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600 Part Six Comprehensive Cases

raw materials from foreign manufacturers. By con- dozen of America’s largest retailers—Target, Kroger,
tracting directly with a handful of denim manufactur- Winn-Dixie Stores, Walgreen, and so on. None looks
ers in Southeast Asia, the company has driven down very happy, perhaps because they know that the only
the retail price of the George brand jeans it sells in way to get off the wall is to fail utterly. Although Kmart
Britain and Germany to $7.85 from $26.67. Says is reorganizing under the federal bankruptcy code,
Eaton: “The mindset around here is, we’re agents for a photo of its CEO continues to hang in Wal-Mart’s
our customers.” rogues’ gallery and no doubt will remain there for as
long as Kmart operates even a single store.
“The Wal-Mart Phenomenon” Growth will only add to the clout that the Bentonville
colossus now wields. There might well come a time,
Wal-Mart’s philosophy doesn’t cut any ice with Wilbur though, when Wal-Mart’s size poses as much of a
L. Ross Jr., a financier and steel tycoon who soon will threat to the company itself as it does to outsiders.
close on the purchase of beleaguered textile manufac- “Their biggest danger is just managing size,” observes
turer Burlington Industries Inc. Ross contends that Wal- a longtime supplier. Adds Babson College’s Hoopes:
Mart is costing Americans jobs “not only as a business “The history of the last 150 years in retailing would
strategy, but as a lobbying strategy”—that is, by using say that if you don’t like Wal-Mart, be patient. There
its influence in Washington to oppose import tariffs and will be new models eventually that will do Wal-Mart
quotas and promote free-trade pacts with Third World in, and Wal-Mart won’t see it coming.” Right now,
countries, including the Southeast Asian countries that though, Wal-Mart’s day of reckoning seems a very long
supply Wal-Mart with denim. “Everybody is now scur- way off.
rying around trying to find the lowest price points,” With Diane Brady, Mike France, Tom Lowry, Nanette
Ross complains. “It’s the Wal-Mart phenomenon.” Byrnes, and Susan Zegel in New York; Michael Arndt,
High on a wall inside Wal-Mart headquarters is a Robert Berner, and Ann Therese Palmer in Chicago;
paper banner with a provocative question in big block and bureau reports
letters: “Who’s taking your customers?” Beneath it, Source: Anthony Bianco and Wendy Zellner, “Is Wal-Mart Too
“Wanted” poster style, hang photos of the CEOs of two Powerful?” BusinessWeek, October 6, 2003, 100–110.

Case 6-10 will be in moving us from just dabbling in less devel-

oped countries [LDCs] to our thriving in them,” his boss
Blair Water Purifiers India had said when Chatterjee was promoted to the job last
January. Chatterjee had agreed and was thrilled when
A pity I couldn’t have stayed for Diwali,” thought Rahul he was asked to visit Bombay and New Delhi in April.
Chatterjee. “But anyway, it was great to be back home His purpose on that trip was to gather background data
in Calcutta.” The Diwali holiday and its festivities on the possibility of Blair Company entering the Indian
would begin in early November 1996, some two weeks market for home water purification devices. The initial
after Chatterjee had returned to the United States. results had been encouraging and had prompted the
Chatterjee worked as an international market liaison second trip.
for Blair Company Inc. This was his eighth year with Chatterjee had used his second trip primarily to
Blair Company and easily his favorite. “Your challenge study Indian cosumers in Calcutta and Bangalore and
to gather information on possible competitors. The two
This case was written by Professor James E. Nelson, cities represented quite different metropolitan areas in
University of Colorado at Boulder. He thanks students in
the class of 1996 (batch 31), Indian Institute of Manage-
terms of location, size, language, and infrastructure,
ment, Calcutta, for their invaluable help in collecting all yet both cities faced similar problems in terms of the
the data needed to write this case. He also thanks Professor water supplied to their residents. Those problems could
Roger Kerin, Southern Methodist University, for his helpful be found in many LDCs and were favorable to home
comments. The case is intended for educational purposes water purification.
rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective decision
making. Some data as well as the identity of the com-
Information gathered on both visits would be used to
pany are disguised. © 1997 by James E. Nelson. Used with make a recommendation on market entry and on the ele-
permission. ments of an entry strategy. Executives at Blair Company

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