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Integrative and Comparative Biology

Integrative and Comparative Biology, volume 56, number 6, pp. 1285–1297

doi:10.1093/icb/icw123 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology


Secondary Evolution of Aquatic Propulsion in Higher Vertebrates:

Validation and Prospect
Frank E. Fish1
Department of Biology, West Chester University, 750 S. Church St., West Chester, PA 19383, USA

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From the symposium ‘‘Functional (Secondary) Adaptation to an Aquatic Life in Vertebrates’’ presented at the
International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM11), June 29–July 3, 2016 at Washington D.C.

Synopsis Re-invasion of the aquatic environment by terrestrial vertebrates resulted in the evolution of species expressing
a suite of adaptations for high-performance swimming. Examination of swimming by secondarily aquatic vertebrates
provides opportunities to understand potential selection pressures and mechanical constraints, which may have directed
the evolution of these aquatic species. Mammals and birds realigned the body and limbs for cursorial movements and
flight, respectively, from the primitive tetrapod configuration. This realignment produced multiple solutions for aquatic
specializations and swimming modes. Initially, in the evolution of aquatic mammals and birds, swimming was accom-
plished by using paired appendages in a low-efficiency, drag-based paddling mode. This mode of swimming arose from
the modification of neuromotor patterns associated with gaits characteristic of terrestrial and aerial locomotion. The
evolution of advanced swimming modes occurred in concert with changes in buoyancy control for submerged swimming,
and a need for increased aquatic performance. Aquatic mammals evolved three specialized lift-based modes of swimming
that included caudal oscillation, pectoral oscillation, and pelvic oscillation. Based on modern analogs, a biomechanical
model was developed to explain the evolution of specialized aquatic mammals and their transitional forms. Subsequently,
fossil aquatic mammals were described that validated much of the model. However, for birds, which were adapted for
aerial flight, fossil evidence has been less forthcoming to explain the transition to aquatic capabilities. A biomechanical
model is proposed for birds to describe the evolution of specialized lift-based foot and wing swimming. For both birds
and mammals, convergence in morphology and propulsive mechanics is dictated by the need to increase speed, reduce
drag, improve thrust output, enhance efficiency, and control maneuverability in the aquatic environment.

Introduction replaced the sprawling stance and rapid, low-endur-

With approximately 70% of the planet’s surface cov- ance locomotion with an erect stance and high-
ered by water, it is not surprising that a wide variety endurance physiology. In addition, birds modified
of vertebrate lineages have secondarily invaded the their forelimbs as wings and took to the air.
aquatic environment. The re-invasion of the aquatic For mammals and birds, movement into water
environment by terrestrial vertebrates has been one and the evolution of efficient swimming mechanisms
of the great evolutionary transformations. This trans- from terrestrial and aerial habits has meant large-
formation occurred in all the groups of tetrapod ver- scale morphological and physiological changes to op-
tebrates at different times in the evolutionary history erate in a radically different environmental medium.
of the earth. These seminal events have been parti- Compared with the physical environments experi-
cularly notable for aquatic mammals and birds, enced on land and in the air, aquatic animals
whose evolution occurred at least 300 million years move through a higher-density and more viscous
after the first steps by vertebrates moving from water medium, where drag effects are increased. In water,
onto land. Terrestrial locomotion by mammals and the density ratio (density of animal/density of envi-
birds departed from the typical reptilian design for ronment) is near unity (Daniel and Webb 1987).
walking and running on land. Mammals and birds Therefore, the effects of gravity are diminished as

Advanced Access publication October 3, 2016

ß The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.
All rights reserved. For permissions please email:
1286 F. E. Fish

mammals and birds are buoyed up by the water and The evolutionary changes in aquatic mammals and
weight is no longer a concern. On land, weight and birds have occurred through transitional forms that
static friction of the limb with the ground limit speed were simultaneously semiaquatic and semiterrestrial
(Daniel and Webb 1987). The gravity-dominated ter- (Fish and Baudinette 1999). These intermediate,
restrial environment has presented biomechanical semiaquatic species were in an energetically precari-
and energetic hurdles to the transition of organisms ous position (Williams 1999) as they were not spe-
from walking to swimming (Fish 1992, 1996; cialized for either aquatic or terrestrial habitats. The
Williams 1999). In flight, weight and the large dif- energetic performance by intermediate species was
ferential between the densities of air and water have limited in each environment by both anatomy and
dictated the morphology and locomotor perfor- physiology that were compromises amid the dispa-
mance of birds (Daniel and Webb 1987). The lack rate forces experienced on land and in water. The
of continuous contact with the ground or the lack evolution of increasingly aquatic habits in mammals

