The Heroes of The Philippines

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The heroes of the Philippines

In the Philippines, there are many national heroes that helped us have the courage to fight back. One of
them is the hero that had the courage to fight back and speak and has two weapons, a sheet of paper
and a ball-point pen. He was always ready to defend our country and fought for our freedom even in the
darkest of times, one of the most well-known Filipino who had ever lived, our national hero: Dr. Jose

Jose Rizal fought with his tongue and words, he used a pen rather than a sword, while fighting, he never
got blood on his hands (I think). He fought for our country to the very end in his time of living, he spoke
up, even in prison, and encouraged us Filipinos to fight and take back what is rightfully ours. When the
Spaniards heard about this, they executed him, they blindfolded and shot him at the back and died on
December 30th of 1896, in what we now know as Luneta or Rizal Park. Though his death a tragic death,
he lived a great life and motivated many Filipinos.

Another well-known national hero of the Philippines is Andres Bonifacio. He was known for being the
“Father of the Philippine Revolution”. Bonifacio was a leader in many ways, but one of them is that
helped people fight for their freedom. He was a great leader who had a big impact on the Filipinos and
made them realize that they don’t have to listen and have to be controlled by the Spaniards. In August
1896, Bonifacio led the long-planned insurrection on Luzon; but his forces were defeated by Spanish
troops. He was forced to retreat to Montalban in the north, while Emilio Aguinaldo, one of his
lieutenants, carried on resistance.

Bonifacio was the founder of the Katipunan, a militant nationalist secret society that led the rebellion
against Spain. He declared Philippine independence in 1896 in the wake of the execution of his hero and
mentor José Rizal. He became executed (just like Rizal) on May 10th of 1897, five months after Rizal died.

Though there are many other national Philippine heroes I just wrote these two because I think they’re
the most known in the Philippines.

We celebrate National Heroes Day because it commemorates the Cry of Pugad Lawin, a revolt that
kicked off the 1896 Philippine Revolution against the Spanish Empire and the long struggle toward that
country's independence, and it helps us remember what the Filipinos has done for us and our country.

We celebrate Bonifacio day because Andres Bonifacio was the founder and eventual Supremo of the
Katipunan, a secret society that triggered the Philippine Revolution of 1896 against the Spanish Empire.
It is celebrated every November 30, the birth anniversary of Bonifacio.

So, this is my essay of heroes of the Philippines.

Thank you for reading!

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