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Light and T

Light and Life
Class XI-SET 1
Time Alloweds3 hs
Subject :MATHEMATICS Maximum Marke: M
uotal no.of pages , 5
Name : . Sec Roll No

General nstructions
Honwever, ther ae
A.B.CDond E. Each sctionis compulsory,
I. This Question Paper contains -5 soctions
internal choices in same questions.
basd questions of l mark each
2. Section Ahas 18 MCO's and 2 Assertion- Reason
of 2marks each.
3. Section Bhas 5 very short Anstver (VSA)-tupe questions
4. Section Chas 6short Answer (SA)- type questions of 3marks
questions of 5 marks each.
5. Section Dhas 4 Long Answer (LA type sub paris
source based/case bused/passage based/ lntegrated units of assessment (4 marks each) wsth
6. Section E has 3

equivalence relations on Acontaining (1,2).

1. Let A=(1,2,3). Find the number of d) None of these
a) 3 b) 1 c) 2

2. 1-x Vx
Find |A| ifA=r²-1

a) (1-x²)2 b) 0 d) 1

A=10 I then adj A| is

IfA is a square matrix of order 3 such that A adj
b) 10 c) 100 d)101
a) 1
defined then order ofB is
If A is a 3x4 matrix, such that A' B and B A' are
b) 3x3 c) 4x4 d)3x4
a) 4x3

area of AABC thenc d

If (a, b), (G, d) and (e, f) are the vertices and Adenotes the
equal to d) 44
a) 242 b) 44' c) 2 A

0 2y Z
such that A'A-l, then (xy,z) is
If A==

The function f(x) = x|xl is

a) Continuous and differentiable at x0
b) Continuous but not differentiable atx = 0
c) Differentiable but not continuous at x=0
d) Neither differentiable nor continuous atx =0
8 1f) =a -cosx) is strictly decreasing in R, then abelongs to
a) (0) b)(0, o) o(-a,0) d)()

Page of s
9. Ha=i+)+k b=4i-2) +3k =1-2) +k,find the vector of magnitude 6units which
is parallel to 28 - b+3is
a) 21+4)+ 4k b) 2i- 4) +4k ) (-j+ 4k)? d) None of these

10 Evaluate J0 ky
a) 0 b)-1 c) 2 d) 5
11. Order and degree of the differential equation.
dy X

dx dy.
a) 1,1 b) 1,3 c) 1,2 d) 1,4
The integrating factor of xlogx+y= 2logx is

ue a) logx b) 2logx c)-logx d) xlogx

er i
If d,b and are 3 unit vectors such that lã + 2b| + ld + 28|2 = 2, then the value of
su la- B| +lä - dP is
Ga a) 8 b 4 c) 2 d) 0
14 Let d andb two unit vectors. Ifthe vectors d + 2b and 5å- 4b
are perpendicular to each
other, then angle between ã and b is :
a) b) d)
In the following questions a statement of
Assertion (A) is
Reason(R). Choose the correct answer out of the followingfollowed by a statement of
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A.
b) BothA and Rare true and R is not the correct
c) A is true but Ris false.
of A.
d) A is false butRis true.

Assertion (A): The maximum values of in (2, co) is

Reason (R): For any function y= f() to be increasing>0 dx

Assertion (A): Area of a triangle where two sides are represernted by 2i and- 3j is 3sq. units.
Reason (R): Area of atriangle is +b
The angle between the lines 2x =3y = -Z and 6x =-y = -4z is
a) 0o b) 30° c) 450 d) 900
18. The solution set of the inequality 3x + 5y <7 is
a) Whole xy plane except the points lying on 3x + 5y =7.
b) Half plane not containing the origin.
c) Half plane containing the origin.
d) Open half plane containing the origin except the points of the line 3x +5y =7.
The maximum value of z= 3x +4y subject to the constraints x > 0,y> 0and x+y<1 is
a) 7 b) 4 c) 3 d) 10

Page 2 of 5
Given that P(AnC) =5
20. Three events A, Band Chave probabilities . and respectively.
then P(A' nC) =..


