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Burhan:- 1.My task was to maintain Weebly as I was the e

E journal editor of my group

2.It was my first time making homemade natural soap and selling online I enjoy selling the

3.We worked together as we were late in making products but we managed to make it on
time .

4.We all learn how to become a good entrepreneur by promoting our products

Uday:- 1.My task was to make bio enzyme and to bring stickers for the branding of the
product .In making of the bio enzyme I had to wait till 1.5 months.
2. I got to learn various things like how natural products are made and how to sell products
and how to convince the customer to buy the product.
3. What went well is that everyone made their product on time and on the first day we sold
all of our products with no issue.
4. i learned from all of my group members which is to be punctual,I got to learn many things
about technology and many more.

Rishikesh:- 1.My task was to make bio-enzyme and I made it at home and I sold it with my
Eumind group members. First of all I took a plastic bottles then I put water in it then I put
orange peels in it and I also put the jaggery. Then every day at morning I use to open the
cap of that bottles and release the gas and close the cap after 1minute. This was my task to
make the bio-enzyme.
2.My memorable learning was to do marketing of our products and to sale the products. At
the first day of school we all group members sold bio-enzyme and neem mosquito repellent.
It was very hard work to sale all the products but we all enjoyed, so this was my memorable
learning things.
3. In my opinion we went wrong that we did not filled the products on time and also we did
not put stickers on time but we still manged to sell all the products.
4. I learned from my school partners that we should always be ready for all the hard work.
The outcomes of the research with my school partner is that we should always be ready for
all the hard work.

Aarav:- Working on a project to sell ant repellent with a group has been an insightful
experience. Collaborating with others has allowed me to tap into diverse perspectives and
skill sets, enhancing our overall strategy. From brainstorming marketing tactics to analyzing
market trends, each team member brought valuable insights to the table.

One aspect I found particularly rewarding was the research phase, where we delved into
understanding consumer preferences, environmental impact, and competitor analysis. This
deep dive enabled us to tailor our product to meet both consumer needs and ethical
standards, ensuring a competitive edge in the market.

Throughout the process, effective communication and teamwork were essential. Clear
delegation of tasks, regular check-ins, and constructive feedback fostered a dynamic and
productive environment. Despite encountering challenges along the way, such as budget
constraints and logistical issues, our collective effort and determination propelled us forward.

As we finalize our product and prepare for launch, I'm filled with a sense of accomplishment
and anticipation. Our collaboration has not only resulted in a potentially profitable venture but
has also taught me valuable lessons in teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability. I look
forward to seeing our hard work pay off as we introduce our ant repellent to the market with
the help of our Principal Father Felix D'Souza

Danish:- 1. My task was to make Neem Repellent Spray bottles for home use, For the Neem
Repellents, I had to use dabbar and neem for making them, My task was also to bring all the
empty spray bottles and fill them up.

2. This group work helped me understand how, to properly sell products to consumers, to be
independent of our tasks, to maintain profit and loss between the products and having a
good time with teamwork to accomplish our goal.

3. Honestly, We actually did surprisingly great since we managed to sell 21 bottles out of our
25 bottles, This proved a great marketing and profit for us, We all spent time after school
working on our Weebly website, It was a fun and memoriable experience with my friends.

4. I've learnt to be more responsible for my part, more careful for my part, more dedication
for my part and overall to be a valuable asset to the group, and understood that our partner
school has helped and are serving the same purpose.

I overall think that we actually have done our work independently with hardwork and not
being careless about it, We have spent our after school time, discussing for our website,
products, sales, price and demand, We have also spent our time individually to make our
products to sell for profit, We have also sold our products to various consumers which
include some teachers who were interested, Other various people were interested in our
products and went forward to give it a try, they all recognised our hard work in this
production and team. Because of all of our dedication, we have accomplished our goal for
profit and sales successful


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