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Seat No.

: _______________

B.A., Sem.-I
CC-102 : English
(Foundation Studies in English)

Time : 2:30 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions : (i) Mention clearly the options you attempt.

(ii) Figures on the right indicate the marks.

1. (a) Match the literary periods in Column-A with their features mentioned in
Column-B : 8
(1) 1625-1660 (a) Theory of “Art for Art’s Sake”
(2) 1660-1700 (b) Age of Neo-classicism
(3) 1700-1740 (c) Age of Compromise
(4) 1798-1832 (d) The Age of Interrogation
(5) 1832-1890 (e) The Collapse of the Drama
(6) 1890-1918 (f) Stream of Consciousness Novel
(7) 1918-1939 (g) Imitation of the Ancients and the French
(8) 1939-1960 (h) Tendency towards Simplicity of Diction
(b) Fill in the blanks : 9
(1) The Elizabethan Age is also known as the Age of _________.
(2) The _________ Age saw the rise of Periodical Writing.
(3) The period from 1660-1700 is known as the _________ Age.
(4) Pre-Raphaelite poetry belongs to the Age of __________ .
(5) The Age of Milton is also called the __________ Age.
(6) The ________ Age saw the abundant output of Lyrical Poetry.
(7) The birth of Comedy of Manners took place during the Age of _________ .
(8) The phrase “Nest of Singing Birds” denotes the growth of poetry during the
_____________ Age
(9) The _________ Age saw the development of scientific spirit.

MD-123 1 P.T.O.
2. (a) Mention the age to which the following writers belong : 8
(1) Edmund Spenser
(2) William Congreve
(3) Jonathan Swift
(4) Henry Fielding
(5) S.T.Coleridge
(6) Robert Browning
(7) D.H. Lawrence
(8) G.B. Shaw
(b) Match the authors in Column-A with their works mentioned in Column-B : 9
(1) Jane Austen (a) The Waste Land
(2) Virginia Woolf (b) Dramatic Monologues
(3) Ben Jonson (c) Unto This Last
(4) William Congreve (d) King Lear
(5) T.S. Eliot (e) To the Lighthouse
(6) Charles Dickens (f) The Way of the World
(7) William Shakespeare (g) Emma
(8) Robert Browning (h) Everyman in His Humour
(9) John Ruskin (i) David Copperfield

3. (a) Discuss ‘The Diamond Necklace’ as a tale of Mathilde Loisel’s downfall in her
life. 18
(b) Explain in detail the value of life in the light of Chekhov’s story ‘The Bet’.

4. (a) Draw the character sketch of Chandu in ‘The Barber’s Trade Union’ by Mulk Raj
Anand. 18
(b) Discuss the theme of superstition and blind-faith in ‘The Mark of Vishnu’ by
Khushwant Singh.

MD-123 2

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