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PUBDET-2017 Subject : Mathematics Time Allowed: 1Hour 30 Minutes. Maximum Marks : 100 Booklet NO. wes. 11603089 INSTRUCTIONS Candidates should read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions: 2. This question paper contains 50 MCQ type objective questions. Each question has four answer options given, viz, A, B, Cand D. Only one answer is correct. Correct answer will fetch full marks 2. Incorrect answer or any combinations of more than one answer will fetch —Y%4 mark, No answer will fetch 0 mark, Questions must be answered on OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate bubble marked A, B, C, or D. Use only Black/Blue balll point pen to miark the answer by complete filling up of the respective bubbles. Mark the answers only in the space provided. Do not make any stray mark on the OMR. ‘Write question booklet number and your roll number carefully in the specified locations of the OMR. Also fill appropriate bubbles. Write your name (in block letter), name of the examination centre and put your full signature in appropriate boxes in the OMR. ‘The OMRs will be processed by electronic means, Hence itis liable to become invalid if there is any mistake in the questions booklet umber or roll number entered or if there is eny mistake in filling corresponding bubbles. Also it may become invalid if there is any discrepancy in the name of the candidate, name of the examination centre, signature of the candidate vis-a-vis what is given in the candidate’s admit card, The OMR may zlso become invalid due to folding or putting stray marks on it or any damage to it. the consequence of such invalidation due to incorrect marking or careless handling by the candidate will be sole responsibility of candidate. Rough work must be done on the question paper itself. Additional blank pages are given in the question paper for rough work. Handover the OMR to the invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall. — L PUBDETI7/MATHEMATICS Please Turn Over N,Q.8,Crespectively denote the set of naturel numbers, the set of rational numbers, the set of real numbers and the set of complex numbers. [x] denotes the gretest integer less than or equal to x. 1. Let a,b,c€R with abc=l. Thea which one of the following is true? Lay tol (A) 22-}, 2-4 eed (B) Exactly one of the numbers 2a: 2-1, 2e-4 is more than 1 (© At most two of the numbers 1 ta}, 2. z ty tad (D) 20-7. 2-2, 2e-F<1 2 Let a,d,¢ be nonzero real numbers such that atbte=0 and a4e'tcac+o'te'. Then Od HC A) 3) © @) 3. |Q1D") divides 111 is true, for (A) finitely many positive integers (B) n>4 (© 27 @) 126 (3) Pro t= NQRC VARGO RAS, LAU, FIAT oaba TPs try be wal | [x] TEATS eM Se exe 1, ATF a,b,c€R adem SRA PARAS RE afer? 2. TUE LD A FOAM ETAT a,b,c ST AED HCHO GR Fi Fe aa +i be ORE @) ® Lo} ©) we 3 mesa a aw [010 CATE LG? (A) 2a (finite) eres ahieat na aT @) n>4 (© n2t @) n>6 PUBDETI7IMATHEMATICS 4. Areal polynomial fix) is asum of squares of real polynomials, if (A) f()=x'+px’+gctr has acomplex root. B) fG@)>0 forall xeR. (© fG@)=x?