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2/8/24, 4:01 PM Editing Behold!

The Night Mare | Delta Green Wiki | Fandom

At a quasi-religious remote compound atop Last Dollar Mountain, Colorado, 39 ranchers consumed
lethal quantities of jimsonweed to contact intelligent life from another plane. What traveled through,
however, appeared to be a beautiful white horse. For a moment, the onlookers were entranced by its
beauty. They watched as the high priest attempted first contact. Then, the horse melted and
metamorphosed, and it eviscerated the high priest. Splashed with their leader’s gore, the followers at
the compound succumbed to the deliriant in a state of shock and horror. Insatiably, The Horse traveled
down to Sawpit, CO to stalk new game in its endemic hunting grounds: within their dreams.

Over the following week, The Horse claimed more victims from this small town. When the third
cadaver in a row, inaccurately diagnosed with SUDEP, showed up on county coroner Dr. Jeremiah
Alston’s autopsy table, he called it in. Enter THE AGENTS.

The Hunt
By seeking to end The Horse’s activities, the agents find themselves in its sights. When an agent
antagonizes The Horse or defiles signs of its presence, a stacking penalty of 10% is levied against
that agent. Ties are broken by a Luck roll. Each time one or more agents sleep, the Handler must
secretly make a 1d100 Hunt roll for each sleeping agent. The sleeping agent with the highest roll is
visited upon by The Horse. The Horse is a tireless hunter, and will not relent until all hostile agents are
rended from its dominion. Agents will have to stay awake until they deal with The Horse, or flee the
county. In their absence, The Horse redoubles its focus on the denizens of Sawpit—with each
additional kill risking media attention and mass panic.


Funbelly Hog Farm

At a show pig farm a couple miles east of Telluride Regional Airport, Case Officer Samuel briefs the
agents on the situation. Samuel looks well over the age of 70, and he sports a star-spangled bow tie
and a stringy gray beard. Samuel is so decrepit, he makes even speaking appear arduous. He gives
the agents a prepaid phone with all relevant contacts pre-entered. It is debatable if Samuel is mentally
present at any given moment so a successful Luck roll must be made for him to actually follow
through on tasks.!_The_Night_Mare?veaction=edit 1/7
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Telluride Morgue

If the agents want to follow up with the coroner’s findings, the morgue is also located in Telluride. Dr.
Jeremiah Alston greets them. He has a bristling mustache and wears a lab coat. He can pull medical
records and wheel out the bodies for the agents, but he admits to being stumped on the causes of
death—“Maybe hypoxia?”, he suggests. Officially, these folks died of SUDEP while sleeping, but none
have a history of epilepsy. The three victims are identified as Cheryl Cook, Joseph Tackett, and Oscar
Kearsley. Alston notes that all three are strangely suspended in the state of rigor mortis without decay,
making it difficult to establish a timeline. Agents with Medicine, Forensics, or Science (Biology)
above 40% know to use gut fauna readings to estimate that the time since death for Joseph is 6 days;
Cheryl 4 days; and Oscar 2 days. Cheryl has a bruised right wrist, but otherwise, there are no
abnormalities or other apparent signs of trauma. Brain, organs, and muscle are all in sound condition.

Nestled among the roots of Last Dollar Mountain, Sawpit is a strip of houses along Highway 145
North. There’s no sheriff, entertainment, or shopping—all that is back at Telluride. Still, there’s a joint
for motorists to grab BBQ and fill up the gas tank before trucking on. Also, there’s a single story motel
with five rooms for rent standing across the street.

The residents of Sawpit are generally cooperative, with the exception of “Sir” Albert Schooner.
Schooner is the self-appointed mayor of Sawpit, and he rides around on a salt-and-pepper horse
named Fritz. Albert believes that the federales have encroached on “his” town and that the
investigation is a cover for a hostile takeover. He orbits the agents, eventually approaching in a huff
and interrogating them on what their true intentions are. The horse, Fritz, is no treat either; he slobbers
on anyone nearby, chews on clothes, and bites any accessible fingers. Antagonizing Fritz incurs a
Hunt roll penalty.

Investigating Oscar’s death yields no information (Victim of Circumstance).

