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Coming to Play

Chapter 1: Working From HomeChapter 2: Take It UpstairsChapter 3: Coming to Play

Veronica doesn’t rush. Laying spread-eagle on Scott’s bed, she takes all the time
and care she needs. She dips it into the well of her cunt, glazing the black
silicone tip with her own juices. She traces the lines and curves of her pussy with
the phallic vibrator, like she’s giving it a thorough new coat of paint. She
relishes in taking this time to see how her body responds to the sensations of the
day. Some things are the same, others are different; every time they get together
has something to uncover.

From the foot of the bed — jeans bunched awkwardly half-way down his thighs,
erection bobbing, wrists bound, pantie-gag in place — Scott watches on in
strained silence. Beads of sweat collect at his temples while rabid, caged need
flares in his eyes. His left hip twitches, his cock is hard and ready for the reward
Veronica refuses to give him.

For a long while, it’s nothing but soft buzzing and even softer moans from
Veronica as she warms and opens herself up. Her clit throbs under the gentle
vibrations on the low setting. With her free hand, she spreads her pussy lips open
wide, slips a finger inside, deeper and deeper… and withdraws only to delve a
little lower, teasing circles around her puckered rim now.

Every move is a conscious step as she orchestrates the song of Scott’s delicious

"You are so lucky I am so patient with you.” Her voice is breathier now, but
strong as ever.

Scott nods. She makes hard eye contact with him from across the room as she
reaches over for the bottle of lube, snaps it open, and squeezes a generous
amount onto her. She drags it down her labia to the rosebud nestle between her

He chokes on a groan when her middle finger is knuckle-deep inside her.

“Mm… You like that, do you?” she chides.

Scott nods.
She leans over to the bedside table for the next tool.

“Of course you do.”

She’s gently writhing now, riding the waves of the growing tension that
permeates more and more of her body as she continues to tease and stretch at her
tight hole, massaging around it with the vibrator. She was raring to go well
before this all started — earlier that morning, she edged herself with her trusty
wand massager in an attempt to make her appointment with Scott even more
explosive. But she wouldn’t even give him the satisfaction of her super-charged
release just yet.

She coats the silicone plug in lube and teases the tip around her hole. Her hips
roll and buck more and more under the constant buzz of the vibrations on her clit
until her body is happy to welcome the plug inside. Her eyes open wide and a
smile tugs across her face as it gets sucked into place.

“Ahhh, there it is.” She looks to Scott, whose body is racked with tension from
this torturous denial. “How are you doing, my pet? Do you see how much I
don’t need you?”

He nods solemnly.

“You really are so cute in your desperation, love.”

With the butt plug fastened in place, her hand is free again. She rubs and
squeezes her breasts, squeezes her throat, arches to dip the vibrator back into her

She wants more; she reaches for the wand.

The deep rumbling wand compete with the higher buzzing frequencies as she
pumps and swivels them deeper inside her. She nudges the plug with the side of
her hand and melts a little deeper into the mattress when she finds all the perfect
angles. The wands skims from clit to plug and back again, rocking everything
loose so it can clamp down even hard on the prospect of release.

Increase vibrations. She’s losing track of the room, of Scott, or herself. Increase
vibrations. She’s starting to unravel. She knows Scott can tell too. He is
breathing so hard through the panties.
She comes back to reality to sneak a quick check-in peek at him. When they lock
eyes, the fusion is indescribable. Both of them in their power: her admiring his
choice to relinquish his authority to her for her pleasure. Him revering her
unwavering grace to take it.

With this perfect combination of stimulation and energy from all corners of the
room, she launches herself into a powerful release. Pulling the dildo from her
depths, she gushes all over the bed. She doesn’t let up on her clit, stumbling
from one orgasm into another. She hears Scott grunt, but she’s too overwhelmed
to lift her head yet. She falls back, heart pounding and limp, into the pillows.

The sheets are damp with her sweat and sex. She kills the devices and rises to
her elbows. She smiles languidly at Scott and shakes her head.

He’s come on himself, all over the carpet.

“Oh, my sweet. What a beautiful mess you are.” She’s shaky when she rises, but
she grounds herself on all fours as she crawls to the foot of the bed.

She releases the bind on his wrists and gently shoves her fingers into his mouth
to dig her panties out. Drool runs down the corners of his mouths and he gasps
— for air, for more. She holds him by the chin and looks him sternly in the eye.
“But I never gave you permission to do that.”


"Shhh. No need for excuses,” she says. She struggles momentarily to stay in
character — when she takes him in, in his beautifully disheveled stated, she feels
that inexplicable sense of pride and gratitude that always crops up when he
offers his vulnerability to her like this. “You really do look quite… famished.
Did your wife forget to feed you this morning?” Veronica rises to her knees,
presenting all of herself to him. “Come here.”

Scott nearly trips over himself when he falls to the edge of the mattress. He
presses his knees into the bedframe to steady himself and dives nose first into
her folds, sussing out the offering. She grabs the back of his head.

“Eat,” and grinds into the bones of his face.

Scott clutches her buttocks and licks up into her with his feverish, obedient
tongue. He’s so zealous in his task that Veronica nearly tumbles over. She can’t
help but laugh at his enthusiasm, and grips him even tighter, forcing his tongue
deeper into her shadows.

Veronica, enjoying the power of force-feeding him her pussy; Scott, excited and
obediently taking his meal.

He wants it so desperately too… He worships on his knees at the altar of her

mirthless grandeur, lapping greedily for the orgasm he wants so much to offer
her. But she won’t let him have the satisfaction of bringing her to orgasmic bliss
just yet.

