Form 3 Quiz

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1. Explain the term demand (2mks)

2. Give 3 functions of co-operative societies.(3mks)

3. Explain the concept of scarcity, choice and opportunity cost.(3mks)

4. Give the 2 types of goods which may NOT be affected by the law of

5. Give four factors that may affect the demand of a commodity.(4mks)

6. The diagram below represents a shift on the supply curve.


Give 4 reasons why SS has shifted to S1S1.( 4mks)

7. Give three other methods that may be used in determining the price other
than through the forces of demand and supply.( 4mks)

8. Give 4 incentives those can be given by the government to encourage

development of firms .(4mks)
9. Briefly 4 explain factors to be considered by a firm before embarking on the
production of a particular product. (8mks)

10. Explain 4 disadvantages of firm delocalization. (8mks)

11. Explain 4 factors which have contributed to existence of small firms in any
economy dominated by big businesses.(8mks)
NAM E: …………………………………………………….CLASS: …….. ADM .NO. : ………..
TERM 1 -220

1. Study the flow chart below and answer the questions that follow.

Colourless gas

Heat Metal oxide L

Solid N

Brown gas.

a) Write the formula of the anion present in solid N. (1mk)

b) Metal oxide L is black in colour. Identify:-]

i) Cation present in solid N. (1mk)

ii) Metal oxide L. (1mk)

2. (a) State the mathematical expression of Boyle’s Law. (1mk)

(b) In an experiment, 375cm3 of gas P have a pressure of 800mmHg at 25 oC. what will
be the volume if pressure is reduced to 720mmHg under the same temperature?

3. Below is a structure of Aluminium chloride.

Cl Cl Cl

Al Al

Cl Cl Cl
i) Identify the bonds labeled A and B. (2mks)

ii) When aluminium chloride is dissolved in water, the resultant solution has
a pH of 3. Explain. (2mks)

4. Lithium has two isotopes with mass numbers 6 and 7. If the relative atomic
mass of Lithium is 6.94, determine the percentage abundance of each isotope.

5. A mixture of magnesium powder and lead oxide will react vigorously when
heated but no reaction occurs when a mixture of magnesium oxide and lead
powder are heated.
a) Explain the observation. (2mks)

b) Which of the two substances, magnesium or lead oxide is:

i) Oxidized in the reaction? (1mk)

ii) The oxidizing agent? (1mk)

6. Give two reasons why hydrogen is not commonly used as a fuel. (2mks)

7. Using dots(.) and crosses (x), show the type of bonding in the following
i) Sodium oxide (1mk)

ii) Silicon (IV) chloride. (1mk)

8. An ion T3- has an electronic arrangement of 2.8

a) What is the atomic number of the element? (1mk)
b) To which group and period does the element belong to:
Group …………………………………………………………. (1mk)
Period ………………………………………………… ( (1mk)

9. Air was passed through several reagents shown in the flow chart below.

Air Conc KOH Excess heated Excess heated Unreacted

solution copper turnings magnesium gases

a) Write an equation for the reaction which takes place in the chamber with
magnesium powder. (1mk)

b) Name another solution that can be used in place of conc. KOH solution.

c) Name one gas, which escapes from the chamber containing magnesium
powder. Give a reason for your answer. (2mks)

10. Give the name of each of the following properties as described.

i) When anhydrous copper sulphate is exposed to air for some time, it
becomes wet. (1mk)

ii) Lead oxide can react with both dilute nitric (V) acid and sodium hydroxide
solutions. (1mk)

iii) Magnesium metal can be hammered into sheets. (1mk)

11. A mass of 3.6g of magnesium reacts in excess chlorine to form a chloride.

If the mass of the chloride is 14.25g, find the formula of the chloride formed
(Mg=24, Cl=35.5) (3mks)
12. The grid below represents part of the periodic table. Study it and answer
the questions that follow. The letters are not actual symbols of the elements.

a) What name is given to the family of elements to which A and C belong?


b) Write the formula of the sulphate of element D. (1mk)

c) Which letter represents the most reactive; (2mks)

i) Metal

ii) Non-metal

d) Name the bond formed when B and H react. Explain your answer. (2mks)

e) Select one element that belongs to period 4. (1mk)

f) Explain why the ionic radius of element E is bigger than the atomic radius.

g) The electron configuration of a divalent anion of element N is 2.8.8. Indicate

the position of element N on the periodic table above. (1mk)

h) The oxide of G has a lower melting point than the oxide of L. Explain. (2mks)

i) How do the atomic radii of I and C compare. Explain. (2mks)

j) Explain the trend in the 1 st ionization energies of the elements J, I and L.

