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Third Sunday of April

LESSON TITLE: Believe and You Will See

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. name the disciples of Jesus.
2. state how Thomas doubted the resurrection of Jesus.
3. participate in class activities.

 Paper bill
 Yarn
 Construction paper
 Glue
 Scissor
 marker

Arrival and Worship Time
 Greet each student
 Let the children find their comfortable sit.
 Teach the song

Only Believe

Only believe, only believe

All things are possible only believe
Only believe, only believe
All things are possible only believe

Lead the children in prayer

Scrpture: John 20:19-33

Key Verse: Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed;
blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
(John 20:29)


 Show the object lesson.

 Take money bill and fold it into thirds.
 Next, take one paper clip and clip the top section of the money to the middle section.
 Now take the other paper clip and clip the bottom section to the middle section.
 Finally, slowly pull on the two ends of the money bill. Watch what happens.
 The two paper clips are connected!
Say: Now that you have seen it, do you believe it? Sometimes we must see something before
we believe it, don't we?

On the evening of the first Sunday after Jesus had been crucified, his disciples were together in a locked
room. They were afraid that those who had crucified Jesus would also want to put them to death. Suddenly,
Jesus appeared there in the locked room with the disciples. It was hard to believe, but they saw him and
Jesus showed them his wounds in his hands and his side, so they knew it was him.
One of the disciples, whose name was Thomas, was not with the others when Jesus appeared to them.
When they told Thomas that they had seen Jesus, he did not believe them. He had seen him crucified
and buried, how could he be alive? Thomas said, "Unless I see the wound in his side and put my finger in the
holes where the nails were in his hands, I will not believe it!"
A week later, the disciples were in the locked room again and this time Thomas was with them.
Again, Jesus came and stood among the disciples. Jesus, said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my
hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."
Thomas fell on his knees and answered Jesus, "My Lord and my God!"
Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen
and yet have believed."

1. Thomas, one of Jesus' disciples did not believe at first that Jesus had
arisen from the dead. Why not?
2. What did it take to finally convince Thomas that Jesus had risen?
3. What did Thomas say when he realized Jesus really had arisen?
4. What did Jesus say to Thomas?


 Give each child a heart to cut out, as well as big craft eyes to glue onto the heart.
 Yarn can be added for hair and a cut out mouth to glue to the heart, etc. Children can write
EYE BELIEVE or other words from todays lesson –
 Place and glue a strip of card stock paper to the back to make a "stand" so the heart can
stand up on its own. (The strip of card stock will just be folded and one end glued to the
bottom of the heart and the other section will be on the table and hold the heart up.)

Game I Believe/Doubt Game

 Instruct the children that if they believe for what is saying, go over to the I believe side. But if
they doubt for what is saying and think it might not be true, then tell them to go over to the I
doubt it side.

1. Did you know…..

Penguins can smell toothpaste from several miles away?
Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it? (false)

2. Did you know….

In Tokyo, Japan a bicycle is faster than a car for trips of less than 50 minutes?
Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?

3. Did you know…

Every day, on average, 20 banks are robbed?
Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?

4. Did you know…

50 years ago, M & Ms were candy-coated peas during a chocolate shortage?
Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?

5. Did you know…

You are more likely to be stung by a bee in windy weather?
Do you believe it? Or do you doubt it?


 Name the dicciples of Jesus.
 Tell the story on how Thomas doubted Jesus resurrection.

Sing the song “Only Believe”

Lead the children in prayer

Dear Jesus
Help us to believe in our heart the truths we find in your Holy Word, even though we
have not seen them with our eyes. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.


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