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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

Q No.1)Enlist steps for Designing a suspended type Bridge. Draw the flow chart of LSTB
suspended type bridge design & layout of it.

ANS : For designing a suspended type LSTB standard bridge, follow the steps in sequence as
Draw the bridge profile and contour plan from the survey data,
Fix the position of the bridge foundations and the span,
Design Main cables and Handrail cables,
Design Main Anchorage Foundations,
Transfer data to the bridge profile and prepare the General Arrangement Drawing,
Compile and fill in the standard design drawings,
Calculate the quantities of works and prepare the Cost Estimate.

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

Layout of the Suspended Type LSTB Bridge

Q No.2)Discuss the different favorable & unfavorable condition for selection of the bridge
axis for trail bridge.
ANS: The bridge site should fulfill the following general conditions. They are:
- close to traditional crossing point - minimum free board from highest flood level
- maximum bridge span of 120 m - safety distance for foundations
a) Traditional Crossing Points
The bridge site should be selected at or near the traditional crossing point.
Selected site is at or near the traditional crossing point.
Selected site is far from the traditional crossing point.

b) Bridge Span
The bridge span in this standard is limited to 120 m span.
In Case of Suspended Type Bridge: In Case of Suspension Type Bridge:

Favorable: span, l is equal to or shorter than 120 m Unfavorable: span, l is longer than 120 m

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

Level Difference between two Banks:

In Case of Suspended Type Bridge:
The level difference h between the two foundation blocks should not be more than l /25.
h is equal to or less than l/25.
h is greater than l/25.

In Case of Suspension Type Bridge:

The Walkway and Tower Foundations on both the banks
should be placed at the same level.
Walkway and Tower Foundations on both banks can be
placed at the same level.
Walkway and Tower Foundations on both banks can not be placed at the same level.

c) Safety Distance for Foundation

The Foundations should be placed at least 3 m behind the soil slope and 1.5 m behind the rock
slope from the front edge of the riverbank.
In Case of Suspended Type Bridge: In Case of Suspension Type Bridge:

Favorable: Condition can be fulfilled, Unfavorable: Condition cannot be fulfilled

d) Slope Profile
The Bridge Foundation should be placed behind the line of the angle of internal friction. (The
angle of internal friction is the angle of the slope of soil or rock at which it is still stable and does
not slide).
In Case of Suspended Type Bridge: In Case of Suspension Type Bridge:

Favorable: Condition can be fulfilled, Unfavorable: Condition cannot be fulfilled

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

e) Free Board

In case of Suspended Type Bridge: In case of Suspension Type Bridge:

Favorable: Freeboard is not less than 5.0m Unfavorable: Freeboard is less than 5.0m

Q No. 3) Draw the flow chart of LSTB suspension type Bridge Design & Layout of it.
ANS: Flowchart for LSTB Suspension Type Bridge Design

Layout of the Suspension Type LSTB Bridge

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

Q.No. 4) what is the design procedure of Tower for suspension Bridge?

ANS: The towers of trail suspension bridges are, in general, of three types:
i) One is the tower used in suspension type Trail Bridges at present day. These towers areusually
made of steel. They have a hinged system at their base. The main load bearing cables rest on the
saddle at the top of the tower and are fixed to the tower itself. They cannot slide or roll over the
saddle. Changes in the main cable sag due to different loading cases cause the tower to tilt. The
leaning of the tower towards the bridge side results in a slight change in the span without
deforming the tower structure. The tower does not resist change in the cable geometry that
balances the relation between the sag and the span.
ii) The second is the tower of the Scottish type suspension bridge made before 1950 or the
concrete tower of local type suspension bridges. They have a fixed base and the main cables are
clamped and secured to the tower tops without possibility of the main cables sliding or rolling
over the tower top (saddle). The span of the bridge is fixed. The structures of such towers act as a
vertical cantilever.
iii) The third is the masonry and reinforced concrete or steel tower with a fixed base and saddle
on the top, which allows the main cables to slide or roll over it. The towers or so-called handrail
posts of local, SSTB and LSTB type suspended bridges have a fixed base, and theoretically, the
cables can slide over the saddle. The structure is designed to resist vertical components of the
tension in the cable.