NAME: …………………………………… ADM NO: ………….. CLASS: ………………..
TERM 1 YEAR 2020

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

1. What are the main characteristics of kingdom protectista. (3 mks)

2. Name the spore producing structures in (3 mks)

(a) Bryopyte –
(b) Pteridophyta –
(c) Fungi –

3. Study the figure below.

(a) Identify the organism. (1 mk)

(b) Give the name of the kingdom to which the organisms belongs. ( 1 mk)

(c) State two characteristics of the members of organisms in the kingdom you have mentioned in
(b) above.
(2 mks)

4. Write four differences of plants in the class monocotyledonae and class dicotyledonae

Monocotyledonae Dicotyledonae

5. Name the main method of reproction among bacteria. (1 mk)

6. Given the following organisms in a dam, construct a possible food chain for the dam.

7. Name two kidney diseases. (2 mks)

8. Why are plants able to accumulate most of the waste products for long? (1 mk)

9. Name three methods used by plants to excrete their waste productions. (3 mks)

10. State the conditions in human beings that results to the following:-
(i) Production of large quantities of dilute urine. (1 mk)

(ii) Release of aldosterone hormone (1 mk)

(iii) Release of glucagon hormone. (1 mk)


11. Name the class in the phylu m arthropoda which has the largest number of individuals.

(1 mk)

12. State two characteristics of fungi. (2 mks)

13. Give a sample of urine, name one test you would carry out to determine if it was obtained from a
person suffering from diabetes mellitus. (3 mks)

14. Give a classification of a housefly by filling the table below. (3 mks)


15. State the changes that occur in arterioles in the human skin during thermoregulation.(2 mks)

16. Giving a reason in each case, name the class to which each of the following organisms belong.
Bean plant –

Reason –

Bat –

Reason –

17. State the use of Colchicine (1 mk)


18. Study the plant leaves than answers the questions that follow.

(a) Construct a possible dichotomous key to identify the leaf specimens. (3 mks)

(b) States the steps followed to identify the leaf specimens. (7 mks)

Steps followed Identity

NAME: ………………………………. ADM NO: ………….. CLASS: ……………
TERM 1 YEAR 2020
Answers all the questions in the spaces provided.

1. Give two aspects of history. (2 mks)

2. Give two examples of regional trade in the pre-colonial period. (2 mks)

3. Mention one early form of written communication. (1 mk)

4. State two advantages of air transport. (2 mks)

5. Name the treaty that was signed between samouri Toure and the French in 1886. (1 mk)

6. Give two early urban centres in Africa. (2 mks)

7. Idenytify two types of treaties signed during the scramble and partition of Africa. (2 mks)

8. Name two chartered companies that were used by the Europe and powers to govern colonies in
Africa. (2 mks)

9. Name one European country that participated in the Berlin conference (1884 – 1885) (1 mk)

10. State two types of African reaction exhibited against the European colonization. (2 mks)

11. Name one community that was involved in the Maji maji uprising. (1 mk)

12. Identify two treaties that Lewanika signed with the British. (2 mks)


Answer any two questions from this section.

13. (a) State three types of democracy. (3 mks)

(b) Explain six principles of democracy. (12 mks)

14. (a) State five causes of the Maji maji rebellion in Tanganyika (1905-1907). (5 mks)

(b) Explain five effects of t he Chimurenga war of 1896-1897) (10 mks)

15. (a) State the term of the Berlin Act. (5 mks)

(b) Explain the factors that led to scramble for colonies in Africa. (10 mks)
NAME……………………………………………….ADM NO……………….CLASS………….


TERM ONE, 2020

Answer all the question.