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of persistent negative buoyancy (lift) in the air has and birds necessitated adaptations that allowed them
provided challenges to maintaining stability. Such to optimize energy use by reduction of resistive
challenges are largely absent in water, where the forces, improvement in propulsive force production
density ratio fosters neutral buoyancy without dire and efficiency, thermoregulation, and control of
consequences to stability (due to loss of lift or buoyancy (Fish 1996; Williams 1999).
thrust) or to body orientation. The early evolution of aquatic mammals and birds
Both aquatic mammals and birds have undergone can be traced through the fossil record and modern
large morphological, physiological, and behavioral analogs of marine lineages (Barnes et al. 1985; Fish
adjustments to operate in water. The body has 1996, 2000; Thewissen and Fish 1997; Thewissen and
been streamlined with a fusiform shape to reduce Bajpai 2001; Berta 2012; Gingerich 2015). Because
the drag and energy to move through a dense aquatic modern semiaquatic species are the best representa-
medium (Webb 1975, 1988; Aleyev 1977; Fish 1993a, tions of the transitional aquatic forms (Fish 1996;
1996). Thrust production has been enhanced with Thewissen and Fish 1997), direct examination of
elongated, webbed feet that act as paddles, and morphologies and physiologies of extant species can
even more effective oscillating hydrofoils in the point to the potential selective factors and mechan-
form of wing-like flippers and caudal flukes. ical constraints that directed the evolution of more
Paddles are drag-based propulsors that operate well derived aquatic forms. While the fossil record pro-
for surface swimming, but have low efficiency and vides exceptionally strong evidence for the evolution-
produce large thrust only at slow speeds; whereas ary changes within lineages, the record is incomplete.
oscillating hydrofoils are highly efficient when the It has only been in the last 33 years that numerous
animal is fully submerged and function at high fossil transitional forms of marine mammals have
swimming speeds (Webb 1975, 1988; Vogel 1994; been unearthed to provide a more complete picture
Fish 1996). Increasing size in aquatic mammals and of the evolution of cetaceans, pinnipeds, and sire-
birds is associated with lift-based propulsion that nians (Domning 2001a; Berta 2012; Thewissen
provides high thrust, and body shapes that minimize 2014; Gingerich 2015). However, the fossil record
drag (Webb and de Buffrénil 1990). Physiological for aquatic birds is poor. While molecular techniques
adjustments for thermoregulation (e.g., blubber, have delivered evidence relating penguins with a sea-
counter-current exchange, thermal windows), deep bird clade including Procellariiformes, Gaviiformes,
diving (e.g., collapsible lungs, enlarged spleen), and Pelecaniformes, and Ciconiiformes (Simpson 1946;
endurance swimming (e.g., migrations, high aerobic Ho et al. 1976; Ksepka and Ando 2011), the transi-
scope) are necessary for obligate air-breathing ho- tional forms and their swimming mechanics have
meothermic endotherms to perform in water been less forthcoming.
(Kooyman 1973, 1989; Noren et al. 2001; Castellini Twenty years ago (Fish 1996), I proposed a bio-
and Mellish 2016). Enhanced efficiency, endurance, mechanical model (Fig. 1) to explain the routes from
and speed are facilitated by behavioral strategies. terrestrial mammals to the highly derived marine
Bow riding, submerged swimming, drafting, hydro- mammals (e.g., cetaceans, pinnipeds), which was
planing, and burst-and-coast swimming are examples later refined (Fish 2000). As new fossils have been
of mechanisms used by aquatic mammals and birds unearthed, it is appropriate to reevaluate the model
to reduce the energy cost of swimming (Hertel 1966; and its predictions and determine what questions
Williams 1989; Fish and Hui 1991; Williams et al. still remain unresolved. As much of the model ap-
1992; Fish 1994, 1995; Williams 1999; Fish et al. pears to address the evolutionary changes that oc-
2013). curred in the various lineages of aquatic mammals,
Swimming evolution 1287

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Fig. 1 Model for sequence of swimming mode transitions from
terrestrial quadruped and drag-based propulsion to advanced
high-performance modes using lift-based propulsion. Surface-
swimming mammals use alternate paddling modes and possess
non-wettable fur (gray), which provides positive buoyancy. With a
shift to submerged swimming, semiaquatic mammals adopted Fig. 2 Diagram illustrating the drag-based and lift-based propul-
swimming modes that increased performance and countered the sive modes and the associated major forces. The drag-based
buoyancy of the fur. Increased time in the water coincided with mode is illustrated by the paddling muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus).
the evolution of highly efficient lift-based swimming modes using Lift-based propulsion is indicated by the sea lion (Zalophus cali-
oscillating hydrofoils and replacement of fur with blubber (black) fornianus): pectoral oscillation; the harp seal (Pagophilus groenlan-
as a means of thermal protection and control of buoyancy with dica): pelvic oscillation; bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus):
deeper diving. caudal oscillation. The forces indicated are the body drag (D),
thrust (T), lift (L), and drag on the propulsive appendage (d). The
actions and relationships of the forces are described in the text.

