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(An Autonomous Institution)



Year/Sem: IV / VII Pattern Theory: 100%



Hazardous waste landfills - Site selections - landfill design and operation - Regulatory
aspects - Liner System - Cover system - Leachate Collection and Management -
Environmental Monitoring System - Landfill Closure and post closure care. Activity:
Landfills case studies*.

Hazardous waste landfills

Landfills used specifically for the disposal of hazardous waste. These landfills are not used
for the disposal of solid waste.
Site selections
Hazardous waste landfills should preferably be located in areas of low population density,
low alternative land use value, low ground water contamination potential and at sites having
high clay content in the subsoil.
landfill design and operation
A landfill design life will comprise of an 'active' period and a 'closure and post-closure'
period. The 'active' period shall comprise of the period for which waste filing is in progress at
the landfill and typically range from 10 to 25 years depending on the availability of land area.
The 'closure and post-closure period for which a landfill will be monitored and maintained
shall be 30 years after the 'active period' is completed.
Liner System
Leachate control within a landfill involves the following steps: (a) prevention of migration of
leachate from landfill sides and landfill base to the subsoil by a suitable liner system; and (b)
drainage of leachate collected at the base of a landfill to the side of the landfill and removal
of the leachate from within the landfill.
On a basis of review of liner systems adopted in different countries and in consideration with
Indian conditions, it is recommended that for all HW landfills the liner system criteria
adopted in consultation with SPCB/PCC and commensurate with local area specified needs.
Cover system
A final landfill cover, comprising of several layers, each with a specific function shall be
installed after each landfill phase reaches the full height. The final cover system shall
enhance surface drainage, minimize infiltration, support vegetation to prevent erosion and
control the release of landfill gases. On the basis of a review of HW landfill covers adopted in
different countries and in consideration with Indian Conditions the cover system adopted in
consultation with SPCB/PCC and commensurate with local area specified needs.
Leachate Collection and Management
A leachate collection system shall be designed at the base of all landfills. It shall comprise of
a drainage layer, a perforated pipe collection system. sump collection area, and a removal
Environmental Monitoring System
Monitoring is the collection and analysis of data (chemical, physical, and/or biological) over
a sufficient period of time and frequency to determine the status and/or trend in one or more
environmental parameters or characteristics. Monitoring should not produce a “snapshot in
time” measurement, but rather should involve repeated sampling over time in order to define
the trends in the parameters of interest relative to clearly defined management objectives.
Monitoring may collect abiotic and/or biotic data using well-defined methods and/or
endpoints. These data, methods, and endpoints should be directly related to the management
objectives for the site in question.
Landfill Closure and post closure care.
When a hazardous waste management unit stops receiving waste at the end of its active life, it
must be cleaned up, closed, monitored, and maintained in accordance with the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) closure and post-closure care requirements. All
hazardous waste management units, and the treatment, storage and disposal facilities
(TSDFs) where they are located, are subject to closure and post-closure care requirements.

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