1. Outline the teachings of Jesus on the role of the holy spirit (7 mks)

2. Describe peters message about Jesus on the day of Pentecost (7 mks)

3. State 5 problems that church leaders encounter in evangelism (5 mks)
4. Describe the events that took place during the day of Pentecost. (7 mks)
5. State the unity of believers (5mks)
6. State the causes of disunity in the early church (7mks)
7. Narrate the parable of the shrewd manager according to Luke 16:1-18 (7mks)
8. What were some of the measures taken in the Traditional African community to discouraged
pregnancy before marriage(6mks)
NAME:……………………………… ……………………………..ADM NO…………………




1. Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided.
2. Answer all the questions in this paper.
3. All answer must be written in the spaces provided.
4. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are
printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.


1. (a) State three reasons why the interior of the earth has high temperatures. 3mks

(b) Give two differences between Sial and Sima. 2mks

2. (a) Give two ways in which heat is transferred to the atmosphere. 2mks

(b) Describe how humidity is measured in a weather station. 4mks

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3. (a) State two conditions that are necessary for the formation of petroleum. 2mks

(b) The table below shows some examples of rocks. Complete it. 3mks
Original rock metamorphic rock



4. (a) Name two effects of horizontal earth movement . 2mks

(b) State two weaknesses of continental drift theory. 2mks

5. (a) Name two modern methods used in weather forecasting . 2mks

(b) State three ways in which weather forecasting is important to man. 3mks

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6. (a) (i) what is folding. 2mks

(ii) State three factors which influence folding. 3mks

(iii)Differentiate between symmetrical and asymmetrical fold. 2mks

(b)(i) Name three fold mountains found outside Africa. 3mks

(ii) Apart from fold mountains, name two features produced by folding. 2mks

(iii) Describe how fold mountains are formed. 5mks

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(c)Explain four ways in which fold mountains influence human activities. 8mks

7. (a)(i) Name two types of vegetation. 2mks

(ii) Give two Pssyiographic factors influencing vegetation distribution . 2mks

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(b) The diagram below shows vegetation zones of an east African mountain .Use it to answer
the questions that follow

(i) Name the zones marked a,b,c and d . 4mks

(ii) Give one reason why there are no vegetation cover on top of the mountain. 1mk

(c)(i) State the name given to temperate grassland vegetation in :2mks

-North America-
(ii) Explain three uses of Savanna vegetation. 6mks

d)Explain four characteristics of tropical desert vegetation. 8mks

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8. (a) The table below shows the production of various horticultural crops in Kenya between
2008 and 2010 in “000” tonnes.






(i)Using a scale of 1cm represent 50,000 tonnes,draw a comparative bar graph to

present the data above. 8mks

(ii) Name the crop that has the highest production within the period . 1mk

(iii)Give two advantages of using comparative bar graphs. 4mks

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b) identify the two types of photographs. 2mks

(c)Give two uses of photographs. 4mks

(d) Give two differences between aerial photographs and ground photographs. 4mks

(e) Define the following term used in photographs:

Dead ground 2mks

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NAME……………………………………….. ADM NO………….CLASS

1 (a). (i) Differentiate between indigenous and exotic forests (2marks)

(ii) Give three western rain forests found in Kenya (3marks)

(b). (i) State three measures that have been taken to conserve forests in Kenya. (3 marks)

(ii) Explain two factors which favor the development of softwood forests in Canada. (4 marks)

(iii)Compare and contrast the softwood forests in Kenya and Canada under the following sub-headings

a. Maturity

b. Transport of logs

c. Type of forests

2. The table bellow shows the value of the main mineral exports from Kenya in the year 2016 in Kshs

Mineral Value in Kshs Million

Titanium ore 13,300
Rutile 6,800
Soda ash 6,200
Ilmenite 3,400
Zircon 3,000
Gemstones 930

a.(i) Using a radius of 5 cm, draw a pie chart to represent the data above. (10 Marks)
(ii)Calculate the percentage of the leading mineral export by value in year 2016. [ 2mks]
b.[i]State three disadvantages of using pie-charts to present statistical data (3mks)

