CRPC - kSLU Question's

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as || os = ——~S~S* + What is complaint? Explain the procedure to be followed on receivingia co Complaint. (Dec 2019, Dec 2021, Apr/May 2022, Dec 2021, Dec 2018, Jun/Jul 2019) ‘4 Explain the procedure of trial before the Court of Session. (Dec 2019, Dec 2021, Apr/May 2022, Oct/Nov 2021) + Explain the provisions relating to the trial before the s¢ssioncourt.( 2019, 2016) “4 When a person can be arrested without warrant. (Mar/Apr 2021) + Explain the procedure relating to summary-trials. (Mar/Apr 2021) + Explain the constitution and powers oferimihal courts. (Jun/Jul 2019) 4 Explain the provisions relating to the constitution of criminal courts in India. (2021) | What do you mean by arrest? (WhO can arrest? Explain rights of the Person arrested. | (2016) + Explain the procedure to be followed for the trial of warrant cases by magistrates. (2016) Explain the Circumstances under which a police officer may arrest a Person without warrant and state the circumstances in which a private PéFSon.can arrest, and the procedure to be followed by him after arrest.(2017,2018) © Explain investigation, inquiry, trial & inquest. (Dec 2017) Explain arrest & when a police officer can arrest a person without arrest Warrant?(2020 2017) & Explain FIR & what amounts to first information & when it cannot? State its significance. (Jun/Jul 2018) 4 What is first information report? Explain the procedure for recording First information report with its evidentiary value. (Dec 2016) for more information join @Diksoochi law notes and stuffs in telegram & Explain the procedure to be followed by the criminal courts in Compelling the appearance of the person. (before the court) (Dec 2021, Apr/May 2022, Dec 2018, Dec 2016, Jun/Jul 2019) & “For every distinct offence there is a separate charge and separate tria!”Discuss/ (Apr 2022, Dec 2021, Dec 2019) ‘& Define Charge. State the exceptions if any. (Dec 2017, Jun/Jul 2018) “& Explain the provisions relating to proclamation and attachmentof Property of a person absconding. (Dec 2019) ‘& Discuss the provisions relating to service of summons, (Mar/Apr 2021) & Explain the limitations on the powers of the magistrate to take the Cognizance of an offence relating to defamation and martiage, (Mar/Apr 2021) & What procedures have to be folloWed when warrant remains unexecuted? (Oct 2021) & Examine the scope of judicial Wiscretion in granting bail in cases of Non-bailable offences. (Oct/Nov 2021) 4 Explain the proceduife fegarding in granting bail in cases of bailable & Non-bailable offences.<( Jun/ul'2016) “& Explain the provisions relating to trial before magistrate in a non-bailable offence. (2018) ak Explain the term bail & State when bail may be granted in a non bailable offences. (Jun/Jul 2018) ‘Separate charge is the rule & joinder of charge is the exception”. Comment. ( Dec 2016) & Explain the warrant case procedure. (Nov/Dec 2020) & Explain the process to compel the production of things before the criminal courts under Cr.P.C.( Nov/Dec 2020) & Explain the provisions relating to maintenance of wives and children Under Cr.P.C- (Apr/May 2022, Dec 2021, Dec 2017, Nov/Dec 2020) & Explain the form & contents of a judgment and in what manner Judgmehtisito be delivered? (Apr/May 2022, Dec 2021, Oct/Nov 2021) & JMFC court convicts Suresh on his plea of guilty. Now Suresh intends to Appeal against conviction. Decide. ((Apr/May 2022, Dec 2021, Dec 2019) & When can the court tender the pardon to an accused undéeF\Cr.P.C?Can it be revoked? (Dec 2019) “& Discuss the provisions relating to reference & revi (Dec 2016, Dec 2018, Mar/Apr 2021) & Explain the provisions relating to render,ofpatdon to approver. (Mar/Apr 2021) + Explain the provisions relating toSéturity for good behaviour and Peace. (Dec 2019, Oct/Nov 2021, De€2018, Jun/Jul 2016, Jun/Jul 2019) + Explain the provisions relating tothe jurisdiction of the criminal court. (Nov/Dec 2020) “& State & explain. th@provisions for keeping peace & to enforce security for Good behavior from suspected persons & habitual offenders. (Jun/Sul 2018) 1 Bappeal. & Explain the provisions relating to time limitations for taking Cognizance of an offence.(2021) & Under what circumstances preventive action can be taken by The police. (Oct/Nov 2021) 4 Discuss the powers of Supreme courts & High courts to transfer Cases and appeals. (2021) 4 Explain the powers of magistrate for the removal of public Nuisance. (Apr/May 2022) 4 Explain the provisions of Cr.P.C relating to the transfer of Criminal cases. (Dec 2019, jun2016) 4 Explain the provisions relating to compounding of offences.