21 Prove that tan \1+sinx


Prove that cos (sin+ cot=

sphere with respect to its surface area when r =2 cm.
22 Find the rate of change of volume of
constant rate, prove that the rate of change of
If the circumference of a circle is increasing at a
area of circle is directly proportional to its radius.

= 4cut off by the line x =lusing

23. Find the area of the minor segment of the circle x+y'
Sin=- b
24. Ifã and b are unit vectors inclined at an angle 8, then prove that
P(2, -3,4) and Q(8,0,10) find the
25. Ifa point R(4,y, z) lies on the line segment joining the point
distance of Rfrom origin.

Solve the LPP graphically. Minimise z = 6x + 10y subject to

x+ 2y > 10
2x+2y > 12
3x +y > 8, X,y0

black balls. Two balls

27. Bag A contains 3 red and 5 black balls, while bag Bcontains 4 red and 4
bag A to bag B and then a ball is drawn from bag Bat
are transferred at random from
random. If the ball drawn from the bag Bis found to be red, find the probability that two red
balls were transferred from bag Ato bag B.

have a head on both sides

A bag contains (2n+1) coins. It is known that n of these coins
is picked up at random from the bag and is
whereas the rest of the coins are fair. A coin 31

tossed. If the probability that the toss results in a head is 12 determine n.

28. Evaluate sin'x+cos'x


VanT +Naotr) dx

29 Solve ye dx =(xe7 +y )dy


= 2y + y'coty, x = 0,y=;
Find the particular solution of the differential equation+x coty
Find the area bounded by the curves y= -1|and y = 1 using integration.
Page 3 of 5
jecti Plyee RST MOp

||Ix=a(cost +tsint), yma(sint - tcost) (ind


32 2 3
hence solve thesystenm using matrixmetlhod
A=1 2 2 find Aland
-3 1 -1|
2x +y- 3z = 13
3x + 2y tz=4
x+ 2y - z=8 equation of lire
lineAlso wite the
point (1,6,3) in the
Find the image ofthe its image.
joining the given point and

interseectiorn. Also find the

Show thatthe lines 2) +2k) intersecting andfind their pointof
F=3i+2) -4k + d(i+ t o z -3
u(3i+ 2) + 6k) are and parallel
T=5i- 2/ the intersection
equation of line passing
34 Evaluate k-1|+ lx- 2| + lx - 3|

" Evaluate b) R (cd)
NxN defined by (a,
seCx COSecA

be a relation on
all natural numbers and R Also firnd the equivalence dass
Let Nbe the set of equivalence relation on NxN.
a+d =b+c. Show that R is
of (2,4) i.e.[(2,4).

of box she takes

for Diwaliat home. For making lower part
Sam wants to prepare a sweet box side of the square
card board of side 18 cm. Nowx cm be the length of each
a square piece of of the square piece of side 18 cm.
cardboard which is to be cut off from corner

Based on the above information answer the following questions.

Espress volume of open box formed by folding up the cutting cormer in terms ofxand find
the value of xfor which dx = 0. (2)

) Sam is interested in maximising the volume of the box. So what should be the
square to be cut off so that the yolume of the box is mnaximum? side of
17 The probalbility distribution of arandom variable Xis given as under.
kr' 1,2.3
2hx x4,5,6
0 0therwise
where kisa constat

Based on the above information answer the following questions. (1)

I) What is the value of k?
)PX2 4)
ii) E(X)=

38 Kead the following passage and answer the following questions. cylinder and a cone,
Atank, as shown in the figure below,formed using a combination of a
offers better drainage as compared to a flat bottomed tank.

Atap is connected to such a tank whose conical part is full of water. Water is dripping out
from atap at the bottom at the uniform rate of 2cm/s. The semi-vertical angle of the conical
tank is 45.

(1) Find the volume of water in the tank in terms of its radius r. (1)
(i)Find rate of change of radius at an instant when r= 2V2 cm. (1)

(iii) Find the rate at which the wet surface of the conical tank is decreasing at an instant
when radius r 2V2 cm.

(iti)Find the rate of changeof height h atan instant when slant heightis 4 cm.

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