CC-111 History

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Seat No.

: _______________

B.A., (Honos), Sem.-II
CC-111 : History
(Ancient India : History, Archaeology and Culture)
(5th Century B. C. to 650 A. D.)
(New Course)
Time : 2:30 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

1. (a)       . 14

    .
(b)    ( ) 4
(i)    
(ii)  
(iii)  
(iv)  
(v)  
(vi)  

2. (a) -     14

    .
(b)    : ( ) 4
(1)   _______ . (, )
(2)   _________    . (, )
(3)    _______   . (, )
AA-115 1 P.T.O.
(4)   _______ . (, )
(5)    _____    . (, )
(6)  _______    . (, )

3. (a)     . 14

    .
(b)  –    ( ) 3
(1)      .
(2)      .
(3)     .
(4)        .
(5)    .

4. (a)     . 14

      .
(b)      ( ) 3
(1)      ?
(2)     ?
(3)      ?
(4)      ?
(5) --    ?

AA-115 2
Seat No. : _______________

B.A., (Honos), Sem.-II
CC-111 : History
(Ancient India : History, Archaeology and Culture)
(5th Century B. C. to 650 A. D.)
(New Course)
Time : 2:30 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

1. (a) Discuss impact of Greek invasion on India. 14

Discuss the achievements of Ashoka.

(b) Match the pair : (any four) 4

(i) Girnar Inscription Chandragupta Maurya
(ii) Parishishtparvan Minister (mantra)
(iii) Mudrarakshasa Bindusara
(iv) Amitraghat Vishakhadatta
(v) Amatya Hemchandracharya
(vi) Bhadrabahu Ashok

2. (a) Write about the Indo-Greek rulers of India. 14

Illustrate the political achievement of Kanishka.

(b) Fill in the blanks : (any four) 4

(1) Kanishka was known as _______. (Devputra, Vikramaditya)
(2) Chandragupta Maurya embraced _____. (Buddhism, Jainism)
(3) First Buddhist council held in _______. (Girivraj, Kapilavastu)
(4) Buddhacharita was written by _______. (Ashvaghosh, Vasumitra)
(5) During Kushana period _____ school of art developed. (Gandhara, Amaravati)
(6) Sahajyan was a sect of _______. (Buddhism, Jainism)
AA-115 3 P.T.O.
3. (a) Write a note on the victories of Samudragupta. 14
Write a note on the administrative system of Gupta period.

(b) True and False (any three) : 3

(1) Samudragupta is known as Indian Napolean.
(2) Kaviraja was also one of the title of Chandragupta II.
(3) Ramagupta was the heir of Chandragupta II.
(4) Alexander invaded India at the time of Dhanananda.
(5) Kalidasa was the author of Meghdoot.

4. (a) Discuss the cultural achievements of Harshavardhana. 14

Discuss the political condition of India during Harshavardhana.

(b) Answer in one line (any three) : 3

(1) Which texts were written by Harshavardhana ?
(2) Who is the author of Harshacharita ?
(3) What was the name of Rajshree’s brother ?
(4) Shashank was the ruler of which state ?
(5) Who was the author of Si-Yu-Ki ?

AA-115 4
Seat No. : _______________

B.A., Sem.-II
CC-111 : History
(History of Ancient India : Maurya Period to 650 A.D.)
(Old Course)
Time : 2:30 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

1. (a)        . 14

         .
(b)   : ( ) 4
(i)  
(ii)  
(iii)   
(iv)  
(v)  
(vi)  
2. (a)    . 14
     .
(b)    : ( ) 4
(1)  _______   . (, )
(2)  _______   . (, )
(3)   ______    . (, )
(4)  _______   . (, )
(5)   _______  . (, )
(6)  _______   . (, )
AA-115 5 P.T.O.
3. (a)       . 14
   .

(b)     ( ) 3

(1)     .
(2)        .
(3)     .
(4)    .
(5)    .

4. (a)       . 14

    .

(b)      ( ) 3

(1)        ?
(2)       ?
(3)       ?
(4)        ?
(5)         ?

AA-115 6
Seat No. : _______________

B.A., Sem.-II
CC-111 : History
(History of Ancient India : Maurya Period to 650 A.D.)
(Old Course)
Time : 2:30 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70

1. (a) Explain the archaeological sources to know the history of ancient India. 14
Discuss the foreign sources to know the society of early India.

(b) Match the pair : (any four) 4

(i) Prayagprashasti Panini
(ii) Hathigumpha Tripitaka
(iii) Gayatri Mantra Kashmir
(iv) Kalhan Rigveda
(v) Suttapitaka Kharavela
(vi) Ashtadhyayi Samudragupta

2. (a) Discuss about Ashok’s policy of Dhamma. 14

Illustrate the causes of the downfall of the Mauryan Empire.

(b) Fill in the blanks : (any four) 4

(1) Alexander defeated _______. (Porus, Ashok)
(2) Dhanananda was the king of _______ dynasty. (Nanda, Maurya)
(3) Third Buddhist council held during the reign of ______. (Kanishka, Ashok)
(4) Bimbisara was the ruler of _______ dynasty. (Haryanka, Naga)
(5) _______ was known as Amitraghat. (Bindusara, Dhanananda)
(6) Princep deciphered _______ script. (Brahmi, Sanskrit)
AA-115 7 P.T.O.
3. (a) Write a note on the cultural achievements of Kushana dynasty. 14
Discuss about the Satavahana rule.

(b) True and False (any three) : 3

(1) Brihadrath was the last Mauryan ruler.
(2) During Kushana period the Gandhara school of Art developed.
(3) Pulakesin was the king of Chalukya dynasty.
(4) Gandhinagar was the capital of Pallavas.
(5) Charak wrote Charaksamhita.

4. (a) Discuss the political condition of India during Harshavardhana. 14

Discuss the administration of Gupta period.

(b) Answer in one line (any three) : 3

(1) Who took the title of Vikramaditya ?
(2) Who is known as Indian Napoleon ?
(3) Huien Tsang came into the court of which ruler ?
(4) Which University was founded by Kumaragupta ?
(5) Banskheda inscription is related to which ruler ?

AA-115 8

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