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November 21, 2021

The High Liner Foods Inc. Relates to a company that deals with processing and

marketing value-added seafood commodities. The frozen items available for customers include

Fisher Boy, Royal Sea, Viking, Mirabel in addition to FPI brands among others. The company's

founders established it in 1899 in Lunenburg. Initially, the company's processes focused on the

preparation of salt fish for consumers. Eventually, HLF grew and expanded its operations to

various Canadian regions, the New Hampshire as well as Massachusetts. Globally, the company

relies on the input of 1042 individuals employed on a full-time basis. Furthermore, it rakes in

revenues valued at $585 million. The purpose of the study involves developing a case that

underscores the importance of ensuring a desirable level of engagement from employees in a

given enterprise, particularly for individual serving at a senior capacity. Additionally, the paper

aims at highlighting the most appropriate strategies applicable by a company with regard to its

diversity in addition to inclusion programs. The information provided will also highlight the

applicable techniques in ensuring the availability of an appropriate budget to implement different

initiatives geared towards sparring staff engagement.

Question 1

An evaluation of HLF's business aspects reveals how greater communication positively

impacts business-related production processes. Effective communication provides an avenue

through which the enterprise can increase its productivity levels (Kalogiannidis, 2020). The

information provided has a direct influence on the behavior observed from members of staff.

Moreover, it influences their overall performance. The statistical data currently available

indicates that highly connected employees indicate an overall improvement with respect to their

productivity by a margin of 20 to 25%. On the other hand, miscommunication exposes

companies with a minimum of 100 employees to annual costs amounting to $420,000 on

average. In a survey conducted by the Trade Press Services, 74% of the participants working for

different organizations indicated that they barely have access to information pertaining to their

respective companies. Furthermore, new occurrences in at work were poorly communicated. The

ineffective systems put in place for communication purposes inhibit the ability of staff members

to understand the strategy accruing to their operations by 72%. Even so, the techniques used to

disseminate information serve the purpose of setting clear expectations. Under such

circumstances, companies provide an impetus for the development of strong working

relationships among employees. More distinctly, the communication processes used serve the

purpose of creating trust and cultivating loyalty. Thus, employees can rely on such avenues to

provide the feedback critical in improving production procedures and their accompanying

guidelines. Additionally, greater communication instigate creativity paving the way for

innovation. The details provided ensure that the individuals adequately understand the issues

prioritize by their respective organizations. In such scenarios, the become actively involved in

scrutinizing the procedures applied to come up with new products to identify the areas that

require some improvement. Furthermore, the workers become instrumental in spotting

innovation-related opportunities that can streamline the techniques used in manufacturing.

Efficient workplace communication makes it possible for the departments dealing with

selling products and marketing them to operate in synchronization. According to Hussain, Rigoni

& Orij (2018), the company increases its chances of exceeding the set corporate bottom line.

Thus, a company such as HLF can develop the appropriate responses to any negative reactions

prevalent among customers and employees. As a result, the organization can extensively improve

its chances of increasing consumer loyalty which culminates in a higher level of sales. The
research conducted by the IDC indicated that poor processes pave the way for lost revenues by a

margin of 20 to 30%. In most cases, the challenges experienced often come about as a result of

inadequate calculations relating to the time necessary for the fulfillment of a given order, delayed

shipments, subjecting clients to unwarranted embarrassment. Moreover, inefficient re-ordering

practices often pave the way for a limited availability of the inventory critical in catering to the

demands made by clients. Even so, exemplary communication systems ensure that all the parties

involved in manufacturing processes adequately understand their designated roles. Under such

circumstances, they take initiative to exceed the expectations set, positively influencing the

processes used to come up with consumer products.

Question 2

Employees feel satisfied at their workplaces when they become adequately engaged by

their employers. The concept relates to the connection that workers have mentally and

emotionally with respect to their designated tasks at work, the teams in which they dispense their

mandate. It also makes reference to how the individuals associated with the companies that

employ them. Engaged employees have a thorough understanding of the organizations that they

work for and their purpose. Additionally, they understand how they fit into company processes

and its culture. The information that employees can access determines the level of input

anticipated. HLF ensures that its workers had details pertaining to the organisation as well as the

strategies it applies to conduct business. Data highlighting the rate at which the enterprise

produces consumer products annually and the resultant figures achieved from selling the items

provides an avenue through which employees can assess their input to determine how they

contribute to the set targets. The details availed also serve the purpose of highlighting various
areas necessitating some improvements. Engaged employees prefer to work for an enterprise for

a long period. Moreover, timely information provides an avenue through which people can fully

immerse themselves in events curated to benefit the community or even the company. The

statistics available from the survey conducted at HLF indicates that the company had an

employee turnover rate of 2.19%. Even so, involving workers in various aspects of a given

operation reduces their propensity to seek for employment opportunities elsewhere. A report

issued by Deloitte indicates that organisations incur approximately $7000 to facilitate the

replacement of a given employee. Even so, a high level of employee participation in business

processes and decision-making procedures positively influences how they consider their

employers. Furthermore, they even become purposeful employers invested in promoting their

company's brands.

