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Alpha Isabel D.

Maniquez HUM017 Philippine Literature

My name is Alpha Isabel, which is I think is the most Christian name out there.
The first part of my name means the beginning, which made sense because I
am the eldest, and the second part of my name means devoted to God, which
also makes sense because I was literally dedicated to God and am still a believer
of him 21 years later. It was a Sunday when I was dedicated to my religion,
Christianity. March 18, was the date that I was dedicated and at the same time,
it was my mom’s birthday. My parents, relatives, and godparents gathered in a
hotel in Davao for my dedication, and at the same time, it served as a church
service. I wasn’t the only one dedicated that day. There were babies with their
parents and godparents in the same venue and was dedicated on the same day
as mine. My mom does not remember all the details but she remembers the
people that went to my dedication to be my godparents. Some were her office
mates, her friends from her former youth group, one of her former Sunday
school students, and my dad’s colleagues. The menu for my receptions is
basically a normal menu for a birthday celebration too due to the day being my
mom’s birthday too. She told me that there were cakes, pasta, and typical main
courses you see in a 2000s Filipino birthday party. One of the gifts that was
given to me is a dog stuffed toy that my parents named Bryce. Bryce did not
last long in my care because my brother was born a year later and my parents
gave the toy to him. The toy is still in one of our shelves up to this day. My
parents had photographs of my dedication but we are now decluttering our
things because we are preparing to move in a different house thus, I cannot
include it in this document.
When I found out that Bryce, the stuffed toy, was actually gifted to me during
my dedication, I was a bit shocked. It fascinated me because I actually have a
remembrance from my dedication asides from my dedication certificate and
photos of the event. I have also known that there were other kids that were
also dedicated that day because my dentist’s son, who is the same age as mine,
has always reminded me that me and her son were dedicated at the same day
and venue. Knowing the details about my dedication makes me feel like some
piece of me was placed in my own puzzle, which is my life. My dedication is
part of my journey as a Christian and it makes me feel somewhat valid that
since birth I have been dedicated to my religion. I feel like my dedication was
spent especially because I have a lot of godparents that up to this day still
remember me as one of their god children and try to give me gifts whenever
we meet.

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