+pxtyg has areal root. ©) sae tps +g tra? tacts has exactly one rea ros. 5. Let {ROR bea twice differentiable function with f()=1, f(2)=4,/B)=9, /(4)=16. Which of the following intervals must contain an x such that SM )=22 (A) (1,2) {B) 2.4) {© Both () Neither 6, Let a143943,44,05€R be such that ,44,+4,+0,+a,=0 and mex Ja—4,S1. Which ‘one of the following is the most appropriate? “ Sesto Bm yee © Yes (D) Yetss 7. The number of positive integers (m,n) for which (2) =1984 is aa 2 ©1 @) 6 PUBDETIT/MATHEMATICS (4) 4.998 well er aP AT ffx), FEA ates ‘aiPtareieees asfa caster aa, iF A) f@=t tpt tate rca afta Be 211 B) f@)>0 AF xeR FT! © fQ)=x*4prtg ~98 68 ret Fe Iw) ©) f@=F tps ter inttoet aa RH IS CG aT TT TC 5. 2, (ROR Paap aha, FO=LIQ=4/GO=9,S(=16. FRPP OTA create weg eA x MATTE f(x) =2? (A) (1,2) ®) 2.) (C) Bee (D) gs coreanPS a 6. HFG, 054445 05 ER GHA CL ata, ta,tata,=0 et Maxie ais, frais cornit aatath aie 2 (@) Das @ Det © desi © dvs Te LR INGO AEERAT (myn) WARE (5) =1984 , GH FA RTT ART A a4 @) 2 © @) 6 8. The value of (!—tan1°)(I—tan 2°\(-tan 89°) will be (a) ®) 0 Or @) —24 9. The number of functions from the set {1,2y.04} to the set (1,2, Ak ®B) xf Or ©) on} is 10. Consider the polynomial, P(a)=(e+6, ta,)...(hai9) , Where a, is arcal number for each i=l, +910. Suppose the coeffeients of p(x) are all positive. Then (A) Each a, must be positive. (B) p(x) must have imaginary roots. (© allrootsof p'(x) mustbereal and positive. (D) allrooisor p”(x) must be real and positive. LL, For G,8;5-05, €R, let AQ 6), be the averageof thecomplex numbers o”,e%,...,e% s where =i. The meximum and minimum of [4] are (A) 51,0 ®) 10 ol ©) 511 (5) 8 (I-tan1°Y(I— tan 2°)(I-tan89°) 4 IF (A) 2* @) 0 © » @) -2* DH Denk} AR CRE (1.2...) CRBS TAT SUPRA AO SA We (B) at © @) i 10. eat ate vet at PERO ANG 1) Atay) A FRAO KTTTE, CIA ITE FA, 25g OAT ET a, FAB TET AT ORT A) SOF a, TTR TET B) p(x) 94 THR Habes Se aL (C) p'(x)-94 74 Deel Gey qeT way so D) p%(x)-94 FA Fae Gey Tes eae site| TD. 81,0; 5y ERG EY AAT AE, B35-02105,) i ef c,d aida aMefrs 19, crater i= Jo | [lca ees cat oR (A) 51,0 ®) 10 © il @) Sit PUBDETI7/MATHEMATICS 12, Ifzis a pure imaginary number, then (A) Fis real. B) J is pure imaginary. (©) has both real and imaginary pars. @) Waa. Dendy t6=0 13. Solution to the system is sen ) (-3). (8) infinitely many. (©) no solution, (D) none of the above. 14, aand db areintegers greater than2. 4a is square of cone number and 9ab is the cube of one number. The smallest possible value of a + bis (A) 10. @®)& (C) 12. @) 7. 