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Discrimination like stones dropped in a pond, it is horrible that must be stop. In a world we are
living today we humans are separated from a thin line called “Differences”. Differences which
resulted in discrimination- that can cause anxiety, depression, and suicide. Discrimination could be
based on color, ethnicity, race, and religious beliefs.

Racism and other forms of discrimination are still the biggest problem in our generation. Racism is
when someone thinks they’re inferior because of their color, this results to treating other people
differently and unfortunately racism can be seen everywhere and can also be experience by anyone.

Ethnicity discrimination is where people are treated differently based on their ethnicity. It is a form
of prejudice that can lead to unfair treatment in various aspects of life, including education.

Is it us? Or is it their religion that has the problem?
Then, why do we condemn religions that are different from ours? We all have the freedom to choose
on what to believe and what not to believe. But why do we still intrude other people’s believe? When
all that they do is to hold on to their fate especially when trials arises.

What happened to humanity?

The world today is plagued with numerous problems, and one of the most significant is the lack of
unity, awareness, and acceptance among people from different ethnicities, races, and religions. This
lack of understanding and empathy has led to conflicts, violence, and discrimination, which have
caused immense suffering to millions of people worldwide.

Therefore, it is crucial to promote unity, awareness, and acceptance to heal the world and create a
more harmonious and peaceful society.

Unity is the foundation of any society. When people come together and work towards a common
goal, they can achieve great things.

Awareness involves educating oneself about one's own biases and prejudices and working to
overcome them. By being aware of our own beliefs and attitudes, we can challenge them and grow
as individuals.

Acceptance is the final pillar of promoting unity, awareness, and acceptance.By accepting others,
we create an environment of tolerance and understanding, which is essential for building a
harmonious society.

In conclusion, promoting unity, awareness, and acceptance is crucial for healing the world and
creating a more peaceful and just society.

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