Joseph's Trailer
There’s a dirt road due northwest that leads to a prefabricated house sitting on concrete blocks. A
successful Bureaucracy roll or a relevant background (EPA/FEMA) will identify it as a FEMA trailer.
The mailbox out front says “J. TACKETT”.!_The_Night_Mare?veaction=edit 2/7
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Joseph Tackett’s trailer stands in a small grassy yard littered with scrap parts, a rusty project car on
cinder blocks, and horse-themed lawn ornaments. Inside, the agents find themselves immersed in a
dizzying array of horse-themed memorabilia that, ordinarily, wouldn’t be out of place among rancher
folk . . . but this looks more like an obsession.

Living Room/Kitchein

The main area of the trailer is a sty of junk food trash, documents, magazines, and more horse-
themed items. Sorting through this mess takes 4 hours (or 2 with a successful Accounting Roll)
and provides three items of note:

An envelope addressed to Joseph, containing a pamphlet with a provocative suggestion:

A polaroid photograph of 40 happy individuals in front of a firepit. Joseph himself stands half-
cropped out at the edge of the photo. There’s writing on the back: “Last Dollar Mountain”, and a
date for ten days ago.
An itemized medical bill:

Treatment of anaphylaxis caused by seasonal allergic rhinitis $3600

1 box tissues (Kleenex) $500


Piles of used tissues and pill blister packs surround the bed. Several styrofoam cups sit in puddles of
condensation on the nightstand, next to a mostly-full box of 24-ct Benadryl and a bottle of aspirin. A
horse-themed calendar is found next to the bed with a date for seven days ago feverishly circled and
scribbled: “INVOKATION DAY”.

Nothing in the bathroom, except a 60-ct box of Benadryl.

Cheryl's Yurt

Cheryl’s home—a yurt—sits at the edge of town. Inside, there’s a bedroll and a kitchenette. Botanical
posters are taped to the walls, and track-mounted blacklights cast an eerie blue glow. Looking through
the kitchenette with a Search of 20% or above reveals a false panel in one of the cabinets, containing
a cache of psychoactive substances, and a small trip journal with a rainbow-marbled cover. It charts
what substances were taken and what their effects were. The final entry, 5 days ago, describes the
use of jimsonweed and visions of a white horse. It recounts her moving to pet the horse, only for it to!_The_Night_Mare?veaction=edit 3/7
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viciously bite into her right wrist. Struggling, she clawed at the horse’s snout and, when it let go, she
instantly resurfaced from her trip.

Last Dollar Mountain

North of Sawpit, there’s an empty dirt parking lot feeding into a single hiking path up Last Dollar
Mountain. Along the trail, agents will encounter abandoned campsites and balconies with coin-
operated viewfinders—the view is nice. The trail ends about halfway up, and the agents will need to
proceed the rest of the way themselves.

The New Sneffels Community

Cresting the hill, the agents stumble upon the aftermath of a mass suicide event. 39 bodies, just
beginning to decay, litter the campgrounds, clutching paper cups containing trace amounts of green
liquid. The deceased have the same invitations as the one found in Tackett’s home, and IDs that list
their address: Sneffels, Colorado. The body by the fire pit—a bearded man in his 40s—lies in rigor
mortis covered in lacerations and bruises. Under the effects of a deliriant, agents see this corpse for
what it really is: pulpy, bloody residue. (1D4/1D6 SAN)

The grounds of the compound consists of one freestanding log cabin, a communal fire pit, and 22
tents, some of which are half-collapsed. To the east lies some rows of packed dirt—a respectable
attempt at growing corn.

Standing among the sea of bodies, agents who make a Search roll at a 20% penalty will find an M1
carbine under a pillow in one of the tents.

The Cabin

Inside the cabin, there’s an Adirondack bed, a locker, a writing desk, a dusty American flag. A coach
gun can also be found in the log cabin. On the desk, there’s a journal in which the writer thrashes the
United States Air Force and their culpability in the forced relocation of a ranching community two
months ago, signed by one Chester Sykes, “Ambassador of the New Sneffels Community”. Tucked
away under the mattress, agents find a brochure entitled “The Red Man’s White Horse” that tells of a
Native American legend about a wish-granting spirit horse. History 20% or any research reveals this
to be bogus history fabricated decades ago for a tourist trap in Norwood, that has long since closed
down in 1976. Nearby, there’s a minifridge containing 6 full bottles of pale green liquid.!_The_Night_Mare?veaction=edit 4/7
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"Sir" Albert Schooner