a corresponding biomechanical model can be hy-

pothesized for the evolution of aquatic birds based providing the correct timing for muscular contrac-
on the modern analogs. tion (Grillner 1975, 1985, 1996; Stein et al. 1995).
Changing from quadrupedal terrestrial locomotion
to quadrupedal swimming would therefore utilize
Aquatic mammal functional model the same neuromotor patterns as would further
The phylogenetic relationships of all aquatic mam- modification associated with more derived swim-
mals indicate that there was a fully terrestrial ances- ming modes.
tor. Therefore, within any clade, it is assumed that an Paddling is a drag-based propulsive mode with the
ancestral terrestrial mammal would first have swum limbs oriented and stroking fore and aft in parasa-
by paddling quadrupedally with alternating strokes gittal planes (Fish 1996). The stroke cycle is divided
(Fig. 1; Rayner 1985; Fish 1993a). Modern terrestrial into power and recovery phases. During the power
mammals swim with this quadrupedal mode (Davis phase, the posterior sweep of the foot generates drag,
1942; Dagg and Windsor 1972; Fish 1993c). which is used to generate an anteriorly-directed
Quadrupedal swimming is considered to result thrust to propel the animal (Fig. 2). To maximize
from conservative neuromotor patterns (Jenkins the thrust, the digits of the feet are abducted
and Goslow 1983; Goslow et al. 1989; Smith 1994; (spread) to increase the planar area, and the limb
Fish 1996) that are independent of changes in mor- is extended to increase the lever length while rapidly
phology and functional role (Smith 1994). Neural accelerated. The recovery phase repositions the limb
patterns, such as central pattern generators, would for another power stroke. As the limb is moving
control the repetitive motions of the legs by anteriorly, it incurs a non-thrust-generating drag
1288 F. E. Fish

that adds to the total drag on the body. To minimize horizontal plane, the feet could be twisted to gener-
the additional drag, the digits of the feet are ad- ate both thrust and a downward force on the body to
ducted and positioned close to the body to reduce oppose positive buoyancy. This mechanism is em-
the planar area. ployed by the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus,
As mammals became semiaquatic, the need for and muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus (Mizelle 1935;
greater swimming performance (i.e., speed, effi- Howell 1937; Fish et al. 1997).
ciency) is proposed to have led to a shift from qua- An alternative mode of submerged swimming
drupedal paddling to bipedal paddling when from alternate pelvic paddling involved simultaneous
swimming at the water surface. This bipedal paddling pelvic paddling (Fig. 1). This mode is based on the
used alternating motions of either the pectoral or terrestrial bounding gait and is used by the sea otter,
pelvic limbs (Fig. 1). Bipedal paddling avoids me- Enhydra lutris, and the river otter, Lontra canadensis,
chanical and hydrodynamic interference between to swim rapidly underwater (Tarasoff et al. 1972;

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the limbs and frees one set for stabilization, maneu- Williams 1989; Fish 2000). However, the simulta-
vering, tactile reception, or food capture and pro- neous strokes have a severe disadvantage in that
cessing (Dagg and Windsor 1972; Fish 1993c). thrust will be produced only in half the stroke
With the development of pectoral or pelvic paddling, cycle, leading to periodic accelerations and increased
specialization of the limbs would have been favored drag during the recovery phase of the hind feet.
wherever a greater commitment to life in water Oscillations in velocity would be reduced by dorso-
proved advantages to increase thrust and improve ventral flexion of the body and tail, which produces
stability. These specializations associated with modi- a propulsive traveling wave for undulatory swimming
fications of the propulsive limbs included (1) devel- (Fish 1994). The traveling wave moves faster poste-
opment of a short, robust humerus and femur, (2) riorly than the animal moves forward, and its am-
elongation of digits, (3) increase in propulsive sur- plitude increases to a maximum toward the tip of the
face (planar) area by addition of interdigital webbing tail. Use of undulatory motions would maintain
or fringe hairs, and (4) increase in bone density for thrust production through the entire propulsive
stability (Tarasoff et al. 1972; Stein 1981, 1989; Wyss cycle and increase the efficiency of locomotion
1988; Berta and Ray 1990; Fish and Stein 1991; (Fig. 2). With abandonment of limbs for inefficient
Thewissen et al. 1994; Fish 1996). paddle propulsion and distal expansion of the tail,
Semiaquatic habits led to the acquisition of non- swimming performance (i.e., reduced energy cost,
wettable fur by some species. This fur provided increased speed) would be improved (Fish 1994,
greater thermal insulation against the high thermal 1996, 2000). The increased surface area and large
conductivity of water and enhanced buoyancy for amplitude of oscillation at the tip of the tail work
swimming on the water surface (Fish 1992, 1996; against a greater mass of water, increasing total mo-
Fish et al. 2002). The dense pelage traps air, also mentum, as traveling waves move along the body
reducing the density of the animal and thus provid- (Webb 1975).
ing hydrostatic buoyancy (Davis 1942; Dagg and The final phase in the evolution of the most de-
Windsor 1972; Williams 1983; Fish 1993c). Control rived aquatic mammals (e.g., otariids, phocids, odo-
of buoyancy by hydrostatic equilibrium uncouples benids, cetaceans, sirenians) involved the transition
maintenance of posture from swimming motions to to a lift-based mechanism by oscillatory movements
ensure continuous breathing, while a more horizon- of the propulsive appendages (Figs. 1 and 2; pelvic
tal posture would have enhanced streamlining in oscillation, caudal oscillation, pectoral oscillation).
swimming (Fish 1993c). Without the need to gener- For these animals, the propulsive appendages were
ate lift for flotation, a more effective bipedal pad- modified as wing-like hydrofoils, such as the flippers
dling mode, using either forelimbs or hind limbs, for pinnipeds and caudal flukes of cetaceans and si-
can be employed in swimming (Fish 2000). renians (Fish 2004). A forward-canted lift due to
From alternate paddling, it is postulated that oscillation of the hydrofoil could be resolved into a
rowing would develop as some lineages transitioned thrust component acting continuously through the
from surface swimming to foraging underwater stroke cycle (Feldkamp 1987a, 1987b; Fish et al.
(Fig. 1). Rowing requires reorientation of the limbs 1988; Fish 1993b, 1998a, 1998b). This propulsive
by abduction of the humerus or femur from the mechanism would further increase swimming speed
vertical to the horizontal plane for pectoral rowing and efficiency.
or pelvic rowing, respectively. The reorientation of The shift to high-efficiency lift-based propulsive
the limbs was needed to counter positive buoyancy modes is considered to have coincided with the re-
when submerged (Fish 2000). With the limbs in the placement of non-wettable fur with blubber as
Swimming evolution 1289

