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two obteremottue oc conti ching ceighis, As daseussed in Streatfield VS. Streat field, the PEN ELPA OF eleekion is tho Wo Sho aeec pts Aloene fit crndete a decd, F amust Adegk-" bho Ghole conjents of \he Istrecme nt conforming Lo. oth ds pre wisions and Sor Weal “x (eg 'm eonsistoat WITH (hem \n Ramako\ Van \a V6. Vivcetg ha voy, a, Hes Prcines ple is aul Vw Gn Thar fon hod ag Person ecomot appreobate and Vaprobate Pa Same treansretion, Statutory provision +, . The doetrune of ‘eleekin’) 4s stoted in the Reansfoy § : J Doetrine of Eleekion > Election) eee ole “OLANS QL. choien etwoon b ' ‘ OF Prroparcky Dek 1882. Section 3H Of he 832 Feb soys, “ who & pereson preofOsses fo dreansfer Preopecty, whieh ha has~no right bo \eramsferr, ond as parct- of tre Me Lecnsackiom confercs can bert TA on the oonae oF Propadys such COnert -must eleed- eithac to confirm Seth Vrransferc: ore do dissent fitom S35 end in Phe, Herr east he shall Teakingavish the benefit so conrad, and Lhe benefit co eanfastited Tubin- Qtished shall “Taverct fo the trons Fercoct ore WS rengren Sentokivey ay KF 7K hor ~nof poe dispn sed of.” & better explanation of Ane prose! | seekvon com be treaeed) tr , Whe Arde ment oF Long Holecey wa Coopnty Coot, \SAq. Aecorcdéng be him, phone’ \g° om ob chien On Kim who teks a benef | __endie o wat Moore Sbhare intercom smenk- Lo give Fall 2 Lock- ene undue Whiek We falcon cx ben fits ond iF RE lo found Yrok- bo Venst cen: ea Purepocets ko hoot wilh Somali wd Okteh EY way lonyond dhe or SF donore or settle, pat bo astieh CFfoek Con tor given log The ean ecercet BNL OF Lim USho reo eoiva oad a lene Rt Unden the same’ Jreansaelion instruments the law wth tn OSL On Wim who bakes the oer Le obUrae ton of torceging The instrument Sato fith ond comelate forcee and RF £eed Yo Vhe ins\aam— In Mauhcemmad Kade AU faker YF falecn Leelee an Hokecamn , ih 25 onune- oked Ahab a Fetcson faking Ve bene fit OF com drnsfeccrment rmsd also Wear The lourden ond We cannot take Lendest cand gai nnd re Same Sevens ation. {Essantials | — Follocs tag \he Goering OF Dranpakt ve. Devs Prragad end sfhn, \WFo-nd Gnolyting Lhe seekion 35 of Veo From sre © Oro _ Preky 189, The Pursuant clemeats are Sere Ur ‘cn, fore Lhe doetrine oF election, These are as follouss a @ she teeansfercott should dispose of property, whieh he hap wo Tog ne +o Yrrams€are | : BD vo rwnush conforr a bark on Eye swonere, oF the i $0 Weed te iene . eerumaneriees a5 seer ane SO the, tose, Things (via. Yne fees — 7 8c and Sonforrcs'rg ven ash transfert is guatailoas, and VW FaansYescot “eefortee theo election , died ort Sfherewise Leenme mespable oF mating a frush Transfer, and Jn alt eases, Where ft, Yrans- Fore is fore tonsidarcahion, y to Aisapgoined Ytancfercea is entitled PLB the camgudt ort value of FL Propouy aktenpked to ka tronste- Yred >> Mon | ‘Txesption to Wis ecules RS the genet crake as deserciped anadst seekion Nhe Transtere of Reapady Het, 1882 is Prat where a pacticulon Lene ttt is confess On {ho CWnancy + . ROK alin S[( the peopecty SO reo feseed ta trans Fete an ck 4 re tiegnish The pack enter benef Vhe exe phion to thas rede #5 al’ imeostoo reeked vida seekion 85 SF Whe Thans fert oF Preeparcty Dok; \IL. LY is mentioned that Ge PWRMeotr is aoe loound te bo veakinguish ony S There q lorne fet eon eoeed LPO, him oy Pre same transaction - Jom. ThEs enurghicn tg Selle to secon 136 OF the Sueessson Det; \oZ5, Méde sf Eleckton *- Elvckion may lat dinoet the oeonere claims lho Prespathy , he nash | ort madirea ets | {Diewel Election} ' ~The dutceck ateetion } Mey lea dane im He Forcm . Any thieg \ CaOying Lhe jnteation an JS feel foee tha perepese. ‘ a ae ops ~“ : “ ; \Endiroek Election} eee | apn CF \he Weans (ere ot fiepody Dell, | OE vn dictoel- feeansfere election ly donc ww he Flowing \Kccce bd 4 ®D Acerptane of beonetit amocats fo | eetion :- . | —— Aceptanee Sf the wene fi vy Tho parson on Who saeh benofit is | weed constitute, an eloettan lay hiv, to tonfinm bie Transit. 4s pec the doeision 5K Reware y Mastlaad, cen eloetiog vith Kenvortadge is Kool. \n ortdere fo ore pune an election fron | Whe aeks ore ‘emduet of any pucson, he mur to showm © to have leeen | atone OF Lis cught bo elvet; D to have | intended te exerceise Such ceigkt; and | S 34 Fercent=— Pho perttes, AW to have Wed Falk Knouledae Ss gach som S as | ; h Lae Senet propettiel and Ts Voom cughts im teospeek of thom, unless ho has wofved the Kmapt re eeofaeh would have cogutted in cueh Knowledge. © Two yeares. enyoyment TTS CE the. pores, after Kenoestong Phat hats conde a duty | to elsekion, laeps the preopacty for two Yost, from the doy fb Jy epavered do ham and sos nOfhieg yo explain WS emnduely SThercurtse, Ef 2s regs Fed Bok the Rertion retaining He en Pcopercly is oi So undte loolief- é Thok af is Hs Guy ; e a LY “7 v i | CF tha donee exhorrf the pepe (Ph Gnsametions thea de oill ke © States quo cori ee cased ! ‘ Presumed Yok he Koy elected, Vhe treason behiad seh PreasuM A+ ory \s Vinod On Ce ‘he pepe Conse mp Hon latqun , phe preoperc 4 Comme lag rorfocwd WW) its preeviadys form, [ Time fore Election | 3 [fF the donee test Kanweai ng abo othe ebeedtion om hd thee. Liem Sfarnees Connect Coin tk dou, of weet fox paddd of ono yyeare Lrrom Lio date of the Trees, he treanete OFS. bio Wepre sertative TENE cot ere the SoepLRation Sh seieh tac eet Colk ransfare, teed 40 cone eUan He © Suspension for Election due to Discbilfy In ease of disability For some rayon he eleehicon chalt be Postponed Unt the dis ability MY fo an end pon Ut Phe “eleekion is made by Lome \sgolt eon portend custhonit

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