Basic Principle of Tower Design

The towers used in Trail Bridges are subject to a number of loading actions. The principal one is,
of course, the vertical component of the cable force at the tower top. Added to this, there will
also be wind loads, both direct and indirect, via the cables and walkway deck. The horizontal
component of the cable force at the tower top tends to move it in a span-wise direction; and so
bends the tower like a cantilever in case of a fixed base. And in a tower with a hinged base, this
horizontal force pulls the tower forward or backward along the bridge axis on the hinged point.
The towers of standard suspension bridges have a uniform section throughout its height. The
stiffness of the tower is such that in case the tower top is free, the tower would become unstable
under the vertical load V applied by the cables. For towers of uniform section, this would occur

Here, E.I is the flexural stiffness of the tower and h is its height. Under these conditions, the
tower would offer no horizontal resistance to the cables. If we can, at the same time, assume that

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

the cables effectively prevent any further horizontal movement beyond that natural to them (as
though supported on rollers on a rigid tower) the tower itself will, so far as the load V is
concerned, be like a column fixed at its root and held by a hinge at its top.
The critical Euler load for such a column is just under

The load factor against instability of the tower at the load V would thus be from (1) and (2)

These figures, of course, relate to an idealized uniform tower but they indicate the practicability
of highly flexible towers to be used for suspension bridges. The critical load necessary for elastic
buckling of a bar (tower) can be calculated by using differential equation of the deflection curve
as shown in the figure given below where the equation of the critical loading is called Euler’s
Column Formula. It has to be noted that the critical load is found by determining the value of the
axial force, which can cause large deflections even when the lateral itself is very small.
Having established the stability of the flexible tower, we can outline the necessary calculations
for its strength with or without wind loading.

Q No.5) Sketch the plan & elevation of Wind Guys arrangement for suspension & suspended
types of bridges & write down the design procedure of wing guys.
ANS: Design procedure:
1. Lay down your general arrangement drawing and define the extreme positions of the wind-
ties. Make sure that they lie at the walkway beams and that their distances from the walkway
vertex are multiples of the integral number and interval between wind-ties, d. These extreme
wind-ties are not disturbed by the slope and there must be sufficient gap below them to the
ground to free them from debris cover.
2. Decide on any one bank to start doing the design. The wind-ties will be counted from this
bank towards the other. Select on the plan the suitable position for the windguy anchor point.
The anchor point is the theoretical end of the windguy cable. Measure the distances: DR (DL)
and CR (CL), corresponding to the selected first bank. Propose the elevation of the anchor point
as per the topographical condition HR (HL).

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

3. Select the vertex distance of the windguy cable: VR (VL), corresponding to the selected first
bank. Make sure that the distance between the windguy vertex and the walkway vertex is a
multiple of the integral number and the interval between wind-ties, d. Try to arrange the
windguy vertex nearest to the walkway vertex.
4. Calculate the sag, bw. Check if the span sag ratio is in the range 8 – 10. If the ratio is not
within the range, change the vertex distance VR (VL).
5. Draw a straight line from the point CL0 (CR0), at the angle αL (αR) to the bridge axis,
calculated earlier for defining the sag, bw. Locate an appropriate position for the windguy anchor
point. Find the distances: CL (CR) and DL (DR). Propose the elevation of the anchor point as
per the topographic condition HL (HR).
6. Calculate the value of Δhlp. Check if Δhlp > 0. If not, change the proposed elevations of the
anchor points on both the banks as far as possible to lay the anchor foundations. Initially, try to
locate the anchor points on the lines defined earlier. Only as the next alternate, select a new
location for the windguy anchor point CR (CL) and DR (DL) and repeat the whole process from
the beginning.
7. Once the geometric arrangement is fixed, find the tensions at the cable ends, and select the
size of the cable. In normal designs, cables of φ26 mm diameter is good for bridge spans up to
225 m.
8. Calculate the elevations of the walkway and the windguy at the positions of the wind-ties from
the first bank to the opposite bank.
9. Calculate: the c/c distances of the wind-ties and the distances Dw along the windguy cable
from one to another wind-tie. Calculate also: the distances, EL and ER; angles βR, βL and the
total lengths of the wind-ties and the windguy cable including overlap.

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

Q No. 6) Write down the design procedure of main cable and handrail cable of suspended
bridge with necessary formula.

ANS: Cable design for suspended bridge; Design procedure for short span trail bridge,

1. Make a sketch of the profile showing the high flood level and the levels of selected points for
cable saddles (higher than the ground level) on both banks.

2. Check the difference of the levels between the saddles,

H < 𝑙/25 .
3. Check that the level of the higher saddle is higher than the high flood level by dh:

4. Once the levels and the span of the saddles have been fixed, check the freeboard again.

5. Select the cable combination from the table according to the chosen walkway width.

Design procedure for long span bridge;

civil and Rural

Trail Bridge – feb,2017

Q No. 7) Mention different design procedure for the foundation of suspension type bridge.

