Corrected Twara Choksi - C&C Practice 2

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Name: _________________________________ Grade: 9

Section:_________________ Subject: Language and Literature

Name of the Unit: A brave new world Duration: 35 minutes

Name of the Topic: C&C Practice 2

Statement of Inquiry: Examining connections, the evolution of character, and

the impact of setting on identity formation deepens our
understanding of the complex relationship between
personal identity and the world.

Assessment objective in focus: Criterion A: Analysing (i,ii,iii,iv)

Criterion B: Organizing (i,ii,iii)

ATL skill/s catered (if any): Communication skills

Can skim texts to find information for disciplinary and
interdisciplinary inquiries using a variety of media to
draw conclusions
Information literacy skills
Compares, contrasts and draws connections among
(multi) media resources
Media literacy skills
Uses critical-literacy skills to analyse and interpret
media communications

Key Concepts/ Related concepts catered (if Connection /

any): Character, Setting

Global Context catered (if any): Identities and relationships

Glossary of Command Term

Compare Give an account of the similarities and differences between two (or more) items or situations,
and referring to both (all) of them throughout. In language and literature, this may involve finding
contrast and evaluating the significance of similarities and connections between texts and requires the
student to make a literary analysis


brooding engaged in or showing deep thought about something that makes one sad,
angry, or worried

clanking loud, sharp sounds, as of pieces of metal being struck together

cogs a wheel or bar with a series of projections on its edge, which transfers motion
by engaging with projections on another wheel or bar

morbid characterized by an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and

unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease

Name of Educators: Hazel N, Noopur T, Wilmot C. Fountainhead School, 2023-24

Name: _________________________________ Grade: 9
Section:_________________ Subject: Language and Literature

Name of the Unit: A brave new world Duration: 35 minutes

permeate spread throughout (something); pervade

subjugated bring under domination or control, especially by conquest

Read the attached excerpt and watch the attached video, to respond to the question that follows:

Source 1:
Smoke pumping into the sky,
A Gothic Skyline filled with black
Black architecture,
Dominating a brooding landscape

Clanking cogs grinding,

Making an inhuman scream
People walking silently,
In black uniform lines

No individuality survives,
Everyone dressed the same, skin pale to the eye
Morbidly cold to the touch,
Mere machines

Blackness permeating everywhere,

Flesh providing no warmth
I dream of what the world could have been like,
Full of colour and life, full of creativity and uniqueness

No place to voice my ideas,

Dangerous ideas crushed by those in control
Part of one collective mind,
Merely a subjugated citizen!
-Josh Gibbens

Source 2: "Being Pretty" | Dystopian Animated Short Film (2017)

Task: Compare and contrast how the creators of both sources portray ‘disregard of individual identity’.
(AL 7-8)
Being unique is a great thing to be in todays world, where being unique is appreciated acknowledged, but
what it was the other way around? What if being your own self was a crime, what if you had to fit in and be
common, bland like others to survive? Source 1, is an excerpt which effectively describes a dystopian world
with individual identity not being accepted…Similarly, Source 2 is a video which describes a world where
there are pretties an uglies and where you have to be pretty to survive,Both the sources can be compared
and contrasted to portray the concept of ‘disregard of individual identity’ on the basis of Narrative, Tone, &

Name of Educators: Hazel N, Noopur T, Wilmot C. Fountainhead School, 2023-24

Name: _________________________________ Grade: 9
Section:_________________ Subject: Language and Literature

Name of the Unit: A brave new world Duration: 35 minutes

Source 1, has a first person point of view which has effectively showcased how disregard of individual
identity works in a dystopian worlds. For example 1st POV is used in “No place to voice my ideas,
Dangerous ideas crushed by those in control…Merely a subjugated citizen!” This is showcased effectively
by First POV as it helps the reader to understand that the author himself is facing disregard and how his
ideas are cushed by those in control, and how is identity is thrown away in such a world. On the contrary,
Source 2 has a second person point of view where in the video, on a show called Autodale, the narrator is
setting the notion in minds of kids of how the world has classified people based on their identity into
“pretties” and “uglies”. In (3:50) and throughout the whole video, the person narrating sets a standard of how
the children will be when they grow up. All in all, both the source effectively convey the idea of diregard of
individual identity but through different narratives.

The Source 1 has a dark, evil tone which convinces the audience that the world that the author lives in is
filled with darkness and that there is no hope for the ones. The lines “Blackness permeating everywhere,
Flesh providing no warmth” tell us how dark and black the world he lives in is and how the creators
individuality is crushed. SImilarly, Source 2 has an dark, imposing tone where the show/ person in autodale
is telling the children the standard they should follow to be pretty and what happens to all the uglies. In
(1:25) The narrator is showing them the landscape of uglies and setting a program in their mind of how their
future life would be also, crushing their individual identity.

Source one has used literary techniques suh as imagery to describe the setting of a gloomy, morbid,
dystopian world filled with darkness. The lines “Blackness permeating everywhere,Flesh providing no
warmth” show how dominating and brooding this world really must be. On the contrary, source 2, in
(2:17-2:27)has used symbolism by showing pictures of people lying in heaps bloodied with tags on their
head show why they are ugly like “fat, gay, divorced, etc.”. Both the sources have effectively used
techniques to show how both the dystopian worlds portray the idea of ‘disregard of individual identity’.

To sum up, both the sources showed a world where there is no regard for individual identity and where
people have to be like other people or be “pretty” to survive. Both the source have several similarities and
differences on the idea of ‘disregard of individual identity’ on the basis of Narrative, Tone, & Techniques.

Name of Educators: Hazel N, Noopur T, Wilmot C. Fountainhead School, 2023-24

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