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Test (7 Form “Sport”)

I variant
I Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1. A flame a) Членство
2. To take place b) Змагання
3. Competition c) Нічия
4. Membership d) Відбуватись
5. Draw e) Полум’я

II Group up the sports into 3 columns

Play, Go, Do
Rugby, cricket, soccer, rowing, cycling, basketball, tennis, boxing, karate, volleyball, skiing,
judo, horse riding, gymnastics.
III Match each sentence with the correct question tag
1. We are waiting for you, a) Didn’t we.
2. She has left, b) Will they.
3. They won’t stay here, c) Do you.
4. You don’t like pizza, d) Hasn’t she.
5. We passed the test, e) aren’t we.

IV Fill in the gaps

draw whistle racing car driver penalty Olympic Games
1) The … take place every five years.
2) The referee always blows the … at the beginning.
3) After a bad foul the other team gets a… .
4) The score is 2-2. It’s still a… .
5) Michael Schumacher is a very famous… .
V Write an e-mail to your friend describing a recent sport event you watched.
There was a … … … competition (game, match) on (in, at) … … … yesterday. I
saw it with … . The participants showed …. . The spectators were … . The score
was… . I think the competition (game, match) … .
Test (7 Form “Sport”)
II variant
I Match the English words with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1) Competition a. Членство
2) Membership b. Змагання
3) Draw c. Нічия
4) To take place d. Відбуватись
5) A flame e. Полум’я

II Group up the sports into 3 columns

Play, Go, Do
Rugby, cricket, soccer, rowing, cycling, basketball, tennis, boxing, karate, volleyball, skiing,
judo, horse riding, gymnastics.
III Match each sentence with the correct question tag
1) She has left, 1) Didn’t we.
2) They won’t stay here, 2) Will they.
3) We passed the test, 3) Do you.
4) We are waiting for you, 4) Hasn’t she.
5) You don’t like pizza, 5) aren’t we.

IV Fill in the gaps

draw whistle racing car driver penalty Olympic Games
6) The … take place every five years.
7) The referee always blows the … at the beginning.
8) After a bad foul the other team gets a… .
9) The score is 2-2. It’s still a… .
10) Michael Schumacher is a very famous… .
V Look at the fact file and write about Kimi Raikkonen
1) Name: Kimi Raikkonen
2) Nickname: Iceman
3) Occupation: Racing car driver
4) Nationality: Finnish
5) Born: 17th October, 1979
6) Personal details: short blond hair
7) Hobbies: snowboarding, jogging, ice-hockey
8) Current Team: McLaren Mercedes

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