ANS: Procedure for fixing the Bridge Foundations

According to the above criteria, draw the bridge profile as per following steps.
Draw the bridge axis profile on an A3 size paper in a scale 1:200 (for up to 50m span) or 1: 400
(for span above 50m) with all details like axis points A and B, HFL, WL and tentative location of
the walkway towers at both banks based on the survey data as described in the chapter 3.1.3 :
Topographic Maps.
Fix location of the walkway towers at both banks as per following procedure.

Case-1: When Tentative Position of the Towers has been fixed during the Survey.
Step 1:Fix the Front of the Tower and check with Slope Line.

Step 2: Fix the Position of the Walkway Saddle and Bridge Span, l.

Step 3: Check the Level Difference, h.

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

Case-2: When the Position of the Towers has not been fixed during the Survey.
Step 1: Fix the Free Board Line and Front of the Towers.

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

Step 2: Fix the approximate Bridge Span, l and minimum Level of Walkway Cable Saddles.

Step 3: Fix the Position of the Walkway and Cable Saddles.

Step 4: Check the Level Difference, h.

civil and Rural

Trail Bridge – feb,2017

Q No. 8) What are the selection criteria of trail bridge? Describe the technical detail of them.
ANS: For a bridge site to be technically feasible, the following criteria shall be fulfilled.
1. The span of the bridge and its type is within the limit of the present day design scope of the
trail bridge.
2. The river flow, its discharge, its direction. Its meandering tendency, its width, its high flow
level and bank conditions must be favorable for a durable bridge.
3. The tendency of the river to erode its banks, its bed erosion, its silting and filling up of the bed
has to be studied and evaluated.
4. The presence of rivulets, springs, drains, irrigation channels in the vicinity of the bridge site
has to be marked and their effect on the bridge design shall be considered.
5. Vegetation should be present on the bank and slope area around the site.
6. The access trail to the site should not be too long or unjustifiable by cost analysis.
7. The bridge site should not be far away from the existing traditional crossing and trail.
8. The steepness of a soil slope should be less than 35°, while that of a rock slope should be less
than 50°.

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

9. In case of a rock slope, the site should be free of signs of highly fractured or highly jointed
planes and rock falls or loose rocks (boulders or blocks) deposits at the foot of the slope.
10. The bedding of the rock slope is not parallel or nearly parallel to the slope direction.
The preliminary technical feasibility study of a site is usually done at the office through desk
study.And in detail it is also done at the site.
The study of a bridge site is carried out at the office:
1. for evaluating the technical feasibility of the site and
2. for preparing a preliminary survey report before going to the site for a detailed survey.
The studies are done on the basis of the following materials:
i) Literature Review
ii) Topographic Maps
iii) Air Photographs
iv) Geological Maps
v) Checklist and Desk Study Report
vi) Preliminary Survey Report
Site Reconnaissance
During the site reconnaissance survey, the following work shall be done:
1. Make sure of the location of the traditional crossing point,
2. A meeting with local inhabitants has to be conducted, and their ideas on site conditions, river
flow nature, high flood level, traffic flow, slope stability and material availability, etc. shall be
discussed. Particularly, in the case of the SSTB standard site survey methodology, such
communication with local people is a must.
3. The follow-up of instructions and recommendations, stated in the preliminary report, shall be
performed at the site.
4. Walkover observation of the site 500 m up and downstream of the crossing point shall be
done. Check if the recommended sites in the preliminary report are the same.
5. Mark the bridge span, bridge type and slope stability at the initial stage. And after self
judgment of appropriate sites, make a detailed observation of the conditions defined by the
technical feasibility criteria
6. Study of site condition as per checklist recommended in the preliminary report.

Q No.9) What are the design criteria for suspender in suspension?

ANS: DESIGN OF SUSPENDERS (Basics of Calculation)

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

Typical Design of Suspender for LSTB : Typical Design of Suspender for SSTB

QNo.10) What are the preliminary and detail site investigation method for trail bridge?
ANS: Preliminary investigation method contains following
a) River bank erosion
b) River current
c) Vegetation
d) Land slides
e) Slope type

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

f) Steepness of ground
g) Steepness rock
h) Seepage
i) Springs
j) Swampy Area
k) Erosion
l) Inclined trees
m) Rivulets
n) Vertical cliff
Detailed study;
a) Detailed Survey
b) Free board
c) Foundation soil lab test
d) Economic design
e) Alternative bridge span and axis choosen
f) Possibility of soil failure (slide)
g) Testing of material
h) Exact classification of soil
i) Shape of transverse section
j) Detail engineering design and layout