(Dec 2019, Apr/May:2022) 4 Explain the provisions relating to removal of public nuisance Undepthe CRPG (Nov/Dec 2020) & Explain types of appeals in criminal cases. (Jun/Jul 2016) & Explain the powers of a police officer to investigate the offence Under the criminal procedure code. (Jun/Jul 2019) & Explain the constitution & powers of juvenile justice board.(Dec 2019, 2022, 2021) -& Discuss the powers of court to rélease’offenders after Admonition & no probation of good conduct. (Dec 2018, Oct/Nov 2021) + Explain the powers and duties of Probation officers. (Dec 2019) & What are the saliefit features of the Probation of offenders Act,1958? (Mar/Apr 2021) & Explain the provisions relating to constitution, powers & Functions of child welfare committee. (Mar/Apr 2021) & Discuss thé,powers of the court to release offenders on Probation of good conduct.2018,2019 Discuss the schemes available for rehabilitation & social Re-integration of children under Juvenile justice (care & Protection of children ) Act, 2008 ( 2021, 2018, 2016) -b-Who is a Probation officer? Explain the duties of Probation Officers under the Probation of offenders Act. (Jun/Jul 2016, Dec 2017, Nov/Dec 2020) 4 Briefly discuss the release of offenders on Probation or due Admonition. (Dec 2017) “ Discuss the provisions of Juvenile Justice (care & probation of children) Act 2000, in respect of the establishment & Maintenance of observation home & special home. (Dec 2018) SHORT NOTES + FIR o& Rights of arrested person & Complaints o& Irregular Proceedings “4 Compounding of offences + Child Welfare Committee 4 Probation Officer & its duties & Disposal of Property f juvenile in conflict with law + Probation Officers »& Procedure in case of offender failing to’obsetve the condition of bond & Child in need of care & protection home & Observatiomhome 4 Judgment 4 Maintenance of wife 4 Compoundabléoffénces + Anticipatory Bail & Admonition “& summary Trial wk Juvenile welfare board sk pAppeals in cases of acquittals & Investigation = Summary trials ol Charge 4 Juvenile Justice Board PROBLEMS 1) A magistrate convicts an accused person after complying with all the procedure laid down under the Cr.P.C. but without Rearing the accused on the sentence, Decide the legality of order of conviction’ 2) ‘A’ is accused of a theft on one occasion and causing grievous hurt on another occasion. Can, A, be charged jointly and tried in one trial? Give reasons. 3) ‘accused of an offence. The court has altered the charge. Without explaining the altered charges to him, ,8, is convicted for the said offence. Is the conviction legal? 4) JMFC court convicts Suresh on his plea of guilty. Now Suresh intends to apps inst conviction. Decide. 'A’ is charged before the Court of Session and convicted of the culpable Homicid@ of 'B'. Can 'A' be after words tried ‘On the same facts for the murder of 'B' again? ‘P' wants to file case against 'Q' for an offence punishable with fine hly..The offéhce was committed two years back. Advice 'P’. ‘A rescues '8' a persoii in lawful custody, and in doing So,Causes grievous hurt to'C’, the constable in whose custody 'B’ was. Can ‘A’ be charged and tried in one trial? Give reasons, 8) Raju is serving in armed force of the Union. Hewants to file complaint against his wife for adultery, but he is precluded from taking leave. Advise Raju. 9) ‘A’ is charged before the court of sessions and convicted of culpable homicide of 'B'. Can once again court try him for murder on the same facts for the murder.of 'B’. Give reasons. 10) ‘A’ is charged with mutder"and he pleaded guilty. On the basis of his plea he was convicted by the court of sessions. Now he wants to. appeal on the conyiction, Advise ‘A’. 11) “A” is accused.of the theft on one occasion & causing grievous hurt on another occasion. Can “A” be charged & tried in one t reasons.. I? Give 12) 1g accisethof an act which may amount to theft or receiving the stolen property or criminal breach of trust or cheating. How he charged? 43) “X"is tried for causing grievous hurt & convicted. The person injured afterwards dies, Can he tried again? 14)""A' an accused is charged with an offence of belonging to a gang of dacoits oper: be tried for the offence in the Bengaluru court. Give reasons. ing in Rajasthan. He Is arrested in Bengaluru. Can he 15) Raju goes to city police station of Shimoga to give Information about a cognizable offence. The police officer refuses to register first information report. What is the next course of action avallable to Raju? 16) ‘A’ makes an application for regular bail In the Court of Session. The application Is rejected. Now he wants to make a freshvapplication for anticipatory bail under Section 438 of Cr.P.C. In the High court. Advice. 17) 'A' is accused of a theft on one occasion and of causing grievous hurt on another occasion. Two offences were intlude and were tried together in single trial by the Magistrate, A was convicted! Decide the validity of the order of Cohviction. 