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Class : XII MIPA 3

Name :
1. Arika Putri Oktafiani (04)
2. Cherys Floreantina (07)
3. Luna Parastika Angelin (19)
4. Vivian Sifra Maharani (34)

Homework for Fullday School Students

Issue :
Do you know what homework is? Homework is an assignment given to students by teachers to be
completed outside of school, usually at home. secondly, what is full day school? Full day school is a
learning process that is carried out for a full day, which means that almost all children's activities are at
school, starting from studying, eating, playing and praying. So, do you agree that there is still homework
for full day school students?

Pro :
I ageee because homework is much more than just completing the assigned tasks. Homework can develop
time management skills, forcing students to plan their time and make sure that all of their homework
assignments are done on time. By learning to manage their time, students also practice their problem-
solving skills and independent thinking.

Contra :
I disagree with that statement because students and parents often complain that homework at school adds
to the child's burden because students spend a lot of time at school studying which of course takes up a lot
of energy and thought. For me, giving homework to students will reduce the time students interact with
family and the social environment.

According to both, from the statement of agree and disagree I can draw conclusions, a discussion about
homework for full-day school students Includes valid issues and important benefirs. It is better for the
school to still provide homework to train student’s abilities and students can manage their time, but is
doesn’t burden and stress students, an the other hand, It also doesn't reduce family time. I hope the school
can pay attention to this issue.

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