QNo.11) What are the works done at site reconnaissance in construction of trail bridge?
During the site reconnaissance survey, the following work shall be done:
1. Make sure of the location of the traditional crossing point,
2. A meeting with local inhabitants has to be conducted, and their ideas on site conditions, river
flow nature, high flood level, traffic flow, slope stability and material availability, etc. shall be
discussed. Particularly, in the case of the SSTB standard site survey methodology, such
communication with local people is a must.
3. The follow-up of instructions and recommendations, stated in the preliminary report, shall be
performed at the site.
4. Walkover observation of the site 500 m up and downstream of the crossing point shall be
done. Check if the recommended sites in the preliminary report are the same.
5. Mark the bridge span, bridge type and slope stability at the initial stage. And after self
judgment of appropriate sites, make a detailed observation of the conditions defined by the
technical feasibility criteria
6. Study of site condition as per checklist recommended in the preliminary report.

QNo.12) What are the good Hydrological and Geological conditions required for Trail Bridge
ANS: Good Hydrological & Geological conditions for Trail Bridge contains following points;
➢ A straight reach of river and steady flow of river.
➢ A narrow channel with firm rock on both sides of bank.
➢ Suitable high banks above high flood level on each side.
➢ Rock or other hard erodible strata close to the river bed level.
➢ Absence of expensive river training works.
➢ Absence of sharp curves in approach.

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

➢ Absence of excessive construction work.

➢ Sufficient freeboard in flood duration.
➢ The bridge site should be at or near the traditional crossing points.
➢ At bridge site there is absence of possibility of landslide.
➢ Absence of fold, joints, cracks in rock.
➢ Sufficient profile inclination in Rock & Soil.
➢ The bridge site should be free from river undercutting which may lead to landslide.
➢ The selected site should not have inclined trees, which indicate an active landslide.
➢ No sign of gully erosion should exist within the vicinity of the selected site.

Q No. 13) Write a short notes

a) A good Topographical condition for trail bridge construction

➢ A straight reach of river.
➢ A narrow channel with firm rock on both sides of bank.
➢ Rock or other hard erodible strata close to the river bed level.
➢ Absence of expensive river training works.
➢ Absence of sharp curves in approach.
➢ Sufficient freeboard in flood duration.
➢ The bridge site should be at or near the traditional crossing points.
➢ At bridge site there is absence of possibility of landslide.
➢ Absence of fold, joints, cracks in rock.
➢ Sufficient profile inclination in Rock & Soil.
➢ The bridge site should be free from river undercutting which may lead to landslide.
➢ The selected site should not have inclined trees, which indicate an active landslide.
➢ No sign of gully erosion should exist within the vicinity of the selected site.
b) Foundation Design of suspended Bridge
The Bridge Foundations should be placed at least 3 meter back from the soil slope and 1.5 meter back from the
rock slope.
The Bridge Foundations should be placed behind the line of angle of internal friction of the soil or rock. This
angle is 35° for soil and 60° for rock.
Level difference between the walkway cable saddles of two banks, h should not be more than span/25.
Walkway tower height should be as small as possible. However, walkway cable saddle should be at least a
height of 1.3 meter from ground but should not be at a height more than 3.0 meter.
Free board F, between lowest point of the bridge in dead load case and the high flood level should be not less
than 5.0 m.

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Trail Bridge – feb,2017

c) Construction Material used in Trail with their composition

ANS: The required local materials for constructing a bridge are sand, gravel (river gravel or
broken aggregate), and stones/boulders.

Cement concrete is a mixture of following 4 components:

• Cement
Ordinary Portland Cement commonly used for general construction works
• Sand
• Gravel
• Water
d) Site investigation for Trail Bridge
ANS: During the site reconnaissance survey, the following work shall be done:
1. Make sure of the location of the traditional crossing point,
2. A meeting with local inhabitants has to be conducted, and their ideas on site conditions, river
flow nature, high flood level, traffic flow, slope stability and material availability, etc. shall be
discussed. Particularly, in the case of the SSTB standard site survey methodology, such
communication with local people is a must.
3. The follow-up of instructions and recommendations, stated in the preliminary report, shall be
performed at the site.
4. Walkover observation of the site 500 m up and downstream of the crossing point shall be
done. Check if the recommended sites in the preliminary report are the same.
5. Mark the bridge span, bridge type and slope stability at the initial stage. And after self
judgment of appropriate sites, make a detailed observation of the conditions defined by the
technical feasibility criteria
6. Study of site condition as per checklist recommended in the preliminary report.

civil and Rural


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