the velocity of the mass ‘ater thas compressed the speng by 203.2 mm? a 47ms b. 47 mms Tams @ 74mms 27. “The spring assembly ofa Japanese dump truck is made of 13 eaves, Each leas 22 mm thick and 80 mm wide, The ‘eyes center-o-centr distance is 1.5m. The fist two leaves ‘are full and the others are graduated in length. U-bols placed 30 cm apart clamped the leaves together. A total \weght of 72 KN is equal shared by the four wheets, as well as he supporing eyes. The spring malenal has an E = 207 GPa_Determne the maximum stress. 896MPa 1204 MPa 156.4 MPa 2403 MPa Lage, Bait Aaycice Baatirta - MDI Models 8 Sprige MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Ground Flooe 2 Bulding 900 San Marcelino Street, Ermita, Marie 1000 ‘Phone (632) 8524 20.1 local 400 *A body weighing 1000 Ib fall from a height of 6 in. and tikes a 2000 In spring. The deformation of the spring is “The spring assembly fa Japanese dump tuck is made of 13 leaves. Each lal 22-mm tick and 80 rom wide. The eyes cenlerto-centr distance i 1.51. The fst two leaves ‘ae fll and the obers are graduated in length. U-bots 2s the supporting eyes. The spring material has an E = 207 GPa, Determine the deflection ofthe spring. a 472mm b. 526mm 652mm 4 865mm ‘How long @ wire is needed to make a helical spring having ‘a mean col diameter of 20 mm i there ar five cos used? ‘a 3142mm b. 341.2mm 142mm d 13440 “The load on 2 helical spring is 1600 and the deflection i tobe 4 inches. Rigidity modulus is 11 x 106 psi and the maximum intensity of safe shear stress és 60.000 psi. the wire diameter and the mean Giameler are 0.625 in and 3 in, res>ectvly, determine the numberof active cols. a 155 b. 195 ce 18 a 135 *A spring wih 12 active cols and an index of supports a slalc oad of 220 N with a delecton of 12 mm. The shear ‘modulus of the spring material = 83 GPa. What is the theoretical wie diameter? a tom b. 16mm 18mm 4 mm “Four compression col springs. arranged in parallel, support load of 360g, Each spring has a gradient of 0.717 kyr. Fad the overal defomaton 10454 1622nm 1255imm 132.6 mm 34. "A helical spring of rate 10 Nimm fs mounted on top of mother spring of rte 7 Nim. Find the force required 19 ie a otal detection of 50 mm. a 35088 b. 8508N & 20588N 4 5028N 38. ‘Two extension springs are hooked in series and support a load of 45 N. One spring has a constant of 8.75 Nine and. cbver 17 52 Nimm, Wha the deflecton othe load? a 564mm & a54mm 362mm 6 6mm 36, “Two extension springs are hooked in paral and support 2 load of 445 N. One spring has a constant of 8.75 Ninm and ‘other 17.52 Nin, Whalisthe deflection of the lod? a 188mm b. 24mm © 2éam 4 169mm 137. *Anentension col sping iso elongate by 5" under load of 0b, Wrat is the spring ate? a Sibin > 10bin e 10tin 4 2bin 136. “this determined experimental that a load of 20 kg applied to an extension col pring provides a deflection of 200 mm. Wat oad wil defic te sping by 60 mi? a kg bop ce ag 6 7g 138, “Aspang wit plan ends has 15 active cols, a wie ckameter cof 6mm and 2 mean col diameter of 70 mim. its spring ‘modulus is 100 Kim, delerine the sod force. Spring's ‘roe length is 276 mm. a 21iN b. 18K c. 15iN 6 36KN 40. “A pring win squared and ground ends has are length of 250mm. There are 8 active cols wit a wire diameter of 125 ime. the spring rate is 150 kNim and the mean coll ameter 's 100 mm, determine te spring's Sob srs, a 25042MPa b. 220MPa 78944 MPa 6. fot MPa Lage, Basil Aayeics Bestista - MD? Medals 8 Spriege 4 a. 4 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ‘round Floor. O2 Building 900 Sen Marcelino Street, Ermita, Maia 1000 ‘Phone (632) 8524.20.1"loral 400 "A concent hekical sping is used to suppor a toed f 80 1N.The inner spring has arate of 495 8 Nin andthe cuter ‘pring has 126.5 Nin. iially the inner spring i825 mm ‘hover than the outer spring, fd the percentage of ad ‘card by the inner sping ater the lad 8 applied. a 7687% b 525% < 625% 4 682% *Areight of3.56 KN fal rely rom a distance of 101.6 7 hove the fee end ofa sping then sites and deflects he ring by 254 mem, The maximum induced sess is 4 78 [MPa and the shear modulus of elasticity is assumed 10 De 82.74 GPa, Take the sping index to be 7, Find the spring wie dameter, a 7m b. 5425mn 426mm 4. 225mm 82.74 GPa. Take the sping index to be 7. Determine the ‘umber of acve cols. a 1175 b. 1025 6 12 413 *A 22-20 sping is designed to fre a 104b project into the ‘i. The spring has a 64n mean coi diameter wit a 075-0 wire diameter. It is compressed by 8 inches when set OF loaded. The shear modulus of elaseity is 12 x 108 ps. Determine the height above the spring's fee end to which the projectile wl be fred a 4tt5in b. 2352in & 3116in 4. 186.1in *A 22-0 sping is designed to fr a 10-b projectile into the ‘i The sping has a 6n mean col diameter wih a 075: wire ameter, It's compressed by 8 inches when set or loaded. The shear modulus of elastcty is 12 x 10° ps Determine the spring's stress when set or loaded. 23125 ps1 18123 psi 42225 p53 34282 ps1 aree & ADAMSON SF UNIVERSITY i 48, *AZ2-c0i sping is designed lo fre 010-0 projectile ino he r. The spring has a 6-in mean coil diameter with a 0.75-in vere lamer. Is compressed by 8 inches when se of loaded. The shear modulus of etastiity is 12 x 10* psi Determine the factor of safety ofthe sing the: shear last hts 85,000 ps a 428 b 248 c 325 4188 447. *Anekical sping having squared and ground ends has atta of 18 cos and its matenal has a modulus of elasity for ‘shear of 78.91 GPa the spring has an outside ameter of 10.42 cm and a wire diameter of 0,625 cm, compute the ‘maximum defection that can be produced in the sping by & road of $0 kg, a 302mm b. 490mm 342mm. 4 32mm 48. “A tigh-alloy spring with squared and ground ends has total of 16 cols and a modulus of elastety in shear of 85 GPa. Compute the Wahls factor. The springs ouside ‘ameter is 966 om and its wie diameter is 0.65 0m, a 1058 be 1185 © 110 6 10 49. "Three ertension col springs are hooked in series and support a single weight of 100 kg Te fist sping is rated al (0.400 kginm and the oer two lower springs are raed at (0.64 kgimm each. Compute the toa deflection, a 563mm b. 156mm 28mm 6 20mm 50. "Compute the maxmum defe:ton o a 20 75mm © 7mm 4. 78mm a ADAMSON UNIVERSITY S57. “A spring with plan ends has 15 active cols diameter of {6mm and pitch of 10 mm. spring rate is 100 KN,

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