aquatic mammals spent greater amounts of time in

the water and descended to greater depths when for-
aging (Fish 2000). This shift from fur to blubber
reduces the high maintenance cost of grooming
and prevents loss of buoyancy and thermal insulation
due to fouling (Wolfe and Esher 1981; Williams
1989; Williams and Davis 1995). Also, blubber is
not compressed as water pressure increases with
depth, consistently affording the animal near-neutral Fig. 3 Skeletal reconstruction of Indohyus, an Eocene artiodactyl
buoyancy (body density ¼ water density). The differ- of the family Raoellidae that is closely related to whales.
ence in density of marine mammals (cetaceans, pin- (Courtesy of J.G.M. Thewissen).
nipeds) is 3–11% lower than seawater (Aleyev 1977).

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At neutral buoyancy, control surfaces and propulsors
are liberated from buoyancy control for use in ma- more fully aquatic lifestyle, including Basilosaurus
neuvering and high-efficiency lift-based swimming. and Dorudon, displayed hind limbs with a remnant
pelvis, femur, tibia and digits, demonstrating a link
with terrestrial quadrupeds (Gingerich et al. 1990;
Evidence for model validation
Thewissen and Bajpai 2001). Modern cetaceans still
Fossils of extinct aquatic mammals and the genetic possess a small innominate bone that is imbedded in
relationships among the various lineages of both the ventral musculature. Similarly, sirenians had an
aquatic and non-aquatic mammals have aided in de- intermediate species, Pezosiren, with four well-devel-
veloping a more complete picture of the evolutionary oped legs and the ability to walk quadrupedally on
transition from land to sea (Berta 2012; Gingerich land (Domning 2001a). Pezosiren and Ambulocetus
2015). Previous attempts at articulating the interme- had limited undulatory swimming ability as the
diate stages have been based on little hard evidence caudal vertebrae of both species lacked broad tra-
and instead formulated from mere speculation verse processes for attachment of large tail muscles.
(Flower 1883; Gutmann 1994). Gutmann (1994) pro- Swimming would have utilized simultaneous pelvic
vided pictorial schemes of the evolution of cetaceans paddling in concert with spinal undulations similar
from a cursorial mammal, sirenians from a terrestrial to otters (Fish 1994; Thewissen and Fish 1997;
grazer, and pinnipeds from a swimming bear, but Domning 2001a).
without supporting documentation. It has only The structure of the vertebral column, legs, and
been in the past 33 years that enough fossils of tran- size of the feet indicate a progressive change from
sitional forms and their respective postcranial skeletal terrestrial to aquatic existence for both cetaceans and
materials have been unearthed to make reasonable sirenians. Both groups showed a similar trajectory
assertions regarding the evolution of swimming (Thewissen and Fish 1997; Domning 2001a).
modes. The skeleton of the archaeocete Basilosaurus Paddling with limbs in a drag-based swimming
was discovered in the 19th century and reconstruc- mode is associated with slow swimming and is inef-
tions of Basilosaurus pictured this whale swimming ficient compared with lift-based swimming (Fish
with lateral undulations of the body and small hor- 1996, 2000). By eliminating use of inefficient pad-
izontal flukes, or passing multiple waves down the dling appendages, the undulatory mode is expected
body in the vertical plane (Gingerich et al. 1990; Fish to dominate, improving performance. The use of si-
2001). In another case, the Eocene protocetacid multaneous paddling to initiate spinal undulation
Pakicetus was reconstructed prematurely with an and a propulsive traveling wave in the tail would
otter-like body and swimming mode, in the absence maintain thrust throughout the stroke cycle (Fish
of postcranial material (Gingerich et al. 1983). 1994). A large mass of water accelerated by dorso-
Recently a number of cetacean fossils were discov- ventral movements of the undulating tail could pro-
ered with sufficient postcranial material to determine duce large propulsive forces, independent of paddling
their ability to walk on land. Eocene protocetaceans motions of the feet. The river otter, L. canadensis,
included Indohyus (Fig. 3; Thewissen et al. 2007), dorso-ventrally undulates the body and tail in con-
Pakicetus (Fig. 4; Thewissen et al. 2001; Madar junction with simultaneous paddling efforts of the
2007), Ambulocetus (Fig. 4; Thewissen et al. 1994), hind feet (Fig. 2; Tarasoff et al. 1972; Fish 1994).
Kutchicetus (Bajpai and Thewissen 2000), Rodhocetus Thrust produced by undulation in Lontra would
(Gingerich et al. 1994, 2001), and Maiacetus be low, because the tail tapers to a narrow tip.
(Gingerich et al. 2009). Later species that reflect a The tail tip has the largest amplitude of motion
1290 F. E. Fish