(ii)State two characteristics of compound bar graph. (2mks)

3.a(i)Give two ways that can be used to locate a place on a topographical map.(2mks)

(ii)Give three methods that are commonly used to represent relief on topographical map.(3mks)

4.(a)With the use of a well labeled diagram, show how the following features are presented on a
topographical map: (6mks)

(I)A ridge

(ii)A hill


(b)Name four drainage patterns on topographical maps. (4mks)

JINA _______________________________________ NAMBARI DARASA

Wahenga walisema “motto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo”. Hii in maana ya kuwa ukiogopa kutumia
ufito kumchapa motto wako, ukamdekeza, utadeka na hatimaye ataharibika. Methali hii ina
pacha yake ambayo ni “ukicha mwana kulia, utalia wewe.

Hizi ni methali zilizojaa busara kubwa. Mathalani, wewe ni mzazi au mtu yeyote mzima
aliyetunukiwa madaraka juu ya watoto, lakini kila wanapokiuka uadilifu au mmoja wao
anapokosea wewe unambembeleza tu, basi huwa unaizorotesha tabia yake. Mtoto huyo anaweza
kuishia kuwa mtundu.

Hata hivyo, ni sharti tujue ya kwamba tuko katika nji apanda hapa. Kwa upande mmoja, zamani
ilichukuliwa kwamba watoto n ahata mzima ana jambo la kuwaeleza, njia pekee ya kuliingiza
katika ‘akili yao’ ni kuwatwanga ili kulikongomeza jambo hili. Ukweli ni kwamba akili ya motto si
hafifu hata. Unaweza kusema ni kam ammea, ambao usiporutubishwa kimakusudi, ukapaliliwa
vyem ana kustawishwa stahiki yake, basi hudhoofu; na mwisho kufifia .

Kwa upande mwingine, mtazamo wa kisas ani tofauti kabisa. Imethibitishwa ya kiwamba
wanawake ni sawa kabisa katika maumbile yao wakilinganishwa na wanaume. Kwa jinsi hiyo,
kweli wapo wanawake ambao hawana mwelekeo timamu kuhusu maisha, lakini ni kweli kuwa
watoto wote, kwa sababu ya umri wao tu, basihawana akili. Kadhalika, si kwe li kuwa watoto wote,
kwa sababu ya umri wao tu basi hawana akili. Ama kwa kusema kweli binadamu yeyote huzaliwa
na akilipungufu. Hili litokeapo, basi tunalikubali tu. Hatuwezi kumlaumu mtu kama huyo au
muumba wake. Kwa hakika huu ndio msingi wa methali, “akili ni nywele, kila mtu an azake.”
Vinginevyo, mtazamo wa kizamani ni taasubi kongwe tu za kiume zilizopitwa na wakati.

Aidha, kwa sababu watu wote huzaliwa na akili timamu, tene hawawi watu wazima kabla ya kuwa
watoto kwanza, mtu mzima yeyote an ahali gani ya kuwadhulumu watotro na kujipambaniza na
lawama za uongo dhidi ya vijana hao kwa madai kuwa hawana akili? Na je, ikiwa hawana akili,
basi ndipo waonewe? Wanyanyaswe? Hii si jambo la busara. Kurudi Mtoto kwa visa vya maonevu
ni kumrudisha nyuma kiumbe huyo. Kurudi kufaako ni kwa kupeleka, sio kwa kurudisha nyuma.
Kurudi kuelekezako mbele ni kwa uongozi ambao lengo lake ni kumulikia mtoto kurunzi ilimradi
kumwangazia tariki njema.

Mtoto asinyimwe vya tunu vyovyote ambavyo ni stahiki yake, kwa kisingizio kuwa vimetengewa
mtu mzima, ndugu mkubwa, mwalimu, au mtu awaye yeyote Yule aliyekabidhiwa jukumu la
kumlea au mtu mzima, ndugu mkubwa, mwalimu au mtu awaye yeyeto. Yule aliyekabidhiwa
jukumu la kumlea au kumwogoza motto.

