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GOD OF WATERS Amphitrite is a figure in Greek mythology and is known as the 1.

Prophetic Abilities: Nereus is renowned for his

goddess of the sea. She is the wife of Poseidon, the god of ability to foresee the future and provide accurate
Poseidon: God of the Sea the sea, and together they rule over the oceans and all its prophecies. He is often consulted by other gods,
creatures. Amphitrite is often depicted as a beautiful and heroes, and mortals seeking knowledge and
Poseidon is a prominent figure in Greek mythology and is regal goddess, adorned with seashells and accompanied by guidance.
known as the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses. He is sea creatures. 2. Shape-Shifting: Nereus has the power to change
one of the twelve Olympian gods and is often depicted as a his form at will. He can transform into various sea
bearded man holding a trident, which is his symbol of power. As the goddess of the sea, Amphitrite possesses several creatures, such as a dolphin or a seal, as well as
powers and abilities related to the ocean. Some of her take on human-like appearances.
powers include: 3. Wisdom and Knowledge: Nereus is considered
Powers and Abilities one of the wisest and most knowledgeable beings
1. Control over the waves: Amphitrite has the ability to in Greek mythology. He possesses vast knowledge
As the god of the sea, Poseidon has control over the waters calm or stir the waters, controlling the movement
and is capable of causing storms, creating earthquakes, and about the sea, its creatures, and the world in
and intensity of the waves. She can create calm general.
shaping the tides. He is also associated with horses and is seas or unleash powerful storms.
believed to have the ability to create horses out of sea foam. 4. Parentage and Family: Nereus is the father of the
2. Influence over marine life: Amphitrite has dominion Nereids, sea nymphs who are often depicted as his
over the creatures of the sea. She can fifty daughters. These nymphs are associated with
Poseidon's powers extend beyond the physical realm. He is communicate with and command various marine various aspects of the sea, such as waves,
known for his ability to communicate with and control sea creatures, such as dolphins, fish, and sea turtles. currents, and marine life.
creatures, such as dolphins and whales. Additionally, he has 3. Protection of sailors: Amphitrite is often invoked by 5. Associations: Nereus is often mentioned in Greek
the power to grant safe passage to sailors and protect ships sailors and seafarers for protection during their myths and epic poems, such as Homer's "Iliad" and
during their journeys. voyages. She can guide ships safely through "Odyssey." He is portrayed as a benevolent and
treacherous waters and protect them from helpful deity, assisting heroes and sailors in their
shipwrecks and other dangers. quests and journeys.
Role in Greek Mythology
4. Healing and purification: Amphitrite is associated In summary, Nereus is a sea god in Greek mythology known
Poseidon plays a significant role in various Greek myths and with the healing properties of the sea. She has the for his prophetic abilities, shape-shifting powers, wisdom, and
legends. He is often portrayed as a powerful and power to cleanse and purify both the physical and association with the sea. His role as the "Old Man of the Sea"
temperamental deity, capable of both benevolence and spiritual aspects of individuals, offering makes him a significant figure in ancient Greek folklore.
wrath. Poseidon is known for his rivalry with the goddess rejuvenation and renewal.
Athena, as they both vied for control over the city of Athens. Triton and his powers
Amphitrite's role in Greek mythology is primarily as the wife of
One of the most famous myths involving Poseidon is the Poseidon and the queen of the sea. While she may not be as Triton is a mythological figure in Greek mythology. He is the
story of the creation of the horse. According to legend, well-known as some other Greek goddesses, her power and son of Poseidon, the god of the sea, and Amphitrite, a sea
Poseidon created the first horse by striking the ground with influence over the ocean make her an important figure in nymph. Triton is often depicted as a merman, with the upper
his trident, causing a spring to gush forth and transform into a maritime mythology. body of a human and the lower body of a fish.
magnificent horse.
Nereus and his powers As the messenger of the sea, Triton has several powers and
Overall, Poseidon's power and influence over the sea and its abilities associated with water and the ocean. Some of his
Nereus is a figure from Greek mythology, specifically a sea notable powers include:
creatures make him a central figure in Greek mythology,
god known as the "Old Man of the Sea." He is the son of
representing the untamed forces of nature and the vastness
Pontus (the Sea) and Gaia (the Earth) and is often depicted 1. Control over the sea: Triton has the ability to
of the ocean.
as a wise and elderly deity. Nereus is associated with the manipulate and control the waters of the sea. He
Amphitrite: Goddess of the Sea Mediterranean Sea and is known for his prophetic abilities can create powerful waves, calm storms, and
and shape-shifting powers. control the tides.
Here are some key points about Nereus and his powers:
2. Trumpet of the sea: Triton is often depicted 4. Thalia: Thalia is the Nereid of abundance and good emerging from the waves. Thalassa's power lies in her
carrying a conch shell, which he uses as a trumpet. cheer. She has the power to bring joy and control over the vast expanse of the sea and all its elements.
When he blows into the shell, it creates a loud and happiness to those around her. Thalia is often
powerful sound that can be heard across the depicted with a cornucopia, symbolizing As a goddess of the sea, Thalassa has the ability to
ocean. This sound is often used to announce the abundance. manipulate the tides, currents, and weather patterns. She can
arrival of a god or a significant event. 5. Eurydice: Eurydice is the Nereid of the sea winds. calm the waters or stir up storms, depending on her mood or
3. Ability to shape-shift: Triton has the power to She has the power to control the winds and create the situation. Thalassa is also associated with the life-giving
transform himself into different forms. He can storms at sea. Eurydice is often depicted with and nurturing aspects of the sea, as she is believed to be the
change into various sea creatures, such as wings and a staff, symbolizing her control over the mother of all sea creatures.
dolphins or sea monsters, allowing him to navigate winds.
the ocean and interact with its inhabitants. Thalassa's power extends beyond the physical realm of the
4. Protection of sailors: Triton is known to be a These are just a few examples of the Nereids and their sea. She is also seen as a symbol of the unknown and the
guardian of sailors and ships. He ensures safe powers. Each Nereid has her own unique abilities and depths of the subconscious mind. In this sense, she
passage for sailors and protects them from the characteristics, making them an important part of Greek represents the mysteries and hidden emotions that lie
dangers of the sea. mythology and the world of the sea. beneath the surface.