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Fig. 4 Skeletons and reconstructions of the quadrupedal Eocene whales, Pakicetus (A, C) and Ambulocetus (B, D). (Images courtesy of
J.G.M. Thewissen).

and potentially could affect the greatest volume of freshwater (Rybczynski et al. 2009). The elongate tail
water, but the tapered tip reduces momentum ex- in these otter-like mammals contradicts the model
change (Fish 2000). The beaver, Castor canadensis, proposed above, which predicts a short tail in ances-
the giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis, and the ex- tral pinnipeds and thus precludes caudal oscillation
tinct Mesozoic mammal Castorocauda lutrasimilis, as a possible endpoint for a high-efficiency propul-
have broad tails that when undulated can produce sive mode. Without a long tail, pinnipeds would
large amounts of thrust (Rue 1964; Fish 1994; have been restricted to limbed propulsion. Whether
Qiang et al. 2006). Puijila is an early pinnipedimorph or early arctoid
The addition of caudal flukes further enhances carnivore is still unclear (Berta 2012). In addition,
performance in the final transition to lift-based sea otters (Enhydra) have short tails compared with
swimming. The fossil gradient shows enlarged hind related freshwater lutrines. The short tail of the sea
feet for paddling (e.g., Ambulocetus; Thewissen and otter precludes its use in generating thrust, necessi-
Fish 1997), lengthening, and strengthening of the tating the enlargement and use of the hind feet as
vertebral column for undulation (e.g., Kutchicetus, propulsors (Kenyon 1969; Williams 1989). The pin-
Rodhocetus), and eventually caudal oscillation (i.e., niped Enaliarctos had a short tail (Berta and Ray
Dorudon, modern cetaceans). The presence of a 1990). In the one to seven million years between
long, robust tail is a precondition for development the appearances of Puijila and Enaliarctos, transi-
of caudal oscillatory swimming. The sequence of ce- tional species may have developed a shorter tail
tacean fossils is summarized in Fig. 5 with their os- with movement into cold seawater. Both Puijila
teology, locomotor swimming modes, associated and Enaliarctos had well-developed limbs, adapted
performance and morphology. for terrestrial locomotion. The limbs of later pinni-
The important transitional pinnipeds are repre- peds increased in size and became differently special-
sented by Puijila (Rybczynski et al. 2009) and ized for lift-based swimming depending on the clade
Enaliarctos (Berta et al. 1989; Berta and Ray 1990). (e.g., otariid, phocid) and particular mode (e.g.,
Puijila had an otter-like body with a long tail and pelvic oscillation, pectoral oscillation) of limbed
large, probably webbed feet (Rybczynski et al. 2009; swimming (Wyss 1989; Berta and Ray 1990; Fish
Berta 2012). Puijila and another, earlier-described 2000).
otter-like carnivore, Potamotherium (Savage 1957) A possible explanation for the possession of long
have been hypothesized to be semiaquatic, inhabiting or short tails may lie in an association with
Swimming evolution 1291

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Fig. 5 Summary of associated osteological features, swimming modes, locomotor performance, and morphological changes in the
evolution of the Cetacea. (Courtesy of W. Bemis).

