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Lamarck believed that

a. Organisms change over time from more complex to less simple ones
b. Organisms change over time from simple to more complex ones
c. Organisms do not change over time

True of natural selection

a. Organisms that are more adapted to their environment are more likely to survive
b. Organisms that are more likely to survive pass on the genes that aided their success
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a or b

Which statement is false?

a. Charles Darwin proposed an entirely different mechanism to account for the evolution of
b. His theory of natural selection became the foundation of modern evolutional studies
c. Voyage of H.M.S Beagle contributed to the understanding of evolution
d. Galapagos Island was the place where Darwin found a lot of evidence for his theory of
e. Darwin was able to collect 23 varieties of finches, which varied in size and shape, from
island to island

Theory of need
Theory of use and disuse
Theory of acquire characteristics

1. If a parent acquires a body structure during its lifetime, it could pass on that
characteristic structure to its offspring
2. Giraffes keep on stretching their neck until this becomes longer and able to reach taller
3. Organisms change in response to their environment
4. Organisms change because they need to
5. Organs in use will develop and get stronger while organs not in use will disappear or
become weak
6. The ability of organisms to survive helped them develop characteristics necessary to
adapt in a given environment
7. The lengthening of the neck of giraffes were believed to be inherited by their offspring
and propagated by the next generation
8. Organisms developed specialized characteristics by the use and disuse of organs
9. If you don’t use it, you lose it!
Overproduction of individuals
Struggle for existence
Variation of individuals
Natural selection

1. The environment selects organisms that survive to be the parents of succeeding

2. A process of becoming better suited to the environment which then increases the
organism’s chance of survival
3. Occurs when a group within a species separates from other members of its species and
develops its own unique characteristics resulting in the formation of a new species
4. Organisms tend to overproduce, but only few can actually survive
5. Plants and animals of the same species differ in size, strength, and adaptive structure
6. Struggle for existence in a limited living space and food

Give an example of each of the following

1. Overproduction
2. Adaptation

What did Darwin find in his studies on finches?

(clue: what parts of the finches different from one island to the other?)

What can one conclude from Darwin’s studies on finches?

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