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Education lays the foundation for political, social and economic development of any

country. A viable education system enables the nation to achieve its national goals.
Pakistan as a developing country has faced critical problems of education since its
inception and therefore, the system of education has failed to deliver according to the
aspirations of the nation. Keeping in mind this fact, write down any five
recommendations in detail to improve the education system of Pakistan.

 Lack of uniformity
The Pakistani educational system is not founded on a set of unified ideals. There are several
educational systems operating in the nation at once. For instance, there are vast differences
in the mindsets of students who graduate from Deeni Madaris, a select few private elite
colleges, and public educational institutions. The polarisation of society has intensified due to
this tendency.

 Education without direction

Every country in the world needs a strong education system. Every nation builds its future
generations on the foundation of strong social, political, economic, and ideological training
and education. Due to Pakistan's education system's lack of direction and weakness, its
citizens have not been able to grow and be guided on solid political and social foundations.

 Outdated Curriculum
Pakistan's educational system does not provide for the needs of the modern world. It is an
outdated and traditional curriculum that forces students to remember facts and figures without
taking into account the fact that education is about a person's growth.

 Lack of Professional Training Teachers

Quality performance requires training. Teaching is a challenging profession. In Pakistan,
there aren't enough possibilities for teacher training. The training facilities that are accessible
across the nation lack appropriate training standards. Due to a lack of funding, the majority of
training institutes have closed.

 System of Examination
Exams are used to examine how well students have learned. To fully assess student
performance, it need to be based on qualitative and quantitative techniques. The processes
used in the assessments must be accurate and reliable according to the criteria. The Pakistani
examination system is not only out-of-date, but it also lacks the capacity to thoroughly assess
students' performance. Pakistan's examination process only assesses students' memory. They
are not assessed in all areas of learning.

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