thermoregulation in different climates. On account are far removed from their terrestrial ancestors and
of their high surface-to-volume ratios and vasculari- as such are specialized to live and forage primarily in
zation, mammal tails can act as effective thermoreg- water. In this regard, evolution of the propulsive ap-
ulatory devices, adjusting body temperature by pendages has shaped the limbs into high-efficiency
regional heterothermia (Fish 1979; Hickman 1979). hydrofoils, which affect locomotion by transferring
In warm climates, a long tail could be used to coun- momentum to the fluid surroundings. This change
teract overheating by dumping excess metabolic heat in limb structure, although negatively impacting an
to the environment. In cold climates where insula- aquatic mammal’s performance on land, enhances
tion may be essential, a short tail would limit heat performance in the water.
loss. This thermoregulatory hypothesis is supported
by paleoclimatic evidence and fossil distributions Aquatic bird functional model
(Fish 2001). The long-tailed ancestors of cetaceans How did birds that perfected winged aerial flight give
and sirenians originated in tropical and subtropical rise to the varied assemblage of aquatic birds that
climates (Domning 1976; Barnes et al. 1985; swim today? Unlike mammals that have an expand-
Gingerich et al. 1994; Thewissen et al. 1994). ing fossil record for intermediate aquatic forms, the
Reviewing the distributions of fossil cetaceans, fossil record for birds has been less forthcoming.
Fordyce (1992) likewise inferred a warm-water Although flying in air and swimming in water re-
origin for cetaceans. However, the short-tailed pin- quire the transfer of momentum in fluid media, dif-
nipeds originated in temperate or subarctic climates ferences between the physical characteristics of the
(Repenning 1976; Barnes et al. 1985). two media (i.e., density, viscosity) require changes
Other evidence supporting the biomechanical in the propulsive systems for movement from air
model comes from the physiology of modern analogs to water. Long wingspans provide high lift produc-
(Fish 1996, 2000; Williams 1999). Whereas limbed tion in air, but in water wingspans need to be
swimming by semiaquatic mammals is associated shorter. Penguins have shorter and narrower wings
with inefficiencies and high energetic costs (Fish than flying birds of equivalent size, with a more
1992; Williams 1999), the converse is considered robust skeleton. Although having a wing structure
true for some fully aquatic mammals. These species that permits aerial flight, various other seabirds
1292 F. E. Fish

partially fold the wing, modifying the configuration

with a reduced wingspan for underwater flight. This
shortening of the wingspan underwater reduces the
torque at the shoulder and loading on the bones in
the wing from pushing against the dense aquatic
medium. Alternatively, foot propulsion arose inde-
pendently in various lineages of diving birds
(Feduccia 1996).
The construction of a biomechanical model for
the evolution of swimming modes of aquatic birds
may permit the formulation of testable hypotheses
similar to the model proposed for aquatic mammals

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(above). As with the evolution of aquatic mammals,
Gutmann (1994) proposed a pictorial sequence for
the evolution of swimming by penguins from a flying Fig. 6 Model for sequence of swimming mode transitions from
bird, but gave no mechanism for the transitional flying to swimming birds. Winged swimming using symmetrical
stage. Other authors have investigated the evolution subaqueous flight, as exemplified by penguins, had possible in-
of flightlessness in penguins from fossils, morphol- termediate stages from winged paddling and/or plunge diving
through asymmetrical subaqueous flight, as exemplified by alcids.
ogy, and genetics (Simpson 1946; Raikow et al. 1988;
Subsurface hind foot rowing, used by loons and grebes, is pre-
Slack et al. 2006; Jadwiszczak 2009; Elliott et al. dicted to have gone through a hind foot paddling stage at the air-
2013), but have not developed a comprehensive water interface.
model for the evolution of swimming in birds.
The proposed model shows possible pathways to
the two most derived mechanisms of subsurface
swimming by birds (Fig. 6). These mechanisms in- grebe (Podiceps cristatus), the asymmetrical design
clude symmetrical subaqueous flight and hind feet of the foot and its kinematics produce lift-based pad-
rowing. Symmetrical subaqueous flight is exemplified dling (Johansson and Norberg 2000, 2001).
by modern and ancient penguins (Sphenisciformes). The ancestors of modern diving birds would ini-
These aquatic birds are capable of swimming at tially have had winged aerial capabilities (Simpson
speeds of 1.7–3.2 m/s underwater (Clark and Bemis 1946; Jadwiszczak 2009). The transition to aquatic
1979; Bannasch 1994). This speed is high enough to habits from volant birds would have had three pos-
leap from the water and porpoise (i.e., make rapid sible routes: wing paddling, plunge diving, and hind
rhythmic serial leaps; Hui 1987). The motion of the feet paddling (Fig. 6). Both wing paddling and
wings of penguins resembles that of flying birds with plunge diving are proposed to have developed into
lift generated throughout the stroke, but thrust is asymmetrical subaqueous flight as a transitional stage
produced over both the up- and downstrokes in pen- before the highly derived symmetrical subaqueous
guins (Clark and Bemis 1979). Thrust is derived flight of penguins, whereas hind feet paddling
therefore through the generation of lift. Hind would have led to hind feet rowing.
feet rowing is the specialized swimming mode of Wing paddling may have developed from birds
foot-propelled birds, including cormorants entering the water from flight or from the shoreline.
(Phalacrocoracidae), grebes (Podicipedidae), loons Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are shown to
(Gaviidae), and the extinct Hesperornis. Without land in the water when trying to catch fish, and swim
use of the wings, the hind feet act as paddles and by paddling the wings (e.g.,
are positioned lateral to the body as they are simul- com/watch?v¼QCDJo4_WOAg;
taneously swept rearward and forward in power and¼0gB6j1Csqxw). In this mode, the
recovery strokes, respectively (Lovvron 1991; bird swims with a power stroke as the wings are
Feduccia 1996; Johansson and Norberg 2001, 2003; adducted ventrally and caudally at the shoulder.
Ribak et al. 2005). This resembles the drag-based The area of the wing is reduced as it is slightly
propulsive system that is typical of the asymmetrical flexed. The wings appear to contact the water parallel
paddling of ducks (Anseriformes). However, in the to the surface. In the recovery stroke, the wings are
more specialized hind-feet rowers, lift-based symmet- abducted and pulled out of the water. Alternatively,
rical rowing can be used to produce higher levels of wing paddling may have developed once the ances-
thrust more efficiently than drag-based asymmetrical tral bird was already capable of swimming on the
paddling (Johansson and Norberg 2001). In the water surface by hind feet paddling. Hind feet
Swimming evolution 1293