18) A Magistrate directs 'D' to execute a bond for maintaining good behavior for a period of two years: Discuss the validity of the order. Support your answer with legal provisions. 18) ‘A’ obtains a decree of divorce against her husband 'B' and also obtains maintenance frorii her husband under Sec. 125 of Cr. P.C. After 2 years she marries 'C’. Now 'B' wants to apply for cancellation of maintenance 6rder. Advise 8. ‘one charge 20) “A” Tamil speaking accused is tried at Dharwad Court. All witnesses deposed in kannada. “A” wants the same to be interpreted to him in Tamilu. The court rejects his prayer. Decide. 21) A Police officer has recorded information regarding a cognizable offencé'Tiphis police station diary on the basis of a phone call. Can it be regarded as FIR? 22) “X” a police officer who is making investigation of a case has comfieto\knoW that a women residing within limits of his police station is acquainted with facts of the case. Can he require her to appear in the police station to give information? 23) Satish & Shankar, accused in a non-bailable offences, ate in juditial custody for more than 3 months and the police have not filed charge sheet against them. Now they want to seek bail asiof right. Will they succeed? 24) “A” is tried for causing grievous hurt to “B” and|eonivicted. “8” afterwards dies. Decide the consequences of the death of “B” under CrP. 25) A Court takes cognizance of an offénce of Murder three years after the date of alleged murder. Accused pleads that this is barred by imitation. Decide. 26) “A” misappropriates the money from a Company in Bangalore and runs away. The police gets the information that he is in Sri Lanka. ‘The Executive Magistrate issues warrant to arrest him under sec.72(1) of Cr.P.C. Whether this warrant can be executed? Give reason 27) A Magistrate directs“B” tolexecute a bond for maintaining good behavior for a period of two years. Discuss the validity of the order. 28) “Son” dispossesses the “father” from the ancestral house where both father and son are co-owners and in respect of which partition is yet to take place. Father lodges a complaint against his son. Whether the magistrate has the jurisdiction to take the cognizance in the matter? Decidlé. 29) M@re than.2yrs ago “A” was sentenced to death but the sentence has not been executed so far. “A” moves to the court that his death sentence be commuted to imprisonment for life as there was under delay in the execution of death sentence. Decide. 30) “A” commits an offence in “Agra” but makes a confession before the Judicial Magistrate at “Lucknow”, who has no power to try case, but he did not sign the confessional statement recorded by the magistrate. Is confession is valid? Decide. 31) “A” isan accused was charged under section $.19(f) of the Indian Arms Act for possessing a revolver without a licencé andl was acquitted as the prosecution could not prove that he was in possession of the revolver. In a subsequent trial of the aécusedion the charge of Murder, Whether can prosecution be permitted to prove possession of the revolver and murder against “A”? Decide. 32) “A” dishonestly uses a forged document as genuine evidence, in order to convict “B” a public servant, of an offence U/S-167 of IPC. ‘Two offences were included in one charge and were tried together in single trial by magistrate and was convicted. Decide 33) Without the order of the higher authorities, the officer of the armed force fires on the members.6f unlawfdl assembly and caused the death of “D”. Now the dependent of the decreased wants to claim compensation. Advice him. 34) A police officer recorded information regarding a cognizable offences in his police statioh diay 6fthe basis of a phone call. Can it be regarded as FIR? 35) “A” a Hindu married “B” without divorcing his first wife “C". “A” has neglected."B”. Can/“B” claim maintenance from “A”? 36) “A” was tried for causing grievous hurt and convicted. Later on injured persomdiied. Can “A” be tried again on the same facts for the offence of culpable homicide? 37) A magistrate convicts an accused person after complying with alltthe\procedure laid down under the Criminal Procedure Code but without hearing the accused on the sentence. Decide the legality of order of conviction. 38) A court took cognizance of an offence of murder SOyrs after the Wate of alleged murder. Accused pleads that this is barred by imitation. Decide. 39) Ais the husband of B, A takes holy order. B desires'to claim maintenance from A. Can 8 claim maintainance? 40) Ais charged with the offence of theftsA plats guilty. Court convicts A. Can A file an appeal? for more information join @Diksoochi law notes and stuffs in telegram

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