Mtoto ana haki ya kuhudumiwa kwa njia yeyote ifaayo ili akue na akili yake ikomae kikamilifu.
Inafaa asomeshwe,apewe malezi bora ili naye alee wengine kistahiki.

a) Mapenzi yasiyo kipimo yanaweza kuwa hatari kwa motto. Eleza kikamilifu huku ukirejelea
habariuliyosoma . (Alama 3)

b) Fafanua njia panda inayorejelewa na matunzi. (Alama 3)

c) Mtoto analinganishwa na mmea katika taarifa hii, kwamba “usiporutubishwa kimakusundi,

ukapaliliwa vyema na kustawishwa stahiki yake basi hudhoofu,” tathmini kulinganishwa
huku, huku ukirejelea taarifa. (Alama 3)

d) Akili ni nywele, ‘Kila mtu ana ;zake. Eleza maana ya ndani ya methali hii kulingana na
taarifa. (Alama 2)

e) Onyesha kwamba unaelewa maana ya: (Alama 2)

Kurudi Mtoto kwa visa vya maonevu ni kumrudisha nyuma kiumbe huyo.”

f) Eleza maana ya: (Alama 2)

i) Kulikongomeza

ii) Kujipambaniza

2. M ATUMIZI YA LUGHA. (Alama 30)

a. Eleza tofauti ya kimatamshi baina ya sauti zifuatazo.
i) (K)

ii) (G)
b. Eleza maana nne zinazojitokeza katika sentensi ifuatayo. (Alama 4)
Tande alimpigia milimo mpira

c. Sahihisha sentensi ifuatayo kwa njia tatu mwafaka. (Alama 3)

Hapa Kwetu Mna Siafu Wengi.

d. Eleza maana ya ngeli. (Alama 1)

e. Andika sentensi mbili ili kuonyesha maana tofauti za alama ya kibainishi. (Alama 2)

f. Eleza maana ya mofimu. (Alama 2)

g. Eleza hali zinazodhihirika katika sentensi zifuatazo.

i) Gari lake limebingirika mtaroni.

ii) Cha mlevi huliwa na mgema.

h. Andika sentensi ifuatayo kwa usemi taarifa. (Alama 2)

“Hamjambo wanafunzi”, mwalimu aliwasalimia

i. Andika sentensi ifuatayo kwa ukubwa. (Alama 2)

Watoto walinunuliwa viatu maridadi.

j. Andika kinyume cha sentensi, (Alama 2)

Shangazi alifurahishwa na wimbo huo.
k. Tunga sentensi kuonyesha maana ya vitale vifuatavyo. (Alama 2)
i) Pamba

ii) Bamba

l. Toa maelezo ya msamiati ufuatao. (Alama 4)

i) Kielezi

ii) Kiiunganishi

iii) Kiwakilishi

a) Eleza maana ya. (Alama 5)
i) Sajili……………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) Lahaja…………………………………………………………………………………………………
iii) Isimu……………………………………………………………………………………………………
iv) Lafudhi…………………………………………………………………………………………………
b) Eleza maana ya (Alama 5)
Kuchanganya ndimi

4. FASIHI SIM ULIZI (Alama 10)

a) Maigizo ni nini? (Alama 2)

b) Toa mifano mine ya maigizo. (Alama 4)

c) Taja Dhima nine za maigizo. (Alama 4)

JINA ………………………………………………………………NAMBARI


(a) Andika jina lako na nambari yako ya mtihani katika nafasi ulizoachiwa hapo
(b) Jibu maswali yote.
(c) Majibu yote yaandikwe katika nafasi ulizoachiwa katika kijitabu hiki cha
(d) Majibu yote lazima yaandikwe kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
(e) Watahiniwa lazima wahakikishe kwamba kurasa zote za karatasi hii zimepigwa
chapa sawasawa na kuwa maswali yote yamo.
Kwa matumizi ya mtahini pekee.

Swali Upeo Alama

A 20

B 15

C 40

D 10

E 15


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Andika ratiba itakayotumiwa katika siku ya mchango wa pesa za kujengea ukumbi wa tamasha .