paddling is augmented by wing paddling in eider Ropert-Coudert et al. 2004). From the initial descent,
ducks (Somateria mollissima) and steamer ducks deeper dives down to 30 m and underwater pursuit
(Tachyeres spp.) during rapid swimming (Livezey of fish are accomplished by active swimming (Adams
and Humphrey 1983; Gough et al. 2015). The wing and Walter 1993; Garthe et al. 2000). The wings are
paddling is referred to as ‘‘steaming’’ that mimics a employed for active swimming in an asymmetrical
steamboat’s circular paddlewheel. Eider ducks and subaqueous flight (Adams and Walter 1993; Le
steamer ducks are able to swim at speeds of 3.99 Corre 1997).
and 6.67 m/s, respectively, when steaming, which is For foot-based swimmers, the transitional swim-
faster than swimming by hind feet paddling alone ming mode is envisioned to have started with hind
(Livezey and Humphrey 1983; Gough et al. 2015). feet paddling. This drag-based swimming mode, al-
From wing paddling, foraging underwater would though effective for highly buoyant birds (i.e., most
require a mechanism of winged propulsion in which Anseriformes), presents limitations to speed and ef-

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the wings are used for submerged swimming, but in ficiency when swimming at the air-water interface
this transitional state also function for aerial flight (Aigeldinger and Fish 1995; Fish 2000; Gough et al.
(Gill 2007). This dual-purpose wing is found in var- 2015). This method of swimming relies on alternate
ious pursuit diving birds that dive under the surface strokes of the hind feet, which have interdigital web-
of the water to prey on fish and invertebrates. Such bing or fringes that increase the propulsive surface
birds include the Alcidae (murres, auks, auklets, puf- area to affect a larger mass of water. However, the
fins, guillemots) and Pelecanoididae (diving petrel; efficiency of the paddling stroke remains low due to
Pennycuick 1987; Feduccia 1996; Watanuki et al. the increased drag and lack of thrust on the recovery
2003) and represent the intermediate stage in the stroke. As birds moved to underwater swimming,
evolution of flightless wing-propelled diving birds surface effects were negated (i.e., wave drag, hull
(Raikow et al. 1988). The diving petrel speed). Once underwater, swimming shifted from al-
(Pelecanoides sp.) will actually swim through waves, ternate paddling to simultaneous hind feet rowing
although some species can dive routinely to 25–40 m (Fig. 6). Cormorants swim on the surface using al-
and to a maximum depth of 83.1 m (Prince and ternate paddling strokes of the feet but swim under-
Jones 1992; Huin 1994; Zavalaga and Jahncke water by stroking with both feet simultaneously
1997). This subaqueous flight uses an up- and down- (Lovvron 1991; Schmid et al. 1995; Ancel et al.
stroke of partially folded wings to provide thrust 2000; Ribak et al. 2005). Simultaneous rowing per-
(Johansson and Aldrin 2002; Johansson 2003). mits rapid bouts of thrust production interspersed
Thrust is generated mainly in the downstroke, with gliding phases in the stroke cycle (Johansson
whereas the upstroke produces some thrust and a and Norberg 2001; Ribak et al. 2005). This burst-
downward-directed force on the body, opposed to and-glide gait is associated with energy savings in
the positive buoyancy of the bird (Spring 1971; swimming over a given distance, thereby increasing
Rayner 1985; Johansson and Aldrin 2002; propulsive efficiency (Ribak et al. 2005).
Johansson 2003; Watanuki et al. 2003, 2006). As Furthermore, in specialized foot-propelling aquatic
thrust production is not equivalent between the birds, the feet can produce lift-based thrust
up- and downstrokes in asymmetrical subaqueous (Johansson and Norberg 2001).
flight and the wings must be able to function in Regardless of the final swimming mode in aquatic
both air and water, there are energetic consequences. birds, whether wing-based or foot-based, the selec-
For example, flight costs in murres are 33% higher tion forces were probably centered on increasing
than expected and dive costs are 30% higher than swimming performance. Increasing speed and effi-
expected for penguins of equivalent size (Elliott et al. ciency would dominate the transition toward the de-
2013). rived lift-based swimming modes. Intermediate
An alternate pathway to the asymmetrical sub- forms were energetically most precarious with high
aqueous flight mode is through plunge diving locomotor costs for both flight and swimming
(Fig. 6). Seabirds such as gannets and boobies (Williams 1999; Fish 2000; Elliott et al. 2013).
(Sulidae), pelicans (Pelecanidae), and some terns Transition from aerial flight to the high-performance
(Sternidae) dive into the water after fish from a propulsive modes for submerged swimming was
height as high as 30 m above the surface of the allied with morphological and physiological adapta-
water (Lee and Reddish 1981). The momentum of tions (Kooyman 1989; Ksepka and Ando; Elliott et
the dive drives the bird underwater to a depth of al. 2013; Ponganis 2015). Movement into water
0.3–12.6 m as it enters the water at up to 24 m/s would have necessitated increased insulation against
(Lee and Reddish 1981; Adams and Walter 1993; the high thermal conductivity of the aquatic medium
1294 F. E. Fish

