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English Worksheet

Exclamatory Sentences
Rearrange the words below to form exclamatory sentences. Punctuation is important!

1. tiger | what | a | majestic …………………………………………...

2. was | it | how | delicious …………………………………………...

3. incredible | an | concert | what …………………………………………...

4. she | how | a | talented | is …………………………………………...

5. was | it | what | exciting …………………………………………...

6. what | a | view | breathtaking …………………………………………...

7. a | surprise | what | pleasant …………………………………………...

8. are | the | stars | how | sparkling …………………………………………...

9. a | what | baby | adorable …………………………………………...

10. a | what | storm | powerful …………………………………………...

11. it | how | a | movie | was | fantastic …………………………………………...

12. a | what | journey | amazing …………………………………………...

13. the | how | cake | was | delicious …………………………………………...

14. a | what | game | thrilling …………………………………………...

15. what | a | surprise | wonderful …………………………………………...

16. a | what | sunrise | gorgeous …………………………………………...

17. how | a | news | shocking …………………………………………...

18. what | a | garden | beautiful …………………………………………...

19. the | how | fireworks | were | spectacular …………………………………………...

20. a | what | team | victorious …………………………………………...

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