Triton's powers and role in Greek mythology highlight the
Oceanus and his Power Overall, Thalassa embodies the power and majesty of the
importance of the sea in ancient Greek culture and the
sea, with control over its forces and the ability to evoke both
reverence they had for the power and unpredictability of the
Oceanus is a figure from Greek mythology who personifies awe and fear in those who encounter her.
the ocean. He is one of the Titans, the divine beings who
ruled the world before the Olympian gods. Oceanus is often Proteus and his powers
Nereids and Their Powers
depicted as a powerful and ancient deity associated with the
vastness and depth of the sea. Proteus is a character in Greek mythology known for his
The Nereids are sea nymphs in Greek mythology. They are
shape-shifting abilities. He is the son of Poseidon, the god of
the fifty daughters of Nereus, the Old Man of the Sea, and
As the personification of the ocean, Oceanus is believed to the sea, and is often referred to as the "Old Man of the Sea."
Doris, a sea nymph. The Nereids are often depicted as
have control over the waters and the creatures that inhabit Proteus has the power to change his form at will, making him
beautiful young women who live in the depths of the sea.
them. His power extends to the seas, rivers, and all bodies of incredibly elusive and difficult to capture.
Each Nereid has her own unique power and role in the sea. water. He is often depicted as a bearded god riding a chariot
pulled by sea creatures or as a giant with a long flowing His shape-shifting abilities allow him to transform into various
Here are some notable Nereids and their powers:
beard and a crown made of seaweed. animals, plants, or even inanimate objects. This power
1. Thetis: Thetis is the most famous Nereid. She is enables him to escape from his enemies or deceive them by
the mother of Achilles, the great hero of the Trojan Oceanus' power is closely linked to the natural forces of the taking on different appearances. Proteus is also known for his
War. Thetis has the power of shape-shifting and is ocean. He is associated with the ebb and flow of tides, the ability to foretell the future and possess great wisdom.
known for her ability to change her form into currents, and the storms at sea. He is also believed to have
the ability to communicate with and command the sea In addition to his shape-shifting and prophetic powers,
various creatures.
creatures, such as dolphins and sea nymphs. Proteus is associated with the sea and is often depicted as a
2. Amphitrite: Amphitrite is the wife of Poseidon, the
wise and ancient figure. He is often portrayed as a guardian
god of the sea. She has the power to calm the
In Greek mythology, Oceanus is not as prominent as some of of the sea and its creatures.
waves and control the sea creatures. Amphitrite is
often depicted riding a chariot pulled by sea the other Titans, but his power and influence over the waters
are significant. He represents the primal and untamed nature Proteus plays a significant role in Greek mythology,
creatures. appearing in various stories and legends. One of the most
3. Galatea: Galatea is known for her beauty and of the ocean, reminding us of its vastness and mystery.
famous stories involving Proteus is his encounter with the
grace. She has the power to control the emotions hero Menelaus in Homer's epic poem, the Odyssey.
Thalassa in Greek Mythology and Her Power
of others, particularly men. Galatea is often Menelaus seeks Proteus' advice on how to return home after
associated with love and desire. In Greek mythology, Thalassa is the primordial goddess of the Trojan War, and Proteus reveals important information to
the sea. She is often depicted as a beautiful woman him after being captured and forced to reveal his true form.
Overall, Proteus is a fascinating character in Greek living people making journeys to the underworld, often for Aside of that, after Persephone become queen of the
mythology, known for his shape-shifting abilities, prophetic some heroic purpose. Other myths reinforce traditions that underworld, she also become the goddess of various occult
powers, and association with the sea. the entrance of the souls to the underworld requires a proper themes including reincarnation and ghosts.
observation of ceremony. A number of mythologies 3. Charon – The ferryman who transports souls across the
Glaucus is a character from Greek mythology. He was incorporate the concept of the soul of the underworld, with river Styx to the underworld.
originally a mortal fisherman who became a sea god after the dead needing to be taken across a defining obstacle such Payment was required to cross; souls who were unable to
eating a magical herb. As a sea god, Glaucus had the power as a lake or a river to reach this. pay risked wandering along the shores of the river for a
to control and communicate with marine life. He could also hundred years.
prophesy and had the ability to heal others. Glaucus is often The Gods of underworld were named “Theoi Khthonioi” or There is no background story on how Charon became the
depicted as a merman or a fish-tailed deity. His story is often Chthonian Gods by the Greeks. They were ruled by the grim Ferryman of the King Hades.
associated with love and transformation. God Hades and his queen Persephone. The term “Chthonic But in ancient Greeks said that Charon is an ugly bearded
Gods” was also used for the closely related Gods of man with a crooked nose, wearing a conical hot and tonic.
Leucothea is a figure in Greek mythology. She was originally Agriculture. And never left his place until someone entered and pay their
a mortal princess named Ino, who was married to Athamas, trip.
the king of Orchomenus. However, due to the wrath of the There are many Gods of underworld in Greek Mythology. And Styx is one of the five rivers of the underworld.
goddess Hera, Ino and Athamas faced many hardships. Ino 1. Hades – is the ruler and the king of underworld and 4. Hecate – Although not strictly an underworld deity, Hecate
eventually became a sea goddess known as Leucothea. also the God of Dead. The husband of Persephone. He is is associated with magic, witchcraft, and the crossroads often
the eldest brother of Zeus and Poseidon. After defeated their invoked during rituals related to the dead.
