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(Campus I: A-932, Sec. 11-A, North Karachi, Campus II: C-113, Sec. 11-B, North Karachi)
Grade: VIII 2nd-TERM ASSESSMENT (2022-23) Subject: Science

Student's Name: ___________________________ Father's Name: _______________________________

Roll no: _____________ Date: _______________
Total Marks: 100 Marks Obtained: _________ Duration: 3 Hrs.

Section: A (Objective)
Q1: Multiple Choice Questions. /20
1. The diagram shows the parts of a flower.
Where must pollen land to pollinate the flower?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
2. Which process transfers thermal (heat) energy from the sun to the earth?
a. Conduction b. Convection c. Radiation
3. Which processes take place in the carpel of a flower?
a. Pollination and fertilization c. Pollination and seed dispersal
b. Fertilization and producing pollen
4. The mass and volume of four different objects are plotted as shown.
Which object has the smallest density?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
5. In what way is selective breeding similar to natural selection?
a. Both can produce new varieties of organisms.
b. Both occur naturally.
c. Both start with populations that are identical.
6. A glass of hot milk is left on the table. After sometime, it cools down. How does the glass of hot milk
lose heat to the surroundings?
a. By conduction c. By radiation
b. By convection d. All of these
7. The moment of a force on a body is calculated by multiplying F by a quantity d. What is d?
a. Perpendicular distance from the line of action of force to pivot
b. Density of a body
8. We feel warm when wearing a black shirt on a hot day because a black surface is a _________ of
a. Good absorber b. Good emitter c. Good reflector
9. Which of the following equation shows the reaction of a metal with dilute acid?
a. Zinc + oxygen zinc oxide + hydrogen
b. Iron + Sulphuric acid iron sulphate + hydrogen
c. hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide sodium chloride + water
10. A piece of metal sinks in mercury because it has:
a. Greater mass than mercury. c. Greater density than mercury.
b. Greater volume than mercury.

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11. Starting with the smallest, and ending with the largest, what is the correct sequence of these parts
of an organisms?
a. Chromosomes genes nucleus cell
b. Gene chromosomes nucleus cell
c. Genes chromosomes cell nucleus
12. _________________________ are used to make the base of kettles and electric irons.
a. Thermal conductors
b. Thermal insulators
13. Which expression for pressure is correct?
a. Force × area c. Mass × area
b. Force / area d. Mass / area
14. Which of the following uses a non-renewable energy source?
a. A geothermal heating system c. A solar panel
b. A nuclear power station d. A wind turbine
15. This diagram shows a tank with four small holes, A, B, C and D. The tank is then
filled to the brim with water. From which hole will water spurt out the furthest?
a. A b. B c. C d. D
16. Which of the following will decrease the gas pressure inside the container?
a. Cooling the gas in the container b. Heating the container
c. Compressing the gas in the container
17. Which energy transfer takes place in electric kettle?
a. Chemical to electrical c. Electrical to chemical
b. Electrical to heat d. Heat to electrical
18. Which pair of reactants form salt and water only?
a. Potassium and water
b. Zinc and Sulphuric acid
c. Calcium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid
19. A brick is kept in three different ways on the table as shown in figure. The pressure exerted by the
brick on the table will be maximum in ____________.
a. Position A
b. Position B
c. Position C
20. Which energy transformation is taking place in geothermal power station?
a. Electrical energy thermal energy
b. potential energy electrical energy
c. thermal energy electrical energy

Q2: The chemical reaction between sulfuric acid and calcium carbonate can be used to prepare salt. /02
a) Write down the word equation for this reaction. _________________________________________
b) Identify the salt that is formed. _____________________
c) What ions replace the hydrogen ions in sulfuric acid to form the salt in this reaction? ____________
Q3: Put the stages of reproduction in the correct order. /1.5

Seed dispersal Fertilization Pollination Seed formation


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Q4: The given diagrams show the stages leading to fertilization in a flower after pollination. /1.5
a) Write down the correct order (1, 2 and 3) in the box below each diagram.

b) Arrange the following steps in the correct order to show what happens after pollination. /05
i. The two sperm nuclei enter the ovule through the pollen tube. _______
ii. One of the sperm fertilizes the egg. _______
iii. The ovule develops into a seed. _______
iv. The pollen tube starts growing into the style. _______
v. Two sperm nuclei travel through the pollen tube from the stigma. _____

