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Name: Glydel Gie L.

Jimenez Date: September 20, 2021

Course & Year: BSED-English lll Instructor: Ms. Eureleen

“Dead Stars”

This is the detailed analysis of the story titled “ Dead Stars” written by Paz
Marquez Benitiz in the year 1925. This is a short story which tackled about cheating, love , and guilt. A
story that only revolves the life of a man having a mistress. In this story, Alfredo really believes a true
love but the love he wants to feel cannot be seen or felt by Esperanza. In short, he wants to marry a type
of girl who have warmth and compassion like Julia, a passionate one where he falls in love with. Alfredo,
is a lawyer and a 30 years old man when he fall in love with Julia, a sister in law of Judge Del Valle and a
friend of Alfredo’s father. They met when Aflredo came to Julia’s brother in law for some matters and
there, they started chatting and the begin to love each other. At this time, Alfredo confessed his feelings to
Julia without knowing that Alfredo is going to marry Esperanza. Still, they continue there feelings to each
other until one day, all Alfredo’s lies are exposed when he felt guilt to Esperanza the reason why, he
decided to tell Esperanza anything he does which is the mistake of falling in love with someone. After all
the confessions Alfredo and Julia didn’t already met because, Julia went back to her hometown for a
vacation and they didn’t chatted anymore. At that time, Alfredo sent on a duty near Julia’s house and they
cross their paths wherein, they met again. Alfredo’s feelings cannot be resistible maybe because he really
loves Julia or it was just a feeling of lust or pleasure. It might be a so called love at first sight. In contrast,
Julia had been changed and Alfredo recognizes that she is not the girl he loved before. Unfortunately, he
didn’t get attracted anymore. Alfredo realizes everything and trying to compare his feelings and their
commitment before which will remain a memory.
So, the setting of the story is in the house of Judge Del Valle, Church and Julia’s hometown. In the story,
Alfredo Salazar can be described as a man who is longing for true love which he didn’t found to his wife.
Esperanza, is a girl with principles in life as well as, an impassionate one. Julia Salas, an optimistic and a
woman with full of dreams and desires which remain single in her entire life. Likewise, the story written
in the third person point of view. The tone is quite sad, in love and is relatable to the reality. While, the
theme is cheating, dishonesty and forgiveness as Julia become the third party of the story between
Aflredo and Esperanza but still she didn’t make any problem rather she changed and forget Alfredo
anymore. Julia became the pitiable woman in the story wherein she was betrayed to the man she loved the
most. This story, symbolizes the reality where some women became the victim of men’s sweet thoughts
and promises in order to get what they want or for a pleasure and enjoyment without thinking their
responsibility as a husband or a father of their children. In some ways, the love of Julia and Alfredo feels
like a real love story and become nothing at the end, wherein there love can be described as a Dead Stars
where it cannot be sparkled or give light to someone and the love and commitment were died as well. But
still it’s a good memory to reminisce. The writer’s intention to write this story maybe for us to get some
lessons to analyze , to apply and share what we have been learned from the story to ourselves as well as
to other people.

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