18. If soorf Te HEE where [x] denotes the ‘(ito greatest integer less than or equal to [x], then im/(x) is (@) 0. @.L © ow. (D) does not exist. PUBDETI7/MATHEMATICS —- (6) 12, Aft 2 asf Row aii eT SORE A) faa @) fg aes wate! C) FF 98 HEs IR TAFT SIF TARE ©) Wet 13, 25862 aSteareeme mate aap B) FART (©) GHC ARR RI ©) Betcrs cores 7a 14, QRS >? 4a WIS ALMTTTITR Dab Bi Sb ATMA TA NSIT a +b IA AGES ECA AT = (A) 101 @) & ©) 121 @ 7 sie Cel Pan Ae, [5] Pr Ty 15. Aft so GO Saco ABS 04, WIA ling /(x) @) 01 @ © ot ©) Fee GR! (7) 2 2 ff costar Jf. costae 16, tim=*——— is 16. lim“? $e 1 0 xsinx sO xsing wi 1 3 3 ® 5. ® 51 © 0 (©) co! @) dovs notexist. © ate ce 1 1 1 L 1 L 0 ee ee 1. Es ee eae @) -1 (a) -11 @) 0. B) 01 © ou @) rer, © xe) 18. If M and N are two 3x3 matrices such that MN=NM, Further if M#N? and M'=N* then (A) det(W+MIN)=0. B) der? MN2)210. (C) deme Mny=2. @) none of the above. 19, f{¢,6][1,00] bea continuous function and let ° x ©3 @) 2 33. The remainder when 32° is divided by 7 is 3 @4 os @1 34, Let fg and h be real valued functions defined on [0,1] by s(a)=e* tes g(xJaxe" te" and k@=x"e" + - If a,b and ¢ denote respectively the absolute maximum of fg and hoa [0,1], then is (A) a=b and cxb @®) e=c and axb (©) axb and bee (D) a=b=c 35, The Maximum value of = Beast H5e056 2 ®) © @) qi) 32, aft Ae qetaeant n> La ep Semen ine) aoe lim, Shera "ws ®@ ©, @) 33, 328607 GE CIN BAM, CAT 3 @ 4 os . @ 1 34. WALL gA [D,1J>OR BeTFTOR f(x) glxaxe te? AR h(x)axtet oF al HTS | AAR a,b Mt CANT fF g AR A TLOPRPO RT AT (absolute) FEARS TCS HPO WA, SA (A) amb and cob ®) a=c and axb © ash and bec ®) axd=e 1 35. Srpgaand ociaecarg OF PAF (maximum) 8 a Ww? 1 @t 1 ©} @1 PUBDETIZ/MATHEMATICS 36. Let Pat sin@—cos—/2 cos} and Q={6:sind+cos0=V2 sind) be two sets. Thon (A) PCO, O\P2 ®) ogP (©) Pge @) P= ‘37. The number of distinctreal values of A, for which the vectors AT +j4h,i-I2J48 and i4jA2E are coplanar is, ao (@) 1 2 ©) 3 38, The value of tim f*HORLHD a is ole td cS) ®) © @Q) 39, Let (x,¥9) be the solution of the following, equations (2x)'*?—(y)*? and 3/*=2!. Then the value of 2 is 1 Ws ®) © ©) PUBDETI7/MATHEMATICS 1 2 0 in@—cos6—J2 cos6} GA = v2 sind} HP OR IS, (A) PCO, O\P=e @) QgP © Page (@) P= ‘37. Gere Fea ae A, a8 SITS eG MEL F+E IA I+k GR LJ E COR RR OL PART, TA )o @)1 ©2 © 3 How) ay a 394 a4 1 = © Ie aie @) 3D, KAVA (xp, yo) Fi x) (By are Bit 2' ARIAT AANA OT xy ATA AT (a) (13) 40. Let f@)=27 cos x0 and JS@=0 (7). Then fis (A) differentiable both at x=0 and x=2.— @) differentiable at z=0 but differentiable at =2 (© differentiableat x=2 but not cifferentiable at x= 0. (©) differentiable neither at differentiable at x=2. x=0nor 41, Supposethete, b, earein AP.and a,b, PareinGP. @ 1 We © 35 Ore Oar 42.. A isthe left focus of the hyperbola x7—)?