Leucothea's power lies in her ability to protect sailors and
father’s generation of Gods, the Titans, and claimed joint Hecate is a Goddess in Ancient Greek religion and mythology
those in need on the sea. She is often depicted as a
ruler-ship over the cosmos. Hades received the underworld, usually depicted holding two torches or a key. (taga bantay
benevolent and helpful deity, offering assistance to sailors in
Zeus the sky, and Poseidon the sea, with the solid earth. In ng mga daanan). She was one of the main deities worshiped
distress. Leucothea is associated with providing guidance,
artistic depictions, Hades is typically portrayed holding a in Athenian household as a protective Goddess and who
protection, and salvation to those facing perilous situations at
bident and wearing his helm (cap of invisibility) with provided prosperity and daily blessing to the family.
Cerberus, the three headed-dog of the underworld, standing Hecate witnessed the abduction of Demeter’s daughter
According to mythology, Leucothea would appear to sailors in at his side. Persephone to the underworld and, torch in hand, assisted in
the form of a white sea bird or a mermaid, guiding them away Was Hades an Olympian? Or still considered as an Olympian the search of her.
from dangerous waters or shipwrecks. She was believed to God? Hecate is one of the other goddesses who help Demeter to
have the power to calm storms and ensure safe passage for No, Despite Hades being born in the same generation as the search her daughter to the underworld.
sailors. other Olympian Gods, He is excluded from the group and so 5. Erebus – The personification of darkness and shadow,
does not have the title ‘Olympian’. He does not have home or often considered one of the primordial deities.
In summary, Leucothea is a sea goddess in Greek mythology sacred place on the Olympus (the divine palace) but instead also spelled Erebos, in Greek religion, the God of dark region
who possesses the power to protect and aid sailors in times is confined to his domain in the underworld. of the underworld and the personification of Darkness. He is
of danger at sea. 2. Persephone – The Goddess Queen of the Underworld and one of the primordial beings in the Greek creation myth. He is
wife of the Hades. She was also the Goddess of Spring the son of Chaos, who is also the mother of Erebus wife, Nyx,
GOD OF UNDERWORLD growth, who was worshiped alongside her mother Demeter in the personification of night.
the Eleusinian Mysteries. This agricultural-based cult Erebus and Nyx are couple but they are siblings.
he Gods of Underworld promised its initiates passage to blessed afterlife. 6. The Keres – monstrous she-Daemones of violent death
What is underworld? How Persephone become Queen of the Underworld? and disease. They presided over the battlefield carnage,
Underworld – The underworld is also known as the The story of Persephone, the sweet daughter of Goddess driving the weapons of death and tearing free the soul from
netherworld, is the supernatural world of the dead in various Demeter who was kidnapped by hades and later become the the dying.
religious traditions and myths, located below the world of the Queen of the underworld, is known all over the world. It is Also known as Goddess of Death.
living. actually the way of the ancient Greeks to explain the change The Keres did not have the power to kill or control when
The concept of the underworld is found in of the season, the eternal cycle of the Nature’s death and people died, they did have a thirst for human blood that drew
every civilization and may be as old as humanity itself. The rebirth. them to battlefield, murder scenes and areas plagued by
common features of the underworld myths are accounts of epidemic. Kung hain ang may laban o Patayan
andun si Keres to collect their blood. Hindi siya she tied herself to Hades. It is a fruit that symbolized of the 3. Poseidon: Despoena (nymph) and Arion (immortal horse)
nakikipaglaban although she is the Goddess of Violent death indissolubility of marriage. The Myth of Demeter and Persephone
and disease hindi diya nakikipagpatayan but andun siya sa Demeter punished ascalaphus beneath a rock. But Herales ➢ used by Greeks to explain the changes of seasons.
battlefield to collect the humanblood released him and Goddess responded by transforming him Persephone was out picking flowers in the meadow until
Sa pandemic/ epidemic parang siya mismo ang nagpapalaya into a owl. Gaea made a narcissus flower bloom, and
sa tao it’s like she helps the people from the pain that’s why 11. Thanatos – The winged Daemon of death. He was when Persephone picked it, the ground opened. Hades
she free the souls from the dying. the minister of Hades. emerged and snatched the goddess away in his golden
7. Hypnus – the God of sleep who dwelt in a silent THANATOS was the god or personified spirit (daimon) of chariot. Persephone cried for help, but no one heard her
realm on the borders of Hades. He issued from the non-violent death. His touch was gentle, likened to that of his except for Hecate and Helios.
underworld with his mother Nyx, the night. twin brother Hypnos (Sleep). Violent death was the domain of Demeter searched for her daughter. She wandered for nine
HYPNOS was the god or personified spirit (daimon) of sleep. Thanatos' blood-craving sisters, the Keres, spirits of days with torches in her hands. On the
He dwelt in Erebos, the land of eternal darkness beyond the slaughter and disease. . He appeared to humans to carry tenth day, Hecate met Demeter and told her that she heard
gates of the rising sun, and rose into the sky each night in the them off to the underworld when the time allotted to them by Persephone’s cry but didn’t see who snatched her
train of his mother Nyx (Night).Hypnos was often paired with the Fates had expired. away. The two goddesses visited Helios, and the god told of
his twin brother Thanatos (Peaceful Death), and the Oneiroi The difference between Keres is she are thirsty of human how Zeus allowed his brother Hades to take
(Dreams) were his brothers or sons. blood while Thanatos is the one who bring or carry the souls Persephone away.
Hypnos is a calm and gentle god, he is harmless. Unlike to the underworld (taga sundo/ he is the Kamatayan) Devastated, Demeter left Mount Olympus. She disguised
some of his siblings, mortals didn’t fear of him, instead, they 12. Nyx - The primeval goddess of the night. She herself as an old woman and wandered on
believe that they owed half of their lives to the deity due to issued forth from her home in the underworld trailing her dark earth. She found herself at the Court of King Keleus of
their need for sleep. mists across the sky. Eleusis. Demeter became the nurse of Demophon, the
8. Cerberus – The mighty, three-headed, serpent- baby of King Keleus and his wife Metanira. In gratitude,
maned hound of Hades who guarded the entrance to THE TWO GREAT GODS OF THE EARTH Demeter planned to make Demophon immortal. She
underworld. anointed him with ambrosia and set him in fire every night.
