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Q.It is one of the strength of Filipino character who are open and feel one with others
regards other people with dignity and respect.
A: Pakikipagkapwa-tao

Q. It is the idea that we are all interconnected, and our actions can have far-reaching
consequences and shared responsibility.
A: Global Solidarity

Q. There are Filipinos who are taking a risk to work abroad in order to sustain financial
needs and basic needs. What strength of Filipino character is depicted in the sample
A. Hard Work and Industry

Q. It is one of the Filipino weakness which is manifested by lack of precision,
compulsiveness, poor time management, and procrastination.
A. Lack of Discipline

Q: It is one of the roots of the Filipino character, where young minds are influenced formally
and informally.
A: Educational System

Q: It is a root of the Filipino Characters that reinforces our colonial mentality?
A: Mass Media

It is one of the roots of the Filipino character, where discipline comes in the form of many
no’s and “don’ts” and the system of criticizing in order to keep children in line.
A: Family and Home Environment

Q: It is a mark of the Filipino character that despite facing many challenges, Filipinos have
always found ways to overcome adversity and build stronger communities.
A: Ability to Survive

Q: We wait to be told what has to be done. We tend to show strong reliance on others like
government and other leaders to do things for us. A: Passivity and
Lack of Initiative

Q: Which strength of the filipino characters refers to manifesting in the Filipino’s love for
socials and celebrations, to laugh even in the most trying times.
A: Joy and Humor

Q. This Filipino strength enables us to comprehend and genuinely accept reality in the
context of God's will and plan.
Answer: Faith and Religiosity

QUESTION: A man is offered a promotion at work that would require him to relocate to
another city. However, he is hesitant to accept the offer because he does not want to leave
his family and friends. What weakness of the Filipino character is depicted in this situation?
ANSWER: Extreme Family Centeredness

Q: It is a situation that
requires a choice regarding a possible course of action that, although offering
the potential for personal or organizational benefit or both, may be considered unethical.
A: Ethical Dilemma

Q:Which weaknesses of the filipino character that may results in the dampening off
cooperative and trampling upon the rights of others?
A: Kanya-kanya Syndrome

Q: Filipino's can easily adjust to circumstances both physical and social. We adjust to
whatever happens even in unplanned or anticipated events. What Filipino character best
describe the situation?
A: Flexibility, adaptability and creativity

Q: It addresses issues of global poverty and inequality, advocating for distributive justice and
the fair allocation of resources to reduce disparities between nations and communities.
Answer: Global poverty reduction

Q: It is also known as international ethics or world ethics, is a branch of ethics that deals
with moral principles, values, and norms that are applicable at a global or international level.

Q. A leader which activities associated with governance of a country or other area, specially
the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power and
they serve as the main model though other leaders serve as role models.
A. Political Leader

Q. It is one of the strengths of Filipino characters wherein it can be a source of personal
identity by someone. What particular strength of Filipino character is it?
Answer: Family Orientation

Q: It refers to the basic and inherent rights and freedoms that every person is entitled to,
regardless of their nationality, race, gender, or any characteristics.
Answer: Human Rights

Q. Roots of the Filipino Character that is characterized by centralization of power.
A: Political Environment

Q: What is it called when people try to sabotage someone else's success because they are
afraid of being left behind?
A: Crab Mentality

Q: Is a process of interaction and integration among the
people, companies and governments of different nations, a process driven by
international trade and investment and aided by information technology.
A: Globalization

Q. It is the root of the Filipino to optimism and the capacity to accept life's hardship.

Q: It is regarded by many as the culprit behind our lack of nationalism and our colonial
A: Colonial History

Q: It refers to the ethical principles and values apply to everyone, regardless of their
background or where they live.
A: Universality

Q: Dianne made a commitment to herself as part of her New Year’s Resolution to work out
every day at the gym and to eat healthily. For the first few days of the new year, she followed
through on her promise. After a while, Diannes enthusiasm faded, and she stopped working
out regularly. he was even spotted consuming fast food every day. What behavior does she
exhibit in this scenario that illustrates a weakness in the character of the Filipino people
when they lack discipline?
Answer: Ningas cogon

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