Furthermore, an understanding of the incentives provided by an organization also

contributes to the level of job satisfaction reported by employees. The packages provided by an

operational company plays an integral role in motivating workers to perform their duties

effectively. HLF developed the High Liner TV Station that constantly provided information

pertaining to the benefits accruing to its workers. As a result, people affiliated with the enterprise

had a better understanding of the approach used to issue rewards, facilitating the creation of a

transparent process. According to Woolley & Fishbach (2018), the receipt of rewards frequently

or immediately after completing specific initiatives culminated in a scenario in which employees

enjoyed their work and remained highly interested as opposed to those who had to wait until the

completion of a project completed over a long duration. The provision of incentives and

indicating how the management team decides on specific packages has a positive effect that
influences employee behavior not only in the short, but also long-run, especially with respect to

their willingness to continue offering their services the enterprise.

The atmosphere prevalent at workplaces extensively influences the rate at which workers

remain satisfied with their employers. More distinctly, employees need to work for a company

that positively contributes to the holistic development (Priarso, Diatmono & Mariam, 2019).

Additionally, the enterprise must ensure that people access various comforts necessary in

facilitating the effective dispensation of their mandate. The data obtained from a report compiled

by PRNewswire indicated that approximately 90% of the study's respondents placed a high

emphasis on a work environment that allows them to have fun. HLF catered to such needs by

ensuring that aside from offering company-related information, its workers could also get sports

scores from its TV station that provided in-house coverage. Additionally, the implementation of

efficient communication systems also extensively contributed to the development of a positive

work environment. Under such circumstances, workers often opt to remain in a given enterprise

as opposed to seeking employment elsewhere.

Question 3

Employer of the Year Awards encourage and promote exemplary practices with respect to

people management, practices relating to industrial relations and strategies critical for the

performance registered by corporations. In a scenario where HLF's employees may elect to

nominate their company to ensure that it obtains the reward, they must remain committed to

ensuring maintaining high levels of productivity. Additionally, the workers must constantly

engage in efforts to ensure the provision of high-quality products on a timely basis to satisfy
client demands. Moreover, front-line employees become mandated to improve the strategies they

rely on to handle customers. More distinctly, they must ensure that they provide HLF's clientele

with any assistance required to complete and fill orders not only in a friendly, but also positive

manner. Furthermore, they must constantly strive to exceed customer expectations. On the other

hand, company executives responsible for dealing with HR-related issues must adopt an

approach that provides a solution for any challenges that workers may experience on a day-to-

day basis. Generally, the award will serve as a call to employees performing different tasks or

roles at HLF to perform their duties diligently.

The outstanding performance anticipated from employees can only become attainable

when the individuals involved have a positive attitude. The survey conducted by the Global

Human Capital Trends indicates that 79% of the participants wanted to belong to the teams

formed by the respective organizations. In most cases, acceptance among colleagues only comes

about when an individual indicates a propensity of positively internalizing and interpreting the

information provided by the company that employs him/her. Moreover, 93% of the subjects

indicated that thriving in work-related groups extensively contributed to a high level of

organizational performance. Through positive thinking, people have a better chance of remaining

highly motivated with regard to completing the duties allocated by their employer. Under such

circumstances, the individuals stand a better chance of improving their professional live and

having a positive impact on their companies. Additionally, the mindset increases enhances their

capability to adequately resolve any problems encountered in manufacturing consumer products,

dispatching them or even interacting with clients on a one-on-one basis. Under such

circumstances, employees become a crucial part for HLF to sales unique opportunities necessary

for its expansion and sustainable operation into the future. In the course of performing work
related duties, employees main conflict with one another or even have difficulties in managing

feedback. However, positive thinkers approach such instances as an opportunity to grow and

improve. Moreover, the use the information at the dispensation to underscore their weaknesses

as well as strength, thus becoming better employees. Positively regarding HLF as their employer

increases the propensity of workers to become instrumental in resolving the issues facing the

company as it operates in a multinational business environment.

