Shahariar Arefeen 18304074

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Topic: Activities of nine distribution channel members

Submitted To:

Mr. Saikat Das

Assistant Professor

Department Of Marketing

University Of Chittagong

Submitted by:


ID: 18304074

BBA 7 th Semester

Department Of Marketing

University Of Chittagong

DATE OF SUBMISSION: 31 st may ,2022

RETAILERS: A Retailer is such an entity that sells goods or services directly to the
customers through various distribution channel with the goal of earning profit.
They are the consumer facing part of the supply chain and people mostly interact
with them.

WHOLESALER: It is such an intermediary who sales goods in bilk to retailers for

onward sales directly or via a middleman.They are able to sell their products at a
relative low price as they are selling in bulk,which also reduces the time and cost

Distributors: Distributors sell, store, and offer technical support to retailers and

wholesalers. Their operations are focused on specific regions.

Agents: These are legal entities hired by companies to sell their goods to final
consumers and are paid on commission basis.

BROKER: These members bring buyer and seller together and negotiate the terms
of transaction.

INTERNET: To those who sell tech and software, the internet itself works as the

intermediary of the distribution channel.

SALES TEAM: these are a group formed by companies who are tasked to sale the
companies goods or services.

RESELLER: These are individuals or companies who buy from manufacturer or

retailer to later sell to consumers in retail.

CATALOG: CATALOG sales, as the name indicates, is when a salesperson is

connected to a company and sells its products using a magazine.

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