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ETL stands for--- [ ]

a) Evaluate ,Transport ,Link b) Extract ,Transfer ,Load
c) Error Tracking and Load d)Extract ,Transact, Load
2. A knowledge Discovery process includes [ ]
a) Data Cleaning & Data Reduction b) Data Integration & Data Transformation
c) Patterns and knowledge. d) All the above.
3. Suppose the mean and standard deviation of the value attribute “income ” is Rs.54000 and
Rs.16000 respectively, what is Z-score normalization value of Rs.73600 ?
[ ]
a) 0.22 b) 1.225 c) 1.027 d) 1.222

4. Apriori algorithm is for finding ________

[ ]
a)frequent item sets b) infrequent item sets c) candidate item sets d) all

5. ——- is not a data mining functionality? [ ]

a. a) Clustering and Analysis b) Selection and interpretation
b. c) Classification and regression d) Characterization and Discrimination
6. Which of the following is not application of classification and prediction
[ ]
a) Target marketing b) fraud detection c) Astronomy d)e-commerce

7. The analysis performed to uncover interesting statistical correlations between

[ ]
associated-attribute-value pairs is called?
a.Mining of Association
b. Mining of Clusters
c.Mining of Correlations
d. None of the above

8. Which analysis defines the data objects that do not comply with the general behavior Or model
of the data available.
[ ]
i. a)Classification b) Prediction c) Outlier Analysis d) Evolution

9. To remove noise and inconsistent data __ is needed

[ ]
a.Data Transformation
b. Data Reduction
c.Data Integration
d. Data Cleaning
10. Which .of the following refers to the problem of finding abstracted patterns (or structures) in the
unlabeled data? [ ]

a.Supervised learning

b. Unsupervised learning

c. Hybrid learning

d. Reinforcement learning


1. CART stands for ________________

2. Apriori property is _____________________________

3. Steps in association rule mining are _______________,______________________
4. ______________________ allows data to be modeled and viewed in multiple dimensions
5. Height of a person, can be considered as an attribute of _____type?
6. _________and________are the attribute selection measures.
7. Data mining is used in the fields of ____________ and __________ to detect frauds.
8. Binning technique is used to remove _________________.
9. The measures support and confidence is calculated by the formulae ______________and
10. ________is tree structure where each non leaf node represents the test on attribute ,branches
represents the outcome of the test and the leaf node represents class labels.
1. Mention the Functionalities of Data mining
2. Discuss in detail about the steps of knowledge discovery?
3. Explain the need of data preprocessing and various forms of
4. Explain FP-Growth algorithm with an example?
5. Describe the data classification process with a neat diagram
6. Explain how association rules are generated from frequent item
7. What is a decision tree? Explain decision tree induction
8. Discuss briefly about data cleaning techniques

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