Question 4

I believe that there is a correlation between the average age of company employees and

the amount of job involvement they seek from their employer. Kollmann, Stöckmann, Kensbock

& Peschl (2020) explain that the aspects that contribute to job satisfaction for older vis-a-vis

younger employees extensively various. The authors assert that younger workers derive

contentment from obtaining positions that assure them of monetary rewards. In contrast, older

employees predominantly focus on the contribution they offer to ensure the effective completion

of specific tasks. Thus, elderly workers often prefer participating in processes necessary for

decision-making purposes. As a result, they can influence the outcomes attributable to HLF by

using the experience amassed in many years of service. Additionally, they often have a

preference for opportunities in which they can put their knowledge into practice for the effective

execution of various initiatives or ideas. According to Roberts (2020), employees aged 50 years

and above demonstrated a high level of emotional as well as intellectual involvement critical in

motivating other workers to perform their tasks efficiently. The perspective commonly adopted

by the cohort often champions for activities that positively contribute to the attainment of various

organizational goals. Ferreira, da Costa Ferreira, Cooper & Oliveira (2019) asserts that, an
employees' age and their capabilities and hands over a number of years often increase their

likelihood of participating in various areas with respect to a given company. In some instances,

an increased level of engagement rejuvenates elderly workers to acquire new skills. Furthermore,

it also contributes to the optimism they have with regards to the moves they might make in future

for their career progression. Younger employees inclined towards opportunities that enable them

to grow and develop in their careers. Thus, their engagement at work must culminate in some

benefits that become manifested through the acquisition of new skills.

Question 5

HLF should adopt a model that emphasizes on creating an inclusive workplace. Thus, the

company can adequately alleviate instances in which it alienates members of its workforce. Such

an instance often comes about when an enterprise has a low score with respect to the level of

diversity it tolerates. Furthermore, the conglomerate can acknowledge the practice is affiliated

with different cultures and religions. Currently, some companies provide a day of for their

workers to enjoy Christmas. Even so, HLF could opt for floating holidays increasing its chances

of accommodating the religious inclinations prevalent among its employees. Among the

strategies that the company can capitalize on to achieve an inclusive as well as diversified

workforce includes efficiently using job boards. For instance, HLF can use platforms such as

Diversity Working, Recruit Disability as well as HBCU to acquire employees. The strategy will

serve the purpose of ensuring that the organization fills vacant positions with people from

marginalized communities and other vulnerable groups who make up the Canadian population.

Furthermore, the company's website must include its diversity statement. Additionally, people

seeking information on such a platform should have an opportunity of reviewing the

conglomerate's initiatives to boost inclusiveness. The vast resources available at HLF increase its

capabilities of offering targeted internships. As a result, the Enterprise can greatly benefit under-

represented groups positively contributing to their advancement in the Canadian economy. The

mentorship programs developed must seek to benefit every individual in the establishment. Thus,

HLF we have created an impetus for staff members to develop close relationships regardless of

their backgrounds. In some situations, it might become necessary for the enterprise to consider

conducting diversity training. The initiative can target its senior members, who can eventually

form a council to oversee the inclusion guidelines applicable in the conglomerate.


The communication channels implemented in an organization extensively contribute to

the efficiency associated with production processes. More distinctly, they provide an opportunity

through which workers interact with each other and form meaningful work-related relationships.

Thus, the individuals can use such networks to provide feedback necessary in scrutinizing the

systems already in place to herald some desirable changes. The strategies adopted by HLF

provided an opportunity through which the company could improve the work environment and

increase the rate of employee satisfaction. Additionally, providing an in-house television station

ensured that workers could obtain information relevant to the functions of the establishment in

real-time. The initiative provided an avenue through which they could access the details

necessary in making contributing to HLF's betterment.


Ferreira, A. I., da Costa Ferreira, P., Cooper, C. L., & Oliveira, D. (2019). How daily negative

affect and emotional exhaustion correlates with work engagement and presenteeism-

constrained productivity. International Journal of Stress Management, 26(3), 261.

Hussain, N., Rigoni, U., & Orij, R. P. (2018). Corporate governance and sustainability

performance: Analysis of triple bottom line performance. Journal of Business Ethics,

149(2), 411-432.

Kalogiannidis, S. (2020). Impact of Effective Business Communication on Employee

Performance. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 5(6).

Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Kensbock, J. M., & Peschl, A. (2020). What satisfies younger

versus older employees, and why? An aging perspective on equity theory to explain

interactive effects of employee age, monetary rewards, and task contributions on job

satisfaction. Human Resource Management, 59(1), 101-115.

Priarso, M. T., Diatmono, P., & Mariam, S. (2019). The Effect Of Transformational Leadership

Style, Work Motivation, And Work Environment On Employee Performance That In

Mediation By Job Satisfaction Variables In Pt. Gynura Consulindo. Business and

Entrepreneurial Review, 18(2), 165-176.

Roberts, R. (2020). Employee Age and the Impact on Work Engagement. Strategic HR Review,


Woolley, K., & Fishbach, A. (2018). It’s about time: Earlier rewards increase intrinsic

motivation. Journal of personality and social psychology, 114(6), 877.

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