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Physical and Health Education

Assessment: Year 7 – Invasion Games Comparative Task

Years 7 and 8 Achievement Standard Australian Curriculum HPE Achievement

By the end of Year 8, students investigate strategies and resources to manage changes and transitions and their impact
on identities. Students evaluate the impact on wellbeing of relationships and respecting diversity. They analyse factors
that influence emotional responses. They investigate strategies and practices that enhance their own and others’ health
and wellbeing. They investigate and apply movement concepts and strategies to achieve movement and fitness
outcomes. They examine the cultural and historical significance of physical activities and examine how connecting to
the environment can enhance health and wellbeing.

Students apply personal and social skills to establish and maintain respectful relationships and promote fair play and
inclusivity. They demonstrate skills to make informed decisions, and propose and implement actions that promote
their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. Students demonstrate control and accuracy when performing
specialised movement skills. They apply and refine movement concepts and strategies to suit different movement
situations. They apply the elements of movement to compose and perform movement sequences.

Task Description:

Invasion Games around the world have skills that can be transferred to a variety of
sporting situations.

In this task students will draw on their recent experiences from the Invasion Games Unit
to compare the Sports of Parntu and European Handball. Students will identify the
similarities between the two and analyse the transferable skills and movement patterns
utilised by both sports.

Parntu/European Handball
Personal, Social and Community Health Movement and Physical Activity
Thorough analysis of contextual factors that influence identities, relationships, Highly-proficient demonstration of leadership, fair play and cooperation across a range of
decisions and behaviours. movement and health contexts.

In-depth investigation of diversity with regards to community connection and In-depth application of decision-making and problem-solving skills when taking action to
wellbeing. enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing.

Highly-accurate synthesis and application of health information to justify Highly accurate implementation of movement concepts and strategies to new and
responses to health situations. challenging movement situations.

Highly accurate evaluation of interventions to improve fitness and physical Thorough refinement of their own and others’ specialised movement skills and movement
activity in communities, while examining the role of physical activity in performances, while working collaboratively to design and apply solutions to movement
defining cultures and cultural identities. challenges.

Proficient analysis of contextual factors that influence identities, relationships, Proficient demonstration of leadership, fair play and cooperation across a range of
decisions and behaviours. movement and health contexts.

Clear investigation of diversity with regards to community connection and Capable application of decision-making and problem-solving skills when taking action to
wellbeing. enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing.

B Proficient synthesis and application of health information to justify responses to Proficient implementation of movement concepts and strategies to new and challenging
health situations. movement situations.

Accurate evaluation of interventions to improve fitness and physical activity in Developed refinement of their own and others’ specialised movement skills and movement
communities, while examining the role of physical activity in defining cultures performances, while working collaboratively to design and apply solutions to movement
and cultural identities. challenges.

Considered analysis of contextual factors that influence identities, relationships, Competent demonstration of leadership, fair play and cooperation across a range of
decisions and behaviours. movement and health contexts.

Considered investigation of diversity with regards to community connection and Some application of decision-making and problem-solving skills when taking action to
wellbeing. enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing.

C Competent synthesis and application of health information to justify responses Competent implementation of movement concepts and strategies to new and challenging
to health situations. movement situations.

Appropriate evaluation of interventions to improve fitness and physical activity Competent refinement of their own and others’ specialised movement skills and movement
in communities, while examining the role of physical activity in defining performances, while working collaboratively to design and apply solutions to movement
cultures and cultural identities. challenges.

Recognition and some analysis of contextual factors that influence identities, Inconsistent demonstration of leadership, fair play and cooperation across a range of
relationships, decisions and behaviours. movement and health contexts.

Inconsistent investigation of diversity with regards to community connection Limited application of decision-making and problem-solving skills when taking action to
and wellbeing. enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing.

Basic synthesis and application of health information to justify responses to Occasional implementation of movement concepts and strategies to new and challenging
health situations. movement situations.

Occasional evaluation of interventions to improve fitness and physical activity

Limited refinement of their own and others’ specialised movement skills and movement
in communities, while examining the role of physical activity in defining
performances, while working collaboratively to design and apply solutions to movement
cultures and cultural identities.

