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Whatarecarbonfibers? What are carbon fibers?

ThemakinganditsApplication Lecture2 Lecture 2 Carbon fiber is a polymer which is a form of Carbonfiberisapolymerwhichisaformof graphite. Graphite is a form of pure carbon Graphiteisaformofpurecarbon. Ingraphitethecarbonatomsarearranged intobigsheetsofhexagonalaromaticrings. i bi h fh l i i Thesheetslooklikechickenwire.

Chickenwire Chicken wire

Carbon fiber is a form of graphite in which Carbonfiberisaformofgraphiteinwhich thesesheetsarelongandthin. You might think of them as ribbons of Youmightthinkofthemasribbonsof graphite. B h Bunchesoftheseribbonsliketopack f h ibb lik k togethertoformfibers, hencethenamecarbonfiber.

Themakingofcarbonfibers The making of carbon fibers

Precursor PAN,Polyacrylonitril Carbonization C b i i Dehydrogenation Denitrogenation

Synthesisofcarbonfiberfrom Polyacrylonitrile l l l
1)Polymerizationofacrylonitrile toPAN 2)Cyclization duringlowtemperature process 3)Hightemperatureoxidativetreatment ofcarbonization(hydrogenisremoved) 4(processofgrafitization starts(nitrogen isremoved) )

Cycleformation Cycle formation

Higherheat Carbonatomskickofftheirhydrogens Theringsbecomearomaticfusedpyridinerings g py g

whenweheatthepolyacrylonitrile, theheatcausesthecyano repeat y p unitstoformcycles!

Adjacentchainsjoin Adjacent chains join

Furtherheating(6oo1300) g( )

givesusaribbonlikefusedringpolymer Expelshydrogengas

ournewlyformedribbonswillthemselvesjoin togethertoformevenwiderribbonslikethis

Expellingnitrogen Expelling nitrogen

composites materialmanufacturing p g partsfor: 1. airplanes(blades)7.racingcar 2. spaceshuttle 3. Musicalinstruments 4. tennisrackets 5. 5 golfclubs lf l b 6. Ecotextiles

mostofthenitrogenisgone,leavinguswith ribbonsthatarealmostpurecarboninthe graphiteform wecallthesethingscarbon fibers.

Propertiesofcarbonfibers Properties of carbon fibers

highflexibility high flexibility hightensilestrength lowweight, l i h highresistance, hightemperaturetolerance lowthermalexpansion low thermal expansion Veryhighstrengthtoweightration


Guitarbody Guitar body

Howaboutstrings? How about strings?

Howaboutthe strings?

Sneakers Sneakers

Frameoftennis,badmintonracquets Frame of tennis, badminton racquets

Carbon fiber as a shank plate in basketball sneakers to keep the foot stable. It usually runs the length of the sneaker just above the sole and y g j is left exposed in some areas, usually in the arch of the foot.


Golfclubshafts Golf club shafts

Fishingrods Fishing rods

RacingCare Racing Care


Carbonfull faceautoracinghelmet Carbon fullface auto racing helmet

Aircraft wing blades wingblades

Carbon fiber is the only carbon fiber that has attained certification for the critical flight path components for the Boeing 777 777.

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