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1/ In the article, social engineering aims to create a social device to solve social problems.

it pointed out that " change each person's motivation"; "redirect his activities to ways more
acceptable to society"; "Marxist dogma is typical of the approach of the social engineering"
Therefore, social engineering is a technique to influence someone to do something and
"engineering" meaning a technique to affect someone.

2/ Two example in the article:

-Poverty: the traditional Marxian believe that poverty primarily from the maldistribution of good.
They tried to convince people to forego their short-term profit in order to achieve long-term
benefit for the whole society. Result: Technology provide a "fix" which is greatly expanded the
production of good.

-War: the traditional Christian think that if men modeled themselves after the Prince of Peace,
they will live in peace. However, it was a terribly presumptuous claim. Hydrogen bomb can
quickly increase the provocation, which will lead to a large-scale of war. Result: USSR realize
the power of H-bomb and they became less militant. As it quoted "technology help to stabilize
[the] imperfect and precarious peace".

-Environment: the environmental propaganda which aim at protecting environment. However, it

actually caused more traffic jams, which lead to higher greenhouse gases (GHG) emission. With
the help of green vehicle (electronic car), it can reduce the GHG emission, which account for
29% of total U.S. GHG in 2021.

3/ Regard poverty:

-With the help of technologies, the production of crop is significantly increased. For example,
using drone to fertilize, machine to harvesting fruit, Ultraviolet light which can penetrates the
ground and illuminates the roots, killing the weeds.

-The desalination technology can provide drinkable water to people where the drinkable water
source is not regular. However, desalination potentially increase the GHG emission. Therefore,
better technology is required.

Regard war:

-It is true that with the increasing of weapon's power, countries became less militant. For
example, there have not been WW III yet. Also, nowadays war tend to be more about economic-
war, which is regard about the economy of each side. Moreover, the better qualities of
technology can greatly protect the solider. Therefore, it can lead to less casualties.

-However, it did not stop the war on Earth. There are still a different in culture and people hardly
accept other culture, which hugely contribute to the formation of war. To completely solve the
war problem, which is very complicated, there must be an acceptance of the difference other
cultures and politics.

4/ The article have provided many helpful example about the world problem and how did we
tackle them. However, as it quoted "examples illustrated both the strength and weakness of the
Technological Fix for social problem" and "technological solution to social problem tech to be
incomplete". Therefore, the combination of social engineering and Technological Fix is
necessary to completely solve the social problem.

Regard engineer role in social problems, engineer greatly contribute to the change since we are
deeply understand the problem. However, with only engineer is not enough, there must be other
people such as politician, scientist and citizens.

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