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Spanish Research Assignment

Tuesday, 13 June 2023 8:07 PM

Directions: Choose a Spanish speaking country and fill in the information below. Then,
use an entire sheet of paper to draw and color the country’s flag.
Country : Venezuela
Continent: South America
Capital: Caracas
Other Major Cities (2 points): Valencia, Maracay
Currency: Venezuelan Bolivar
Languages spoken (name at least 3):

1. Spanish
2. Chinese
3. Portuguese
4. Italian

Population of Country: approx 28.9 million

Population of Capital: approx 5.2 million
Current leader: Nicolas Maduro

Popular tourist attractions (2 points): Angel Falls, Canaima National Park, Mount Roraima, Isla Margarita

Describe one tourist attraction that you named: why is it popular? How many people visit
per year? What is it like? (3 points)

Angel Falls is the most popular attraction amongst tourists in Venezuela because it is the world’s tallest
uninterrupted waterfall, with a height of 979 metres and a plunge of 807 metres. It is taller than the Burj
Khalifa, the tallest skyscraper in the world. Roughly 900,000 people visit the Angel Falls each year. During
the dry season (December to March), the volume of water is much less than other months.

Write 3 significant historical facts about this country. Write dates if they apply. (3 points).
1. In 1813, Simon Bolivar led the invasion of Venezuela, and is proclaimed “The Liberator”
2. In 1819, Venezuela achieved its independence from Spain
3. In 1961, Venezuela adopted its constitution

Notable holidays celebrated in this country (2 points):

1. Annual Carnival (held between Feb and March)
2. Independence Day - 5th July
3. St. John’s Day - 24th June

Name 3 people from this country and why they are important (6 points):
1. Hugo Chavez - politician and former president
2. Carolina Herrera - luxury brand designer
3. Carlos Raul Villanueva - architect

Before you draw the flag (5 points) , describe it and write what each part represents (5

Yellow represents the riches of the country, the wealth of the Venezuelan soil, gold, sovereignty, harmony,
justice and agriculture, as well as the Sun, the source of light. Blue represents the Sea of the Caribbean that
surrounds the country, as well as the Venezuela’s beaches. Red represents the blood spilt in the battle of
independence from Spain.

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