Identification of contextual factors that influence identities, relationships, Emerging development of leadership, fair play and cooperation across a range of movement
decisions and behaviours. and health contexts.

Minimal investigation of diversity with regards to community connection and Minimal recognition of decision-making and problem-solving skills when taking action to
wellbeing. enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing.

Little application of health information to justify responses to health situations. Disconnected transfer of movement concepts and strategies to new and challenging
Emerging demonstration of interventions to improve fitness and physical movement situations.
activity in communities, while examining the role of physical activity in
Some refinement of their own and others’ specialised movement skills and movement
defining cultures and cultural identities.
performances, while working collaboratively to design and apply solutions to movement

Year 7 Health and Physical Education

Year 7 Parntu/European Handball

Using your experiences from the unit, you will need to write a 250-word Discussion comparing the
skills and rules of these two sports/activities. You will need to explain similarities and differences
between rules and technical skills.
Below you will find a guide on how to structure your written response.

Discussion Template

Topic: Although these are two different sports, European Handball and Parntu share many
similarities? They are two different sports of parntu and European handball.

First perspective (for): Similarities

Similarities are something that is different from a real euro HB.
Opposing perspective (against): Differences
the different is the kicking with soccer ball.
Hedging Sentence: Whilst there are many aspects that suggest that these sports are similar, there
exist many differences between the two.

Similarities Differences
Skill Skill
Point: state your reason/point/topic Point: kicking is used in parntu
In both European Handball and Parntu there
are skills that are similar between them. Evidence:
Parntu kicking the up to teammates to score
Evidence: provide an example to support your
point Explain:
In European handball and Parntu they include Kicking can be used by attacking teams points
passing and catching. and also can be used in European handball.
Explain: explain how your evidence helps prove
your argument.
passing and catching allowed the attacking
team to miss the ball while the other team can
win if the catcher get the ball without the
attacking team getting the ball off their hands.
Skill Skill
Point: in European handball the have to move Point: in parntu we can attack and defend the
into space ball. European handball can do the same.

Evidence: moving into space help the other Evidence: you have to stand 1cm away from
teams with the ball throw it to their teams. the ball.

Explain: if the other teams throw the ball to Explain: in parntu we can attack and defend
their teams while they are moving in space, the ball while moving anywhere in the plating
they can catch the ball. But if the other teams aera.
catch the ball, it a turn over for them.
Tactic Tactic
Point: in European they have a goalie Point: in parntu they don’t have any goalie

Evidence: in every game they always have one Evidence: the never use goalie in parntu.
goalie in each team.
Explain: instead, they will just kick the ball to
Explain: when you have the ball and you are their team mate to catch the ball.
close to the goal you have to move three steps
then you have to jump and then shot.
1. Acknowledge both sides of the discussion
I acknowledged the both side similarities and different of the game because their game
are fun to played and also introducing new ruled.
2. Acknowledge the side of the argument that you disagree with
I disagree with the part that said that parntu don’t have a goalie. but we can kick the ball
to your teams.
3. State the side that you agree with and explain why (link this to your 3 argument points)
In similarities they are passing and catching in European handball and in differences they
are kicking in parntu.
4. A final concluding statement that reaffirms that answer to your entire topic.
There are more similarities than differences in the game. They have different sets of rules,
but similar because they use hands for catching and throwing.

Discussion Language Features

Adding more information

When adding more information or another idea to the same perspective, introduce your new
information through a text connective.

Example: Football; otherwise known as soccer, is the most popular sport in the world. Additionally, it is
the most played sport in the world….

List of text connectives

 Additionally
 Similarly
 Not only this, but
 As well as this
 Also
 In addition
 To reinforce this idea
 To add
 Furthermore
 Moreover
 Another
 In the same way

Comparing information

When comparing information from one perspective to the next, you need to introduce your ideas using
comparative text connectives.

Example: Football; otherwise known as soccer, is the most popular sport in the world. However, many
people will disagree and argue that…

List of comparative text connectives

 However
 In comparison
 In contrast
 On the contrary
 But
 On the other hand
 Instead
 Although
 Whereas
 Others believe
 In spite of this
 Rather
 Elsewhere
 Instead
 Alternatively

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