by waterproof and densely-packed feathers (Ksepka in the early fossil pinniped Enaliarctos allowed swim-
and Ando 2011). This increased insulation would ming by lateral movements of the trunk along with
have provided enhanced positive buoyancy at the propulsion by the limbs. The only modern semi-
water surface, but would have been a disadvantage aquatic mammalian swimmers that laterally undulate
in submerged swimming. As birds swam underwater, are the African otter shrew (Potamogale) and the
propulsion by wings or feet would have produced muskrat (Ondatra), but these semiaquatic mammals
thrust as well as a downward force to counter the only undulate the tail (Fish 1996). Similarly, the
increased buoyancy. Greater subsurface swimming otariids have a gap in their evolutionary history be-
specialization would have included reduction of tween paddling and foreflipper oscillation. Although
wingspan or loss of wings, stiffening of wing joints, Enaliarctos may have filled this gap, the structure of
increasing density of the bones and body mass, en- its flippers suggests a morphology that is more ad-
hanced diving capabilities, and a streamlined body vanced than a paddle-propelling translational pinni-

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(Raikow et al. 1988; Bannasch 1995; Ksepka and ped. For modern analogs, the platypus
Ando; Elliott et al. 2013; Ponganis 2015). With (Ornithorhynchus) swims by forelimb paddling, but
these adaptations and the possible pathways hypoth- the animal uses alternating motion of the contralat-
esized in the model, aquatic birds evolved various eral paddles and the limbs are rotated so that the
solutions for efficient high-speed swimming that plantar surface of the foot is facing dorsally (Fish
could function at depth. 2000). Furthermore, there is little information on
the swimming modes of the extinct aquatic sloth
Unanswered questions (Thalassocnus) and desmostylians (de Muizon and
McDonald 1995; Berta 2012), though at least the
Despite the evidence that supports these models for
latter have been regarded as alternate pectoral pad-
aquatic mammals and birds, problems still exist that
dlers such as polar bears (Domning 2002).
have not been fully resolved. The models do not
Until more fossil material becomes available, the
address the ultimate causalities for why these animals
evolution of swimming modes in birds may remain
moved to the water in the first place. Initial swim-
as controversial as the origin of flight (Feduccia
ming would have been slow and inefficient compared
1996; Dial 2003). Early aquatic and fish-eating
with walking or flying. Escape from predators would
birds from the Cretaceous were represented by the
be a possible reason for the first forays into water.
Hesperornithiformes (Hesperornis) and
New resources such as food would also have had a
Ornithuromorpha (Ichthyornis). Hesperornis was
major impact on why these animals moved into
water (Domning 2001b; Berta 2012; Haidr and flightless and aquatic, using hind foot propulsion,
Acosta Hospitaleche 2012). High-performance swim- but it was not related to other birds using a similar
ming would have been strongly selected for to pursue mode of swimming (Feduccia 1996). Ichthyornis was
elusive prey and reduce transit time to foraging tern-like, but although able to fly, it gives no indi-
areas. More efficient swimming allows foraging cation of swimming capabilities (Feduccia 1996). For
trips to be energetically more productive (Hui 1988). now, further analysis of the mechanics and energetics
The fossil record for aquatic mammals is still in- of modern aquatic birds may provide evidence to
complete. Although there are a number of cetacean support the model (Lovvron 1991; Elliott et al. 2013)
fossils indicating the use of oscillations of the tail for
propulsion, there are no fossilized imprints of the Acknowledgments
caudal flukes to correlate with skeletal changes
I would like to thank Alexandra Houssaye for per-
toward high-performance swimming. Such imprints
suading me to co-sponsor this symposium. I am also
are preserved for some fish and ichthyosaurs
grateful to Danielle Adams and William Gough for
(McGowan 1991; Long 1995), but are not known
reviewing an earlier version of this article.
for cetaceans as the matrix surrounding the skeletal
remains is typically too coarse to preserve an imprint
(J.G.M. Thewissen, personal communication). A Funding
number of questions are unresolved for the pinni- None.
peds due to a lack of transitional forms. For phocids
and odobenids, there are no distinct fossil interme-
diate forms or modern analogs for a laterally-undu- References
lating hind-flipper-propelled swimmer. However, Adams NJ, Walter CB. 1993. Diving depths of Cape gannets.
Berta et al. (1989) noted that the lumbar vertebrae Condor 95:734–6.
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