KERBEROS (Cerberus) was the gigantic, three-headed THE TWO GREAT GODS OF THE EARTH One night, Metanira witnessed it and screamed in
hound of Hades which guarded the gates of the underworld Demeter (Ceres) and Dionysus (Bacchus) were the shock. It angered Demeter. Demeter retrieved the child from
and prevented the escape of the shades of the dead. He supreme deities of the earth and of great importance in the fire, and she revealed herself as a goddess of
devoured anyone who tried to escape the kingdom of Hades. Greek and Roman Mythology. They are responsible for agriculture. Metanira begs for forgiveness. Demeter says she
9. Erinyes – The three goddesses of vengeance and fertility and growth of crops. will grant it if a great temple is built for her.
retribution. They were called forth from the underworld to DEMETER (Ceres) The temple was built, and she moved in, refusing to return to
inflict suffering and madness upon the evil-doer, to bring Who is Demeter? Olympus. She made the earth a frozen
drought and famine to nations, and punish the souls of the ➢ Goddess of agriculture, grain, and harvest desert and created a famine that threatened to destroy all of
damned in Hades. ➢ Daughter of Cronus and Rhea humankind. She deprived her immortal siblings of
The three sister are Tissiphone the punishment, Meguera the ➢ Sister of other Olympian gods: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, sacrifices and gifts given to them by mortals.
Rancor and Electo the unmentionable. Some claims that the Hera, and Hestia Zeus tried to convince Demeter to rejoin the gods and
origin of the Furies comes from the bloodshed of Uranos and ➢ She guaranteed the fertility of the earth. resume her duties, but she refused, saying she
other claims that they are the daughter of the King and ➢ Demeter is depicted seated wearing a crown of grain and would never return until she saw her daughter again. So,
Queen of the Underworld. The Erinyes were summoned holding a torch that signifies her search for Hermes was sent by Zeus down to the underworld
generally when one person was cursed by someone who Persephone. hoping that he could let Persephone out of Hades’ world. But
claimed for vengeance brought by the furies. ➢ She may also be holding a scepter or stalks of grain. Persephone already ate the pomegranate seeds
10. Ascalaphus – an underworld Daemon who tended the ➢ Grain is commonly the symbol of Demeter. that only grow in the underworld. They have come to an
orchards of Hades. He was transformed into a screech owl by Demeter’s Partners and Children agreement that Persephone will spend half of the year
Demeter as punishment for reporting that Persephone had 1. Zeus: Persephone (queen the Underworld and the on Earth, and another half in the underworld. Persephone
tasted the pomegranate seed. goddess of Spring) reunited with her mother. The land became fertile
Hardinero ni Hades in underworld and the one who tell 2. Iasion (son of Zeus and Electra): Ploutos (god of once again and the grain could grow in season before
Demeter that her daughter ate an pomegranate seeds then agricultural wealth) and Philomelos (god of ploughing) Persephone had to return to the underworld.
Powers by Perseus. After her death, Dionysus travelled to Hades to participants, and so his cult is credited with inventing
*Beauty or Crone recover her and brought her back to live with him on theatrical performance in the west.
*Immortality through fire Olympus as his immortal wife. DEMETER AND DIONYSUS
*Famine or feast Dionysus in Greek Mythology • Demeter and Dionysus are associated with rebirth.
*Transformation as punishment MYTH 1: The Return of Hephaestus • They are the also the suffering gods. They are known for
*Ability to change formDIONYSUS (BACCHUS) Dionysus convinced Hephaestus to return to Mount Olympus their human emotions. Both knew pain as well as
Who is Dionysus? after he dropped his mother Hera in a golden chair. joy.
➢ God of wine, merriment, and madness MYTH 2: King Midas and the Golden Touch • They are associated with planting and harvesting.
➢ Son of Zeus and Semele (a mortal and the Princess of King Midas of Phrygia came across the chief follower and Demeter is for growing of the grains. Dionysus is for
Thebes) drinking partner of Dionysus, Silenus, who was drunk. growing of vines.
➢ He taught mortals the art of viticulture and winemaking Midas gave Silenus some food and then returned him to the
Dual Nature of Dionysus god. In gratitude, Dionysus offered Midas wish, and NARCISSUS STORY
1. Joy and ecstasy with that wish Midas asked that everything he touched turn to
2. Brutality and rage gold. Unfortunately, everything also meant food PUBLIUS OVIDIUS NASO
Life of Dionysus and water. After nearing starvation and complete -known in English as Ovid was a Roman poet who lived
When Semele was pregnant with Dionysus, Zeus's wife Hera dehydration, Dionysus told Midas that he could reverse the during the reign of Augustus
disguised herself as an old woman or a friend of gift by bathing in Pactolus River.MYTH 3: Lycurgus, King of -one of the three canonical poets of Latin literature
Semele and persuaded her to ask Zeus to display himself to Thrace -considered as the last of the Latin love elegists
her in all of his divine form. But the full godly form King Lycurgus attacked Dionysus and his companions as
of Zeus was too much for the mortal Princess, and she died. they were travelling through his land and drove them METAMORPHOSES (“TRANSFORMATIONS”)
Zeus removed the unborn Dionysus from his mother into the sea. As punishment, the god drove him to madness,
and sewed him to his thigh and carried him to full term. causing him to murder his wife and son. The Metamorphoses, Ovid’s most ambitious and well-known
Hermes brought him to Mount Nysa to be cared for by satrys MYTH 4: Pentheus, King of Thebes work, consists of a 15-book catalogue written in dactylic
and nymphs, far from Hera’s wrath. His chief educator was The god’s cousin, King Pentheus, opposed the Dionysian cult hexameter about transformations in Greek and Roman
satyr Silenus. and rejects Dionysus’ divinity. One day, Pentheus mythology set within a loose mytho-historical framework.
