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Republic of the Philippines


Camiling, Tarlac

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

Beyonce V. Mamaradlo

A. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the 45 minutes discussion, 80% of the students will be able to:

a. Identify animals that undergoes internal or external fertilization;

b. Describe the mode of reproduction of animals through diagram; and
c. Show importance of how living things reproduce (animals) through group
activity called ""Role Play - Life Cycle Skits"and "Design a Species".

B. Learning Content:

b.1. Topic: Figure out how living things reproduce (animals).

b.2. Reference/s:

b.2.1. Bantolo, N. (n.d.). QTR 2 Module 4 reproduction. Scribd.

b.2.2. Molnar, C. (2015, May 14). 24.1. Reproduction Methods.


b.3. Material/s:
b.3.1. Powerpoint, Television,
b.3.2. Laptop
b.3.4. Pictures
b.3.5. Stuff Toy
b.3.6. Printed Materials

b.4. Concept/s:
b.4.1 Animals
b.4.2 Surroundings
b.4.3 Egg Hatching vs. Live Birth
b.4.4 Functions of Male and Female Reproductive System
b.4.5 Sexual and Asexual reproduction

b.5. Skill/s:
b.5.1. Observing Skills
b.5.2. Critical Thinking Skills
b.5.3. Collaboration Skills

b.6. Value/s:

b.6.1. Curiosity: They will become intrigued by the diverse ways animals
reproduce, leading them to observe their mating rituals and courtship behavior.

b.6.2. Observation: Through observation, they complement curiosity by allowing

them to witness and study these processes firsthand. By keenly observing animals in
their natural habitats or controlled environments, they can gather data, note behaviors,
and document the various stages and methods of reproduction.

C. Learning Procedure:

c.1. Motivation/Apperception:
c.1.3. Present pictures showing before, during, and after a pregnancy of
a female animal.

c.1.2. Let the pupils observe and later infer, then tell something about
the picture.

c.1.3. Try a "Schema Activation" now. Determine the offspring of their


Ask questions:

1. What do you observe before, during, and after the pregnancy?

2. How do you think these baby animals came into existence?
c.1.4. Prompt a brief discussion on what students know about how
animals come into existence.

c.2. Lesson Proper:

c.2.1. Identify the male and female reproductive system and their functions.

c.2.2. Define sexual and asexual reproduction, providing examples of animals

for each type.

c.2.3. Differentiate between sexual and asexual reproduction

c.2.4. Illustrate examples of animals that undergo sexual reproduction

c.2.5. Highlight the examples of animals engaged in asexual reproduction

c.2.6. Unlock the key concepts related to the diversity of reproductive

strategies in the animal kingdom

c.2.7. Discuss the modes of reproduction of animals and present pictures of

each.Science 5, Describe the different modes of reproduction in animals.

c.2.8. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of various reproductive


c.2.9. Grasp the concept of offspring diversity in sexual reproduction

c.2.10. Discuss about specific reproductive adaptations in different animal


c.2.11. Connect the role of reproduction to the survival and continuation of


c.2.12. Give students an assigned activity called "Role Play - Life Cycle
Skits"and "Design a Species"

Group 1 "Role Play - Life Cycle Skits"

● Assign a specific animal species.

● Ask them to create short skits depicting the life cycle and
reproductive process of their assigned animal.
● Encourage creativity, and ensure that they highlight key stages
such as mating, gestation, and birth.

Group 2 "Design a Species"

● Challenge the group to draw an animal species and describe its unique
method of reproduction.
● Have them create visual representations and present their species to the
class, emphasizing the importance of reproductive adaptations for


c.3.1. Encourage students to summarize key points by answering the

following questions.

1. What does the term "reproduction" mean?

2. Why do animals reproduce?
3. Can you give examples of living things that undergo reproduction?
4. What is sexual reproduction, and how does it involve two parents?
5. What is asexual reproduction, and how does it involve only one
6. What if the animals cannot reproduce? What will happen to the
community of animals?
7. What are the different modes of reproduction in animals?

D. Learning Evaluation:

Activity 1

Direction: Familiarize the following pictures of animals capable of sexual

reproduction. Match the pictures in column A with the corresponding description of
reproduction mode in column B. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it
on your answer sheet.
Activity 2

Direction: Direction: Copy the diagram below and write inside the corresponding box
a brief description about the mode of reproduction of each of the following animals.
Pointing System
E. Assignment/Agreement:

Direction: Read and answer the question in each item below. Write your answer in
your assignment notebook.

A. What are some animals found in your community with the same mode of
reproduction of dogs, cats, butterflies, frogs, and mosquitoes? List at least five

Examples of Animals With the same mode of reproduction






B. Directions. Look at the life cycles below. Think about how each animal
changes over its lifetime. Label the pictures from 1 to 4 in order of each
animal’s life cycle.

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