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JURISPRUDENCE LAW (KSLU previous year question’s 2016-2022)


01 MEANING AND NATURE Discuss the values of jurisprudence. (Dec 2019)
OF “JURISPRUDENCE” Explain the nature of jurisprudence & state its relevance. (Jun/Jul 2018)
Explain law as “Command of Sovereign”. (Dec 2019, Nov/Dec 2020)
Discuss the natural law theory. State the criticisms against natural law
theory. (Dec 2021, Apr/May 2022)
Define Jurisprudence. Explain its nature & value. (Dec 2021, Apr/May 2022,
Mar/Apr 2021, Oct/Nov 2021)
Explain natural law theory & state its relevance. (Mar/Apr 2021)
Discuss natural law theory & state its attractions. (Jun/Jul 2018)
Examine the “Austinian Concept Of Law”. (Oct/Nov 2021)
Discuss the legal realism. How it is different from Austin’s Theory of Law.
(Dec 2016, Jun/Jul 2019)
“Reason alone should make law”. Explain the statements in the light of
natural law. (Dec 2017)
Discuss the Legal Realism Theory. (Jun/Jul 2019)
Define Jurisprudence. Explain the significance of jurisprudence. (Dec 2018)
Explain the sociological school of Jurisprudence. (Dec 2018)

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02 FUNCTIONS AND Discuss the question of law & fact. (Dec 2019)
State the need for administration of justice & explain the secondary
PURPOSE OF LAW functions of courts of law. (Dec 2019)
Discuss the functions & purpose of law. (Dec 2021, Apr/May 2022, Dec 2022,
Apr/May 2021, Oct/Nov 2021, Dec 2018, Dec 2016)
Examine the necessity of Administration of Justice. State the difference
between Criminal and Civil Administration of Justice. (Dec 2022, Apr/May
Explain the purpose of Criminal Justice with the help of theories of
punishment. (Dec 2022, Apr/May 2021)
Discuss the theories of Punishments. (Oct/Nov 2021, Jun/Jul 2019, Nov/Dec
Discuss the conflicts between different approaches of Punishments. (Jun/Jul
Explain the components of justice. (Dec 2017)
Discuss law as command of the sovereign. (Nov/De 2020)
What is Justice? Enumerate kinds of justice. (Nov/Dec 2020)

03 SOURCES OF LAW Discuss the nature of legislation as source of law. (Dec 2019, Dec 2021, Dec 2016,
Apr/May 2022)
What is the Ratio Dicidendi? State how it is determined. (Dec 2019)
Explain the circumstances destroying or weakening the binding force of precedent.
(Dec 2021, Mar/Apr 2021, Apr/May 2022, Oct/Nov 2021, Jun/Jul 2018)
Explain the superiority of legislation over other sources of law. (Mar/Apr 2021)
Discuss how far legislation is superior to other sources of law. (Jun/Jul 2018)
Discuss legislation as a source of law. What are the advantages of legislation as a
source of law over other sources of law? (Dec 2016)
Critically examine the legislation as a source of law. (Dec 2017)
What is legislation? Explain the kinds of Sub-Ordinate legislation. (Jun/Jul 2019)
Explain in brief the different sources of law. (Oct/Nov 2021)
Explain the essentials requisites of valid custom. (Dec 2018)
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04 LEGAL CONCEPTS Explain the kinds of legal rights. (Dec 2019)
Discuss the characteristics of a Legal rights. (Dec 2021 2022, 2021, 2018, 2019)
What is legal right? Discuss briefly the concept of legal right in its wider sense.
(Oct/Nov 2021, Dec 2018, Nov/Dec 2020)
What is legal right? Describe Hohfeld’s concept of right in its wider sense? (2016)
Discuss the legal status of lower animals, unborn person & dead persons. (Oct/Nov
2021, Dec 2016, Jun/Jul 2019, Dec 2018)
Discuss the concept of personality with special reference to unborn persons. (2019)
Discuss the various kinds of ownership. (Dec 2021, Apr/May 2022, Dec 2017)
Explain the incidents of ownership. (Jun/Jul 2019)
Explain the idea of ownership & make distinction between sole ownership & co-
ownership. (Dec 2021, Apr/May 2022, Dec 2016)
Explain the idea of ownership and also the difference between trust and beneficial
ownership. (Dec 2016)
Discuss various kinds of possession. (Jun/Jul 2018)
Discuss possession in law with decided cases. (Dec 2017)
Discuss the idea of possession & distinguish between mediate & immediate
possession. (Jun/Jul 2018)
“Ownership is a bundle of right”. Explain (Nov/Dec 2020)
Explain the various kinds of rights. (Dec 2017)

05 LIABILITY Explain the theory of Strict Liability. With decided cases (Dec 2019, Nov/ 2020,
Explain Vicarious Liability. (Dec 2019)
Discuss the different sources of obligation. (Nov/Dec 2020)
Explain the nature of obligations & discuss the kinds of obligations. (Dec 2021, Apr2022)
What is negligence? Discuss the theories of negligence. (Dec 2021, Apr2022, 2017,
Define Negligence & State the Subjective & Objective theories of Negligence. ( 2021,
Explain the theory of Penal Liability. (Mar/Apr 2021)
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Explain “Actus Non Facit Reum, Nisi Mens Sit Rea”. (Oct/Nov 2021)
Explain the importance of the chain of causation in establishing liability. (Dec 2018)
Discuss the different sources of Obligations. (Nov/Dec 2020)

Describe law as System of Law Sociological School of Jurisprudence
International Law as Law Natural Law
Reformative Theory Primary & Secondary Rights
Purposes of Punishments Question of Law
Interpretation of enacted law Customs
General Custom Codifications
Corporate Personality Elements of Possession
Distinguish between Possession & Ownership. Characteristics of ownership
Duty of Care Negligence
Solidarity Obligation Sources of Obligations
Command Reformative Theory of Punishments
Realism Primary & Sanctioning rights
What are the secondary functions of courts Mischief rule
Theories of Punishments Law & Fact
Customs Vicarious Liability
Subordinate Legislation Void & Voidable agreements
Acquistion of Possession Legal status of Unborn Person
Legal status of a Unborn Person Ratio Decidendi & Obiter dicta.
Injuria Sine Damnum Intention
Mens Rea Law as system of rules
Legal Realism Kinds Of Obligation
Authority of Law Law as command
Necessity of Administration of Justice Acquisition Of Possession
Reasons for Reception of Customary Law Co-Ownership
Trust & Beneficial Ownership Austin’s theory
Distinguish between Possession in law & Possession in Secondary functions of courts.
Fact Status of dead person
Causation Possession in fact
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Damnum Sine Injuria

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