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Soma makala ya ifuatayo ki sha ujibu maswali.
Mabadiliko ya hali ya anga ni suala nyeti katika ulimwengu mzima. Suala hili sasa limetoa
msukumo wa kulazimu kupanua nafasi ya uhifadhi wa mazingira .
Kwa sasa, ni bayana kuwa waja wakiendelea na mtindo wa maisha ya kibepari ya kutumia mali
asili kwa ulafi wa kukidhi tu haja zao bila kujali maslahi ya wengi, basi dunia itahiliki
hatimaye.Lazima tufahamu fika kuwa tunapaswa kutumia mazingira yetu kwa manufaa
ya leo na kwa vizazi vya kesho.
Tayari athari za mabadiliko ya hewa yameanza kuathiri kila sehemu ya nchi yetu ya Kenya.
Mvua hainyeshi jinsi ilivyokuwa awali, kilimo kinafeli kwa sababu ya kuzidi kwa
kiangazi, maelfu ya mifugo wamekufa kwa kukosa malisho na maji. Jamii za wafugaji
sasa zinakosa lishe bora kwa sababu ya dhiki na ufukara. Bei za bidhaa za kimsingi
zimepanda mijini na mshambani kutokana na ukame ulioko sehemu nyingi. Isitoshe
chemchemi za maji zinapotea huku mito ikikauka, wanyama pori wanakufa kwa njaa na
kiu, makabiliano kati ya binadamu na wanyama pori yameongezeka, nao ufukara
unaongezeka kila siku miongoni mwa umma. Hali hii sasa inachangia kuzorota kwa
usalama hasa katika sehemu kame. Kuna visa vingi vya kuibiana mifugo na kubishiana
chemchemi za maji na mali asli. Asilimia kubwa ya mito imekauka, chemchemi za maji
zinapotea na vinamisi vya milima ya taifa havipo tena kutokana na uharibifu wa misitu na
utumiaji mbaya wa malisasili.
Ndiyo maana hutajasita kukariri kuwa mabadiliko ya hali ya anga ni mtikisiko wa kitaifa kwani
ni hali ya hatari na kuwa kila mtu ana jukumu kujitahidi kiasi cha uwezo wake kuchangia
uhifadhi wa mazingira .Mvua ikinyesha tupande miti, tuhifadhi chemchemi za maji na
sehemu za unyevunyevu tulinde mito na maziwa yetu;tulime huku tukihifadhi udongo
wetu,tufuge ,si kwa haja ya kuwa na mifugo wengi bali kwa kukidhi mahitaji na pia
kulinda mazingira;tujitayarishe kuhifadhi maji ya mvua kwa ajili ya matumizi ya
nyumbani na kilimo tuzidishe juhudi za kupanda mimea mbalimbali ya chakula huku pia
tukifufua ile ya kienyeji.
Hatakati za kupambana kuhifadhi msitu wa Mau,ambao ni chanzo kikubwa zaidi cha maji na
mito nchini na hata Afrika Mashariki zinajulikana .Kutokana na vitendo vya ulafi wa
viongozi wetu msitu huu umevamiwa na kuharibiwa na hata unatishia maisha ya mito,
maziwa, mbuga za kuhifadhi wanyama pori na mamilioni ya watu wanaotegemea msitu
huu kwa njia moja au nyingine.Tunatambua kwamba juhudi nyingi zinafanywa na
serikali kutokana na shinikizo za wa wakereketwa na wadau wa mazingira .Lakini
lazima serikali itumie uwezo wake wote kulinda misitu ya Mau,Mlima Kenya,mlima
Elgon na misitu mingine kwa jumla.Tusipuuze misitu na mazingira kwa sababu ya siasa
Serikali haifai kuachiwajukumu la kulinda misitu pekee bali wananchi pia wanafaa wajitume
kwani mazingira yanahusu uhai wa kila mmoja wetu.Kuntu umoja ni nguvu utengano ni
udhaifu.Ndiyo maana tunachukua fursa hii kuwapongeza wakazi wa Malava katika kauti
ya Kakamega ambao hivi majuzi walijitokeza mzomzo kupinga uharibifu wa msitu huo