Discovery of Wine spied on a group of Theban women practicing their rites on a Appropriately, the characters in this work undergo many
Infant Dionysus was looked after by the nymphs at Mount mountainside. Under the influence of Dionysus’ different transformations. Within an extent of nearly 12,000
Nysa, and during his youth, he discovered the wine, the women—which included Pentheus’ own mother, verses, almost 250 different myths are mentioned. Each myth
grapevine. After his discovery of the grapevine and wine, mistook him for a wild animal, and tore him apart is set outdoors where the mortals are often vulnerable to
Hera drove him to madness, and in his madness, the with their bare hands. external influences.
god wandered far and wide to Egypt and Syria, introducing Powers
the grapevine as he traveled. • Control wine THE MYTH OF NARCISSUS
Symbols and Attributes • Control the growth of vines
1. Thyrsus (fennel/wand with pinecone) • Shape shifting Narcissus was the son of the river god Cephissus and the
2. Kantharos (drinking cup) Worship and Cult of Dionysus water nymph Liriope. Liriope was told by the Prophet Tiresias
3. Grapevine • Dionysus wandered earth to spread his cult until people that Narcissus would reach old age if he failed to recognize
4. Panther began to worship him. himself.
Followers • He is a dying and resurrecting god figure: one who goes
1. Satyrs down into the underworld in death and returns to Narcissus turned into a very beautiful young man, whom
2. Maenads life, bringing some benefit to humanity. everyone loved. However, there was no one to whom
Dionysus and Ariadne • By the 6th century BCE, the Dionysia Festival was Narcissus would return affection.
Ariadne was abandoned on Naxos by the Greek hero established in Athens, and this developed the later Roman
Theseus, and she was discovered by Dionysus. The two got Bacchanalia. Echo was a nymph who was destined a fate that she could
married and they had numerous sons together. In some • The Dionysia Festival developed from the earlier rites of only repeat the sounds and last words of others. One day she
stories, Ariadne was killed by Artemis or turned to stone Dionysus, during which his story was enacted by spotted and fell in love with Narcissus. She followed him
through the woods but could not speak without repeating his Liriope between Apollo and Hyacinthus. In a moment of anger and
words. -water nymph envy, Zephyrus blew a gust of wind to change the discus’s
Finally Narcissus tried to call to Echo, but it failed since she Nymphs The powerful wind pushed the discus off its path, and it struck
could only repeat his call. Finally Echo appeared and tried to -fell in love with Narcissus poor Hyacinthus right on the head. The young prince fell to
hold Narcissus. Narcissus rejected her and Echo ran to hide. Ameinias the ground, badly hurt. Apollo rushed to his side, but there
She lay forlornly in her cave, all her beauty faded away, and -a young man who fell in love with Narcissus was nothing he could do to save his beloved friend. As
she became very thin until her voice was all that was left. She Nemesis Hyacinthus took his last breath, Apollo was filled with sorrow.
is now forever hiding amongst the leaves and caves in the -Goddess of revenge, punished Narcissus Meanwhile, Zephyrus feared Apollo's wrath afterwards, and
forest. Thereafter, the lonely voice of Echo was heard in the flew to eros, who protected the west wind along with
mountains, repeating the last words anyone said. Since Hera Aphrodite, so Apollo couldn't hurt him. For Apollo, Hyacinth's
Narcissus denied everyone his love, the gods fated that -cursed echo death is too much to bear, so he forbids Hades, from claiming
Narcissus could never have anything that he loved. Zeus Hyacinth's soul. Instead, Apollo carefully touched the ground
-whom echo sided with where Hyacinthus had fallen, and from that spot, a lovely
One day while Narcissus was hunting he went to get a drink. Tiresias purple flower began to grow.This flower, called the hyacinth,
As he bent down to drink the water he fell in love with the -the prophet who told Liriope about Narcissus fate bore the teardrop-shaped petals that resembled the tears
reflection of himself. He was so awed by this person that he Apollo had shed for his Hyacinthus.
could not move. He tried to grab the image but couldn’t, HYACINTH
which made him more infatuated with himself. Flower myth Hyacinth has the botanical or scientific name Hyacinthus
Orientalis. Bright colors and a perfumed scent are
Narcissus stayed there without any sleep or food. He called Once upon a time, there was a young and handsome prince characteristic of hyacinths in bloom. That's why Hyacinths
to the gods asking why he was being denied the love that the named Hyacinthus. He lived in a kingdom called Sparta, smell like spring. Their intense fragrance hangs in the air,
two shared. He started to talk to the reflection. He claimed he where he was known for his grace and charm. Everyone in signaling that winter's gone and spring has arrived. They are
would not leave the one he loved and that they would die as the kingdom loved him, and many admired his skills in sports perennial spring bulbs which means they only come in spring
one. and music. Hyacinthus wasn’t just loved by the people of and will diminish in vigor after a few seasons. That's why
Sparta, but also by the mighty gods of Olympus. Hyacinths are considered as an iconic spring flower.
