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Name: Samong, Daryl

Teacher: Nelsa C. Corpin

Subject: 21st Century Literature

Date: February 9, 2024

Title: Analysis of "The Dead Star" by Paz Marquez Benitez

"The Dead Star" by Paz Marquez Benitez is a poignant exploration of love, duty, and

societal expectations set against the backdrop of Filipino society during the American

colonial period. One of the central themes of the story is the conflict between tradition

and modernity, as reflected in the character of Alfredo Salazar, who grapples with his

feelings for Julia Salas while adhering to societal norms and expectations.

Throughout the story, Benitez skillfully portrays the complexities of love and the

emotional turmoil experienced by Alfredo as he navigates his feelings for Julia, who is

engaged to his friend, Esperanza. Alfredo's internal struggle highlights the tension

between personal desire and societal obligation, as he ultimately chooses to suppress

his feelings in deference to his sense of duty and honor.

Additionally, the symbolism of the dead star itself serves as a metaphor for lost love and

the passage of time. The dead star, once vibrant and full of life, is now a distant

memory, much like Alfredo's feelings for Julia, which have faded over time. This
symbolism underscores the story's exploration of the fleeting nature of love and the

inevitability of change.

Furthermore, Benitez's portrayal of Filipino society during the American colonial period

provides insight into the cultural and social dynamics of the time. The hierarchical

structure of society, as well as the expectations placed upon individuals based on their

social status, influence the characters' actions and decisions throughout the story.

In conclusion, "The Dead Star" is a timeless literary masterpiece that delves into the

complexities of love, duty, and societal expectations. Through its nuanced portrayal of

characters and themes, the story offers readers a thought-provoking exploration of

human nature and the intricacies of interpersonal relationships.

21 Century


Submitted by: Daryl Samong

Submitted to: Nelsa C. Corpin

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