STR 9 CON 9 DEX 11 INT 9 POW 15 CHA 11

HP 9 WP 15

Skills: Alertness 60%, Firearms 50%, HUMINT 30%, Ride 50%

Weapons: Colt Walker .44 (1D8)

Dr. Jeremiah Alston

STR 10 CON 12 DEX 11 INT 13 POW 15 CHA 10

HP 11 WP 15

Skills: Alertness 50%, First Aid 50%, HUMINT 30%, Medicine 40%, Surgery 45%

The Horse

Apex predator of the Dreamlands

STR 20 CON 24 DEX 28 INT 23 POW 27 CHA (22 [as horse] - 0 [after transformation])

HP 50 WP 20

Skills: Alertness 60%, Athletics 80%, Disguise 40%, Stealth 60%, Swim 80%

Attacks: Bite 40% 1D10+2, Trampling Hooves 40% 6D6 (See Trampling and Crushing)

Planar Tangibility: The Horse can only be harmed or interacted with while it is being actively
perceived. It can only be perceived in REM sleep, under the influence of deliriants, while comatose, or
at the verge of death.!_The_Night_Mare?veaction=edit 5/7
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The Thin Veneer: If The Horse is being perceived outside of REM sleep, it must roll Disguise in
competition with each observer’s POW to maintain its appearance as a beautiful white horse. Upon
failure, agents witness its transformation (as seen in The Hunt) and must roll SAN.

Territorial: The Horse skulks the confines of the Last Dollar Compound where it had first crossed
over. During the night, when potential prey is asleep and alone, it heads down to Sawpit to hunt.

The Hunt: Those who fall asleep and are Marked by the Horse experience a sleep paralysis
nightmare in which the horse materializes and stands over them. Here, the victim must make a POW
roll to force themselves awake. Upon failure, the horse begins to melt, with layer after layer peeled
away, and the agent witnesses its blurry, ghost-like movements that overlap upon themselves, frames
of motion lingering momentarily. The Horse bares a canine grimace as it begins to descend upon the
paralyzed agent (1D6/1D10 SAN). The agent must make a contested POW roll against the horse to
escape and wakes up upon success. If the agent fails, they are violently consumed by the horse and
dies in their sleep. Their body bears no signs of trauma but does not leave rigor mortis.

Trampling and Crushing: Upon a successful attack, The Horse can divide damage from a trample
between up to six targets within reach. Each victim can make a Dodge roll in these circumstances.

SAN Loss (True form): 1D6/1D10


Agents have three options available, each with their own consequences:

The Last Dollar Smoothie (The Green Liquid) The most potent, and lethal option. It is
ultimately fatal without treatment and physostigmine. Agents under its influence must make a
CON roll every 5 minutes. If they fail they take 1D4+1 damage.

Cheryl’s Trip Stash Cheryl’s unprocessed datura leaves can be extremely useful to agents with
the right know-how. Agents with Chemistry or Pharmacy over 40 (or on a successful roll) are
able to use it effectively, producing a recreational dosage—the agents take no damage while
under its influence. In inexperienced hands, it has the same effects as the green smoothie.!_The_Night_Mare?veaction=edit 6/7
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84 Benadryl This OTC solution is the safest but is not without its side effects. Each pill is 25 mg;
agents experience delirium at 400mg, or after consuming 16 pills. Agents must make a CON roll
every 10 minutes and upon failure lose 1D4-1 WP. Taken orally, these take one minute per
CON score to kick in. Side effects include anxiety, visual haze, glossolalia, irregular heart rate,
the feeling of increased weight, and visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations. All of these
symptoms increase in effect and frequency when agents become stressed while under the

Timeline Quick Reference:

Invocation day (7 Days Ago)
Joseph’s death (6 Days Ago)
Cheryl sees it (5 Days Ago)
Cheryl’s Death (4 Days Ago)
Oscar’s Death (2 Days Ago)
Agents are Briefed in Telluride

Behold! The Night Mare was written by "Tuesday 8:00" for the 2022 Shotgun Scenario contest.

Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta
Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use
here. The contents of this document are © "Tuesday 8:00", excepting those elements that are
components of the Delta Green intellectual property.

Behold! The Night Mare is not available here under CC-BY-SA.

For preservation purposes, a PDF of the original submission can be found here.!_The_Night_Mare?veaction=edit 7/7

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