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na kuungana pamoja kupanda takriban miche hamsini elfu.watu waharibifu
wasiruhusiwe kuangamiza misitu , mazingira, mandhari na masiha kule Malava.
Serikali pia inapaswa kutenga hela kulinda misitu inayofunika milima.Milima ya taifa ni
mandhari yanayopendeza nchini na lazima kila juhudi za kulinda uhai katika milima hii
zifanye .Ni jukumu la maafisa wa ardhi ,wa mazingira na wa misitu kutoa ushauri kwa
serikali kwamba kuna hatari ya misitu kumalizwa na watu wabinafsi.Sheria ihimizwe na
wananchi wahamasishwe huhusu umuhimu wa kulinda na kuimarisha mazingira.

a. Toa kichwa mwafaka kwa taarifa hii. Al 1

b. Mabadiliko ya hali ya anga husababiswa na nini? Al 2

c. Toa athari tatu tatu zinazosababishwa na kubadilika kwa hali ya anga. Al 3

d. Kwa nini mwandishi ansema hatasita kukariri kuhusu hali ya hatari? Al 3

e. Ni sababu gani zilichangia kuharibiwa kwa msitu wa Mau? Al 1

f. Eleza sababu za mwandishi kusema umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu. Al 1

g. Nini kiini cha kuzuia uharibifu wa msitu wa Malava? Al 2

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h. Eleza maana ya vifungu vifuatayo kama vilivyotumiwa katika taarifa hii. Al 2
i. Vizazi vya kesho

ii. Mtikisiko wa taifa

1. Andika neno lenye sauti zifuatazo . al 2
Kimadende,irabu ya nyuma juu,kitambaza, irabu ya kati chini.

2. (a) Mofimu ni nini? Al 2

(b) Ainisha mofimu katika neno lifuatalo. aingiapo. Al 2

3. Andika neno lenye muundo ufuatao.


4. Tumia kirejeshi cha mwisho kuandika sentensi ifuatyo.

Watoto wanaochezea pale ni wangu upya. Al 2

5. Tunga sentensi mbili kutofautisha kitenzi chuma. Al 2

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6. Maneno yafuatayo yamo katika ngeli zipi (al 2)
i. Karatasi


7. Onyesha aina za maneno yaliyopigiwa mstari

i. Mwalimu msichana alienda Mombasa. Al 2

ii. Alichezewa na watoto wabaya sana.

8. Kirai ni nini? Al 2

9. Geuza sentensi ifutayo iwe katika hali ya ukubwa wingi. Al 2

Mtoto alimkamata mbuzi mwingine .

10. Andika kinyume cha: al 2

Jana walianika nguo za mvulana huyo.

11. Unda nomino kutokana na maneno yafuatayo. Al 2

i. Mwalimu

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ii. Mwandishi

12. Yakinisha al 2
Wasiposoma kwa bidii hawatapita mtihani huo.

13. Pambanua sentensi ifuatayo kwa kielezo cha mstari. Al 2

Huyo ni mtoto mzuri sana.

14. “ Tutaanza kulima kesho,” ,mama alimwambia mwanawe. Andika katika usemi wa
taarifa. Al 2

15. Eleza matumizi mawili ya mshazari. Al 2

16. Tunga sentensi yenye muundo ufuatao.

Nomino ya dhahania ,kivumishi kimilikishi, kitenzi halisi na kielezi. Al 2

17. Tambua vipashio vya lugha ukianzia na cha kiwango cha juu kisha uvitiolee mifano.
Al 4

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18. Andika kwa wingi al 2
Duka lililofunguliwa asubuhi lilifungwa magharibi.

Taja na ueleze sifa za sajili ya kituo cha polisi

1. Andika umuhimu wa nyiso katika jamii. Al 5

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2. Eleza sifa za maigizo. Al 5

3. Tambua dhima ya mighani katika jamii. Al 5

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1. Simplify:
/5 of 60 – 22/3 x 1 ½
55/8 x 17/95/4 x 44/5 + 24/57/10
( 4marks )

2. Solve for x in the equation.

27x x 3(2x-2) = 9 (x +2) (3marks)