Crazy with love, Narcissus stayed by the side of the water Two of these gods, Apollo and Zephyrus, were especially It is a purple, star-shaped flowers that are borne on dense
and wasted away. Echo returned to see him wasting away. fond of him. Hyacinth was amused by Zephyrus. He flied spikes over a cluster of strap-shaped leaves. There are other
She mourned more and as he said his farewell to the across the sky alongside the god piercing the clouds. With colors in cultivated varieties of hyacinth, such as blue
reflection she echoed his words. Narcissus then lay down to Apollo, the youngster rejoiced with the songs played by the (sincerity, loyalty, and fidelity), white (love and prayer), pink
die and the nymphs mourned him. They covered him with brilliant god. The boy and the god became quite intimate. (playful joy), red (recreation and playtime), yellow (jealousy).
their hair and set up for a funeral. When they returned for his Hyacinth spent his days beside the god doing all sorts of And in the story, we had purple hyacinth because Hyacinthus
body, a flower has grown from the spot where Narcissus died. things. Realizing that he had been left out, zephyrus started blood was purple. And purple hyacinths symbolizes sorrow
to nurture a great grief in his heart. One sunny day, Apollo and desire for forgiveness, as expressed by Apollo to
CHARACTERS : invited Hyacinthus to play a game of discus, a sport where Hyacinthus.
players throw a round, flat disc as far as they can. Excited to
Narcissus spend time with the god, Hyacinthus agreed, and they went THE STORY OF ADONIS
-a handsome young man, admired by all people, who fell in to a beautiful meadow filled with colorful flowers. As they
love with himself. played, Hyacinthus impressed Apollo with his strength and Who is Adonis?
Echo skill. Apollo, wanting to show off a bit, decided to throw the  Adonis was the god of beauty and desire.
-an oread cursed by Hera, who fell in love with Narcissus discus as high and as far as he could. The sun god’s strength  A god of agriculture and cultivation.
was mighty, and the discus soared high into the sky like a  Originally, he was a god worshipped in the area of
Parents of Narcissus: shining star. Hyacinthus, eager to catch the discus, ran Phoenicia, but later adopted by the greek.
Cephissus beneath it as it began to fall back down. But Zephyrus, who  Theias (King of Syria)
-river god had been watching from afar, grew jealous of the bond  Myrrha ( Daughter of Theias)
The story of Adonis
Author: OVID
The incestuous birth of Adonis Adonis was renowned for the skills he possessed Publius Ovidius Naso, a Roman poet noted especially for his
for hunting. On one of his hunting adventures in the Afqa Ars Amotaria and Metamorphoses.
The story below is based on several Greek sources Forest, located by Byblos, Adonis was hurt by a wild boar and
and other Roman references, such as Metamorphoses by started to bleed in the hands of Aphrodite, who decanted CHARACTERS AND THEIR DESCRIPTION
Ovid. The great king of Assyria, Cinyras (also called Theias), magical nectar into his wounds. Adonis did end up dying, but 1. Pyramus
had a beautiful daughter who was given the name of Myrrha. his blood blended with the nectar and poured into the soil - Faithful to his love, Thisbe. Despite the
Because of her beauty, the king would boast that his where a flower grew from the ground, the scent of which disapproval from their fathers he showed his
daughter was more attractive than the goddess of beauty and matched Aphrodite’s nectar and the color of which matched life for her every day. He was beauty and
love, Aphrodite. At some point,Aphrodite heard that Cinyras Adonis’s blood – the Anemone flower.Adonis’s blood reached courage gathered in one person. He was a bit
was doing this and became very angry and came to the the river and turned the water red, the river then became to impulsive and he blamed himself for Thisbe's
conclusion that she must retaliate.Using her son Eros, or be known as the “Adonis River.” Or the Nahr Ibrahim in death.
Cupid, the god of attraction and desire, she made it so that lebanon.
Myrrhafell in love with her father. She was also able to 2. Thisbe
deceive Myrrha’s father to commit incest. Cinyras later found - An honest and beautiful girl that loved
out about the trick and swore to kill his daughter, who A Different Version of the Myth Pyramus in return. She showed her prudence
escaped from her father after she found out that she was and braveness throughout the story.
pregnant.Myrrha was regretful and ashamed of her atrocious
There are a few versions of the Adonis Greek mythology
act and pleaded to the gods for their protection. The gods Pyramus and Thisbe
where Ares, the lover of Aphrodite and god of war, hears
answered her prayers and turned her into a tree.After nine
about Aphrodite’s love for the young Adonis and becomes
months, the Myrrha tree broke off;this was the birth of Pyramus was the most handsome man and was a
incredibly jealous and plots his revenge.Aphrodite was going
Adonis.He had his mothers’ beauty. childhood friend of Thisbe, the fairest maiden in Babylonia.
after Adonis to sleep with him; however,Adonis wanted to
Pyramus and Thisbe were neighbors. They both lived in
hunt more than anything. Aphrodite asked Adonis to stopwith
neighboring homes and fell in love with each other as they
the treacherous sport that he loved because she couldn’t
Raised up by two mothers grew up together. However, their parents were dead against
bear to lose him, knowing that Adonis would die horrifically.
them marrying each other. Their parents were totally against
Adonis ignored her pleas and was killed when he was out
their union, leaving the young lovers with no option but burn
hunting a wild boar, but this boar was actually Ares.
When Aphrodite laid eyes on Adonis, she was in the light of love brightly in their hearts and meet
awe of his beauty and decided that she wanted to hide him surreptitiously if they can. Over the years, the lovers could
from all of the other goddesses by entrusting him to The Meaning Behind the Story only talk through a hole in their wall because their parents
Persephone, goddess of the underworld. Persephone looked refused them to see each other.
after the boy, and as he grew older and became more According to many scholars, the resurrection and Finally, Pyramus got fed up with his parents and so
attractive, she fell in love with him.Between Persephone and death of Adonis represent the revival and decay of the plant did Thisbe. One day while whispering through a crack in the
Aphrodite, a conflict arose. Persephone refused to give year. He was worshipped as a god of grain crops, such as wall, they decided to meet the next night under a mulberry
Adonis back to Aphrodite and Zeus had to intervene. He corn, which were very important to the ancient inhabitants of tree near tomb of Ninus. They decided to elope then.
ruled that Adonis should spend four months with Persephone Greece.It is also closely related to the concept of agricultural So, the next night, just before the crack of dawn,
in the Underworld, and then spend four months with and vegetation civilizations in the Canaanite areas. The while everyone was asleep, they decided to slip out of their
Aphrodite, then he would be able to spend the last four winter was a season full of sadness and gloom for the homes and meet in the nearby fields near a mulberry tree.
months however he wanted. Adonis was so taken with civilians in these areas, whereas summer and spring brought Thisbe reached there first, covered with a cloak. As she
Aphrodite he spent his four free months with her. them joy for a new life. Therefore, the myth is also commonly waited under the tree, she saw a lioness coming near the
thought of as being an expression of people’s psychological spring close by to quench its thirst. Its jaws were bloody, from
perceptions, reflections, and thinking. a previous kill that day. When Thisbe saw this horrifying sight,
she panicked and ran to hide in some hollow rocks nearby. Zephyr
As she was running, she dropped her cloak. 2. Mulberry tree The sweetest and mildest of winds.
