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Joints in concrete

Movement Joints

• Movement joints are used in structures to allow

for movement and to avoid cracking.
• Movements in a building are due to change in
the volume of building material, volume
changes due to change in temperature
• Movement joints must be properly designed for
load bearing & non load bearing components.
Expansion Joints
• Consists of some elastic material, known as joint
filler and
• dowels or keys
Expansion Joints- Joint filler, key
• Joint filler should be compressible, rigid, cellular
and resilient.
• In cold weather, it should not become brittle
• Joint fillers are built-in strips of metal, bitumen treated
felt, cane fiber board, cork bound with
rubber or resin, dehydrated cork, natural cork, soft
wood free from knots, etc.
• Dowels keys are provided in these joints to
transfer the load
Contraction (control) Joints
• These joints are provided to create a
plane of weakness.

• Control joints are planned cracks which

allow caused by temperature changes
and shrinkage
Contraction (control) Joints
Building Expansion (Isolation) Joints

•These joints are provided where it

separates a portion of a building
from the rest of building. Stress
developed due to loading in that
section will not effect the rest of
the building
Building Expansion (Isolation) Joints
Construction Joints
• where construction work is required to stop
these joint are provided.
• To ensure proper bond between old and new
• May be horizontal or vertical. For inclined
member ,, the joint should be at right angle to the
axis of the member.

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