Q5: This table shows the reaction of five metals with water. Arrange the metals in ascending order of
their reactivity with water, starting with the least reactive. /02
Metal Reaction with water
Magnesium Reacts slowly with water; reacts vigorously with steam
Sodium Reacts vigorously with water; flame is produced
Lead No reaction with water or steam
Calcium Reacts vigorously with water; no flame is produced
1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ______________ 4. _______________ 5. _____________

Q6: Using the identification key, identify which group of vertebrates each animal belongs to. /05

a) A penguin has feathers but do not have fur. ________________

b) A komodo dragon (a lizard) is covered with hard and dry scales. ____________________
c) Frog has moist skin. ________________
d) Rats have fur on its body but does not have feathers. __________________
e) The shark’s scaly skin is not dry. _______________

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Q7: A man uses a spanner to turn a nut. /04
a) The point X is 0.01m from the pivot (nut). He holds the spanner at point X. He uses a force of 80 N.
Calculate the size of the moment. /03
b) He finds it very difficult to turn the nut while he is holding the spanner at point X. What he could do
to make it easier to turn the nut. /01
Q8: This graph shows the amount of electricity produced by different countries and the type of energy
resources used to produce the electrical energy. /04
Amount of electrical energy produced
per year in MWh per person per year

a) Which country produces the most electrical energy? _____________________________________

b) Which countries use about 100% renewable energy resources to produce electricity? ___________
c) Which countries use mostly renewable energy resources to produce electricity? _______________
d) Which countries use mostly fossil fuels to produce electricity? ______________________________

Q9: A strip of nickel is placed in a beaker of copper sulphate solution. The given figures show what
happens after three hours. /05


At the start of reaction After three hours

a) Identify the deposited substance X. _______________
b) Which substance is more reactive, nickel or substance X? _____________________
c) What type of chemical reaction has taken place? ___________________________
d) Write a word equation for this chemical reaction.
e) After several hours, the blue copper sulphate solution in the beaker turns green. Identify this
green solution. _____________________________
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(Campus I: A-932, Sec. 11-A, North Karachi, Campus II: C-113, Sec. 11-B, North Karachi)
Grade: VIII 2nd -TERM ASSESSMENT (2022-23) Subject: Science

Section: B (Subjective)
Q10: Write differences between the following. (Any four) /12
a) Heat released by Fossil fuels and nuclear d) Selective breeding and natural
fuels selection
b) Conduction and convection e) Pollination and fertilization
c) An alkali and a base
Q11: Write reasons for the following. (Any two) /04
a) A small pebble sinks in water, but a large ship floats on water.
b) Heat cannot be transferred by convection in solids.
c) Knives with sharp edges cut well than those with blunt edges.
d) Alkali metals are stored in oil.
Q12: Write short answers of the following. (Any six) /12
a) Why is it important to find alternatives to fossil fuels to meet our energy needs?
b) Give one use of thermal conductors and one use of thermal insulators.
c) What are the factors that affect the rate of evaporation?
d) Write down two advantages of selective breeding.
e) Freezers in supermarkets are not covered. How does the food in these open freezers stay
f) During a chemical reaction, Calcium atom loses two electrons and a chlorine atom gains one
electron. Write the symbols for the ions formed.
g) State one function of petal or fruit.
Q13: Write detailed answers of the following. (Any three) /12
a) Write down one advantage and one disadvantage of each nuclear fuels and sun.
b) Describe male and female parts of a flower.
c) What is atmospheric pressure? Why is the atmospheric pressure lower at high altitudes
d) List down the main points of Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
e) Compare and contrast the characteristics of flowers pollinated by wind and insects.
Q14: Solve the following numerical. (Any one) /04
a) The weight of a girl is 400 N. When she wears high heels, the area of her shoes in contact with
the ground is 20 cm2. Calculate the pressure exerted on the ground.
b) A block of substance having a mass of 12 g occupies 3.2cm3. Calculate the density of
substance. Also mention the unit of the density.
Q15: Read the given passage carefully and construct three questions. /06
Animals have unique adaptations that help them survive in their environments. Adaptations are
changes in an animal’s physical or behavioral traits that allow them to better meet their needs. These
adaptations can be related to their food, water, shelter, or protection.
For example, the arctic fox has a thick coat of fur that helps it stay warm in the cold climate of the
arctic. The fur also changes colour from brown to white in the winter, allowing the fox to blend in
with its surroundings and avoid predators.
Another example is the giraffe, which has a long neck to reach leaves on tall trees. The giraffe’s
neck has evolved to be longer than other herbivores in its environment, allowing it to access a unique
food source and survive in areas where other animals can’t.

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