The lion, on hearing the shriek, came near the tree - Mulberry tree represents the true love
where Thisbe was initially waiting. The creature picked up the between Pyramus and Thisbe. It also Charon
cloak in its bloody jaws. Then it tattered the cloak with its symbolizes the sacrifices that they made for The ferryman.
blood-stained mouth, leaves it on the ground and goes away. each other. Cerberus
Soon after, Pyramus arrived at the appointed spot The three-headed dog.
and saw Thisbe's cloak, his love gift to her, covered in blood
and torn to pieces with the footprints of the lioness left Demeter
behind. He immediately thought that his only love had been The goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and
killed by a hungry lion. He is completely devastated. He CUPID and PSYCHE motherly relationships
thought that the lion had just hunted down Thisbe and Persephone
blamed himself to be the cause of her death. Had he not Background of the Author: The goddess queen of the underworld
been late, could the lion have killed Thisbe? Shattered, he Apuleius was a Numidian Latin-language prose writer, The wife of the god Hades.
prepared to kill himself. Without any haste, he unsheathed his Platonist philosopher and rhetorician.
sword (her love gift to him), letting the cold, hard steel pierce He was a Roman novelist born ca. 125 C.E. Zeus
his broken heart. He pierced his chest with his own sword. He was born in the Roman province of Numidia, in the Also known as Jupiter
Meanwhile, unknown to what just happened, Berber city of Madauros, modern-day The god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods.
Thisbe was still hiding in the rocks due to the fear of the lion.
When she came out from her hiding place after sometime M'Daourouch, Algeria. THE STORY OF MEDUSA
and came under the mulberry tree once more, she saw the His most famous work is The Golden Ass, which is the only
body of a man writhing in pain. Thisbe, bringing courage to Latin novel which has survived in its entirety. CHARACTERS:
her heart, ran towards the man and was shocked when he He was an African, an excellent follower of Plato.
found her only love lying on the ground next to the blood- 1. Medusa: was one of the three Gorgons. Medusa is
covered Mulberry bush with his own sword impaling his Characters and Characterization generally described as a human female with living venomous
chest. snakes in place of hair; those who gazed into her eyes would
She gasped in horror as she asked the still Cupid turn to stone.
breathing Pyramus what happened. Barely able to stay The Roman God of love and desire
awake, he told her what happened and she cried out in Son of Venus 2. Gorgons: the gorgons were the three sisters including the
sorrow. Pyramus died soon after leaving Thisbe totally The beautiful winged youth most famous, Medusa, a mortal, and two immortal sisters,
shattered. Euryale and Stheno. in early classical art the Gorgons were
"What would I do in this world without my Psyche portrayed as winged female creatures; their hair consisted of
Pyramus?" thought the grief-stricken Thisbe. She resolves to The Greco-roman goddess of the soul snakes, and they were round-faced, flat-nosed, with tongues
finish herself too. The youngest daughter of the king lolling out and with large projecting teeth.
She brought out from Pyramus' chest his blood- The most lovely maiden exist that surpass the beauty of
stained sword. Then she said to the dead Pyramus: Venus. 3. Ceto: is a female goddess and the mother of several
"Wait for me my love. I'm coming to you." monsters both on land and sea, including Medusa, Skylla,
Venus and others, fathered by Phorcys.
SYMBOLISM The Roman goddess of love and beauty
Also called Aprodite in Greek 4. Phorcys: Phorcys, who ruled over the sea's hidden
1. Wall The mother of Cupid dangers, fathered Medusa with the goddess Ceto.
- the wall symbolizes love as well as hate in the Phorcys
story. Hate that separated them from one Apollo
another and love that brings them together The god of Greek prophecy and healing.
despite of their family dispute.
5. Athena: Athena, or Athene, In ancient Greek religion, the humiliate Athena by raping the priestess on the steps of Father of Orpheus Calliope
goddess of war, handicraft, and wisdom and the patroness of Athena’s temple. Poseidon vanished after he was done and
Athens. Her Roman counterpart was Minerva. left Medusa vulnerable and weak. Athena comes and sees
that her temple has been defiled. She doesn’t blame her Calliope
6. Poseidon: god of the sea (and of water generally), fellow god; she blames the human – Medusa. Athena curses Mother of Orpheus
earthquakes, and horses. He is distinguished from Pontus, Medusa with a head full of snakes, eternal life, and that any • Goddess of epic poetry
the personification of the sea and the oldest Greek divinity of man who looks at her will be turned to stone. • The Eldest of the nine muses and goddess of music, song
the waters. The name Poseidon means either “husband of and dance Hades
the earth” or “lord of the earth.” To a monstrous being which Virgil writes of in a far less
attractive manner Hades
In ancient Greek mythology, Medusa is the most • god of the dead and king of the underworld
famous of three monstrous sisters known as the Gorgons. “In the middle is the Gorgon Medusa, an enormous monster
The earliest known record about the story of Medusa and the about whom snaky locks twist their hissing mouths; her eyes Persephone
Gorgons can be found in Hesiod’s Theogony. According to stare malevolently, and under the base of her chin the tail- • Goddess of the underworld
this ancient author, the three sisters, Sthenno, Euryale, and ends of serpents have tied knots.”