=1, Band Care points onthe tightbranch of thehyperbolasuch that ABCis an equilateral triangle, The area of ABC is Oe @) we © 8 ©) 6h 43, Let Ocder. Then the maximum value of sin $ (1+e0s6) is w 8 © B® % 3 a @ 3 40. atte SQ)=97 cos” yx eR F(0}=0 (HER) rey (A) x50 SR x= 26 TAI! GB) x=0 OWMPAAAY KG =200 HL ©) xa? SURAT HS x= 0, AAU Fa ©) x06 52M oie ree a 41. BATH a, b,c WHER ATS A oP LF, c? GT ARETE OL TR a , TH, TA aT “ ak Bl ®) © Sle &l~ @) 42. Aw Ay? =19aIqeBs AAAS (left focus), BAR Cw taigelba GH “IIa (right branch) 67a Saige Yo Fry, GRR ABCH AG AAR BYU ABC TA OR Os @ () wi ©) we 43, SAT 0<0<0, TRA sing (+0090) «9a 598 We @ @) © @) ele si Sle ole PUBDETI7/MATHEMATICS (4) 44, Each digit of a four digit number is one of 1, 2,3 and 4. Bvery two adjacent digits are different, The first and the last digits are also different. Morcover the first igit is not greater than any other digit. The number of such four digit numbers is @) 20 ®) 28 © 30 @) 32 45. Bob and Alice stand in a line with 12 other people. The probability that there are three people between Bob and Alice is 1 we 4 a 2 ia 1s 36 8 ro} © 16, Let ty + a, Balla bemete). Then if ANB=Ofor all mER , ¢ takes values from ) 29 ®B) [-2,2] © [-hl] D [W555] 47. The base and altitude of a right triangle are obtained by choosing points a randomly from [0,4] and [0,4]. The probability that the area of the triangle so formed will be less than £2 is cay Hee (B) log? 1 Oz () dependent on @ and b PUBDETI7/MATHEMATICS 44, TATE GA TIA AIAG He (digit) S11, 2,36 40 see ait ota rere Se atone set 1B ream fa etea are ory Bebe fea Crete eT eet PRED Hr CICA CE ODER TY HBL ARIA UHR CERT aeonehra Heol (A) 20 (B) 28 © 30 (B) 32 45, Bob 6% Alice 12 SA OD SAMI ANCA AAT ART TeAER Bobs Alice 6 and x <6 (B) negative when n is odd andx>6 (©) negative when n is a multiple of 3 and xP 6 (D) negative when m is even x <5 49, The number of integer points in the planarregion ‘bounded by the :riangle with vertices (0,0), (t,0)and(0,t) ca HD ®) P+24 (© e+) fit oO > 50. The domain of the function f(x)=/x*-eF is AR (B) [0,00) (© RN @) [0,0c)Uf-n,2eN} (A) Sate Beat n> 6 eX <6 B) FATE TA n TIT GR x>6 (C) Hates an eT SH9H See aR > 6 (D) ASTER n AAW AR x <5 49. @.0), (40) 4 0,) ARRafee frgefta wat fs an wenioa wes yotreent Rega met aT Hey w eee @) P42 © eH) fae @ 350. f(x)=yxe he} Terets CRF (domain) WR B) [0,co) (C) RIN @) [,co)UEmneN} PUBDETI7IMATHEMATICS (16) Space for Rough Works’ PUBDETI7/MATHEMATICS (17) Spacefor Rough Work PUBDETI7/MATHEMATICS (1s) Space for Rough Wilt PUBDETI7/MATHEMATICS (19) Space for Rough Work PUBDETI7/MATHEMATICS PUBDET-2017'1* Subject : Mathematics FEET?» BT 00 BAT wMifis aes soo Booklet No, Proearat atria Ber mows et Potaet om vr ce Foe was 31 2 aeetea So MCQ aaa oe cron “IER! AASB aeta A, B,C 478 D koa aera Ser creat SNE! 81 aise Gea fee 2 Fea ona ga Bea fier Beat & Co Gare Cen far - 14 aR AA aT Dea a ee “po 1 OMR oor A,B, C Seat D fife aise wa waits wea an feos ac 81 OMR Aig Gea fine oxuia sice/Aet ifs ei CD CHA TATA ACT @1 OMR Ae FRE QA we ET Ge A OTT ATL WL OMR Ae FARE I eines TAT AR FACT CATT AAS OAS ATATOTS FCA TATS RIM aK ACTER BAA,

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