3. The size of each interior angle of a regular polygon is five times the size of the exterior
angle. Find the number of sides of the polygon. ( 3 marks )
4. The dimensions of a brick are 2cm x 3.4cm x 6.42cm. Find the percentage error in the
calculation of its area. (3marks)

5. Masses of three babies was stated as a=12.7kg, b=9.8 kg and c=3.20kg. find the relative
error in the following expressions:
(a) a+b-c (3mks)

(b) c÷ab (3mks)

6. Find the relative error in using 0.3 as the estimate of 1/3. (2mks)

7. Find the length of AC of triangle ABC in which AB=5cm, <ABC=1510 and <BCA=130.

8. In a triangle LMN, <L=810, n=4.3cm and m=3.5cm. Calculate

a) Length l (2marks)
b) Angles M and N (3marks)


L 810 N
9. In triangle ABC, <B=610, and b = 5.3cm. find the radius of the circle passing through the
vertices A,B and C

10. The table below shows height of 50 students

Height (cm) Frequency

140 – 144 3
145 – 149 16
150 – 154 20
155 – 159 10
160 – 164 1

(a) State the modal class ( 1 mark)

(b) Calculate the median height. ( 3 marks )

11. Use completing square method to solve for X in.

½ x2 – 5/2x + 1 =0 (3marks)
12. (a) Complete the table below for the function y = 6 + x – x 2. ( 2 marks )

x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

y -14 6 4 -6

(b) On the grid provided below, draw the graph of y = 6 + x – x 2 for -4 ≤ x ≤ 5. (3marks )

(c ) On the same axes draw the graph of y = 2 – 2x. (2marks )

(d) From the graphs, find the values of x which satisfy the simultaneous equations.

y = 6 + x – x2

y = 2 – 2x. ( 1 marks )

(e) Write down and simplify a quadratic equation in the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0

which is satisfied by the values of x where the two graphs intersect. (2 marks )
NAM E: …………………………………………………….CLASS:…….. ADM .NO. :………..
TERM 1 -2020

Answer All questions in the spaces provided.

1. Define the terms velocity and acceleration. (2mks)

2. Give a reason why it is necessary to leave the caps of the cell open when
charging on accumulator. (1mk)

3. One method of producing a weak magnet is to hold a steel rod in the north
south direction and hammer it continuously for some time using the domain
theory of magnetism. Explain how this method works. (2mks)

4. A body accelerates uniformly from its initial velocity u, to the final velocity, v,
in time t. the distance travelled during this is s. If acceleration is donated by
letter a, show that;
i) v = u + at (2mks)

ii) s = ut + ½ at2 . (3mks)

iii) v2 = u2 + 2as. (2mks)

5. State two uses of a charged gold leaf electroscope. (2mks)

6. State the number of images formed when an object is between two plane
mirrors placed in parallel axis. (1mk)

7. An object is placed 15cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length

10cm.calculate the image distance 3 mks

8. (a) Define the term spring constant K. (1mk)

(b) The three springs shown below are identical and have negligible weight. The
extension produced on the system of the is 20cm.


Determine spring constant of each spring. (3mks)

9. Figure below shows a displacement – time graph per a progressive wave.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2
i) State the amplitude of the wave. (1mk)

ii) Determine the frequency of the wave. (2mks)

iii) Given that the velocity of the wave is 20m/s, determine its wavelength.

10. A ray of light passing from air to glass is incident at angle of 30 o.

Calculate the angle of refraction in the glass if the refractive index of glass is
1.50. (3mks)

11. A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a vertical tower and strike
the ground at point 50m from the bottom of the tower given that the height of
the tower is 45m, determine the;
i) Time taken by the ball to hit the ground. (3mks)

ii) The initial horizontal velocity of the ball. (3mks)

iii) Vertical velocity of the ball just before striking the ground (Take

12. Explain how the pressure in a moving fluid varies with the speed of the
fluid. (1mk)

13. State snells law of refraction. Describe an experiment to verify it. (5mks)

14. Define critical angle. (1mk)

15. A stone is let to fall vertically down from a window on the 10 th floor of a
building 40m above the ground. Find the time taken by the stone to reach the
ground. (3mks)

16. What is the difference between longitudinal and transverse wave. (1mk)

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