Medusa, were the children of Phorcys and Ceto and lived The Maenads
“beyond famed Oceanus at the world’s edge hard by Night”. This punishment turns Medusa into a monster that is isolated • female followers of the greek god of wine, Dionysus
Of the three, only Medusa is said to be mortal. from the world of men – thus she can never be near another Orpheus
man again. Medusa was banished from her civilization and
Medusa once had charms; to gain her love sent to an island by herself. She was alone and only saw
A rival crowd of envious lovers strove. men trying to kill her. She looked at them in fear and saw Orpheus
They, who have seen her, own, they ne'er did trace them turn to stone in front of her. She was scared of her •greatest of all poets and musicians
More moving features in a sweeter face. powers and angry at the gods for cursing her. She took her • played the lyre
Yet above all, her length of hair, they own, revenge on the men that were sent to kill her. Anybody who •No one and nothing could resist him
In golden ringlets wav'd, and graceful shone. took one step on her island were marked now for death at the
– Ovid, Metamorphoses hands of the Gorgon Medusa. Eurydice
• Forest nymph
Medusa was a priestess to Athena. Athena is the Later on, Perseus who was the son of Danae, daughter of • Wife of Orpheus
goddess of war and wisdom. She is also the only virgin Acrisius the King of Argos, and Zeus, being sent to a mission
goddess. She was the progeny of the sky and weather god by Polydectes cut Medusa’s head by using Minerva's shield Orpheus talented at playing music
Zeus, who served as the chief deity of the pantheon. Being to look at her. The winged horse Pegasus, emerged from her
Zeus’ favourite child, Athena possessed enormous head. Perseus returned to Seriphos, and presented the head Orpheus is known as the most talented music player of the
strength.One requirement to be a priestess for Athena is that to Polydectes. ancient times. It is said that god Apollo was his father, from
the young women should be a virgin and give their life to the whom took his extreme talent in music, and the Muse
goddess. Once Medusa is decapitated, she is reduced to an object and Calliope was his mother. He was living in Thrace, on the
used as a weapon, for even post-mortem, Medusa can turn northeastern part of Greece. Orpheus had a divinely gifted
There had been a dispute between Poseidon and mortals (and monsters) into stone. voice that could charm everyone who heard it. When he was
Athena about who should be the patron of the affluent presented first the lyre as a boy, he had it mastered in no
Ancient Greek city of Athens. Poseidon was the mighty god of ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE time at all. The myth says that no god or mortal could resist
the sea (or water, in general), storms, and horses. his music and even the rocks and trees would move
Apollo themselves to be near him.
One day, Poseidon (or Neptune), the God of the Son of Zeus and Leto According to some ancient texts, Orpheus is accredited to
Sea and rival to Athena, saw Medusa and was mesmerized. God of music, poetry, art prophesy, archery, healing, and have taught agriculture, writing and medicine to the mankind.
But, Medusa being a loyal priestess to the Goddess rejected sunlight He is also attributed with having been an astrologer, a seer
him. Poseidon raped medusa by force and decided to and founder of many mystic rites. The strange and ecstatic
music of Orpheus would intrigue the mind of people to things up or slowing down. On and on they ran and suddenly,
over natural and had the power to broaden the mind to new Orpheus felt Eurydice stumble and fall, her hand slipping
unusual theories. from his grasp. Unable to comprehend what had just
Orpheus used to spend much of his early years in the idyllic happened, he rushed to her side but stopped short in dismay,
pursuits of music and poetry. His skill had far surpassed the for his eyes perceived the deathly pallor that suffused her
fame and respect of his music. Humans and beasts alike cheeks. Looking around, he saw no trace of the shepherd for
would be enchanted by it and often even the most inanimate Aristaeus had witnessed the event and had left. Few steps
of objects would yearn to be near him. Well into his youth he away, Eurydice had stepped on a nest of snakes and had
had mastered the lyre and his melodious voice garnered him been bitten by a deadly viper. Knowing that there was no
audiences from near and afar. chance of survival, Aristaeus had abandoned his try, cursing
his luck and Orpheus.
Love at first sight A supernatural plan
It was at one such gathering of humans and beasts that his After the death of his beloved wife, Orpheus was no more the
eyes fell on a wood nymph. The girl was called Eurydice, she same carefree person he used to be. His life without Eurydice
was beautiful and shy. She had been drawn to Orpheus seemed endless and could do nothing more than grief for her.
enamored by his voice and such was the spell of beauty in This is when he had a great but yet crazy idea: he decided to
music and appearance that neither could cast their eyes off go to Underworld and try to get his wife back. Apollo, his
each other. Something inexplicable tugged the hearts of the father, would talk to Hades, the god of the Underworld, to
two young people and soon they felt dearly in love, unable to accept him and hear his plea.
spend a single moment apart. After a while, they decided to
get married. The death of Orpheus
Wedding day From then on, the heart-broken musician was wandering
disoriented, day after day, night after night, in total despair.
Their wedding day dawned bright and clear. Hymenaios, the He could find no consolation in anything. His misfortune
god of marriage, blessed their marriage and then a great tormented him, forcing him to abstain from contact with any
feast followed. The surroundings were filled with laughter and other woman and slowly but surely he found himself shunning
gaiety. their company completely. His songs were no more joyful but
extremely sad. His only comfort was to lay on a huge rock
The snake-bite and feel the caress of the breeze, his only vision were the
open skies.
However, things would soon change and grief would ensue
happiness. There was one man who was despising Orpheus
and desired Eurydice for his own. Aristaeus, a shepherd, had
plotted a plan to conquer the beautiful nymph. And there he
was, waiting in the bushes for the young couple to pass by.
Seeing that the lovers were approaching, he intended to jump
on them and kill Orpheus. As the shepherd made his move,
Orpheus grabbed Eurydice by the hand and started running
pell-mell through the forest.
The snake-bite

The chase was long and Aristaeus showed no signs of giving

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