She kicks Scott away with the flat of his wife’s stiletto.

“That’s enough,” she says. He trembles when he stands, his come-splotched

pants still halfway down his thighs. His knees are pressed red from the harsh
kiss of the bed frame when she pulls his pants all the way down. His half-
hardened cock twitches at her.

“Oh my. Look at you. You greedy little slut, you think you can handle more?
Well, let’s put you to use then, why don’t we? On the bed. On your back.”

Sheepish and shy, he lays down on his back.

“You think you can you get hard again?”

“Maybe…” He bites down on his bottom lip as strokes himself, cautiously. “I

don’t know. We’ll see.”

“Hm… You don’t seem very excited,” she chides. Which is completely untrue
because with every subsequent line Veronica throws at him, he swells a little
more in his grip:

— If only you’d behaved and hadn’t come without permission.

— What would Anita think of you, if she knew just how weak and wanton you
become when she’s gone?

— Show me how you touch yourself when you think of me.

His face scrunches up as he groans and grows in his hand. She stalks up on to
the bed, stands over him, looks down at him. He slows his stroke until he falls to
stillness and waits for her next directive.

She squats down over him, straddling his. Instinctively, his hands float to her
hips, but she swats him away.

“Ah-ah. No touching without permission.”

She crawls all the way up and sits on his face. “Give me your mouth,” and she
grinds into his clever tongue, the butt plug rubbing into his chin. She reaches
around and teases the jewel on the end from behind as she rides into him. Back
arching, she grinds her pleasure into his chin, his cheeks, his reverent tongue.
His hands wrap under her legs to reduce the strain on her thighs — she lets that
one slide because she’s about the crash.

Veronica cries out and the rays of their power stretch from his tongue to hers. It
ignites a hunger beyond discipline; she rolls off him, demanding that he enter
her. “Now you’ve earned it.”

He flips her over and assumes a more dominant role to penetrate her. But he’s
thrusting away, his phone goes off.

“Are you going to answer that.” Panting, his face flushes. “Answer it.”

While he fishes the phone from his pocket on the floor, she flips herself around,
presenting her ass to him.

“Hey, babe.” He slides inside her. "Yeah, I just came in from a run. How’s your
day going?” She slowly rocks back and forth over his cock. “Ohhhhyeah, for
sure I can do that for you.” She squeezes her muscles around him on the
outstroke. “Wow, I mean, great! Yes. Love you too. Bye.”

As soon as the call drops, Veronica pushes back on him with a vengeance.
Despite his sometimes bratty undertones, Scott is a generous lover and does take
direction well. He grabs the wand massager from the sheets, reaches around to
press it to Veronica’s clit, and plows into her, fucking her back to oblivion.
Veronica is shocked to feel this rise come so quickly; she wails as another
orgasm rips through her. And this one is exhausting. She’s fully spent. Her
forearms are shaky and her vision is a little fuzzy.

She collapses to the mattress. “Oh my god…” she says, first to the ceiling and
then to Scott. “Thank you.”

He lays down next to her and kisses her shoulder. She raises an eyebrow in

“Oh, no,” he laughs. "I’m sorry, I’m not going to come again today.”

“Come now. Don’t apologize for that. You’re so much more than an

"Ha, what a relief"

Veronica peels the high heels from her feet, dropping them over the edge to the
floor, and leans back into the headboard. She invites Scott to snuggle in closer.
His head curls into her lap. As she absently strokes his hair and massages his
scalp, she feels the last of his tension drip away.

“Thank you, V,” he whispers. “I really needed that.”

“Thank you, for sharing yourself so generously with me, as always.”

She feels the stretch of his smile on her thigh as he nuzzles into her.

A breeze slips in through the open window and washes over them. When she
looks to the softly flapping curtain, Veronica notices the clock. “Mmm, it looks
like I need to be going soon. Do you mind if I have quick shower?”

“Not at all. You know where everything is. I’m just going to lie here a little
while longer.” Scott yawns, sounding like he’s already halfway to dreamland.

Veronica gives him a quick kiss and leaves him in the mess of soiled sheets.

In the bathroom, she puts herself back together in record time. She quickly
rinses off their combined sweat, adds another layer of war paint, primps her hair
back. She reemerges radiant as ever, though still naked since her clothes are
strewn about, to face the rest of her day. “I hate to hurry off on you, but as you
know, I do have another appointment and I don’t want to be late.”

“Of course not. Thank you.”

She offers him with one last soft, slow kiss. “You clean this up before your wife
gets home though.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He says and pulls the duvet up over him. “Right after a quick

She smiles and leaves him to rest.

The day is even brighter than when she left it.

Fully dressed, sunglasses on, Veronica strides across the street back to her car,
her trench tail flapping with even more confidence than before. As she settles
into the driver seat, she pulls out her phone and makes a call. She fusses with her
hair in the mirror while it rings in her ear until she gets an answer.

"Anita, darling. How are you this morning?

Yes, I’m just leaving your place now.
No, he won’t be joining today. I think he’s currently napping.
You horny little witch… Yes, I did leave a mess for him to clean up. I’ll tell you
all about it when I get there. See you shortly.
Mm-hmm, buh-bye."

Veronica chuckles to herself and tosses her phone into the seat next to her. She
rolls down the window, lights a cigarette, takes one last look at herself in the
mirror, adjusts it back to its rightful place, and makes a U-turn in the middle of
the road, without fear or regard for anything that might cross her path.

Written by
Jayne Renault

comma chameleon. word witch. smut queen.

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